All Chapters of The Vampire Prince and the Werewolf Princess: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
178 Chapters
I’m Done Waiting
“I’M DONE WAITING!” Fera yelled at the top of her voice, tossing the glass cup on her table in Lozia’s direction as she did so. Her eyes looked slightly wild and half-crazed from lack of sleep, as her two maids who had been about to help her remove the makeup on her face quickly took several steps back out of fear.“GET OUT!” she yelled next, watching her maids scurry out of the room as quickly as they could, the moment they heard her yell in their direction.They had just been about to fix her face and help her take her bath before bed when they heard a knocking on the door and Lozia, her only personal knight came in right after Fera asked him to.“Have you been able to?” Princess Fera asked.“Not yet!” was Lozia’s reply and she had erupted in anger, smashing the glass cup she had been sipping wine from, something she seemed to do more regularly than before.“If you keep yelling, they’ll hear every single thing we’re about to discuss,” Lozia warned not even having a slightly worried e
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Sir Mallum
Kal’s PovSitting by his window with a book in his hand was the only thing he could do, while wishing that he was in Hurai’s room instead of being stuck in his.Talon had reported about the patrol around her quarters becoming even tighter than before, and about the vague rumors that had reached the king’s ears.He had no idea what the rumors were about since it wasn’t popular enough to be known to the general public but appeared to be something that had been whispered into the King’s ears on purpose.Kal sat there with a slight frown across his face, and the book he held open in his hand upside down, with him not giving it even a sliver of attention.He continued to sit by his window staring at the night sky that was void of any stars, while also thinking about how to figure out the weakness of the kingdom of Elfina.The moment he did, he would tell the king who would instantly tell the king of Lunera, and together they would then attack Elfina and defeat it.In the aftermath, while hi
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Lozia had contacted Tefani through the only way she knew how, and wasn’t particularly surprised when he only reached out to her back about two days later.She was in her room, when suddenly the mirror she had inscribed some words behind suddenly blazed red and she watched as a familiar image of a head popped out on the surface of the mirror.“Uncle Tefani…”“Loziarella…” Tefani called out with a gentle smile on his face, one that clearly showed how much he cared for Lozia before he went ahead to continue to speak.“What would you like me to do for you?”The second she heard him ask, Lozia didn’t even hesitate to say what she needed, considering that it was something that mattered to Fera, her master. This meant that is also very much concerned about her.“I need to find someone. Someone that poisoned someone but I have no way of going about it,”“You could try searching through the memories of the person and seeing every single person or food the person are a few hours prior to that. Y
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Tefani Finds a New Toy
Not only did he have someone on each of the princess’s sides but he also had a high-ranked Knight to do his bidding.“Things are actually going great…” he thought to himself staring up at the morning sky with a slightly lost expression on his face as he did so.He stood with his back firmly touching the wall of the alley, having blocked his sense of smell from taking in the putrid smell around him when he suddenly heard a rush of footsteps run towards him.In a flash, Tefani turned his head to the side, mostly out of curiosity for the source of the sound, only to see someone appear directly in front of him, in the blink of an eye holding a long kitchen knife to his neck.Tefani had more of a grand look of surprise on his face rather than fear, something that the poorly dressed vampire with red eyes holding the knife to Tefani’s neck noticed which only served to anger him the more.“Your money or your life,” he sharply asked, pressing the knife harder into Tefani’s skin, with a broad sm
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Tefani reaches out
Even after the knights left, he continued to lie there, since they weren’t the ones he had been begging for in the first instance.“Now what am I going to do with you,” Tefani said out loud, blocking his sense of smell, since he wouldn’t be surprised if the beggar had already peed himself out of fear.Tefani had no intention of killing him since all he wanted was loyal spies that would do his bidding and do him, the beggar was a good place to start.He was still thinking that when he saw the small mirror he held in his hand light up, one that showed that Xena had finally gotten the chance to get back to him.“Scurry along. I’ll be in touch,” Tefani said to the trembling vampire still kneeling on the ground beside him.But he had barely spoken when he watched the vampire jump to his feet and dash away in fear, the moment he heard Tefani’s words with hopes that he wouldn’t be as unlucky as he was to meet Tefani again.“Uncle Tefani…” A soft female voice could be heard streaming into the
