All Chapters of Reborn Through Fire: Chapter 1491 - Chapter 1500
1616 Chapters
Chapter 1491
It had been a moment before Gilbert finally released her, gasping for air, his eyes as black as midnight.Kisa regained her composure and gave him a quizzical look. "What's up with you?" she asked.Instead of answering, he pulled her in for a tight hug, seeming oddly vulnerable. He buried his head in her neck and murmured, "I just want to be with you, like really be together."Kisa's heart ached with emotion. She wrapped her arms around him and spoke with conviction, "We will be."'Just as soon as David's drama is over with. No more drama, no more issues.'The next day, as they were leaving the Webb residence, Peter was a no-show. Mr. Webb Sr. and Thomas saw them off at the airport. Mr. Webb Sr. tried to convince Gilbert to stay longer, saying, "You guys came all this way. Why not stay a little longer?""Yeah, there is a ton of amazing sceneries and views in Oceanville I haven't shown Mrs. Kooper yet," Thomas said.Gilbert gave Thomas a pointed look, then told Mr. Webb Sr., "Nah
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Chapter 1492
As Christmas drew closer, Adrien's club was buzzing more than ever. Kisa strutted straight to the VIP section. She had called Adrien before coming, so he was waiting for her in the lobby.Besides Adrien, Carolyn and her daughter were also there, and they seemed to be practically glued to him. Every time Kisa came around, they were all over him like white on rice. Carolyn was beaming with excitement, and Sharon was acting more snobbish than ever.As soon as she spotted Kisa, she started sniping at her. "Oh, I heard GK is about to bite the dust. You here to beg my dad for a lifeline?"Kisa just chuckled and shot her a glance. "Did you fall and hit your head? Your daddy's behind bars.""You!" Sharon glared at her, then wrapped her arms around Adrien's, trying to be cute. "Daddy, look at her. She's so rude."Adrien patted her hand and reassured her with a chuckle. "Relax, honey. I will deal with her later. You and your mom go have some fun. I need to talk to Kisa about some important
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Chapter 1493
Kisa prodded, "Isn't that a little too easy for him? You said you wanted to deliver a fatal blow. I want to know what it is."Adrien gave her a sharp glance. He was a master manipulator, and his calculating eyes hinted at a deeper game.He chuckled. "I can't spill the beans just yet. Where is the fun in that? But hey, you won't have to wait much longer."Kisa felt let down.She stood by the roadside for a while, then headed over to Mia's place. With Christmas approaching, the streets were packed with shoppers. But when she arrived at Mia's apartment, the silence and dim lighting felt almost suffocating.Mia was alone, drinking in the living room. As soon as she saw Kisa, she broke into a sly smile."Long time no see," Mia drawled as she pulled Kisa onto the couch. She offered her a drink with a smirk, "Come on, have a drink with me."Kisa declined. "No thanks. I have to drive later.""What's there to worry about? Just call Gilbert to come pick you up. Or I could get someone to
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Chapter 1494
Adult affairs could be a real head-scratcher, and little ones just could not wrap their minds around it. Kisa did not utter a word. She just wanted to dash up and check on Madalyn. But those rug rats would not budge.In their eyes, she was public enemy number one. She gritted her teeth against the bitterness in her heart, gazing at the children as her vision started to blur.Just then, Gilbert made his way downstairs, with Kelvin tailing him. His face was still pale, but his furrowed brow spoke volumes about his frustration and exhaustion.Kisa took a deep breath and hustled over. "How's your grandma doing?"Gilbert said not a word. Kelvin answered in a flat tone, "Not great, especially considering her age.""I'll go check on her," Kisa said, ready to charge upstairs, but Gilbert grabbed her arm.He glared at her with cold eyes. "Don't go up there and stir things up again."Kisa's heart skipped a beat, but she kept her trap shut.Gilbert let her go and added with little emotion
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Chapter 1495
"She went to the Kooper residence today and spilled her guts to Madalyn, claiming that I joined forces with outsiders to drive GK into bankruptcy. Mrs. Kooper Sr. was so ticked off that she ended up collapsing from the stress."Adrien's face darkened as he listened to Kisa's story, but he remained silent.Kisa continued. "And because of that, Gilbert went ballistic and kicked me out of the Kooper residence. Now I can't even get close to GK's secret stash if I want to. So Godfather, if you end up not making a dime off the Kooper family, don't blame me. Blame that knucklehead."Kisa pointed straight at Sharon, intentionally making sure Carolyn heard her words.Carolyn dragged Sharon to the couch, fuming. "Didn't I tell you to keep your cool? How can you be so clueless and mess everything up like this? You're driving me nuts!""I-I didn't know it would come to this. I—""Enough. Apologize to Kisa." Carolyn interrupted her, pushing Sharon toward Kisa, who stood there, arms crossed, a
