All Chapters of The Runaway Groom: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
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Chapter 171
At first, Irene's enthusiasm had clouded his mind.However, now that Isaac thought about it, she had been cold to him just this morning. Suddenly, she was getting eager, even inviting him to a hotel.It was clearly not logical."I just wanted to thank you. Is that so wrong?" Irene asked."What?""Stan taught me a lot today and helped with many decisions," she explained. "I know that he did his best only because of you, so I want to thank you.""That's it?" Isaac's voice turned quieter.It was not because she loved him, and wanted to be with him—she just wanted to repay him for helping her?"Hah!" He snorted coolly and darkly. "So you're giving yourself to me in return?"Those words hurt Irene profoundly, but she repressed her pain and leaned against his arm, saying, "I love you."Isaac jammed his foot on the brakes, stopping the car by the road.His expression stiffened for seconds—her words certainly resounded in his mind!"Do you know what you're saying?" he asked quiet
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Chapter 172
Irene cried out in surprise!"Help—Oof!"Her assailant had clasped a hand over her mouth, even as she struggled wildly! Even so, he was too strong for him, and she was dragged into a car… when she suddenly caught a glimpse of the driver.It was Stan!Her pupils dilated, and she turned to find Isaac.But how could it be him? He should be in the penthouse with Kathy, and he must have drunk the drugged red wine by now!She stopped struggling then, and murmured gingerly, "What…"The myriad colored lights outside flashed as their car zoomed along the highway, but Isaac remained shrouded in the darkness as he spoke, "Trying to give me off to another woman, were you?"HIs voice seemed to boom with a dark edge!Irene exclaimed, "I didn't want to do it!"Isaac was not in the mood for her explanations, however—she had done it, and should therefore admit to it!His silence left her heart all strung up. "I…"Meanwhile, Stan had stopped the car at the basement parking lot of the Lig
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Chapter 173
With those words, Issac got out of the car, slamming the door with a loud bang.Irene flinched. "Isaac?"That night… It was him?She dragged her sore body out of the car and tried to give chase, only to realize suddenly that she was buck naked. Pulling a shirt to hide her chest, she yelled, "Get back here, Isaac Jefferson!"There was only darkness in the underground parking lot, and the echoes of her own voice were her answer. The hazard lights were flashing, but he was nowhere to be seen.He was gone. Irene laughed, and soon tears covered her face. She was no slut—she had only been with one man, and it was Isaac!She suddenly had a slight desire for him… to be with him!She sniffled loudly, and ignored her pain as she picked up her own clothes.She had decided that she would go to Henry, and tell him that Tommy was no bastard, but was Isaac's son!After putting on her clothes, her knees suddenly caved and she almost slipped, but managed to catch the car door in time
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Chapter 174
Irene doubted that. Moneypenny clearly stated that Henry was behind everything.Keeping herself as calm as possible, she said, "Tommy is Isaac's son. Do a paternity test if you doubt me."Henry frowned, appearing doubtful. "What?""My child is Isaac's too." Irene snarled every word. Henry almost slipped just then—a servant reacted quickly to catch to stop him from falling."Go! Get me Moneypenny right now!" he barked. "Yes, sir." The servant promptly left to look for the butler as soon as he helped Henry to a chair.Irene was actually confused just then. "You… didn't take my child?""Why would I lie to you?" Henry retorted. "Yes, I was hoping you'd get Isaac to fall for Kathy York, but I didn't know about your child. Hell, I would've taken the boy away from you at the mansion when we ran into you last time—even after all that has happened, I'm not that cold that I'd forget the fact that your grandfather saved me."Irene was still doubtful, however. "Then why would Moneypenny
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Chapter 175
Irene decided that she could not sit and wait!As Henry left for Ian's home, Irene left Jefferson Manor, though she lingered at the gates, wondering as to who would want to abduct her baby…Bzzt—Her phone suddenly rang.When she answered, Sheryl was crying urgently from the other end. "Irene? Please come home quickly!""What's wrong?" Irene asked."It's the people who took Tommy. They're asking for you!"Irene became spirited the instant she heard that there was a clue about Tommy's whereabouts. "I'll be there as soon as I can," she replied, and quickly used her phone to summon a taxi.That was when a car drove up to Jefferson Manor. Stan alighted, but averted his eyes when he saw Irene.For her part, she was actually confused why he would come at this hour. "Why are you here?" she asked."There's something I have to get," Stan replied, and headed into the manor.Irene did not press the subject since she could not spare a thought for anything but Tommy—nothing was more
