All Chapters of Alpha Ryan's Mate: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
274 Chapters
Chapter 171:
"She is our nanny." I prepared my answer in advance, and seeing the man's wary eyes, I continued. "In the past, my family had some conditions; my parents said that having more children would be happy, but I did not expect to fall into this situation..."I secretly observed the face of the man in front of me; although he looked a bit rough and talked loudly, it seemed that he did not intend to kill us and patiently listened to us here."Food can be given. But we can't let you walk around like that." The man stroked his chin and touched his belt, and a metallic glint flashed like a knife.We feigned terror and knelt, begging. "Please don't kill us; even if we were slaves, as long as we could live, we wouldn't dare say anything."The man frowned, a little awkward. "Why is it all about killing? I'm not a butcher."I looked at his hand with teary eyes."Ah, misunderstanding, it's my habit." The man was a bit shy about scaring us.Suddenly, at this moment, a strong arm stuck out from the ca
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Chapter 172:
It was only about two square meters wide, just enough for the seven of us to sit on our knees all night.Early in the morning, everyone's back waves are stiff, and blood clots paralyze their limbs. At night, only the children were too tired to fall asleep, while most of Clara and I were awake."I wonder how long we will be locked up? If you stay here, we will die slowly, even if we don't get killed." Disgruntled, Clara moved a bit when her elbow touched Venn's face.She pulled her hand back in frustration, cursing a few words.I looked out here; even though a thick brick wall separated it, it was still enough to hear the heartbreaking screams of the prisoners Kent kept."It's scary, isn't it?" Clara asked me again."Um." I let out a long sigh.Clara wanted to say something more, but then she fell silent, also motioning for me to be quiet. She whispered. "Someone's coming."I tensed and looked away."I bring food here." He has not seen, but the voice has come first.Robert took some fr
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Chapter 173:
Chad POV:I lifted the cigarette, took a breath, and then looked at the girl in front of me again. There was a strange feeling in my heart that he had never felt before. The first time I met her, my wolf assumed it was his mate; he wanted me to protect her at all costs. If I hadn't seen her indifferent eyes, I would have hugged her, kissed her on those red lips, and then immediately discussed it with her about it marry.But my mind told me not to do that; maybe I needed a little more time to find out the truth about my mate, that would be the pack's Luna; it's no longer my private matter.Looking at her trembling shoulders, I felt the urge to tease her again. "Unworthy? So what is worthy?"Rose lowered her head so low I couldn't see her face either. When I walked up to her, she took a step back again, and just like that, Rose was quickly pressed against the wall by me. But she didn't stay there either; she was like a little mouse circling around and out of my arms.I squeezed my hand
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Chapter 174:
The warm music completely stopped, replaced by a silent space, not even a loud breath.Because he was too trembling, a musician accidentally touched the flower vase on the table; the sound of the vase falling to the ground and smashing successfully captured attention. The gaze that was colder than the ice of the person sitting on high slowly moved to the female musician, the corner of her thin lips raised a cruel word. "Kill!"So that poor musician was dragged out and tortured to death; far away, I could still hear her screaming desperately, begging for her life, but the man up there didn't move much.But with my current state, I can't save her; I don't know what tomorrow will bring; if I do something risky, I'm afraid Clara and Venn's group will meet danger immediately.I clenched my fists, looking at the cruel man with hatred, wishing I could rush forward and crush his throat."Calm!" Chad seemed to notice my unusual attitude; he reminded me lightly.Suppressing my emotions, I lower
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Chapter 175:
Chad didn't mind the latter, Kent said, drinking indifferently, then looked at me again. "Wait a little longer for me outside, don't wander around."Kent had just finished speaking when the large door also opened, and it was a tall man with prominent platinum-colored hair, accompanied by a crooked tooth, when he smiled.He looked only 20 years old, relatively young."Hi, I'm a little late." He raised his hand, extremely excited to see a large banquet table. “Great, I'm hungry too.” As he ate, he asked. “Why didn't anyone eat it all? Are you waiting for me?”“Galvin, you are still the same.” Kent laughed happily, talking to the man.I took a closer look at him. It turned out that it was Galvin; in the group of three people here, Galvin was considered the most normal person. He has only replaced his father, Alpha List, for three years but has doubled in size and is now considered one of the strongest Alphas in the world."You haven't changed much either." Galvin has no respect for etiqu