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Chapter 1496
It was a quiet and chilly night at the mansion, but it did not feel like a celebration was on the horizon. The servants had already left by 8 pm, leaving Adrien alone in the massive living room. He was staring off into space with a strange grin on his face that sent shivers down Kisa's spine.Kisa put on a fake smile and walked over to him. "Godfather, are you so pumped for tomorrow's wedding that you can't even sleep?"He turned his head mechanically, and his peculiar gaze swept over her. After a moment, he smirked meaningfully. "Oh, yeah. I'm so stoked I can't even close my eyes.""Haha, I never thought even my level-headed godfather would be losing his cool over his own wedding."Adrien's lips curled up, and his eyes gleamed. "Just thinking about tomorrow gets me all worked up. I've waited for this day for so long, hehehe... hehehe..."Adrien's chilling laughter echoed through the room.Kisa could not help but shiver as she watched him."Kisa," Adrien suddenly called out.St
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Chapter 1497
Sharon strutted over, arms crossed, and demanded Kisa answer her mother's question."Hey, my mom is talking to you. Answer her already! You've been kicked out by Gilbert, so now you're trying to kiss up to my mom? Give me a break. Gilbert might have loved and protected you before, but now GK is about to go belly up. He's like a stray dog, and he won't have time for you anymore. My parents are the only ones worth impressing now, so you'd better answer my mom's question."Carolyn sat nearby, admiring her freshly painted nails with an air of superiority.Kisa sneered at Sharon and retorted, "You've been doing all the talking, so how am I supposed to answer? If you want an answer so badly, then shut your mouth.""You trash!" Sharon cursed and raised her hand to slap Kisa's face. At Carolyn and Adrien's wedding, it seemed like the mother and daughter duo were fearless and had no regard for anything or anyone.As Kisa instinctively dodged Sharon's slap, a large hand suddenly grabbed Sha
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Chapter 1498
People were screaming, hollering, and cussing up a storm.Kisa furrowed her brow in confusion. "What's going on?"Gilbert's eyes darkened. He let go of Kisa and stormed off toward the banquet hall. She hurriedly trailed behind, trying to reach Adrien on her phone, but he was not picking up. When they arrived at the banquet hall, Kisa glanced up at the wall and her stomach churned.There was a huge electronic screen hanging on the wall. It had been showing Carolyn's gorgeous artistic and wedding photos, but now it displayed her getting down and dirty with different guys. The video was shot using infrared cameras, and despite the darkness of the room, the scenes and characters were clear as day. The men were all scruffy, grotesque, and downright nasty.Suddenly, Kisa remembered all the sketchy beggars that had been coming and going from Adrien's club recently.'Could it be...'The thought made her shudder in revulsion.'What kind of vendetta does Adrien have against Carolyn? How c
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Chapter 1499
'There's no way things could be so simple, or else why would he invite Gilbert here in the first place?' Kisa thought to herself.While everyone's focus was on Carolyn and Sharon, the huge electronic screen lit up again, revealing a new set of characters. There was this fifty-something-year-old lady and a bodyguard-looking guy. Judging by the video quality and their clothing, it was an old video.Kisa furrowed her brow as she stared at the woman, feeling like she had seen her somewhere before. She then looked up at Gilbert and whispered, "Is that your grandma?"But Gilbert did not utter a word. His eyes were glued to the screen, his body taut with tension. Meanwhile, everyone else was also staring at the screen with curiosity, gossiping away like a bunch of chatty Karens. The older guests quickly identified the woman as Madalyn from back in the day, and their chatter only grew louder.The characters in the video were heard talking:"Madam, isn't this harming David a bit too much?"
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Chapter 1500
Suddenly, Sharon charged at Kisa with a look of pure hatred and screamed, "You filthy b*tch! You and Adrien planned all of this, didn't you? You wanted to watch me and my mother suffer, you sick twisted wh*re!"With a crazed expression on her face, Sharon picked up a broken wine glass and lunged at Kisa, intent on causing her harm. It looked as if she had lost all control of herself, consumed by her rage and bitterness.Just as the jagged glass was about to impale Kisa, Carolyn appeared out of nowhere and grabbed Sharon, struggling to keep her at bay."What? Are you serious? You're saying that Adrien was behind all of this?"Carolyn was absolutely flabbergasted, her voice trembling as she struggled to get the words out.Sharon could not believe her eyes as she watched her mother's sheer innocence on display, leaving her to stare at her like she had lost her mind."Please wake up and be alert. If it wasn't his doing, why didn't he show up when things went horribly wrong? If he did
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