All Chapters of Reborn Through Fire: Chapter 1481 - Chapter 1490
1616 Chapters
Chapter 1481
"Peter!" Kisa exclaimed in shock.Suddenly, Mr. Webb Sr. and Thomas came rushing out."What in tarnation is going on here? Someone come and get help, quick!" Mr. Webb Sr. shouted frantically at the servants.Within moments, several of them ran out and carried Peter inside. Thomas looked at Kisa, seeming unsure of what to say.After a long pause, he walked over to her and Gilbert, apologizing, "I'm sorry. Peter hasn't been in the best state of mind lately. Please forgive him. I'll call a doctor for Mr. Kooper's injury.""No need," Gilbert replied coolly, then took Kisa by the arm and led her inside.Thomas hesitated, as if wanting to call Kisa back, but Mr. Webb Sr. stopped him. "You'd better keep Peter's background to yourself. I don't want to be known as a man who can't keep his word," Mr. Webb Sr. whispered sternly."But Mrs. Kooper really wants to find her brother.""That's her business, and you'd better not say a word."Back in the room, Kisa quickly fetched some alcohol a
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Chapter 1482
One of the bodyguards respectfully replied, "Yes, Mr. Kooper instructed us in the wee hours of the morning to make sure Miss Wayne gets back to her hometown today.""In the wee hours?" Kisa furrowed her brow. "What time exactly?""Probably around three in the morning," the bodyguard replied.Kisa's brow furrowed even more tightly.'Gilbert left the Webb residence around 1 am last night, so was he handling Jolina's situation last night?' she wondered."Do you know where Mr. Kooper is now?" she asked the bodyguards.Both bodyguards shook their heads.Suddenly, Jolina grabbed Kisa's hand and whispered, "Kisa, Mr. Kooper said I can leave without worrying about Peter bothering me anymore.""How's that possible?" Kisa had seen Peter go crazy last night. She could not believe he could just let go so easily and wondered what Gilbert had done and where he was now."Yes, Mrs. Kooper. Mr. Kooper said that Peter won't bother Miss Wayne anymore, so you and Miss Wayne can rest assured," the
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Chapter 1483
Kisa's body jolted, and she instinctively sat up straight.Peter grinned and dropped his gaze."He said he had been just as desperate as me once upon a time, but he ended up with absolutely nothing."He flicked the ash off his cigarette and looked at Kisa."So, do you still carry a torch for him?"Kisa pursed her lips."He is the only man I have ever loved.""Uh-huh, his predicament is totally different from mine. At least you love him. But Jolina..."Peter's lips curved into a self-deprecating and bitter smile."What's the point of clinging on? I'm scared she'll end up dead. Gilbert told me you almost died in front of him once, and that was the most terrifying moment of his life. If Jolina dies, I don't think I'd be able to keep on living. So, I need to let go. I still want her to have a good life."Peter's voice was laced with discontent and helplessness.Kisa felt a pang of sadness listening to Peter's words. She tried to reassure him."Don't think of it that way. It's j
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Chapter 1484
Kisa cocked her head in confusion. "Say what?""Nothing." Peter chuckled and walked out of the coffee shop, wrapped up in his coat like a burrito.Kisa stood there like a deer in headlights. She could not do anything but wait for Peter's message.When she got back to the Webb residence, it was snowing again. Mr. Webb Sr. and Thomas were posted up in the living room.Thomas kindly passed her a hand warmer, saying, "Mrs. Kooper, it's freezing outside. You should stay in and chill until the weather clears up, then I'll take you around Oceanville."Kisa smiled. "I went to see my friend. She's leaving Oceanville, and I wanted to say bye. Gilbert thought it was too cold, so he told me to come back, and he will take care of it."Mr. Webb Sr. raised an eyebrow and chuckled. "Did Mr. Kooper help you see your friend off? That must be why I didn't see him this morning.""Haha, yeah, he will be back tonight." Kisa grinned.But Thomas probed, "Your friend... she isn't the woman that Peter h
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Chapter 1485
Mr. Webb Sr. had a glint in his eye as he turned to Peter and asked, "Did you really see Mr. Kooper escorting that woman out of town?"Peter's eyes were bloodshot, like he was about to lose his mind. Thomas quickly pulled his father aside and said, "Come on, Dad, don't push him. Peter cares about that woman too much to be mistaken.""I just want to know if he saw Mr. Kooper." Mr. Webb Sr. persisted.Peter snapped back. "Gilbert could turn to ashes, and I'd still recognize him if he tried to take my woman away."Seeing his father's skeptical look, Thomas piped up, "What is the matter, Dad? Mrs. Kooper already confirmed that Mr. Kooper escorted the woman out of town. How could Peter be wrong?"Mr. Webb Sr. nodded thoughtfully and muttered to himself, "Looks like Mr. Kooper wasn't the one who snuck into the Tanner residence last night."Meanwhile, Kisa paced the room anxiously. When she heard a knock at the door, she rushed to answer it. It was Peter. She pulled him inside and asked
