All Chapters of Alpha Ryan's Mate: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
274 Chapters
Chapter 181:
Pulling out a drawer, I took two pills and put them in my mouth; although I always used the most potent sleeping pills, I never slept well. But the last few days, because she's here, I've been sleeping very deeply. It was the most peaceful kind of feeling I've ever had. Since I was little, I have rarely competed with anyone, but this time I have to make her my own....The following day Erza showed up very early in front of my room; she brought a still-smoking breakfast, smiling good morning.“Oh, since taking you as a servant. This is the first time you’ve done your job so well.” I am sarcastic.Erza still maintained her smile. “Invite Alpha for breakfast.”"Have you eaten?" I casually asked."Ate." Erza hastily replied.I looked up and couldn't help but want to tease a little. “Oh, I haven't eaten yet, but you already ate?”She licked her lips, looking silly, then shook her head and smiled. "I have not eaten."I raised my eyebrows and threw her a beef sandwich. "Eat fast; I don't li
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Chapter 182:
I looked at me and Alfine's reflections in the water, like ten years ago when we were just kids. At that time, White Mountain and Red River had a very close relationship, so I was sent to Red River to increase the bond between the two packs. But unexpectedly, the war occurred because of some misunderstanding that Red River thought we were traitors. At that time, Alpha Nathan took me hostage, but Flora saved me because she considered children to be the most innocent.Because I was too scared and believed that Alpha Nathan would never kill his people, I obeyed Flora's orders and ran back to the White Mountain. Unexpectedly, after returning, I heard the news that she had died. Moreover, it was a very tragic death; it is said that she did not have a whole body; before she died, she turned her eyes to her homeland and raised her hand one last time. But they didn't stop; one after other ferocious wolves were sent, tearing at that slender body.It was like a rock that weighed me down for man
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Chapter 183:
All eyes were on Alfine; while Erza and I were worried about him, I saw him casually leaning against the car, smoking.“What do those who are missing have to do with me? Or are you looking for me now that you've lost everything? Please give me a good reason. Why should I save them and involve myself?” Alfine has not lost his reputation as my friend; his face did not change color at this dangerous moment.Galvin clicked his tongue, laughing. “This has to be asked of you, don't ask us again. Now we want to see whom these cars have. If there's nothing suspicious, I'll let you go.""Okay." Alfine shrugged casually.I frowned; what was he planning to do?Erza impatiently turned my head to look at her with a warning. "Don't forget what I said!"Reluctantly I could restrain her a little longer, but if I opened the door of a car and found that group of people, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to stop Erza either. But if that happened, it would be very chaotic. Going to that step, I can only get
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Chapter 184:
It's good that Chad is still safe; he is not hurt at all; he has just gone through such danger, but he can still laugh.Seeing that the situation was getting tenser and tenser, Galvin stepped forward to pull Kent back, whispering advice. “This time, Chad was right. No matter what happens, we can't let Alfine die here. Don't be angry anymore; when you return, you will call a few more people to come and vent your anger."“What are you two afraid of? Afraid I kill him, and the stupid wolves of the Red River will go mad and come here?" Kent scoffed, his attitude a bit strange now. “I am waiting for every second, every minute; why do you stop when there is an opportunity? Just kill him; it's war; what's so stressful? Up to one person to kill one person, to two people to kill two, how many to kill, how many. I'm also curious about what it feels like to be bathed in a sea of blood."His disdain for human life was terrible. Although his rumors have come a long way, they are all about his crim
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Chapter 185:
I nodded painfully. It is so awful! I have been beaten a lot in the past; there is no physical pain that I have not experienced. But now I know what it must be compared to ammunition. If the whips and scratches only tear the outer skin, this bullet must be pinned to the inside of the bone; this feeling is terrible.No wonder a madman like Kent likes to use guns so much. Because the more painful it is to see others, the happier he is."Don't move; I'll return you for treatment soon." Rarely did I see Chad show tenderness.I was quickly taken to the castle's infirmary; although it was only temporary, the doctors brought this time were all the best doctors of the pack. I can feel this pain worse, but I know the biceps is not dangerous, so I definitely won't die. But Chad made things more complicated when he mobilized all the doctors he brought to treat me; Galvin also played a part; I overheard him and Chad talking. He said he took part in the mistake this time for being unable to stop K
