All Chapters of The Runaway Groom: Chapter 1131 - Chapter 1140
1265 Chapters
Chapter 1131
If Zachary was distracted by Vivian, he probably would not have time to manage Lulu."It's time, Irene," Isaac suddenly said.Irene rose to her feet too. "We're going now, Lulu."Lulu got up too. "I didn't even bring you a drink…""No, you keep both arms on your daughter." Irene smiled. "So, do you think we can have our tots betrothed to each other?"Lulu shot her a look. "Your son's still a boy, and you're looking for a daughter-in-law already? You really do want to get old quicker, huh?" Irene sighed. "I'm jobless. What else can I think about other than some random stuff?"Lulu could actually tell that Irene was a little less energetic since she had not been working.People usually could not see what women did for their families.It was not the middle ages, where only women with careers would be more vibrant.Still, she and Irene had lost their past selves and now lived for their children.-Lulu checked her phone at around 4 PM—Zachary had not called, and it was probabl
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Chapter 1132
Lulu made an awkward look—she had just moved all her belongings in there, and she did not have time to clean up again since she had to take care of Star.Still, she saw Vivian's enthusiastic glare and finally noticed that her room was closest to Zachary's.However, Lulu only picked it because it was close to Star's room, so she could take better care of Star."Can I stick to this room?""No way—I like this room. What, are you fighting with me over this?"How dare a babysitter refuse her!Vivian dragged her luggage case back to the living room to complain!"Mr. Slate, I want Ms. Jones' room. It's close to the living room so I can clean up better," she cried miserably, playing up her vulnerable maiden act.Lulu stood behind her, exasperated—men would always go along with women when they did that.Youth and beauty were their greatest weapon.She could not lecture Vivian either—she was just resorting to cheap moves to get what she wanted.Lulu just did not care about those thing
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Chapter 1133
In the end, Lulu did not read Zachary's document.Around 10 PM, she received a text from Irene, saying that they went home."Talk about coming and going in a rush." She smiled.She replied: [Safe travels.]They did not even have dinner together this time, but they had all the time in the world.-Lulu passed the document to the chauffeur early next morning, and it was soon 10 AM after she worked around the house.It was only then that Vivian stepped out of her room, yawning."Is there anything to eat?" She was hungry after sleeping the entire morning."Ms. Vivian, I'm just a care worker, not a chef—I have to take care of Star," Lulu told her.Sue was in charge of cooking, and in her absence, Lulu could only manage to cook for Star and herself. And after she had eaten, she still would not have time to cook for Vivian."Fine! I'll cook for myself!" Vivian snorted, not about to be outdone by some babysitter. "Help yourself in the kitchen. I'm going out with Star," Lulu said
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Chapter 1134
Vivian and Lulu turned at the same time to find a man entering, skateboard in hand.Who else could it be other than Ken Dawson?"M-Mr. Dawson…" Vivian hung her head, surprised that Ken would catch her like this.Mr. Dawson?Lulu was left studying Ken in turn, as Vivian knew him and addressed him so politely.That meant he must be working in the same office and command more than enough respect from even Vivian.Still, why would he show up here?Ken, however, had his eyes fixed on Vivian, as if he never saw Lulu."Are you on a mission to blow up Mr. Slate's mansion while he's away?" he asked, clicking his tongue. "After what you did to his house, I wonder if he's going to chase you away first, or demand that you compensate him."Lulu turned away at the same time. Since those two were acquainted, and the man did not appear hostile, she had no reason to get involved.However, it turned out that Ken was curious about her—before she could head inside the mansion, he said, "You have
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Chapter 1135
Vivian's hands were left hanging in the air as Ken tied the apron himself, knowing full well what she was thinking as he saw the disappointment in his eyes."If I recall, Mr. Slate really likes South City's roast goose. He's been working hard—I'm sure he'd be pleased if you bought it for him."Vivian's eyes lit up—that was true, Zachary would think highly of her if she showed that she cared.However…"Can't I get it from elsewhere? A round trip to South City would take half a day…" she muttered.That was exactly what Ken wanted—he wanted her gone and would have not mentioned it if it was close!In fact, Zachary was the one who told him to keep an eye on Vivian and stop her from causing a mess.On the other hand, Vivian continued tentatively, "C-Could you get it for me? Mr. Slate asked me to clean the mansion…"Ken's eyes narrowed, his usually goofy demeanor gone. "What, do you think I have the free time to help you do that? Or perhaps your pretty face gives you the right to tel
