All Chapters of Reborn Through Fire: Chapter 1471 - Chapter 1480
1616 Chapters
Chapter 1471
Kisa frantically dug through her bag and pulled out her phone, only to find a barrage of missed calls. She had silenced it earlier and forgot to turn the ringer back on."Kisa, haven't I told you to give me a heads up before gallivanting off? If you weren't carrying my child, I wouldn't care about your well-being. You want to be a loose cannon, go ahead. Once the baby is born, you can go wherever you please and do whatever you damn well want. I won't bat an eyelash!" Gilbert barked."That's not what happened." Gilbert was livid, and Kisa could not figure out why. She quickly took hold of his arm and explained, "I didn't go anywhere today except for Adrien's house. Thomas was super nice to me and made sure I was okay the whole time. You really don't need to worry.""But this is Oceanville, not Calthon. You're off doing God knows what, ignoring my calls. How can I guarantee the safety of my child? Kisa, if something happens to my child, you'll be the one held accountable."Gilbert's
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Chapter 1472
It was dinner time, but Thomas was nowhere to be found. Kisa headed to the kitchen to arrange some grub for him, only to find that the servants had already prepared two portions of food.Kisa flashed a smile at one of the servants and said, "I will take one of them to Thomas."The servant looked at her awkwardly and said, "These are for Peter."Kisa was confused. "Hold up! Isn't this two servings? Is he seriously about to eat two identical meals all by himself?""There's more to it than just Peter," the servant said eagerly, but the older servant cut her off with a quick nudge to the arm."Mrs. Kooper, Peter has been eating like a horse lately. He can finish two servings of food no problem!" exclaimed the older servant."Are you thinking of sending some food over to Thomas? I can cook it up for you right now."With a quick nod to the other servant, she motioned for her to take the dishes away.Kisa furrowed her brows, deep in thought. 'Has Peter been eating well recently? If th
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Chapter 1473
Thomas was taken aback for a moment.Kisa quickly explained, "Don't get me wrong, Peter just said... he said that you both have an identical birthmark on your chest. So, I was curious." Her voice grew softer and softer toward the end of the sentence.Seeing Thomas remain skeptical, she said, "Actually, my mother also has a birthmark in the same spot. And I have an older brother who has never been seen. When I saw Peter's birthmark, I thought he might be my long-lost brother. But he said you have the same birthmark, so I wanted to take a look."After a moment of hesitation, Thomas smiled and said, "Oh, I see. No problem, let me show you."He unbuttoned his shirt to reveal the blood-red birthmark on his chest. It was identical to Peter's and just like the one Kisa remembered on her mother.'But how could this be? Does the birthmark really mean nothing?' she wondered.Thomas stared at Kisa's stunned expression for a moment before chuckling and asking, "Mrs. Kooper, are you looking f
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Chapter 1474
"I might not be able to find it, but Kelvin can definitely get to the bottom of this," Gilbert said.Kisa's heart raced, and she pulled out her phone to call Kelvin.Kelvin was a big shot in the medical world, and sure enough, the investigation results were in the very next afternoon.'No way! Mrs. Webb Sr. didn't have twins at all. She only had one kid. So why on earth did Thomas tell me he and Peter were twins? Or maybe Thomas was bamboozled too? And this con has been going on for thirty years! What the heck was the goal of the person who cooked up this scheme?'As Kisa pored over the info, Gilbert suddenly piped up, "So, your visit to Oceanville wasn't just to see my uncle, was it? You're also on the hunt for your brother, and you think he might be one of the Webb brothers, am I right?""Yep, they have got the same birthmark as my mom," Kisa confirmed."Speaking of that birthmark, doesn't it strike you as kind of fishy?" Gilbert chuckled."What do you mean?" Kisa eyed him sus
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Chapter 1475
In the Webb family's study, Mr. Webb Sr. gazed at a bracelet on his desk, his lips pursed in silence.Thomas looked at him, his face full of self-deprecation. "I've never understood why you treat me and Peter so differently. I used to comfort myself that maybe it was because I'm the eldest son, so you were overly strict with me. But now I understand that you hate me, you're incredibly harsh on me not to toughen me up, but because I'm not one of the Webb family's children."Mr. Webb Sr. puffed on his cigar, looking at him. "Who has been filling your head with this nonsense?""No one has been filling my head with anything." Thomas replied, his emotions rising. "Kisa has been searching for her brother who has a blood-red birthmark on his chest and a bracelet. So please explain, what's the deal with the birthmark on my chest and this bracelet?"Mr. Webb Sr. exhaled a smoke ring slowly. "Don't forget that Peter also has a birthmark on his chest and a bracelet like this.""But Peter cou
