All Chapters of The Vampire Prince and the Werewolf Princess: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
178 Chapters
Don’t Touch what’s Mine
“I’m a fool. I was a fool to think that there could be any benefit from aligning myself with the enemy,” King Horanis thought while outwardly nodding his head in agreement to what Locan said.While at that point deciding to do all he can to eradicate all the vampires even if he had to join hands with the kingdom of Elfina, even though he get that with what he had done, they would appreciate his head on a platter more.“If we all remain calm, we can show the witches that they can’t break us. They also killed a lot of my people this morning,” Locan continued to speak while Horansi was angrily yelled at him in his mind while keeping a neutral expression on his face.“Can a few noblemen and their guards compare to the tens of knights and nobles that seem to be dying in droves,” King Hiransi yelled within himself while doing everything he physically could to continue to remain calm when all he wanted was to pounce on King Locan and rip his throat out.His eyes slowly trailed toward Locan’s
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A Warning
Everything actually turned out as planned….Kal thought with a great feeling of satisfaction in his heart and these thoughts were still going through his head when he suddenly watched a person appear in the sky.The image wasn’t even halfway seen when all members of the royal family jumped to their feet.It was something only witches could do, and the trauma of the events that happened at the arena was still fresh in the minds of the Knights who lost families to the attack.“Wow…I heard that the party started early and it seems to be true,” The surreal voice of a woman could be heard loudly as she spoke, as she completely appeared and all parts of her body could be seen, especially as she made it known that the party she talked about was the corpses and not the actual party that was meant to take place by the vicious look in her eyes.“It's good I didn’t miss much…” she continued to speak, her eyes holding over the side where most of the vampires stood, the killing intent streaming off
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Finding Weaknesses
Obeying their father’s orders, the moment they ensured that the high-ranking royal knights could take care of everything else, side by side without so much as saying a word to each other, they walked in their direction to their father’s quarters.King Locan left immediately and seeing the urgent look he had in his eyes when he informed them of the meeting, they both understood that whatever he wanted to say was definitely important.Kal and Geran got to King Locan’s quarters and entered his study a few minutes later, not all that surprised to see the gloomy aura that filled every corner of the room.“Sit!” he ordered in a loud voice with the both of them instantly doing as he asked.They sat in front of him with nothing but a high table in between them to separate them from each other.“I’m sure both of you have already come to some sort of conclusion about why I called you here but I’ll still explain why,” King Locan began to speak, the expression on his face showing how bad his curre
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Allen goes Rogue
If Kal had been the one to say those words to him, he would have laughed at him in his heart not believing a word he said.It would have made him even warier of him than before.“Does this mean that I’ll have to actively start fighting for the throne?” Geran thought, knowing that all he had done before was simply child’s play and that the second he decided to get serious, blood would flow from every side.“If there was one thing he knew he was good at, it was using people,” Geran thought, already thinking of visiting his mother: Terezan, earlier than he planned.********“Please…please…I swear that I don’t know any other way of getting what you need,”The sounds of bones crunching against each other continued to echo in the dark empty room, followed by more screams.“AahhhhH….I swear. That's the only seed that could be gotten,”“How am I supposed to use this when it only lasts for a month? What's a month?” A cold voice echoed in the air.“I swear to you, Knight…You won’t be able to get
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Dora’s Part
Breathing heavily mostly out of relief, Dora fell on her bed the moment she made it to her room, after ordering her knight's to remain outside.Things were getting more heated than she originally thought, which was why she needed to be even more careful than she had been before.She couldn’t afford to attract any attention to herself whether from her family members or even the werewolves, considering the fact that she was on Elfina’s side.Yes her father was the king, but her mother was thought to be a low-born concubine who her father had taken, not at all being aware that she was actually a witch.Dora inherited her red vampiric eyes from her father but unknown to anyone else but her contact in the kingdom of Elfina, she could also use magic even if the capacity was somewhat little.“I need to protect myself. How else am I going to make sure that the Kingdom of Blodinek falls,” Dora thought already dreaming of ruling it in accordance with the deal she made with Elfina.Her half-broth
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Talon watches
In response, Talon said absolutely nothing and simply gave a small bow and packed the maps on the table into an orderly pile, before turning around and leaving the room.He was already aware that Kal’s attention was getting increasingly more fixed on princess Hurai whose room he had watched his master jump out of.“Not only are we no longer close, but he’s also obviously keeping secrets from me,” Talon thought, which was the most heartbreaking part of the whole thing, considering the fact that at a point he felt that he was the closest person to him.“I have to kill her,” Talon decided in his mind, refusing to allow such a thing to continue.“...or at least ensure that whatever’s going on between them ends completely even if Kal finds out that it was completely behind it all after he was done.What remained was trying to figure out the best way to deal with her without causing a drastic effect, especially with all the war issues already on the ground.The moment Talon left Kal patientl
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Get out!
