All Chapters of The Runaway Groom: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
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Chapter 151
Irene stepped outside her room the instant she hung up, where she found Isaac leaving his room as well.Their eyes met, and Isaac spoke first. "Are you going out?"Irene nodded. "A good friend of mine is in trouble. She asked me to help."Seeing that he was heading out as well, she asked, "You too?""Yeah."Isaac strode off, asking, "Where are you going?"Irene told him the address after receiving it from Lulu.Isaac turned around to look at her then. "We're going to the same place.""Eh?" Irene gasped in surprise, though she soon remembered that Zachary and Isaac were close. "Did Zachary call you?""Yeah," Isaac replied. "Let's go together."Irene nodded, and they left in Isaac's car. Although Irene was riding shotgun, they were both silent. They wanted to talk, but did not know what to say.Eventually, Irene said, "The friend I mentioned is Lulu Adams—she used to be Zachary's girlfriend."Isaac did not actually know much about Zachary's personal life. From what Irene sa
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Chapter 152
"Yeah," Lulu said. "Zachary told his blind date that I'm his girlfriend. The woman felt like she had been swindled, and called Zachary's mother right then and there. It was such a mess…"Irene could actually imagine the scene just then!"And what happened after that? Why were you at Zachary's place? Did you talk things out?" Irene asked.Lulu was quiet for a while before finally saying, "He knows."Irene actually thought it was for the best. "You two are still in love anyway. He must be even more reluctant to break up now that he knows, right? You have no idea how depressed he has been lately—he actually drinks himself silly every day, and he must have lost a few pounds. It hurts to see him like that, don't you agree?"As a matter of fact, Lulu did. Zachary had always had a sunny personality, and it hurt her to see him so depressed.Even so, Zachary's mother would hate her more after what happened. His mother had already been dissatisfied with her modest family before, and woul
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Chapter 153
Beauty really pulls the wool over one's eyes, does it not?"I'm actually surprised that I'd have feelings for him. I want to tell him about Tommy, but I always have trouble speaking around him. Don't you get it, Lulu? I've never had regrets before until I met him…"Lulu raised a brow. "You regret having Tommy?"Irene shook her head. "I regret being so impulsive that night."She had never regretted having Tommy, because he was her treasure. She regretted what she did, because she wanted to offer her best of herself to Isaac after falling for him. Even if Isaac told her that he did not mind, she did.Sitting beside her, Lulu said earnestly, "Maybe I'm wrong, Irene, but I'd believe you if you told me that an average Joe does not mind that you have a child."But Isaac Jefferson is no average Joe, is he? He can have any woman he wants, and he may be infatuated with you for now. However, as time goes by, are you sure he can still accept another man's child?"People have imaginatio
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Chapter 154
Irene turned when she heard it, and got off the window seat, walking up to Isaac when she saw him. "How's Zachary?"Isaac loosened his collar. "He's going to resign from the hospital and start work at his family's company."Irene's expression darkened. She knew that Zachary loved being a doctor—giving up must cause him misery."Win some, lose some." Isaac could see that she was worried. "Don't worry about him."Irene helped him take off his jacket but kept her eyes lowered. "I'm not."Staring at her just then, Isaac thought that she was being different today. Irene hung his jacket and asked, "Are you going to take a shower before you sleep?""Yeah," Isaac replied. "I'll warm the water for you," Irene said as she went to the bathroom.Isaac caught her wrist then and asked, "Something on your mind?"Irene smiled. "Does it look that way?"She just wanted to live peacefully with him, and confront her feelings for him.And yet, Isaac's heart raced as she was being agreeable an
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Chapter 155
Irene suddenly felt cold all over, and Isaac gathered her into his arms, whispering into her ear as he comforted her."It'll be fine. I'm here with you."A crystalline teardrop trickled off the corner of her eye and disappeared into her hair. "I hate him… But it hurts so much." Her voice was shaky and hoarse."I know," Isaac said. Blood runs thicker than water. Lionel was her father—there was no way she felt nothing!"I want to see him." She scrambled to her feet.Isaac helped her get dressed. "Calm down.""How could I?"! She suddenly shouted from agitation, but soon realized that she should not have taken it out on Isaac, even if she was feeling miserable."I'm sorry," she said quietly. "It's not your fault," he told her as he wiped away her tears.She stared blankly at him, and suddenly threw herself into his arms and bawled, her shoulders shaking as she did!Isaac returned her embrace and patted her on the back.It took a while for her to calm down, dress up, and l
