All Chapters of Reborn Through Fire: Chapter 1501 - Chapter 1510
1616 Chapters
Chapter 1501
Gilbert was driving at breakneck speed. Kisa tried to soothe him. "Don't worry. David may hate your grandmother, but he wouldn't dare do anything to her. And he still has some feelings for her, right?"After a long silence, he spoke up. "I never knew that David was kicked out of Calthon like that."Kisa was at a loss for words.After a brief moment of silence, Gilbert asked again, "Is this all a part of David's plan? Does he want to get back at everyone he hates?"She stared out the window, deep in thought. She had a nagging feeling that things were far from simple. David had mentioned a fatal blow to Gilbert, but she could not figure out what it could be.'Is it Madalyn? If David wants to hurt Gilbert, he'll go for what is most important to him. If this fatal blow means Madalyn, she's in serious trouble.'But judging by David's heart-wrenching laughter, she felt that he did not really want Madalyn's life. He wanted justice.Just then, the phone rang. It was George. His panicked
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Chapter 1502
As soon as George's voice trailed off, Gilbert's hands latched onto Shaun's collar, and he pulled him close. With bloodthirsty eyes and a menacing tone, Gilbert growled, "You guys... did you hide my grandma?"Shaun fought to free himself from Gilbert's grip, looking totally clueless. "What the hell are you talking about, man? Why would we hide some old lady?" But Gilbert was not buying it and was about to punch him in the face. Shaun screamed, "You better not touch me, man! You're not a CEO anymore. If you hit me, I'm calling the cops!"Ignoring Shaun's warning, Gilbert threw a punch toward his face. Kisa reacted quickly and grabbed Gilbert's arm. This was not like the old days when he held all the power. Kisa knew that if he started a fight now, things would only get worse."Gilbert, you need to calm down. Let's go look for your grandma first," Kisa said,Gilbert flung Kisa's arm away from him in disgust. "Get the hell off me!" he yelled. "It's your fault my grandma is missing. If
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Chapter 1503
Gilbert's eyes narrowed as he looked at the unfamiliar number flashing on his phone. He answered the call and heard a woman's voice, which sounded vaguely familiar."Hey, Gilbert. Your grandma is with me, and she's safe. Can you come see me alone?" The woman hung up the phone after speaking and immediately sent an address to Gilbert.Gilbert quickly checked the address and headed toward his car. Kisa's heart was heavy with worry, and she was about to follow Gilbert. But he turned around suddenly and gave her a cold, hard stare. "Don't follow me!" he barked. And with that, the car sped away, leaving her standing there feeling devastated and alone.Meanwhile, Shaun was feeling smug as he leaned against the gate of the mansion. "Listen, if you guys beg me or Mr. Tanner nicely, maybe Mr. Tanner will let you stay here," he said with a sneer.But George was not having it. "We only follow Mrs. Kooper Sr. and Mr. Kooper, and now that they are gone, we have no reason to stay," he retorted a
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Chapter 1504
Kisa slowly squatted down, with Davian's last words ringing in her ears. "If I were Mr. Kooper, I would never forgive you for the rest of my life."'Of course, after what happened, Gilbert would never forgive me,' she said in her mind.Footsteps approached her from behind, and she mechanically turned her head. Mia stood in front of her, still as stunningly beautiful as ever, but with no trace of the seductive smile from before. Time had changed everyone, but in the end, Kisa still could not understand her. She did not even know why Mia had betrayed her. A faint pain throbbed in her belly, and she struggled to stand up, leaning on her knees. She looked at Mia calmly, without a word.Mia smiled, apologetic and indifferent at the same time, with a hint of inexplicable emotion. "You must hate me now, don't you?" she said.Kisa shook her head. She did not hate Mia; she was just disappointed.'I thought friends could confide in each other, but apparently not. Lea could betray me for lov
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Chapter 1505
David asked, "Did she ever mention me when she was alive?"Kisa stared at him, sensing a desperate hopefulness in his eyes. She clenched her jaw and replied, "My mother only mentioned your name on her deathbed."David's body trembled slightly, his eyes lighting up with a glimmer of hope. "What about other times? Did she ever talk about me?"Kisa kept her eyes lowered, refusing to answer. She knew her mother had never mentioned him, except for that one fleeting moment. But she also knew her mother's heart had always belonged to David, as evidenced by the diary she had found.Just as Kisa was about to mention the diary, David's expression suddenly turned cold and menacing. "Of course not, she was married to someone else. How could she possibly think of me? But she was so blind to pick that pathetic loser Christopher."David's words dripped with bitterness and resentment, as if her mother had willfully chosen Christopher over him. If it were not for her reading her mother's dairy, sh