Sturr…”“More?” Kal whispered strongly against her lips, continuing his actions the next second without any pause. This time around, he gave Hurai no time to second-guess her actions.In a few more seconds, she could feel her nightwear slipping off her shoulders but was too powerless to do anything about it, as she simply allowed it to fall off.Kisses rained down on her skin, one that made her feel hot and needy as she did her best to keep her moans quiet and hidden, failing horribly the more she tried.Before she knew it different parts of her body were in clear view as Kal, trailed kisses over every part he could see, with as much passion as he could convey.“We should stop here…” Hurai finally managed to say between moans, with her doing her best to catch her breath.“Really…but we’ve only just started,” Kal responded with a big smile on his face that showed just how much he seemed to be enjoying himself at that exact moment.He even went ahead to intensify every little one of his
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Allen’s Threats
It was dark but his eyesight was more than good enough to see everything around him, coupled with the tiny light from the half-moon in the sky.Kal couldn’t help but smile even more, watching the knight in front of him boiling aggressively from the anger he tried to subdue in his belly.“What can I do for you?” Kal asked in a gentle manner, one that looked like he was speaking to a very close friend of his, whom he was willing to help.“If you ever go to her room again, I’ll make sure that it's the last time you ever do such a thing…” Allen sternly warned, the expression on his face striving even more in anger at the relaxed way Kal continued to speak to him.Completely unlike how someone that had been caught red-handed doing something bad should behave.“What?? You’ll kill me? Or better still you’ll report me to my father or to your Werewolf king? Tell me why exactly should I do what you just asked of me?” Kal gently asked, speaking one after the other in a clear way that left no room
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Looking For a Witch
Wh…what?” Allen stuttered in obvious confusion, one that quickly gave rise to anger once his initial confusion passed.“I have no idea what you’re talking about?”“Really? So you’re not the one looking for a witch?” Allen watched the person in front of him ask, even as he continued to hesitate considering the fact that contrary to his plans, the untrustworthy wizard in front of him now knew his true identity.“How did you know about me? Have you been spying on me?” Allen asked, showing a fiercer expression of anger than the one he had on previously on his face.“Paranoid right? Do you really think I have that much more time with all the war going on? Look I’ll give you the portion and you’ll pay me and I’ll be in my way,” Tefani responded in a clearly impatient tone, as he grudgingly brought out a small potion bottle from his pocket.“Hurry! I have better places to be,” his annoyance growing with each second that passes by.He knew how desperately Allen had been looking for him, and he
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An Oath
It was almost pitch black around them, and although he didn’t have excellent eyesight, his senses were being heightened using magic which also enabled him to be able to see all of Tefani’s expressions. Especially the ones relating to the Oath he suddenly mentioned.“An oath??” Allen asked in a wary fashion, one that instantly showed how unwilling he was, but also showed how the idea wasn’t something he was completely against, since he still continued to stand there even with the huge frown that was plastered on his face.“Yes, it is a simple one that would be bound by magic. I’ll tell you the words you’ll say in advance and if you don’t like them, you don’t have to do it. I can still give you the potion and right after I’ll be on my way,” Tefani said, with a gentle tone and smile on his face that made it seem like whichever option, Allen chose was fine by him“Wa…wait. Tell me what the words are first before I decide,” Allen quickly said, realizing that it would be very hard to get so
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