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Chapter 176
It was only then that Irene saw the man in the living room."You?!" She gaped, but at the next instant, she had bounded forward and grabbed Harvey Gooding by the collar, bellowing, "Why did you take my Tommy?! Give him back!""That can be arranged, under one condition," Harvey replied, calmly looking at her."What is it?""Marry me.""You're crazy!" Irene's eyes were red."After Isaac did me dirty," Harvey replied, breathing every word with weighted purpose, "I'd be a failure if I did nothing!""Go mess with him all you want!" Irene laughed icily. "What does my child have to do with that? Hell, your proposal is even more ridiculous! Did you take the wrong meds, or did you finally lose your mind?""Neither. Right now—no, my mind is clear the instant I took your child," Harvey breathed with rising agitation. "I knew Isaac Jefferson loved you the instant he spent millions on that painting, and what do you think he would do if I took you from him?"Irene did a double take, and the
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Chapter 177
Sheryl knew that her weakness had caused her daughter many problems in the past, so she must not be weak now.She would stand before her, and shield her from everything!Irene's eyes were red."Mom," she sniffled. "Please calm down."Murder is a crime—Sheryl would be imprisoned if Harvey Gooding died, and she did not want that.Harvey then added, "I won't hurt the child, woman. I love your daughter, and will be a better husband to her than Isaac Jefferson when she marries me."Sheryl, however, was not so easily fooled. "Don't bother sweet-talking me—you wouldn't coerce Irene if you loved her, let alone threaten her with her child. You only see what you want, and you call that love?"Harvey was taken aback—he actually had no comeback for Sheryl.Hence, he simply gave up on defending himself. "Kill me, and you'd be in prison. You'll never see your grandson again, but your daughter will be worse off because she'll lose you and her son. Who knows if she'd lose her mind from grief?"
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Chapter 178
Ricky Spencer did not release her, however. "I know that your son was kidnapped. Is there anything I can help with?""No," Irene replied. "Just stick to your lessons on managing the company.""Tommy is my nephew even if you won't admit it. I'm actually worried that he has been taken away, and I just want to help."Ricky's tone was sincere, making it awkward for Irene to brush him off. "No, I'm serious," she said patiently. "It's a great help if you'll do your best to learn how to manage Spencer Holdings."Something changed in the way he looked at her then. "I will do my best," he replied."Good. I have something urgent to do, so please let go," Irene said urgently.Ricky did, and Irene hurried outside when she suddenly stopped and turned toward him again. "Listen—the reason our father did not pass down Spencer Holdings to you directly was because he knows that you're not ready to lead yet. He may have entrusted Spencer Holdings to me for now, but understand that he loves and ca
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Chapter 179
In spite of everything that Harvey told her, she really had no idea what he was up to.Henry breathed a long sigh and said feebly, "This is on me too. I should've noticed that Moneypenny was acting weird, and none of this would have happened."Irene asked, "So he was bribed?"Henry shook his head. "I trust that man, especially after he served me so many years—no, he can't be bribed. We found out that Harvey abducted his wife and coerced him into advising me so that I finalize your divorce with Isaac. Now that Harvey has abducted your child as well and forced you to marry him… I have to ask, what's your plan here?"Right now, Irene did not want anything to do with the Jeffersons, and a divorce suited her fine."You're unhappy with me, and Isaac is interested in Kathy York. There's no need for me to stay here—as for my child, I'll save him on my own."Her tone was calm, devoid of rage or indignation.Having made up her mind, she was certainly relieved. "But isn't the child Isaac
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Chapter 180
Kathy was strutting as she walked toward them, her heels clicking in her wake as she passed a lunchbox to Mrs. Watson. "I've made this for Isaac. Take it inside."When Mrs. Watson did not take it, she smiled, "I'll be the lady of this house soon, Mrs. Watson. How will we get along when you're being this hostile now?"Mrs. Watson reluctantly took the lunchbox then, her face falling as she turned and headed inside the mansion.Once she left, Kathy's smile faded. Glancing at the suitcase lined up against the wall, she then turned to Irene. "I hope you never show up around Isaac after you leave. He must have gotten sick of you and told Mrs. Watson to throw away your things, didn't he?"Her words actually left Irene agitated.Yes, Isaac must have gotten sick of her and told Mrs. Watson to throw away her things, did he not? She reared her head with an impeccable smile just then. "I don't think I'll be the last person thrown out of here, though. I hope you'll prove to be an evergreen a
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