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Chapter 176:
Erza POV:More than four hours later, their meeting finally ended.Chad was the first to come out, but I didn't notice; it wasn't until he cleared his throat that I turned my head in surprise. The first thing that caught my eye was Galvin's mocking gaze, staring at me."Dear Alpha." I quietly turned my gaze to Chad.Chad brushed past me, his throat rising and falling as if he had something to say but held back in the end.“Standing out here all day must be tiring, right?” Galvin asked."It's okay; I'm used to it," I answer. Briefly, I also want to talk less with this person.Galvin nodded a few times and put his arm around Chad's shoulder. “How do you treat the little servant? Do you force her to stand like that every day? This little flower must be loved or given to me; I promise to take good care of her."The words were fleeting, but I was nothing more than a commodity in his words. Chad coldly pushed Galvin's hand down. "Although White Mountain is not as good as before, it is not i
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Chapter 177:
I boldly turned around and hesitantly asked. “Can I ask you a question?”"Say it, don't be shy," Robert said comfortably.Organizing the words in my head again, I cautiously tried to ask him so that he wouldn't be suspicious. “Just now, I followed Alpha Chad inside to meet Alpha Kent and Alpha Galvin, but I felt they didn't like each other very much. I see something in Alpha Kent's eyes..."Robert raised his eyes scornfully. "Of course, I don't like it. The two of them never deserved to sit at the table with our Alpha. If it weren't for the unfortunate situation, our Alpha would never have cooperated with those idiots."Seeing that he sounded drunk, I continued. “So why did our Alpha join them?” I purposely emphasized the word we to make him think I was on his side, which would lower his guard a bit.Indeed, Robert didn't mind the details; he continued. “It was because of the grudge against….”At that moment, I could feel a dangerous killing intent coming from behind me; a soft voice
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Chapter 178:
"Where did it take so long?" Chad asked as he read the book and didn't raise his head; if it weren't for the two of us in this room, I would have thought he was talking to someone else."I met Alpha Galvin on the way back, so it was a bit slow," I answer honestly.Chad was silent for a moment and then put the book down on the table with a force that was not light; he changed his voice to grumpy. "What did he say?""Just ask if I've heard of his reputation," I said and laid out the food in front of Chad.He frowned a bit, although it was very light, but I saw it in time; maybe he was not satisfied when he saw that the fruit plate was missing two places."So, what's your answer?" Chad asked again; he still didn't touch the food.“Answer the truth. Alpha Galvin is honestly very popular.” I poured him a glass of warm water, then stepped back.Chad poked the bacon with a fork and asked boredly. "So what about me?"Chad was different from Galvin, he was unpredictable, and good compliments c
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Chapter 179:
A child's question caused Clara and I to look at each other awkwardly. I've been thinking about this; Venn is correct, and the analysis is sharp. At first, when I heard the news that someone from Red River had arrived, I was hopeful, but after thinking for a while, I didn't have much confidence left. If Red River has come to this step and wants to discuss a peace treaty with the alliance, they have nothing left. Maybe Black Moon didn't agree to help. Red River is in a dilemma; where is the time to worry about others? Not to mention, when I was in Red River, I was never taken seriously. The only thing that makes me believe until now is to hope that the person coming is Alfine, and deep in my heart, I still have hope because that is my hometown.But I can't get Venn or Clara to believe me because they have nothing to do with Red River.“Trust me, even if I die, I will get everyone out safely,” I confirmed.Clara retook my hand; her eyes were as gentle as my mother’s in the past. “Daught
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Chapter 180:
“A bunch of kids.” I hurry. “When I went through the Brown Sea, I met them as the last survivors; I couldn't bear to see them stay and die, so I brought them here, currently locked in prison; I want you to let them up the car to get out of here tomorrow and return to the Red River."Alfine frowned and immediately refused. “No, it will be discovered.”“Please, please help.” I was so urgent that I wanted to cry; the lives of those innocent children depended on this time.I knew this was a hazardous undertaking; even Alfine would get caught up in it if it failed. But I don't know what else to do; I couldn't stand to watch them slowly die of a cruel man like Kent.After a long time, Alfine asked. "How?"I happily told Alfine the plan, and he sighed and nodded. “At 4 a.m. tomorrow, I will wait for them here. If I don't see you after five hours, I will drive out of this place; I have a mission to report to Alpha, can't be late.""Okay." I nodded, gurgling to say thank you.Alfine just looke
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