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Grumpy Sheila
From her actions, she could tell that even Sheila, with how grumpy she usually was, was excited about the upcoming day, especially since it was the day Hurai would most likely recognize her wolf mate.“Okay…”Xena responded, hurrying after her, while adjusting her clothes to ensure that no part of them had been squished together when she decided to squeeze herself into a tight corner, one that would make it difficult for her to be found.Meanwhile, while the servants of both princess Fera and Hurai preparing for the wolf transformation ceremony that was coming up in a few days, others were also preparing for the day.“You want us to attack all three of them covertly at their wolf transformation ceremony? Do you think the king wouldn’t have prepared enough anti-magic to ensure that no witch or wizard would be able to appear and disappear at will?” Council Oreal asked while looking around the table trying to confirm that he wasn’t the only one that heard what Council Godavari had just sai
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On a Mission
Talon was pissed.Not only had Kal distanced himself from him in a clear manner, but he also sent him on useless errands.It was so bad that Talon could no longer lie to himself that Kal was doing such a thing to protect him.“He knows… it's the only explanation for his behavior,” Talon thought his face squished up in clear annoyance that bothered on hate as he thought of the princess whose Kal’s affections were set on.“It couldn’t even be a vampire. It had to be a stinky werewolf,” Talon thought realizing that if he was given the opportunity then he would make sure to end her puny life.Not only was she baggage but she was also a danger to Kal, one that he most likely saw but chose to ignore.Talon stood at a far enough distance from Hurai’s quarters, having watched it long enough to know exactly what the routine was, even that of the Knights on Patrol but still he couldn’t figure out a way to make sure that she stayed away from Kal.“Maybe I should kill one of her maids,” Talon thou
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Rena Dies
He already had his alibi prepared, which meant that what he needed was to arrive back at the scene of the crime when everyone began to make a fuss.The second Hurai sent Rena on her way back to her own quarters which was a small building beside Hurai’s own, where her maids lived, she fell on her bed with a huge sigh on her lips rubbing her forehead, with hopes that it would somewhat reduce the stress she felt.Yes, her wolf transformation day was near and she herself was excited and she could also feel the excitement of her maids, but she still couldn’t help but feel that they were doing too much.Every day, they gave her extra baths with new ingredients in them, ones rumored to be even better than the last even if she saw no particular difference or change in the radiance of her skin.Even today, she had watched Sheila pull Xena away to the market and the fact that they weren’t back yet showed that they were still sorting the things they brought back in their own quarters.“I’m tired.
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Too Weak
At that moment, Hurai not only felt anger but fear. If Sheila and Xena had been around it could have also been either of them, and she would have been able to do nothing about it.Especially about Xena, since she was partly the reason why she entered the palace in the first place and she couldn’t even protect her.Moreover, Rena along with Sheila was someone that had served her since she was a child, which meant that she treated them well like friends, something that everyone knew.So the fact that she died right in front of her quarters alone, without anyone else being attacked meant that she had actually been singled out and attacked.“Princess Hurai, I know that…” Allen began speaking to console Hurai only to stop when he saw her stare right into his eyes with a cold expression on her face one he had never seen before, while shaking her head at him.“I need you to catch whosoever it was. I don’t care how you do it,” Hurai ordered, watching the three knights in front of her instantly
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Wake Up
Still, that didn’t at all stop Kal from going ahead to sneak into Hurai’s room like a breeze in the wind.Unlatching the closed window was easy, as he appeared inside the room faster than the knights around could spot him.Looking around the room he was slightly surprised to see Hurai face down on her bed, in a way that showed that she was fast asleep.Knowing her, Kal had been sure that she would at least be awake mourning her maid.Curious, he walked closer to the right side of the bed away from the window he came in through, where her body was turned to.The moment he got to her, he wasn’t particularly surprised to see her face drenched in tears with slightly puffy eyes that showed that she had cried herself to sleep.“Hey…” he whispered close to her ears, watching her continue to sleep regardless of his subtle way of trying to wake her up.“Hey…” he whispered again in a slightly louder tone, pushing softly against her shoulders when he die so.He couldn’t wait for her to wake up an
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