All Chapters of The Runaway Groom: Chapter 1101 - Chapter 1110
1265 Chapters
Chapter 1101
There was a deeper meaning, and it was quite good. With everything changing, it meant Lulu had severed her ties to the past. Zachary would not have seen the child either nor remembered the times before…"Hngh…"Star had just finished her milk and was sweating over her forehead.Seeing the empty bottle, Lulu smiled and wiped Star's sweat. "She's such a glutton, but it's proof that it's healthy since she really needs the nutrients now!"As she picked up the baby and played with her a little, Star's eyes started drooping—babies get sleepy easily."Star…" Lulu murmured just then.Zachary looked on and said nothing as he turned to leave the room.He had left work early but did not have the time to eat.When he was thinking about getting something to eat from the kitchen, Lulu had already tucked Star back inside her cradle. After some thought, Lulu headed into the kitchen. "Is there something you'd like to eat?""Yeah. I didn't work late today, but I didn't eat outside either,"
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Chapter 1102
After Vivian laid out all the food on the table, she got a bowl from the kitchen and poured in the chicken soup herself, saying, "I ordered the chicken myself from a farm. It's the type fed with proper grains and never locked in coops. Chickens reared like that are the best! Some of it was used at the cafeteria, but since you didn't eat, the soup has cooled, so I made another bowl for you after I got home! Also, I saw the beef from the nearby market looked fresh, so I cooked it too. Why don't you try and see if you like it?"Zachary took a seat as Vivian continued to fawn over him, looking neutral and accepting of everything she was doing.He actually felt repulsed but did not show it.Instead, he subtly glanced at Lulu, who stood there, unmoved.Feeling a little frustrated just then, he turned coolly toward the finely cut beef which was stir-fried with peppers. It was steaming since it was just cooked and looked perfectly fine, but Zachary simply did not feel an appetite!On the
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Chapter 1103
Before Lulu could leave, Zachary turned and saw her, calling out, "Ms. Jones!"As Lulu paused, he slowly wiped his mouth with a tissue and pointed at Lulu while telling Vivian, "I haven't introduced you—she's the new babysitter I hired."Vivian was just about to put more food on Zachary's plate, and she straightened right then. "Babysitter? I see…"There was nothing wrong with her tone, but Lulu felt hostility the instant their eyes met!"This is my assistant, Vivian!" Zachary continued just then.Lulu did not react, even smiling cheerfully since she knew when to keep her distance. "Nice to meet you. I'm the childcare worker Mr. Slate hired for his baby.""You're quite young, I'm surprised you'd be a childcare worker. You must be impressive since Mr. Slate would hire you himself," Vivian said, probing her with a smile and flattery. "Mr. Slate always had a good eye, and there must be something about you that sets you apart. I hope you can take good care of his baby!""Also…" She
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Chapter 1104
"No!" Vivian promptly refused, even stuffing all the things she bought into Lulu's hands. "Mr. Slate is busy, and entrusting you to buy his baby's belongings is a sign of his trust. You should do your best. It's the same for me as Mr. Slate's assistant. Since he keeps me around, he definitely thinks highly of me."The last part was meant for Zachary and not Lulu, and after shoving everything into Lulu's hands, Vivian smiled and returned to Zachary's side."Mr. Slate, children should be treasured, especially daughters," she said softly while leaning close to him.Zachary promptly stepped off to the side, distancing himself.She was certainly disgusting and he wanted to chase her away, only to see that Lulu was reacting.He promptly stopped himself.Lulu realized that she had not been controlling her reaction either and deliberately picked one of the gimmicks Vivian brought.It had quality, but could a mere assistant afford it? She must have been paying through the nose to woo Z
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Chapter 1105
The more Lulu cared about Star, the more Vivian found her to be a threat.Nonetheless, Lulu said, "I'm a professional child care worker Mr. Slate hired. Just leave the baby to me, you can stay with Mr. Slate—"Before she could finish, however, Vivian had grabbed her hand!Raising a brow, she said, "I have experience with my cousin's children, and you look like you haven't had dinner. Why don't you go out for some food?"And with that, both of them stood in place in a stalemate.Still, before Vivian could press the issue, Zachary appeared behind them. "What are you doing?"Star was still crying, while both women were standing in place as if frozen still."Mr. Slate!" Vivian was promptly smiling. "I just came in to check since the baby started crying, and she might be sick or something."Lulu seized the moment to free herself from Vivian's grasp and backed away.She promptly came up with an excuse to leave, saying, "Mr. Slate, she just need her diaper changed—""What a coincide
