All Chapters of The Runaway Groom: Chapter 1111 - Chapter 1120
1265 Chapters
Chapter 1111
Putting everything into a diaper bag, Lulu carried Star over to Vivian, whose legs grew sore from waiting.She thought Lulu would work fast, but she was dragging her feet!Vivian could not help doubting Lulu's competence just then."Let's go," she said, ready to leave when Lulu stopped her."Hold on. You take this," Lulu gestured at the stroller, since she had to carry Star and the diaper bag.Vivian had no choice but to stay behind Lulu as she wheeled the stroller along, her eyes filled with contempt as she glared at Lulu.Shaking her hair off her shoulders, she muttered under her breath, "I'll let you have this. I'll make you pay soon enough!"She was standing there in stilettos, and the babysitter had to make her wait for so long!Meanwhile, Lulu got into the backseat as soon as she got in. After Vivian put the stroller in the backseat and found Lulu sitting where she sat, she clenched her knuckles and muttered under her breath, "Fine, you win this time!"To think a mere
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Chapter 1112
A woman was thrashing a scrawny girl who appeared to be a Monsoon contractor and afraid to fight back."It's all your fault! I'm suing Monsoon! Oh, my poor baby… Someone call an ambulance!" It happened out of the blue, and the other Monsoon employees could barely understand what was happening.Still, it hurt Lulu to see the baby vomiting constantly, and she walked toward them without knowing."Hey! Where are you going?!" Vivian snapped, finally noticing that Lulu was not following her and instead going toward the commotion!This was not the time for that, just as Vivian immediately got the feeling that Lulu was a bumpkin who would gossip whenever she could. However, she had no idea that clients here were either rich or important and that she could not afford to provoke any of them!Lulu, however, remained deaf to Vivian's calls and pushed Star along as she reached the gathered crowd. "Excuse me, could you please let me through?" she asked, urgently wanting to see what was wro
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Chapter 1113
The woman was left watching frantically—fortunately, Lulu had just struck her child a third time when the baby spat out a clump of whiteness.Everyone around gasped, with Vivian herself gaping in shock.To think that Wendy was that formidable she could save a child with relative ease…Nonetheless, as everyone turned toward the object the child spat out, they were suddenly looking at the woman differently."Huh. It's bread… And it's not melting.""There's no bread offered here in Monsoon. Obviously it wasn't the maid's fault."The maid turned toward Lulu gratefully—she would not be allowed to stay if Lulu did not help and prove her innocence.At the same time, the woman picked up her child, crying happy tears just then."Oh, thank goodness my baby's fine! Thank you so much! I'm sorry I blamed the wrong person."She had realized her mistake, since she was the one who had fed her own child that bread. Her child had been stretching her little hands out for her bread, and she did
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Chapter 1114
It was only then that Lulu had the time to study the tanned, scrawny maid.She noticed Lulu staring at her and lowered her head further.She certainly stuck out like a sore thumb amongst the other recommended maids. But just as Lulu was about to ask for her name, Vivian called out from the other side, "I think I've made up my mind. Don't you agree, Wendy?"Lulu looked up to find Vivian standing with one of the other maids, whose cheek was covered in thick makeup and wore lipstick that completely did not match.While, in her defense, she did put on makeup before coming, her overbearing attitude was clear and Lulu already had a bad impression of her. Moreover, Lulu would not allow a woman wearing thick makeup around when there was a baby in the house."No. Let's keep looking." She refused without hesitation.Vivian, however, felt as if her authority had been challenged and was not about to give in to a mere babysitter. Then, seeing Lulu had been hovering in front of that scrawny
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Chapter 1115
When Vivian was done, the manager flashed a fawning smile. "Yes, of course, Ms. Crowe. I'm so sorry about this—as of this moment, she's been released from this agency."Then, turning to Sue and suddenly looking all high and mighty, he beckoned for security to escort her out.Seeing that they were done with their drama, Lulu asked, "Are you two done? Then it's my turn."Vivian reared her chin at Lulu haughtily as she folded her arms before her chest, while Lulu simply smiled. "Since you've been let go, Ms. Lambert, how about I personally hire you? That's a much better offer, without company management taking a cut out of your deserved pay."Sue's eyes lit up right then. She actually thought there was no hope!"Of course," she replied as she nodded repeatedly. "I can start right now if you want.""No, you don't have my approval!" Vivian snapped right then. "Wendy, don't forget that you're just a babysitter. This is not up to you to decide!"Lulu asked in return, "If I can't decide
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Chapter 1116
Lulu had Sue settled in by the time Zachary returned in the evening, and she just needed to sign an agreement."This is the maid I've chosen from the agency today, Mr. Slate," Lulu said, introducing Sue to Zachary while asking his opinion officially. "I've read her profile and resume, so is there anything you like to know or requests you have?"Unexpectedly, Vivian emerged from the study right then, rolling her eyes at Lulu where Zachary could not see. "I tried to tell her, Mr. Slate—there were so many professional maids, but she had to pick someone without experience. I couldn't stop her even though I just want the best for you and your baby—who knew she could be so stubborn?"Lulu quietly watched her dramatic antics without offering a retort—it was amazing how Vivian's foul mouth could be smelled for miles as soon as she spoke.On the other hand, Sue was clearly grateful that Lulu was willing to give her a chance. Still, before she could speak on Lulu's behalf, Lulu stopped her.
