All Chapters of Reborn Through Fire: Chapter 1461 - Chapter 1470
1616 Chapters
Chapter 1461
The two of them burst out laughing as they walked out together.Kisa's expression was neutral as she sat down next to Adrien. "Hey, Uncle Adrien, is there something you need from me?""I just wanted to check in and see if you've managed to get your hands on any information about GK. That way, I can help you come up with a revenge plan against Gilbert."Adrien handed her a cocktail, but Kisa pushed it away with a smile."Sorry, it's that time of the month. Can you get me a glass of water instead, godfather?"The term "godfather" melted Adrien's heart, and he quickly obliged.Kisa leaned back on the couch and got down to business. "I stole a ton of confidential files from GK."Adrien raised an eyebrow. "Where are they?""I gave them to Risen Enterprise. They are GK's sworn enemies, so it makes sense to let them take care of business. Gilbert won't suspect us, and I won't drag you down either. Plus, if Risen Enterprise can take over GK, it will be a sweet victory for Jensen, who c
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Chapter 1462
Gilbert stared at her, his face dark and brooding. "Looks like you never listened to a word I said, or maybe what I say just never mattered to you," he said with a scowl.Kisa blinked innocently, as Madalyn looked on with a smug smirk.As Gilbert finished his breakfast, he wiped his mouth and spoke slowly, "Since you don't want to go to Oceanville—""Oh, I remember now! You're taking me to Oceanville today!" Kisa suddenly exclaimed, realizing her mistake. She quickly turned and rushed upstairs to pack her things.Madalyn's face turned red with anger. "Slow down, if you hurt my precious great-grandchild, I'll make sure you regret it," she snarled at Kisa, who ignored her and hurried up the stairs.Turning to Gilbert, Madalyn sneered. "I don't know what you were thinking, bringing that deadweight with you on your business trip.""Grandma, have you heard any news about Uncle David?" Gilbert asked, looking in the direction of the stairs.Madalyn was taken aback. "Why are you asking
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Chapter 1463
Kelvin shrunk his neck and shut up obediently.Gilbert took the suitcase from Davian's hand and said to Kisa in a flat voice, "It's time to board. Let's go."Without waiting for her response, he dragged the suitcase and walked away.Kisa glanced at his back and turned to Kelvin. "Take good care of Gracie. I'll go check on her when I come back.""Mhm, have fun in Oceanville." Kelvin watched the retreating figures and suddenly exclaimed, "Thinking back now, Kisa had it rough. We were biased against her after all.""Hiss! Mr. Hoover, what are you doing? Are you getting sentimental since you're about to become a dad?""Get lost, you don't even have a girlfriend. You don't understand anything.""I have a girlfriend. I have Felicity, even though she hasn't talked to me in days. She's definitely just busy."Kelvin was speechless.Kisa almost ran to catch up with Gilbert. He walked too fast with his long legs and the distance between them widened again before she could catch her breat
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Chapter 1464
'Could it be for me?' That thought vanished without a trace as soon as she recalled the icy, mocking expression on his face just now. 'He has deep resentment toward me now, so how could it possibly be for me?'Davian hung up the phone, feeling frustrated. "Lately, I don't know what's been going on in Mr. Kooper's head, but it seems like he doesn't want GK anymore."Kelvin raised an eyebrow. "What's going on?""Risen Enterprise has been stealing all our business lately, and they're even getting their hands on GK's confidential information. They're always one step ahead of us, and they even swooped in and stole that land we were eyeing. And to top it off, our data systems got hacked. It's obvious someone's out to get us, but Mr. Kooper insists on going to Oceanville instead of staying and fixing the mess here."Kelvin furrowed his brow and took a drag of his cigarette. "Could it be because of Kisa? After all, she has always wanted to go to Oceanville.""I have no idea, but Mr. Koope
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Chapter 1465
As Kisa looked up, she heard the sound of dishes crashing onto the ground, making a sharp and distinct noise. Suddenly, her heart leaped as she saw Peter. But something was different about him. He no longer had the same arrogant and reckless demeanor he used to have. He appeared thinner and worn, with a hint of despair and bitterness on his face."You ungrateful son, what's wrong with you? Can't you see we have guests?" Mr. Webb Sr. rushed over, taking two steps at a time, and threw a punch at Peter.Peter shrugged nonchalantly, his gaze skipping over Kisa and Gilbert. With a light chuckle, he said, "Oh, it's them. They've finally arrived." Then he turned and walked upstairs, exuding a menacing aura that was hard to ignore.Mr. Webb Sr. was both angry and helpless. He asked a servant beside him, "Why's he so moody again?""He lost his temper at us because his upstairs guest didn't like the food. As if it's our fault."Kisa furrowed her brow slightly. 'His upstairs guest? What did
