All Chapters of The Runaway Groom: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
1265 Chapters
Chapter 141
Once Irene returned to her room, she picked up her phone and saw a few missed calls from Lulu. She called her back, and Lulu soon picked up."Irene?" She sounded very worried."I'm here," Irene replied."Are you alright? I was so worried when I couldn't reach you.""I'm fine. Have you arrived at Cloud City? Where are you now? I'll come to you.""I'm at work right now," Lulu replied. "I'm only free after six. Let's meet up somewhere.""Okay," Irene said, and asked, "Is my mom and Tommy alright?""Yeah. They're staying at my home—don't worry." "Good."Irene missed her family—especially Tommy, who was separated from her soon after birth. She wanted to hold him so much.Suddenly, Mrs. Watson came upstairs and called out, "I've made you something to eat, Mrs. Jefferson. Please come downstairs to eat." Lulu heard that, and said, "Well, as long as you're fine. Let's talk later!""Okay," Irene replied, hung up and followed Mrs. Watson downstairs, where Isaac was sitting by th
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Chapter 142
Isaac was glaring at Irene as if he would cut her into little pieces—if looks could kill, she would be dead already!"I was just—"Even as Irene tried to explain, Isaac sprang to his feet, clearly reluctant to listen to her, and strode out of the dining room.Irene pursed her lips but did not follow—he was furious, and he was not calm enough to listen to her explanations.She should give him time to calm down before talking to him."Achoo—"Irene suddenly clasped her hand over her mouth as she sneezed!Seeing that, Mrs. Watson asked, "Do you have a cold?"Irene nodded, and she quickly brought her cold medicine."Thanks," Irene sniffled.Mrs. Watson smiled. "You're Mr. Jefferson's wife. It's what I should do."Irene lowered her gaze at the mention of Isaac, but quickly took the medicine and washed it down with water. …After having breakfast, Irene changed into fresh clothes and headed to the hospital.Ensuring that Samantha was not around, she visited Lionel, and told hi
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Chapter 143
Samantha was in a great mood since Irene was gone, and was convinced that the Spencer estate now was all her son's to take.Naturally, what belonged to her son was hers as well."As the doctor ordered, I made a blanched meal of meat and vegetables. You should eat more, and you'll get better soon," she told Lionel. When Lionel tried to push himself up, she quickly came to help him, even putting a pillow behind him for him to lean on.Then, as she poured him a bowl of broth, she said, "By the way, I heard that Irene went missing."Lionel's head jerked toward her right then, and the look in his eyes puzzled her. "What's with that look?" She smiled.Lionel realized that he was overreacting too, and quickly tried to hide it so that she did not notice. "The broth looks good. It must have taken a while to cook it, right?""Yeah! I spent hours on it—have as much as you like." Samantha handed him the bowl, and quickly changed the subject. "Don't you think Irene would meet an accident,
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Chapter 144
Lionel was convinced that after he sided with Irene on this one, she would not refuse him should he ask her to look after Ricky in the future. He had certainly thought of everything, and had already left a will dictating the distribution of his estates.Everything Samantha did was in vain!For her part, Samantha knew that Lionel never loved her.However, she never expected him to side with Irene, even going so far as to force her to surrender herself to the police by using his fortune as leverage!"I've been with you for over twenty years… Don't you trust me at all? I said I didn't…""Just stop already! Are you going to surrender yourself or not?!" Lionel promptly cut her short, because he was not in the mood for her nonsense. Samantha was left trembling even as she stood. While she did not love Lionel that much, they had been partners and he genuinely cared for her! How could he be so heartless?"I'm the mother of your son!" she snapped.Lionel remained calm despite her o
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Chapter 145
Lulu noticed the strange look on Irene's face just then. "What's with you—""Lulu."Zachary suddenly stood up, leaving Lulu stunned!Just then, she felt surprise and pang of delight—delight to see him. Still, she quickly came to her senses and maintained an indifferent look as she asked coolly, "Why are you here?"Zachary simply stared at her fixedly—she was questioning his presence, without greeting or asking after his health.Irene quickly said, "We met outside. I was going to call you, but you came already…"Lulu saw that she was holding her phone and hence telling the truth—she did not mean to set up this meeting between them."Let's go elsewhere," Lulu said."Okay," Irene replied, while Zachary pursed his lips beside her. Just as they were ready to leave, he strode forward in an instant and grabbed Lulu's wrist, dragging her further into the tearoom, telling Irene as they moved, "I need to talk to her. Don't interfere.""Let me go! There's nothing to talk about, I'm m
