Semua Bab The Runaway Groom: Bab 1121 - Bab 1130
1265 Bab
Chapter 1121
Slate Industries was just outbid in a project tender by just ten grand, and not even the cleaners would believe there was not a mole.However, no one could tell who it was—the company's auditors had not the faintest clue.Either way, the outcome points to one cause: Whoever the mole was, they were high in rank.Otherwise, they would not have access to the company's sensitive files, down to the bid amount.A man strode into the meeting room amid the tense atmosphere."Mr. Slate, the board's threatening to sell their shares," Ken Dawson told Zachary, whispering into the latter's ear.Ken was dressed casually and sticking out like a sore thumb compared to the other sharply dressed professionals in the room. It certainly reflected his easy-going nature, but he was assuredly on Zachary's side.And to Zachary, things just got worse—if those shareholders really sold their shares, their share prices would dip.They already lost a project, and if their stock market performance were affe
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Chapter 1122
Panic showed on Sue's face, and she turned toward Zachary as she hung up. He was still patting Star on the back as he nodded assuringly at Sue. "You may leave if it's urgent. I'll have my chauffeur drive you home."He knew about Sue's family's circumstances and therefore offered a generous salary while helping her family as much as she could, as long as she showed loyalty."Thank you so much, Mr. Slate! You're such a good man!" Sue exclaimed, using plain words since she was too down-to-earth to offer flattery. She hurried toward the front door, almost tripping over herself. "Slow down," Lulu said with a smile, and she nodded.Once Sue left, Zachary said, "I'm curious as to how you'd managed to earn such praise from Mrs. Lambert."Lulu noticed that Star had just fallen asleep in Zachary's arms and took her out of his hands—the proximity between them making his heart skip a beat just then. "I'm just putting to use what I've learned. She was just exaggerating," Lulu said, putt
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Chapter 1123
Lulu then added, "Also, I'm being paid very generously—there's no need to pay me more."She would not take more money from Zachary, not to mention that she was not short on money.In fact, being allowed to work here for Zachary was something money could not buy.Moreover, she could spend a month with Star in Zachary's absence.Zachary nodded, "Thank you very much."Lulu rose to her feet and nodded as well. "It's nothing—it's my job. I'll be carrying my phone constantly, and I'll go bring my effects over if there's nothing else now."Zachary nodded, reclining against the couch once Lulu left, since it was one concern resolved.Lulu took some medicine and went to bed after reaching home—she was still too weak to stay up for too long.She was feeling muddled when she remembered that she should watch some videos online for a weaning diet, and she was getting up just as her phone rang."Irene?" she answered—it was around noon in Franconia. -Irene was sitting at a cafe with her
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Chapter 1124
Irene's heart sank as she remembered Lulu's current appearance—she certainly would not be able to recognize Lulu either.However, personalities do not change easily unlike appearances.If Zachary felt nothing, it was either him being too stupid, or he never loved her."Anyway, just watch out—Zachary's not that easily tricked," she warned Lulu.Lulu was lying in bed, staring at the ceiling as she sighed. "I know. I'll be more careful for Star's sake."She was willing to do anything as long as she could stay in Zachary's house, taking care of Star as they grew up.After hanging up, Lulu fell asleep, but her dreams were troubling as she would often remember her torment during those hellish days. She therefore woke up early, quickly gathering all the stuff she would need before heading to Zachary's mansion.Zachary was just leaving the nursery when she arrived. "Good morning. Star woke up once last night. She's now asleep again after I changed her diapers."Lulu hurried inside to
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Chapter 1125
Sue fought back her tears and told her son to stay, and call her if anything came up.When she arrived, Lulu gave her a large black bag. "I'm lending you this money. There's fifty grand there to pay for whatever you need right now."Lulu then took out an IOU and a pen, passing both to Sue.She signed it without hesitation—she would never let her husband die under her watch."Don't worry," she told Lulu. "I'll definitely find a way to repay you."Lulu clapped an assuring hand on her shoulder—everyone would always have a time of need.She could also tell that Sue had her own principles and therefore drafted the IOU earlier so that Sue would accept the loan."Go. I'll talk to Mr. Slate about your situation," she said with a smile.Overwhelmed, Sue gave Lulu a hug before hurrying away.After she left, Lulu withdrew $400,000 from the card Zachary gave her before.Zachary was just resting his eyes when he got a text notification and was soon frowning.Was Lulu or Star in trouble?