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Chapter 1466
"Do you know a man named David?" Kisa asked."David?""He used to be the eldest son of the Kooper family, Gilbert's uncle. Gilbert's dying to meet him, and I found out that he came to your house over twenty years ago. So, do you know him?" Kisa explained eagerly.Thomas' smile was warm and genuine, his expression lacking any trace of pretense. "Sorry, I don't have any impression of that name. I've lived here my whole life without ever seeing a man named David come to our house."Just then, Gilbert walked in. Thomas welcomed him, saying, "You've just gotten off the plane. Get some rest and let me know if you want to go anywhere tomorrow."As Thomas left, Gilbert closed the door and said nonchalantly, "If you could figure things that out that easily, then my uncle's whereabouts wouldn't remain such a mystery."Gilbert sauntered over to the desk, his gaze lingering on the steaming dessert. He then picked it up and took a sip, and Kisa was surprised. "I thought you didn't like that k
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Chapter 1467
"Adrien, you know him, right?" Kisa asked.Thomas' eyes sparkled with recognition. "Uncle Adrien, of course I know him. The Tanner family and ours go way back. My dad would take me and Peter to visit him all the time.""Really? Well, he is my godfather."Thomas was taken aback. "What a coincidence! But you know what, Uncle Adrien never agrees to be a godfather. When my dad asked him to be ours, he refused. He must be pretty special to you.""Maybe he just loves daughters," Kisa said nonchalantly. "So, what do you say we pay the Tanner family a visit today?""The Tanner family?" Thomas hesitated. "Uncle Adrien isn't in Oceanville right now, and the only person at home is Mrs. Tanner Sr. She's 80 years old and doesn't even recognize her own shadow. It might be a waste of time.""Come on, let's just go and visit her. I came all this way, and I want to see my godfather's home."Thomas shrugged. "Alright then."The Tanner residence was just a short half-hour drive away from the Webb
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Chapter 1468
As Adrien walked away to answer his phone, Mrs. Tanner Sr. grabbed Kisa's hand and said urgently, "Molly, don't leave Adrien. His sudden change of character must be due to some sort of trauma. Please don't blame him."Kisa's eyes sparkled as she responded in a low voice, "He's becoming someone I don't even recognize anymore. It's like he's a completely different person.""Yes, I know. But he truly loves you. He's just afraid of being looked down upon by your family, so he works hard to make a name for himself, sometimes neglecting you in the process. Don't blame him. He is just so in love with you and wants to make something of himself. He is not only distant with you, but with me as well. He used to be so close to me, so filial, but now it is like he is a stranger. He must be under a lot of work pressure. Molly, please don't blame him, okay?"Kisa nodded. "I won't blame him, Mrs. Tanner Sr. Don't worry, I won't blame him."Mrs. Tanner Sr. had said too much, and her spirits seemed
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Chapter 1469
"Where are you?" Gilbert asked."I'm with Thomas at the moment—" Before Kisa could finish her sentence, a flurry of urgent footsteps interrupted her. Startled, she quickly hung up the phone and darted behind a nearby tree trunk. Suddenly, Harry and a few bodyguards came running in her direction. Harry looked around frantically before fixing his gaze on a particular spot on the ground."You cry every damn day for years, never giving it a rest, as if you're afraid people will forget you exist, right?" Harry snarled, stomping on the ground and barking orders to his men. "Get her some food later so she doesn't keep making a fuss.""Yes, Harry," they replied obediently.Once the men left, Kisa carefully inspected the spot where Harry had stomped and discovered a hidden lock within the grass. The grass around the lock seemed to be slightly loosened, so she lifted it, revealing a hidden iron door beneath it. The sobbing sound from earlier had come from behind that door.'Who's trapped in
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Chapter 1470
"Did he really just fall out of love?" she wondered, but her gut told her something else."Mrs. Tanner Sr. said he changed completely after he struck it rich, but my father says otherwise." Thomas shook his head in response."Maybe his feelings just changed," Kisa mused, though she still had her doubts about Adrien.'It's not impossible for a man to ditch his girlfriend once he becomes wealthy. But even his own mother says he has changed, and that's odd. What if he isn't even Adrien to begin with?'The thought made her shudder, and she hugged herself tightly. It felt like she was on the brink of a significant discovery, but the more she thought, the more her mind spun.As Kisa returned to the Webb residence, she sensed a tense atmosphere in the living room. Before she could get a closer look, Mr. Webb Sr. approached her. "Mrs. Kooper, you're finally back. Mr. Kooper was worried sick."Just then, Kisa saw Gilbert sitting on the couch. His face had darkened, his aura was menacing.
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