All Chapters of The Runaway Groom: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
1265 Chapters
Chapter 161
Suddenly, Irene felt as if something was stuck in her chest, suffocating her."You're not insisting on staying, are you?" Henry growled, seeing the look on her face. "Are you really making a bastard called Isaac daddy? Would he accept that? Do you think I would?"Irene suddenly realized that she had missed out something important—Isaac was the heir to his family's inestimable wealth!The greater the dynasty, the more selective they were about bloodlines.Even if Isaac insisted that he did not mind and was willing to raise Tommy as his own, would Henry allow Tommy in the family, when the blood of the Jeffersons did not flow in his veins?It was maybe acceptable for the average family, but not for a dynasty, especially with a throne and money at stake. Irene realized that she had been delusional. Having focused on herself and Isaac, she had ignored innumerable external elements, along with the environment where Tommy would be raised, or if she would hurt him spiritually. She was
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Chapter 162
"I've fed him and coaxed him to sleep," Lulu replied. Right now, she was worried that Henry had made things difficult for Irene, especially after she saw the horrific look on his face as he left.Irene shook her head. "We have to go.""Go? Go where?" Lulu asked.Irene certainly had no idea… All she knew was that she must leave with Tommy, and she needed Lulu's help again."Are you really fine?" Lulu could see that she looked terrible."I think I've made more than a few mistakes…" Irene murmured darkly. Henry's visit made her aware of a great many things, and the worst of all was that she had allowed her sentiment to take control of her!She was so deluded she believed she could stay with Isaac, when Tommy was the impassable rift between them—the Jeffersons would never allow a child who was not of their blood!For her part, she will not allow her son to suffer, and he most certainly would if she left him with the Jeffersons!"Mistakes? What are you talking about?" Lulu asked
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Chapter 163
"Who do I think I am? I should be asking you that—Lionel never divorced me." Sheryl spoke calmly and quietly, but it was enough to leave Samantha speechless!The fact that Samantha was not legally married to Lionel would always be her Achilles' heel.Sheryl telling her that also hurt her even more than when Irene had told her that. Coupled with Ricky's injury, her frustrations piled and she flew into a rage.However, just as she raised her hand, ready to slap Sheryl across the face, Irene strode up and caught her hand. "My dad just died. Don't act like a fishwife at his funeral."Samantha's eyes were bulging when she turned and saw Irene. "Well done! Neither of you were here to visit or care for Lionel when he's sick, but you're here to get a cut of his inheritance as soon as he dies?! I'm telling you, everything in this house belongs to Ricky!"Murderous intent showed in her eyes. "And you dared to hurt him! I'll destroy you!""Just stop already!" Irene snapped and shoved her as
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Chapter 164
Before the lawyer could read the contents of Lionel's will, Samantha snatched it away impatiently. There was joy and eagerness in her eyes as she opened the folder and scanned through it, because it meant she could get her hands on the Spencer estate now…And yet, the more she read, the paler her face became—eventually, all color drained from her face. "No, this is impossible! Lionel wouldn't do this to me! This has to be fake!" she cried hysterically and tore the papers into pieces.The lawyer did not stop her, however—that was just a copy and not the original. It hardly mattered."You must be working with them!" Samantha continued, glaring between the lawyer, Irene, and Sheryl. "You two… You put him up to this!"Irene, however, was not bothered with her raving, and asked the lawyer to read the will.Samantha was not about to let it rest, when Ricky caught her and said, "Stop it, Mom. Mr. Cooper is a man whom Dad trusted when he was alive, and he won't lie to us.""Ricky, I'm
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Chapter 165
With those words, Irene turned to Sheryl. "Let's go, Mom."Sheryl quickly followed Irene out of Spencer Mansion, which had become a bleak place since Lionel's death."What did your father say in that letter?" she asked when they were out—it had been gnawing at her for a while, but she did not ask immediately since Samantha and Ricky were around. "Dad asked me to take care of Ricky," Irene replied. Sheryl laughed icily. "What is he thinking? Entrusting you with that boy? Is he that sure that you can accept such an arrangement? Even if you do, I won't."After all, Samantha had groomed Ricky since she was a child, and he was therefore heavily influenced to become just like her."That's why Dad gave me evidence of Samantha attempting to murder me. He's trying to appease me."In reality, Irene thought that Lionel was a little heartless—Samantha had been with him since her youth, even giving him a son despite having no legitimate ties to him. But in the end, he left her with nothi