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Chapter 186:
"Do you think I can't avoid it?" Chad frowned and stared at me.My body trembled, slowly shook my head. I still believe that Chad can avoid it; even if it is injured, it will not die, but my body chooses to rush out for some reason. I also knew I might die, but I was more afraid of him dying, even if it was the smallest percentage.Alfine will also be captured if he dies, and my original plan will fall apart. Since entering this dead city, I have always been mentally prepared to make sacrifices. I tried all kinds of ways to please Chad with just one wish: Clara's group would be treated better before I found a chance to let them escape. Then Alfine arrives, and everything is going very well if it is not for the unexpected incident that Kent and Galvin appear to stop.I don't know if Clara's group is dead, but I firmly believe they're still alive. Besides, Alfine was in danger for no reason by me, so even if I die, I have to let him get out of here safely.“So that means you're looking
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Chapter 187:
Kent and Galvin sat at the dining table when I got there.When they saw me coming, they immediately glanced at me, Galvin gave me a friendly greeting, and Kent remained pensive as usual."What is up?" I said softly and pulled up a chair, and sat down.Galvin replied with an unrelated question. “You haven't had breakfast yet, have you? We have breakfast together.”I laughed mockingly, picked up the shiny knife, and stabbed it straight into the beef, blood slowly oozing out from the inside. “I have no interest in having breakfast with someone who wants to kill me.” I glanced over at Kent, only to see his pupils constrict.I threw my fork on the table and stood up. "I'm thinking about our alliance; I don't think it's necessary anymore."Galvin immediately reacted; he pulled my hand back, using a pleasant tone. "Do not get angry. We are now one, indispensable for anyone.”"So what?" I didn't care and then laughed scornfully. “If I continue to stay here, will I one day die at the hands of
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Chapter 188:
Erza POV:Seeing me sitting alone, the female doctor came to talk to me; she was curious. “How are you related to Alpha Chad?”I looked at her, but she hurriedly waved her hand shyly before answering. "Sorry, I asked too delicately; it's okay if you don't want to talk."Seeing her attitude, I guess she misunderstood, and I laughed. “I was brought here as a slave to serve the war.”The female doctor stared at me as if in disbelief; she licked the corner of her lips and said awkwardly. “Can just a slave be treated so well?”I enjoyed it when she continued. “You look at this room; it's only for Alphas. When you were injured, Alpha Chad did not think twice but brought you to this place and let many good doctors come to see your wound. Can't you see how special treatment you get?"I used a tissue to wipe the faint blood on my neck and smiled at the female doctor. “I just saved him, so it's normal for him to be nice to me. Alpha Chad is a man who understands the reason; he also doesn't let
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Chapter 189:
I kept smiling without fear. “If you want to kill, then kill, anyway; I’ve prepared myself for this.”Chad shook his head, his voice calm. “If I wanted to kill you, I would have killed you long ago. But I warn you, be wary of people around. Did you know I almost died?”I frowned. "What do you mean?""The girl just now is the one Galvin installed; if during this morning I do not agree to continue the alliance, she will immediately kill you." Chad closed his eyes and slowly continued. “Here, like it or not, you can only trust me. If even you can't believe me, it's best not to trust or get intimate with anyone. Otherwise, you may die without knowing the cause."“Is there a mistake? I feel Almira….”I was talking when Chad interrupted me. “Don't be so naive; she's just gaining your trust. When you weren't here, she already admitted it.""So where is she now?" I ask."I didn't kill her; I just gave her a warning and threw it back to Galvin." Chad is indifferent.Unexpectedly, Almira was a
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Chapter 190:
My hand trembled slightly and went down to my nose to check her breathing; although very weak, she was still alive. However, if the other man came here in the next few minutes, the living would also become the dead.I couldn't bear to see her like this, so I tried to shake her a few more times, but Irene was like a lamp that had run out of oil; no matter what I called it, I couldn't wake up. I looked up, and the man came closer and closer, cursing as he walked. “Hey, bitch, who doesn't work but hides here on vacation? Do you want to die already?""Wake up Irene, please wake up..." I shook her vigorously, splashing the last water on Irene's face.She finally reacted a little; her heavy eyes lifted, and she gave a weak smile. Even though she was awake but didn't have the strength to get up, she slipped down even thou I powered all my strength to lift her.The man with the whip came over a few more times, staring at us. “Ah, are you guys hiding here, lazy?” As he said that, he swung his
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