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Chapter 156
With a cold and severe tone, Irene told Samantha, "You don't get to decide who the Spencer estate goes to. Also, I'll investigate my father's death, and I'll destroy you if you are guilty.""And I'll destroy you if you take a cent from my son's inheritance!" Samantha retorted."Mother…" Ricky was still trying to dissuade Samantha.Lionel had just died, and they were already fighting right in front of his body. How could he rest in peace at all?"I'm telling you, Ricky—don't listen to your father! I'm your only family, and that woman has nothing to do with you!" Samantha bellowed furiously, because it really upset her that her own son kept siding with Irene.She was convinced that Ricky's attitude was all Lionel's fault, that he had given his son all the wrong ideas!After all, how could there be a bond between step-siblings?Moreover, her personal grudge against Irene meant she could not allow him to be family with Irene, and the conflict over the inheritance would only drive th
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Chapter 157
The air was chilly in the morning.Irene folded her arms, thinking to herself that she should have told Sheryl sooner—she could have seen Lionel one last time, then. Lionel's death was not really peaceful, perhaps because he regretted not being able to see Sheryl one last time."What's on your mind?" Irene heard the voice just as she felt a cardigan being draped over shoulders, and she turned to find Isaac standing there. His facial features suddenly seemed indistinct and he appeared more languid than usual, though he was much more affable now. Turning away, she said, "I just called my mom… I should have told her sooner. I'm the reason why she never got to see my father one last time…""It's not your fault. They are their own people, and they can decide for themselves." People who are in love would never live apart—separation itself is their own choice, and not something others can decide for them. They were both adults and could think for themselves independently, which w
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Chapter 158
It was Ricky!"Ricky!" Samantha ran to him in terror, fearful of the worse. Ricky was already unconscious when she lifted the shelf off him, and she slapped his cheeks, crying, "Get up, Ricky! Please, you're scaring me… Don't do this to me…"Samanthat's tears were genuine this time—Ricky was her only son, and everything she did was for him. She had pinned all her hopes on him! She could not live without him!"Why are you so stupid?! Why would you save her?! She's trying to take everything from you!"On the other hand, Irene was bleeding from her knee, but she whipped out her phone to call an ambulance even before taking a look at her own injury.When she limped over to check on Ricky, however, Samantha seemed to be convinced that she was out to hurt Ricky, and pushed her away. "Don't touch my son!"Irene stumbled, but coolly said, "Let me tend to him if you want him to be safe—I'm a doctor, I won't hurt him."Samantha, however, was cradling Ricky's head and crying hysteric
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Chapter 159
Irene was convinced that she had failed as a mother. She could not stay with her son in the days immediately following his birth, let alone give her son a complete family."Your father…" Sheryl began just then.That was when Irene looked up at her mother, and saw the terrible look on her face. She must have been crying."Sorry, Mom," she said apologetically. "I should have told you sooner so that you can see Dad one last time."Shery did not blame her—Irene had mentioned Lionel's condition before, but she paid no heed.Breathing a long sigh, she said, "I'm unhappy and feel much grief against him, but he's gone now, and it all ends with him. That's why I'm here—I should be there to send him off as his wife."Then, handing Tommy's belongings to Irene, she said, "Tommy is still very young. Take him—I'll go back to Spencer Mansion."Irene was worried. "I should go with you—""No. Tommy is just a baby—he should not spend too much time with the dead. I'm fine on my own." Sheryl s
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Chapter 160
Mrs. Watson then noticed the tiny child in Irene's arms, and hurried toward her, asking, "Where's this baby from?"Before Irene could answer, she asked, "Is he yours, Ms. Adams?"Lulu glanced at Irene and smiled tenderly. "I wish—I'm not that lucky."That naturally puzzled Mrs. Watson. "Then, whose is he?""Mine," Irene replied. Mrs. Watson gaped. "Mrs. Jefferson… W-What did you just say?"Suddenly coming up with an idea, she asked, "Could he be Mr. Jefferson's?"Irene shook her head. "No.""What?!" Mrs. Watson became flustered. "If he isn't… then who's the father? Did you have a child with another man?""Yes," Irene replied, having no intention of denying it."Irene." A deep, slightly angry growl could be heard behind her just then.Irene turned to find Henry leaning against his crutch at the doorway. He was glowering, and must have overheard her conversation with Mrs. Watson. "Come with me," he growled, and headed to Isaac's study.Moneypenny was with him, and he level
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