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Chapter 1106
Zachary handily took a tissue off the table and wiped his lips.He glanced at the clock—it was already 11 PM.However, Star was crying terribly, especially after Vivian came into the room.As Lulu said, his baby needed a diaper change, after which she had to be coaxed to sleep.Zachary frowned and turned awkwardly toward Lulu right then. He would like her to stay, not to mention that they had agreed to it earlier so that she could better take care of Star.He just did not know how to put it in words, especially if he would upset her if he said it out loud.Lulu could tell from his eyes that he was troubled.In reality, she was willing to stay—in fact, she would do anything for her baby. On the other hand, Vivian put on her professional smile when she saw Zachary space out. "Mr. Slate?"As Vivian finally left Star's room, Lulu briskly changed Star's diapers when Zachary suddenly said, "Ms. Jones, could you stay the night to take care of Star? The guest room is already cleaned,
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Chapter 1107
Lulu gently rocked Star after placing her in her cradle.There was serenity in the nursery, and Lulu wished time could stop just then.-In contrast to that serenity, the air around Zachary was ice cold.He and Vivian were in his study. The room only had one bookshelf, while a desk was placed in the center."You didn't come just to bring me food, did you?" he asked.She might be his assistant, but she had no reason to meddle with his personal time. He could also see that she was constantly probing Wendy Jones, using the many baby products she brought as an excuse to visit.However, he did not want to expose her in front of Wendy either.As Vivian stood opposite him and saw the coolness in his eyes, she was suddenly panicking, unsure as to how she aroused Zachary's suspicion. Things were just fine during dinner, but he suspected her now?!"Mr. Slate," she said earnestly, inadvertently keeping her head down to hide the savagery in her eyes from him. "I was just worried—you did
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Chapter 1108
It was too late for Zachary to leave by the time he noticed the movement in the nursery, and Lulu promptly caught him outside. "Are you drinking, Mr. Slate?" she asked when she spotted him.Caught in the act, Zachary realized that he was holding a beer when he frantically looked for something from his fridge."Oh, I was looking for milk… The beer was getting in the way," he said, quickly putting the beer away.When he looked up again, Lulu was gone, but before he could wonder, he picked up the scent of milk."Here, Mr. Slate," she said, bypassing him to reach the milk.She must have moved it when she rearranged the fridge, and it was not surprising he did not find it immediately.He took it and suddenly asked, "Do you want some, Ms. Jones?"It was still cold, and she liked cool drinks, especially chilled milk.Now, however, she was averse to cold food because of her health.Things changed.She inadvertently looked up at Zachary's eyes and found the probing look in his eyes.
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Chapter 1109
Zachary waved her off. "It's fine—it's not a small house, and you can't take care of Star while cleaning up.""Yes, Mr. Slate," Lulu replied. "I was just helping Star wean today."Lulu then showed him the soup, eggs, and vegetable juice she prepared. "It's time for her to move on to solid food, and it takes getting used to."Zachary nodded after tasting everything. Though he did not do his homework on this, he trusted Lulu."I'm not worried about your work, but don't you think it'd get boring?" Zachary asked, concerned about nutrition.Lulu nodded—she had already thought about it. "We're just starting to wean her, so we should introduce her to one type of food before starting another. That would make it easier to check the type of food she is used to, or if there are any allergies."Zachary felt he had to reevaluate her just then. She had studied extensively and knew almost everything."You really are attentive," he said. "Just give me a shout if there's any issue."Lulu then s
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Chapter 1110
Vivian frowned in disgust at Lulu. She was Zachary's assistant, while a mere babysitter spoke to her in this manner?Still, seeing that the baby was really crying, Vivian kept her voice down.As for Star, she might have been startled, but Lulu's coaxing calmed her considerably. She stopped crying in Lulu's arms, her little eyes still damp with tears.Lulu affectionately wiped her eyes and breathed a sigh of relief before finally turning toward Vivian. "Don't you know how to knock? Or do assistants not know basic manners?"Lulu thought Vivian would at least show composure as a person who followed Zachary around, and Lulu was left questioning how Vivian got hired in the first place given her behavior just now."You… I'm sorry. I'll be more careful next time."Vivian was ready to hit Lulu even as she lectured her but decided that she could not afford to leave a bad impression on Zachary.Though she appeared to yield, she still felt contempt toward Lulu nonetheless. Lulu pursed he
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