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Chapter 1506
"You don't need to say a damn thing," he flicked his lighter and smirked. "I found you passed out on the street and brought you back. Even had a doctor check you out."Kisa's heart pounded at his words, and she instinctively clutched her stomach.David gave her a cold glance and snickered. "No wonder you never had the balls to take on Gilbert. You've been carrying his seed all this time.""You knew I was never serious about working with you?" Kisa asked.David chuckled. "Your acting skills were top-notch. I was fooled until Mia handed me those classified files. But no worries. Everything is under my control now.""What else do you want from me?" Kisa asked, her voice icy. "You have already gone after Christopher, Carolyn, and taken everything, from the Kooper residence to GK. What more could you possibly want?"David sneered. "That is not even close to enough. Compared to the pain I have suffered, those things are mere child's play."As he gazed upon Kisa's enraged face, David l
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Chapter 1507
'Just as I thought...' Kisa's heart was a tangled mess as she cast her eyes downward.David sneered. "You know Gilbert's been hurting you all along, right? Meanwhile, my son risked his life to save you, but you still chose Gilbert. And then there is the old bat. Just because Gilbert likes you, she crushed my son's dreams and kicked him out of the country. Even now, that old bat is still selfish as hell."Suddenly, David bent down and glared at her. "If you had to choose again, who would you pick?"Without a moment's hesitation, Kisa looked up and replied, "Gilbert. I would still choose Gilbert."David stood up straight, laughing bitterly. "Damn, you are heartless, just like your mom.""Favor and feelings are two different things. Jensen saved my life, and I would do the same for him. But emotions can't be forced.""Right, you can't force it. She only stayed with me because she felt obligated. That was why she was able to move on so easily with Christopher. But she always loved Da
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Chapter 1508
"Let me go. Gilbert would never trade me for his grandma. In his heart, she is his queen bee."David lit a cigarette and spoke in a slow, menacing tone, "I'll let you go when I find Mrs. Kooper Sr.""Why the hell do you even care? Let bygones be bygones," she replied."But I can't." David chuckled. "I've been in hiding for too damn long, scheming for years, all for this moment. I can't stop now. Mrs. Kooper Sr., Gilbert, and you all have to pay the price.""You resent Mrs. Kooper Sr. for booting you out of the Kooper family, huh? But let's be real, as a mother, she is bound to play favorites with her own flesh and blood. Plus, she treated you like royalty every other day and even wept when mentioning you to me. She has still got a soft spot for you, doesn't she?"David stayed silent, the smoke from his cigarette coiling around his fingers and enshrouding his face.Kisa let out a breath and continued. "And my mom, she didn't betray you. She had a diary—""There is no damn diary,"
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Chapter 1509
Kisa asked, "What did David tell you when you confronted him?"Thomas helped her put on her coat and replied, "Not a damn thing. And he didn't breathe a word about our mom either. Come on, Kisa. He's asleep now, so we got to go. We can talk outside.""But there are guards all over the damn place. How the hell are we supposed to escape?" Kisa asked, feeling worried."We can. I dug a hole in the backyard ahead of time. We'll slip out that way." Thomas sighed, "Maybe my biological father feels guilty about me. That's probably why he let me stay here and didn't even bother to put a tail on me. Lucky for me, otherwise I wouldn't have had the chance to get you out." Thomas spoke with conviction, and Kisa did not dwell on it further.Once they made it to the ground floor, they made a beeline for the backyard. "What the hell? There were guards posted outside my door. How come they are not here today?" Kisa wondered."Oh, I just made up some excuse to get them out of our way. We need to ma
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Chapter 1510
"Since it is just a meaningless call, just hang up..."The line went dead.Kisa sat on the ground, stunned.'Gilbert didn't even bother saving my number. How much does he loathe me to treat me like a complete stranger? And that woman, what the is she doing with Gilbert? They seem too close!'Countless speculations raced through her mind, making her heart ache. But she took a deep breath and forced herself not to overthink. The urgent task was to get out of here.Suddenly, a shadowy figure appeared in the distance. she gritted her teeth against the pain in her belly and squinted in its direction. With a streetlamp close by, she eventually saw that the person was Thomas. He had escaped, but he was hurt.Without hesitation, Kisa ran over to him and asked, "Are you okay?"Thomas froze for a second before blurting out, "What the hell are you still doing here? You need to get out of here, now!"Kisa did not reply. Instead, she pulled him to a nearby spot to sit down. Thomas had injur
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