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Chapter 1486
Kisa jerked awake, feeling a little disoriented. But before she could even gather her thoughts, the door-knocking sounded twice more, jolting her out of her daze. She dashed to the door and found Peter there, holding up a pale and injured Gilbert. Without wasting a single second, she quickly helped Gilbert inside.Once she shut the door, she turned to Peter and demanded, "Where did you find him?""In the basement of the Tanner residence," he responded.Kisa's eyes narrowed as she realized that there was indeed something off about the basement in the Tanner residence. She led Gilbert to the couch and looked at him with genuine concern, his face as white as a sheet."Are you okay?" she asked with a trembling voice, her eyes already welling up with tears.Gilbert squinted at her with half-opened eyes and snickered, "I'm not six feet under yet, so there's no need to fake your sadness like that."Kisa took a deep breath and muttered, "I'm not acting!"Gilbert smirked but said nothing
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Chapter 1487
He looked at Kisa. "Do you know what I found at the Tanner residence?"Seeing his serious expression, Kisa's expression tightened. "What did you find?""As you suspected, there was indeed a person locked up in the basement, a scruffy-looking person whose face was hard to discern. That person had his tongue cut out.""What?" Kisa exclaimed, a chill running down her spine."Who was the person?""Adrien."Kisa was so shocked that she could not speak for a while. After a long time, she regained her composure and asked word by word, "Are you saying that the person locked up in the basement of the Tanner residence is the real Adrien?"Gilbert nodded. "Although his tongue was cut out, his mind is still clear. He used blood to write his name on the ground.""If he's the real Adrien, then who is the person in Calthon pretending to be Adrien?" Kisa asked in disbelief.Suddenly, she remembered something and exclaimed excitedly, "I know! If the person in Calthon is a fake Adrien, then his
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Chapter 1488
The next morning, Kisa glanced at the man lying by her bedside and whispered, "Maybe you shouldn't go downstairs today. I will bring your food up quietly."Gilbert shook his head. He squinted his eyes and said, "Not showing up will only make people more suspicious.""But your wound...""It's fine," Gilbert replied, opening his eyes to look at her. His dark gaze was intense, and it made Kisa's heart skip a beat."W-What's wrong?" she asked."You've suspected that Adrien is my uncle for a while now, haven't you?" Gilbert asked. Kisa did not answer.He continued. "What do you want to do? What is your relationship with him? What are you planning?""He has been trying to harm both of us since Kerrona Hill, and he even wanted us to kill each other," Kisa said.Gilbert looked at her. "So what did you hope to accomplish by teaming up with him?""I only pretended to team up with him," Kisa explained. "Ever since I found out that Adrien wanted to harm us, I've been acting as if I wanted
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Chapter 1489
As Peter walked past Gilbert, he intentionally bumped into his shoulder, but Gilbert did not even flinch. That was enough to put Mr. Webb Sr.'s suspicions to rest.He scolded Peter, "Hey son, watch where you're going! Mr. Kooper is a guest, apologize to him."Peter sneered at Gilbert, then sat down at the dining table, looking extremely smug and defiant. Mr. Webb Sr. shook his head helplessly and apologized to Gilbert.Gilbert just shrugged it off and said, "No worries. I sent his woman packing, and the fact he didn't fight me was showing his respect for me.""Looks like Mr. Kooper here is a real gentleman, always forgiving and forgetting." Mr. Webb Sr. chuckled as he led them to the dining table.Gilbert eyed Peter with a thoughtful expression, his suspicions growing stronger by the second.When they got back to the room, he was too weak to stand and leaned heavily on the cabinet next to the door. Kisa urgently pulled open his shirt to check the wound, and sure enough, the banda
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Chapter 1490
Thomas was caught in a whirlwind of emotions. He wanted to spill the beans, but at the same time, he did not want to throw his father under the bus. However, the cat was already out of the bag, so he had no choice but to go all in.He gawked at Kisa and stuttered, "Wait... so, I'm your brother? You sure about that?"Kisa nodded frantically. "I'm positive. Your birthmark and bracelet are a carbon copy of my mom's. You have to be my brother." She choked up at the end of her sentence, tears streaming down her face.Thomas held her tight, reassuring her, "Don't cry. We found each other, and that is all that matters."Kisa opened up to Thomas about their mom, and he listened intently, feeling envious and longing for the same kind of love. He had been deprived of his mother's love from a tender age and had always longed for that maternal affection.They talked late into the night, but Thomas knew Kisa needed some rest.As Kisa was about to leave, she hesitated and said, "Don't tell you
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