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Chapter 1126
Zachary remained restless as he returned to the hotel.He and his employees would be going to Goldpool, an enclosed hotel built exclusively for people like Zachary with professional needs, tomorrow.There was no telling what would happen within the next month, and he had made a gambit at the board meeting, betting everything on the enclosed management.Curiously, Vivian's seat was empty.She should be there, but naturally no one in the company would dare to point that out since she was Zachary's personal assistant.They would more or less show her respect.-Vivian, dressed full in back, strode through an alley before knocking on a certain door.It opened, and she hurried inside."Vivian?"The man before her had a slicked back hairstyle and was leaning against his reclining chair, staring at her sideways.His assistant sat beside him, tapping on a tablet and doing something Vivian had no idea about."Why did you ask for me, Mr. Slate?"The man, Colin Slate, was Zachary's s
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Chapter 1127
Lulu was the only one in the house, and no one else would do it if not her."I'm fine. It's not that tiring," she assured Zachary.Zachary scowled. "Sue will need another week to return. I'll have Vivian come by to help then." Vivian Crowe?Lulu was upset, but she could not say anything since Zachary had already made up his mind. "If that's what you have in mind, Mr. Slate."-After playing with Star for a while, Zachary began to pack up for the long stay at Goldpool.When he arrived downstairs, he found Lulu making vegetable juice for Star. The baby was nearby, sitting on her highchair and sucking on her thumb as her big eyes darted between them. As he walked up to Lulu, he asked, "Is there anything I can help with?" "You can help me wash those vegetables, Mr. Slate," Lulu replied, since the man was free anyway.It was the last night he will be seeing Star in a while, and the baby would definitely miss him for the month…"Okay," Zachary said, rolling up his sleeves to
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Chapter 1128
Zachary did not expect to finish it either.He sighed after hearing Lulu speak at length about Star's diet, seeing how meticulous she was about it.Lulu then put a straw in the glass of apple and carrot juice and passed it to Zachary. "I'll do it, Mr. Slate. You'd be leaving soon—you should spend more time with Star for now and play with her."Zachary actually forgot to take off his apron and took the glass to Star."Hey, Star. Let's have a drink, okay?""Ba!" Star babbled, holding out her little arms to be carried since she had been sitting for too long."Okay, good girl…" Zachary picked her up affectionately, holding her even more easily than Lulu did while showering her little cheeks with kisses.While he fed Star, Lulu had made another glass of juice for later.Still, she spaced out a little as she watched Zachary doting on Star—it was the right choice, putting her in his custody."Wendy!" Zachary suddenly cried.Brought to her senses, Lulu hurried to Zachary. "What's wro
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Chapter 1129
Lulu lowered her head, brushing against Zachary when she entered, while her handbag caught a corner of the towel.While Zachary was left speechless, Lulu turned and saw."I, uh…" Zachary quickly wrapped the towel around himself again as he explained, "Your handbag caught my towel. So…"Lulu ran off frantically, grabbed her phone before running out of Zachary's mansion without opening her eyes.In Zachary's perspective, she was fleeing. "It's not like I'm naked…" he muttered, although he was blushing up to his ear.-On the other hand, Lulu kept running for a long while before stopping. "Oh, I slipped up… Well, at least he won't be there tomorrow."It was no big deal, but she just found the situation and the vibes strange.As she calmed down, she wondered if she had overreacted.She was a babysitter, and he was her employer…She turned on her laptop and saw an email invitation to a Franconian nutritional association forum to exchange childcare experiences.She always read
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Chapter 1130
"Trouble at work," Lulu replied and stood aside. "Come in."Suddenly, she hesitated. "If I let you in…""Easy. Just say I barged in," Irene joked.Lulu nodded. "The air outside is good. Wait here."Lulu hurried to Star's room, putting her down to make sure she did not dirty her diaper, and was comfortable with it.Everything was fine, so she held Star in her arms and gently walked her.Star's slowly stopped bawling and after calming her down, Lulu smiled at Irene. "Let's talk out in the garden."Star seemed exhausted after crying and leaned against Lulu's shoulder as she carried Star to the garden.Irene smiled even as she stared at Star's little cheeks, which were just fleshing out.She loved daughters but regrettably had none."Let me carry her," she said."Didn't you just touch down? You should rest," Lulu said, having a hunch that Irene was already in flight when she texted her."I'm fine," Irene said.Isaac left to take a call, leaving smoothly to let the ladies spend
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