All Chapters of Alpha Ryan's Mate: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
274 Chapters
Chapter 161:
Clara pouted. "If it were Nathan, I think he wouldn't be involved. But his son, I'm not sure. After all, he doesn't have any of his father's courage; just looking at him, he is not nice."Caser raised an eyebrow. "Have you met him?""Several times before. Very arrogant and overbearing." Clara sat down on the chair.I pondered for a moment, and when Clara teased, I was startled."Don't care what he says. It's all bullshit." Clara shook her head.I smiled wryly, confused. That night I could not sleep; I lay still and stared at the ceiling because I was afraid that movement would wake Clara. No wonder she hadn't slept at all."Worried about Ryan or worried about Red River?" Clara still closed her eyes; only her lips were moving."Aren't you asleep yet?" I was surprised because I had initially heard her steady breathing.Clara continued to speak. "Say, what are you thinking about?""About everything," I said sadly and buried my face in the pillow."What is most important?" Clara asked abs
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Chapter 162:
By day 25, I no longer had any more injuries.By day 36, I had successfully beaten Caser twice."Very good! It did not disappoint me." Clara is satisfied.I smiled, really feeling happy too.After finishing dinner and cleaning up a bit, I continued practicing.Clara leaned her shoulder against the column and looked at me. "Hard working, don't you feel tired?" She gave me the towel.I took it to wipe my sweat, panting and shaking my head."Caser is an odd person; although he is a bit eccentric, he is good. Although I don't approve of his ruthless training, it's very effective. If you practice in the usual way, you probably won't be able to achieve the effect you have today." Clara said."Yes, I am very grateful to him." I smiled and remembered something that always bothered me."What do you want to ask?" Clara saw my thoughts.I didn't want to hide it from her, so I said it. "You said Violet was a friend's daughter before; was that Caser?"Clara was silent, her eyes sharp."I had a cha
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Chapter 163:
It's hard to imagine. I knew before that Ryan was not Titus's opponent, but I did not dare to believe that he could still treat his child so cruelly, even after Ryan was only a child."OK, let's talk about it for today. I go to bed first; after practicing, remember to rest." Clara got up and went into the house.Only I was left sitting there; I didn't continue to practice but remembered Ryan.Long time no see; I miss him....Diana POV:I brought food to Ryan, but for a long time, he did not eat properly and was only befriended with alcohol; no matter how strong he is, I am afraid he will not last long.When I entered the house, the smell of alcohol made me dizzy.I reached out to turn on the light and saw Ryan sitting on the sofa, leaning back, drinking.Since that New Year's Eve, he didn't cry again, didn't get angry, and showed no emotion. Other than drinking, there was only killing; maybe only at that moment could he relax a little.The group of elders on the outside was pleased w
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Chapter 164:
Then he wakes up in the middle of a dream; panic is caught in the air, and his mouth is still screaming. "Ryan, Ryan."Clara squatted up, her face still a little sleepy. "What's up? Dreaming of a nightmare?"I was breathing fast; my heart was still aching, the feeling in the dream still didn't go away, and the pain was just like the real thing.Clara looked at me, a little startled. "Why are you crying with tears on your face?"I hugged Clara, sobbing. "I dreamed that Ryan was dead; he was dead.""Calm down; it was just a dream." Clara gently hugged me, patting my back to comfort me."No, I have to return to Black Moon now." I hurriedly got out of bed.Suddenly Clara called me back. "Erza."I turned my head.She continued. "A dream is just a dream; it's because you worry about him too much that you dream like that at night.""I know, but…." I clutched my left breast and sat down on the ground. "The feel of this place is so authentic...""OK. Do you need me to come back tomorrow to hel
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Chapter 165:
I sighed, then waited until evening to sneak into Ryan's villa but was unlucky to be discovered; everywhere was carefully guarded, and not even a fly could sneak in.Looks serious.At midnight I returned to Caser's house. I was still thinking about how to tell Erza when in the distance, I saw a tiny figure sitting in front of the house. Erza sat with her legs folded and her arms wrapped around her body. It was freezing today, and unexpectedly that stupid girl was still suffering.I originally wanted to avoid it, so I intended to turn away, but Erza's hearing was excellent; even though she hadn't seen me, she shouted. "Is that you, Clara?"Unable to hide, I stepped outside, awkwardly looking at her, and forced a smile.As if sensing something, Erza's face stiffened and stammered. "Is everything…still good?""Still good." I forced a few laughs and lied. "It's a waste of your time to worry; Ryan is fine. Even better than before."After saying that, I wanted to hurry into the house, but E