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Chapter 1136
Ignoring Ken, Lulu stored inside the kitchen and started washing Star's belongings."What would you like for lunch?""What?"Lulu was left staring at Ken in confusion again—the man did not speak with rhyme or reason!"Well, Vivian can't cook, and I suspect you're the same…"Would she have allowed Vivian to blow up the kitchen otherwise?Lulu still held her tongue anyway—Sue Lambert was supposed to return eventually.Seeing that, Ken did press the issue. "I'll make lunch. Tell me if you have something in mind."Lulu was actually caught stunned, and Ken explained even as she appeared pensive, "Now, now—don't judge me because I'm single. I don't mind telling you that I can cook well, and there aren't that many men as successful as I am. That reminds me—are you single too, Ms. Jones? If you are, would you like to know me better?"Lulu frowned—she despised flirty men like him.Once she was done washing everything, she left the kitchen.Ken, however, pressed on. "What would you li
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Chapter 1137
Lulu stared at the man before her in shock—given what he revealed, did that mean Zachary already knew who she was but just did not show it?She panicked at that and did her best to quell her frantic thoughts.She had to keep pretending if she wanted to stay here right beside Star. It was the only way she could keep caring for Star, as she could not stay if her cover was blown.And she would do it, whether Zachary knew or otherwise!"I've been married before," she said as she wolfed down her food. "I hate being tied down and men."Ken sighed. "Birds of the same feather really do flock together. The way you both are being tsundere are identical.""Don't joke around about something like that," Lulu snapped sternly."But I wasn't joking," Ken replied.That was when Star started bawling, and Lulu did not hesitate to put everything down to run to her.Since Star's skin was fair, the redness around her eyes were apparent whenever she cried, and Lulu wiped away her tears while picking
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Chapter 1138
While Zachary watched Star and Lulu like it was perfectly normal, Ken was scowling impatiently for being treated like a phone stand."To the left, Ken. I can't see Star…"When Ken did so, Zachary complained again. "That's too far left! A little to the right!"Ken kept adjusting as Zachary complained, until he had enough. "I'm not a camera stand, Zachary Slate!"Shoving the phone in Lulu's hand, Ken planted himself on a nearby couch, huffing.Lulu held the phone, aiming the camera at Star.The baby's little hands reached out toward the phone, and Zachary's heart could melt from the cuteness.He would like to stay home and give her a bear hug, but work progress had been slow, and it was only today that they were starting to get things done."Just wait for me, Star. Daddy will be home soon.""You're returning already, Mr. Slate?" Lulu asked, exceedingly uncomfortable.She would rather Zachary did not come back so soon since she was fine with spending time with Star like this.S
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Chapter 1139
Still keeping her back to the camera, Lulu said, "My button was loose, and you saw it without saying a word. Is that respect?"Zachary reclined against his seat, perhaps exhausted from work as he rubbed his temples.Still, he said, "But I saw nothing… Or was there something I was supposed to see?"He did not mean it.Moreover, he was a normal, physically healthy man, and she was the woman he loved—he certainly had some funny ideas! Something would be wrong with him if he was unmoved!Lulu bit her lip to repress her displeasure for Star's sake—she just had to be more careful from now on.As she still kept her back to the camera, Zachary got upset and said, "You're working for me. What's the issue with doing as I tell you?"Lulu was speechless—she certainly was being paid as a babysitter and should respect her employer's request.In fact, why was she so repulsed, as if she could not take even a minor offense?Holding tightly onto Star, she slowly turned around, keeping her hea
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Chapter 1140
Not bothered by Vivian's outburst, Lulu turned back into the house. "What do you think you're doing?!" Vivian demanded furiously, feeling that Lulu was being dismissive of her. "Stop right there, Wendy Jones!"Not interested in upsetting her, Lulu turned to look at Vivian pointedly from head to toe. "Don't try to vent all your frustrations on me because Mr. Slate refused to see you. I'm not at fault—and how did you end up like that anyway?""You had to ask?! My car broke down on the way back, and it turns out that my phone was out of juice when I tried to call for a tow truck! I had to stay in the car the entire time and didn't get to wash my face or brush my teeth!"Lulu inhaled deeply. "Then go wash up before going to bed. I'm going to change too.""Hey!" Vivian was too frustrated to let this go, just as she dared to unleash her frustrations on Lulu and no one else. "Who do you think you are to tell me what to do?!"Lulu was at once speechless and not interested in responding,
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