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Chapter 1117
Then, Vivian was left gaping as Zachary said shortly, "It's fine. You can stay."In the end, he was not dumb enough to believe Vivian—he trusted Lulu and her judge of character.Seeing that Vivian was silent, Zachary told Lulu to go with him to the nursery, leaving just Vivian and Sue looking at each other in the living room.Naturally, it was mostly just Vivian glaring at Sue, upset that she was so tactless.Sue was clearly uncomfortable since she was not used to the place and fidgeting from Vivian's judgmental glare. Fortunately, Vivian did not say another word as she stormed out of the mansion.-In the nursery, Zachary had picked up Star and was gently rocking her. "Did you miss daddy?"Lulu could not help spacing out as she watched them.Beside Zachary's towering form, Star looked just like a tiny doll, even as Zachary carried her carefully and tenderly.Still, Star's little pink lips were puckered adorably for a moment before she suddenly pouted, clearly hungry just then
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Chapter 1118
Over the next three days, every housework in the mansion was completed swiftly and properly. Sue was efficient with every task as if she was constantly charged, even occasionally helping Lulu with Star while cooking.Watching as Sue worked around the living room, Lulu eventually could not resist asking, "Don't you feel tired? You'll wear yourself out if you do this every day, and your family needs you too. You can actually have two days off every week, but with the same pay."As a fellow woman, she certainly could empathize with Sue.Aside from her job as a domestic helper, she would always ask for a couple hours' leave every day to care for her husband back home, cooking and preparing everything he would need. She would also be assisting him with personal hygiene, as well as taking him for regular checkups—machine assistance only helped that much."I'm fine—I should do this much when you're paying me so generously." Sue smiled earnestly as she scratched her head, chagrined. "Being
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Chapter 1119
Even as spoke, Vivian began to make a friendly gesture to take Sue's hands, but she hesitated and withdrew when she saw Sue's tanned, callus-filled skin.As for Sue, she did not say a word since she was keen to see what Vivian was up to—she had lived long enough to learn to judge a person's character by now.Soon, as Vivian took her to an expensive cafe for breakfast, Sue texted Lulu to tell her that Vivian was meeting her in private. Still, she would have to wait for Vivian to tell her what she was up to."How has work been? Are you getting used to my home?" Vivian said as she pushed a coffee and a slice of cake toward Sue.Though she appeared caring, Sue sharply noticed her wording: she had used my home, and not Mr. Slate's home.She was no one to him, and it was curious why she would speak as if she belonged.So it seemed that she was a woman who intended to rise to the top by marrying rich.In the past, Sue would have felt guilty for judging a person so shallowly. However, i
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Chapter 1120
So, Vivian was trying to put her on her payroll? Sue had been working for a good family before and certainly never experienced this.However, there was one thing she knew—to never take what was not hers.Even if she did, she would eventually pay the consequences and be left worse off than now.That was why she must never fall to temptation, not to mention that Mr. Slate was paying her well!Moreover, it was all thanks to Wendy fighting for her. There was no way she would work against Wendy!And having worked at Monsoon for a while, she knew how much rich families pay their maids. Three grand per month was already good, and Mr. Slate paid her three and a half! If anything, even the maids in Monsoon would be jealous of her, and it was all the more reason for her to say no!"I'm afraid I can't do it," she told Vivian, thickening her accent to make her seem even more ignorant. "Us bumpkins only know things like housework. I really can't do what you've asked me to."Vivian frowned, a
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