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Chapter 166:
Although I want to stay, the time is not correct. I don't want to be Ryan's critical point right now. A few days ago, I heard Caser say that the FMS alliance was officially established, including three long-standing packs, Blue Forest, White Mountain, and Green Snow. They have formally declared war and have not taken back their words; this time, they want to overthrow Black Moon together.Even if I go back now, Ryan stops the fight, but he still gets attacked, and I become his only weak point; I'd rather be behind to help him out a bit. Then when the war ends, I will officially return to his side.I nostalgically looked at Ryan a few more times and bent my head to kiss his lips softly, tears involuntarily falling down Ryan's cheeks. In confusion, he hugged me tightly; even when I was unconscious, my strength was still very different from his. Ryan holds me close and kisses me on the lips, a gentle kiss at first, but a moment that turns into longing, becoming more and more intense. I w
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Chapter 167:
Diana's words dumbfounded me; I tightened the hair in my hand. "But I saw her…."Diana sighed. "It's not the first time you've said that, but it's all just a dream."I sat down on the bed, the last glimmer of hope gone.Why can't I see her again in this life?...Erza POV:After returning from Black Moon, I've always been waiting for information about Ryan. I heard that he has recovered and was able to go to the battlefield just a few days ago, but I am still worried about his wound reoccurrence."If you're worried, why don't you see him." Suddenly Caser appeared behind me.Startled, I looked back. "You startled me."Caser laughs; my relationship with him has improved a bit lately. He was more open and joked with me often. Sometimes I feel that he is very similar to my father, which makes me even more bitter; why does Violet, fortunate to have this love, not appreciate it?"Can't go back. What if I become his burden?" I said sadly."You've improved a lot lately; what's there to be afr
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Chapter 168:
"Looks like Red River isn't as bad as I thought it would be," Caser said. Suddenly remembering something, I hesitated. "What about Black Moon?" "No matter how strong the FMS alliance is, they still don't dare to confront Black Moon head-on. They chose Red River because it's one of the big four packs, partly because their territory is closest to the Black Moon, easy for stationing and storing food." Clara confirmed. "So you can rest assured, Ryan is safe for the time being." "Still safe?" Caser laughed and shook his head. "Even though I don't like them, I used to be a loser. The power of Black Moon inherently far surpasses all existing packs. If we go back 20 years, maybe there is a Blue Forest that can be grudgingly called a par. Therefore, if it is true that they attacked Black Moon, it is unlikely that anyone can use the phrase 'still safe.' Worrying about them is just extra." Listening to him speak, I feel a little more secure, but now I am most worried about the safety of Red R
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Chapter 169:
The older kid still didn't trust me, even though he kept trying to prevent the half-bloods from eating my food. But perhaps because they were so hungry, the children ate them up to the point of choking several times.Clara nudged my shoulder. "Let's go."I hesitated. "If we leave them here, they might die.""So you want…." Clara raised her eyebrows."I want to take them with me," I say.Clara nodded; she didn't object either.Five minutes later, when he had finished his bread, the older child had let his guard down a bit.He turned to me, bowing his head. "Thanks very much."I shook my head. "Nothing. What is your name?""Venn." Venn hesitantly replied."What do you want to do next?" I tried to probe his mind.Venn looks up at me with gray eyes; he shakes his head, his eyes red. Even though he was the oldest, Venn was only about eight years old; after all, he was just a teenager."Your parents…" I hesitated.Venn sobbed, his wounded hand trembling as he pointed at the tower of corpses
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Chapter 170:
Venn was calm. "When It's safe to stay here, I used to go there with my parents to visit my aunt. My parents told me everything after that before they died." After a moment's silence, Venn continued in a severe tone. "Now we can talk peacefully for a bit more, but go a little further; 10 meters from the city, there are densely guarded people. According to Alpha Kent's latest orders, unidentified people entering the 10m area will be immediately killed.""So, aren't we supposed to die?" Clara frowned, a little impatient. "If that's the case, let me rush to buy time; everyone tries to escape.""Too dangerous." I shook my head. "We must be calm and not act rashly."Even though I said that my mind went blank right now, suddenly remembering Venn's words earlier. "You said people with unknown identities would be killed. So what is the clear identity in their eyes?"Venn glanced at the castle with a hint of anger. "A member of the FMS alliance. I've seen their army; they all have a special ta
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