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Chapter 166
Irene quickly averted her eyes and tried to avoid them, but Stan suddenly said, "Mr. Jefferson is here. Aren't you going to greet him?"His voice drew the attention of those nearby.As Isaac turned to look, Irene had nowhere to hide. Meeting his gaze and flashing a smile, she said, "I was going to consult Stan…""About what?" Isaac asked, despite knowing the answer. He just wanted to know how she was going to answer. Moreover, he had the feeling that she was distancing herself from him. She kept claiming that she was busy and never returned to the mansion, even stopping him from attending Lionel's funeral."It's nothing important," she said flatly.Remaining impassive, Isaac told her, "Come with me."With that, he headed inside his own office. Irene stood where she was, hesitating if she should follow. Seeing that she was not moving, Stan quietly told her, "Just go already—Mr. Jefferson is being nice, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have a temper.""I know," Irene repli
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Chapter 167
"You were consulting Stan about business administration, weren't you? Because you know nothing about that?" Isaac's voice was quiet, even calm—but the undercurrent in his voice was violent!Irene braced herself and met his gaze. "My dad left the company under my management, but I studied medicine and know nothing about business. I also thought that you'd be busy and didn't want to impose, which was why I asked Stan—""Really?" Isaac chortled coolly. "Tell me, what's gotten into you this time?!"Irene smiled. "But I'm just fine—""Still keeping up that act?" Isaac snapped, cutting her short. "Did my grandfather talk to you?"Irene's smile faded right then, and her lips curled downward."Did he tell you to leave me?" Isaac asked.Irene hung her head, but said, "No.""Then why are you being so cold?" he demanded. Irene suddenly looked up, her face suddenly pale. "Because I don't want to…"… Fall for him, and be lost in her attraction to him."Don't want to what?" Isaac took
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Chapter 168
"You've been working for Isaac for a while now, so you should know his favorite food. Can you tell me about it?" Kathy smiled.Stan, however, was wary—she addressed Isaac on a first-name basis, and not by 'Mr. Jefferson.' "Why bother asking? You know that Mr. Jefferson married Ms. Spencer, who just left." Stan was certainly sharp enough to tell what Kathy was up to the instant she asked, and weighed down on 'Mr. Jefferson'—he was telling her to know her place as an employee, and not get out of line!Kathy murmured meekly, "I'm just…""You're here to work, so do your job and quit messing around. Have some dignity as a woman, and don't lust after a married man!" Stan warned her, and turned to leave. Kathy's innocent expression turned to a hateful glare—in her opinion, he was meddling in her business. A mere assistant, talking to her like that?Her hands clenched into knuckles at her sides as her desire to become Mrs. Jefferson became even stronger! One day, she would have S
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Chapter 169
After Stan left, Moneypenny started to address her differently. "Ms. Spencer, you have not done what Master Jefferson asked you to do, have you? We even heard that you went to Master Isaac's office." "I wasn't looking for him," Irene replied. "I needed to talk to Stan Hill—""It doesn't matter who you were looking for—you're not doing your job!" Moneypenny snapped. "Since you're not up to the task, Master Jefferson insists on doing it himself. Now, you just have to lure Master Isaac to a designated location, and it would be mission accomplished.""Where?""Hotel Langdon, specifically the penthouse presidential suite," Moneypenny replied.Irene could not believe her ears. Henry Jefferson was already attempting to make Isaac sleep with Kathy?!"What, are you refusing?" Moneypenny asked. Irene certainly was reluctant. How could she bear to make the man she loved sleep with another woman?"Did you forget your promise to Master Jefferson?" Moneypenny reminded her, and paused for
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Chapter 170
Irene entered and greeted him. "Mr. Jefferson."Isaac glowered at that title, but Irene was not in the mood to fawn over him, let alone notice his expression."Are you free tonight?" she asked stiffly.Isaac leaned against his chair and asked flatly, "Why?""I've booked a room at Hotel Langdon," she said, her hands clenching and relaxing repeatedly before she could finally calm down and speak. "It's the penthouse—""Wait." Isaac cut her short before she could finish. "What was that again?"His aloofness was feigned—he could barely hold back his excitement. How could he not be pleased with an invitation from Irene, after all?It was his ego that stopped him from expressing it."So, are you busy tonight?" Irene asked."No," he replied so quickly that it betrayed his mood.Irene wanted so much for him to say yes.But she was even more afraid that he would.What if harm came to Tommy if he did not play along? She was at once conflicted and hurting. "I will wait for you th
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