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Chapter 1476
Mr. Webb Sr. tightly gripped his son's arm and urgently said, "It's not like that. I'm just helping Peter because of a debt I owe. In my heart, you're the only son I have, my own flesh and blood."Outside, the snowflakes were gently falling, covering the Oceanville landscape in a blanket of white. Peter silently chuckled to himself and turned, his long shadow following him as he walked down the corridor. Suddenly, he felt like he was a joke, an outcast, an unworthy fool.Meanwhile, Kisa could not sleep and decided to look out the window. Instead, she saw Peter standing alone in the snow. Ever since the first day she met the Webb family, she had sensed that there was something off about Peter.Seeing him stand there motionless, Kisa furrowed her brow and grabbed her coat from the chair. But just as she was about to leave, Gilbert's cold voice stopped her in her tracks."What are you doing up at this hour?" Gilbert snapped."You go back to sleep. I'm going downstairs for a bit. I'll
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Chapter 1477
As she thought about it, she remembered the day the servant had prepared two identical meals for Peter. A sudden suspicion crept up on her.'Could there be someone else in Peter's room?'Her eyes narrowed as she walked up to the door and tried to turn the knob, but it would not budge.She pursed her lips and then whispered into the room, "Jolina, is that you?"But there was no answer. She wondered if she was being too suspicious. Just as she was about to leave, she heard the sound of breaking dishes coming from inside the room. Her heart sank.'Could Jolina really be locked up in there?'Kisa's eyes darted toward the lock, and then she spun around and bolted down the stairs. She burst into the room to find Gilbert coolly smoking by the window. She did not waste any time explaining the situation to him and started rummaging through her things for wire or anything that could help her pick the lock."I suspect Jolina is locked upstairs. I'm going up to pick the lock and see. You ge
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Chapter 1478
Kisa's heart skipped a beat, thinking it was Peter returning. But when she looked closer, it was Gilbert. He had somehow managed to get a car and was leaning against the door, waiting for her."Aren't you leaving yet?" the man impatiently urged when he saw Kisa frozen in place.Kisa quickly helped Jolina and moved toward the car, wondering why Gilbert was suddenly willing to help her.She looked at his cold, tense profile for a moment before finally murmuring, "Thank you."Gilbert ignored her and started the car. As they merged onto the main road, he suddenly asked, "Do you know where you're going?"Kisa hesitated and looked toward Jolina, who was staring down with a trembling lip. Kisa let out a sigh and said, "Let's find a hotel for now.""A hotel?" Gilbert chuckled. "This is Oceanville. Peter will find her in no time."Kisa was crestfallen, but Jolina suddenly spoke up, her voice slow but firm. "It's okay. I'll try to leave the city. He won't find me."Kisa hugged Jolina tig
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Chapter 1479
Jolina vigorously nodded her head, her pallid face finally regaining some color.On the way back, Kisa was weighed down with heavy thoughts.Gilbert spoke in a subdued tone, "Actually, we can take her away from Oceanville tonight."Kisa did not respond.Gilbert continued. "But you and I both know that Peter has gone mad. She can't escape. No matter where she goes, with Peter's resources and power, he'll surely catch her soon. So the problem lies with Peter. If you really want to help her, you can only convince Peter to let her go."Kisa felt powerless.'If it were that easy for Peter to let go, he wouldn't have such an obsession.'"Do you think Peter loves Jolina?" Kisa murmured while gazing out the window at the heavy snowfall.Gilbert smirked. "A man who has gone crazy over a woman, do you think he loves her?"He had been the same way with her in the past. He chuckled self-deprecatingly."This kind of obsessive love, isn't it a burden for you guys?"Kisa looked at him in s
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Chapter 1480
Kisa's heart skipped a beat, and she instinctively grabbed Gilbert's arm tightly.She looked at Peter, her voice trembling. "Don't do anything stupid. Let's talk this through."Peter shook his head, enunciating each word. "I just want to know where Jolina is."Watching Peter with his psycho obsession, Kisa groaned in frustration. " You've already put Jolina through so much pain and suffering. What the hell do you want from her now? I thought you loved her. If that is the case, why don't you do right by her? Treat her well instead of terrorizing her. You're just pushing her away and driving her to the brink of insanity.""Shut the hell up!" Peter was beyond reasoning with, muttering like a madman."Uncle Adrien was right. If I can't have Jolina, no one can. I will destroy everything in my path. We will go down in flames together... hahaha... hahaha..."Peter broke into a sinister laugh, looking crazed and unhinged.Kisa's eyes narrowed in realization; Adrien was behind this twist
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