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Chapter 146
Kathy York was obviously surprised to see Isaac there as well.Still, she did not speak with him as the elders were talking, and stayed quietly beside her own grandfather.However, even if Isaac did not speak, his mere presence certainly caught attention.Cedric York noticed him immediately, and smiled. "Is this the grandson you're so proud of?"Henry did not hide his pride at all and chuckled heartily as he said, "Of course. He certainly outshone my son and myself in our prime!"Then, turning toward Kathy, he said, "And this is your sole granddaughter, I presume?"Cedric sighed. "Indeed. We only have each other, now that her father has passed away due to illness and her mother remarried."Henry sighed as well—he had lost his son too, and knew the pain of a parent who had to bury his child! "Isaac, would you mind showing Kathy around the manor while we old friends catch up?"Isaac could tell immediately what his grandfather was up to.Henry had told him to divorce Irene last
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Chapter 147
On the other end, Stan was utterly mystified. Even if he had made a mistake and deserved a scolding, Isaac should at least make things clear. After all, a man should at least have his crimes read out to him before his execution!Naturally, no one could hear his musings, let alone Isaac!…"Hey, how did you get in here? Come out already, Ms. York!"On the way back to the mansion, Isaac overheard Moneypenny and walked over to find Kathy standing in his room, holding the box containing the photo of his parents. His gaze turned dark and strode up to her, his voice ice cold. "What are you doing?!"Kathy was calm and composed. "I was just curious, so I took a look.""Put it down already, Ms. York," Moneypenny told her. "That's very precious to Master Isaac—""But it's mine," Kathy said confidently—even though it was the first time she had seen the silver crucifix.After all, Henry had taught her to say that, adding that the owner of the silver crucifix was very important to Isa
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Chapter 148
Kathy naturally noticed the look from Isaac, and her smile became even brighter. With that, he got up and left, though he got a call from his grandfather on the way back."Isaac, I heard that your company hired Kathy, but she was let go because she was not up to her task? Can't you arrange for something easier for her?""You arranged for her to show up, didn't you?" Isaac asked in return. Even if everyone at the manor was convinced their act was good, Isaac did not even need to guess what was happening—the signs were all there, not to mention that there were one too many coincidences. Regardless, Henry tried to keep up the act anyway. "What are you talking about? I don't understand.""Do I look like an idiot, Grandfather?" Isaac growled, his tone turning cool. "You were telling me to divorce Irene Spencer the last time we met, and now that woman shows up at the manor? You're just trying to get us together, aren't you?"Henry was convinced that his plan was foolproof, but Isaa
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Chapter 149
Was Isaac the reason she was restless today? Did that mean he affected her emotions now?No! That was impossible!She did not want to admit it…But it was a harsh reality. She was getting reckless because of Isaac.She shook her head to try to get him out of her head. How could she have feelings for him, after he hurt her and indirectly caused her to lose one of her twins? However, the more she tried to stop thinking about him, the more she did—in fact, his image was now imprinted in her mind, and memories they shared replayed like a movie."By the way, Mr. Jefferson is upstairs. Didn't he talk to you?" Mrs. Watson asked just then.Irene paused and wheeled on Mrs. Watson. "He's back?"Mrs. Watson nodded, and Irene became even more distracted then. She headed upstairs, but was caught in a dilemma on whether she should see him. Impulse eventually trumped rationality, and she headed toward Isaac's room.The door was not shut, and there was a narrow slit. As she gently pushed
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Chapter 150
As Irene quietly explained everything, Isaac realized that while he had a general idea of what happened, he did not have the details.Now that he knew Samantha had picked that quiet place to attempt murder, he stiffened and asked, "Were you hurt?"Irene shook her head.Isaac was relieved, and remembered the injuries she inflicted on Harvey as well.She knew her way around a scalpel—she was not about to get hurt that easily. Even so, she was a woman—she had limits to her strength no matter how smart she was."Be more careful next time," he told her. "Contact me at once when you get in trouble next time.""Okay," Irene said, her bright, crystalline gaze flickering just then. "Isaac, I…"She wanted to tell her that she had a child just then, but swallowed her words just as it reached the tip of her tongue."What is it?" Isaac asked.Irene hung her head, wondering how she should piece the sentence. "I had something to say yesterday, didn't I?""Yeah?""I…"Bzzt—Her cell pho
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