All Chapters of The Vampire Prince and the Werewolf Princess: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
178 Chapters
Fight Me
“Move. I don’t have the patience to deal with you today,” Kal ordered moving forward to step past Allen, determined to no longer pay him any more attention, only to feel the sharp movements of the wind to his left side, one that instantly made him dart blink away the next second.“You’re fast,” Allen commented, flinging the sword from side to side in such a way that showed that he had only just swung it in Kal’s direction and was prepared to finish what he started.“Fight me…Prince Kal,” Allen said in a slightly commanding tone, one that did nothing but grate on Kal’s nerves as he stared at the proud night in front of him who dared to get in a fighting position.It was obvious to even Kal, that the last thing he should do was injure Allen, Hurai’s knight especially after Rena just died. A fact that Kal was sure that Allen was aware of.With a fierce determination in his eyes, Allen darted forward swinging his sword strongly at Kal with all his might, not at all holding back a single bi
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The Old Alliance breaks
Mainly cause of the events of the day before, because of the death of Rena, Hurai’s maid, security had doubled and tightened even more than King Horansi planned.To him, that was a sign or a warning that the ceremony that was going to take place was in danger of being attacked.This was why, the next day he summoned Hurai and Fera to his quarters the second the day brightened up even before any of them had breakfast. For darun, he could always speak to him whenever he wanted.King Horansi was sitting behind his table with some paper in front of him when he watched his daughters walk in followed by the Knight he had sent to get the both of them.“Leave..” King Horansi ordered not at all in the mood for formalities, as he watched the knight about to drop to his knees and pay homage to him like his personal knights were required to.“Sit…” he again ordered inspecting each of them, as they formally looked up from their previously bowed position to sit on the two chairs directly opposite th
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A New alliance
Unknown to anyone but his closest council members, he had contacted the kingdom of Elfina for an alliance, one that he was willing to stand by, if it meant that they could destroy the kingdom of Blodinek, once and for all. He knew he made a mistake by allying himself with his strongest enemy, one that spurred him to attack another kingdom and dragged them into a war he never wanted.The more he investigated the events that happened at the arena, the more certain he was that King Locan had more to do with it than he let on.“I just need to ensure that the witches don’t betray me and all should be fine,” King Horansi thought, going back to read the papers in front of him, while thinking of his next session with Darun which was tonight.He couldn’t wait until after the ceremony which would be too busy for him to meet him, considering the fact that he felt more pent up than ever, even when he continued to visit Mayory, Hurai, and Fera’s mother who everyone thought was dead.Horansi contin
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I didn't Do It
“So when I tell you that I didn’t kill your maid, you should believe me. When I tell you I’ll kill your knight instead, you should also believe me,” Fera said in such a sudden and unexpected way that for a few seconds, Hurai felt like Fera had dropped a bomb that had completely stunned her.“I don’t believe you,” was Hurai’s response.If Fera could openly threaten her knight, what's stopping her from killing a maid even though she said she didn’t?“Well I don’t care…” Fera replied, before going ahead to increase her pace, making it clear that she wanted to put more space between her and Hurai, even though Hurai was determined not to let her as she also went ahead to increase her own pace.“Are you going to do as father asked?” Hurai softly asked, doing her best to lower her tone as much as she was able to, not wanting even the guards behind them to hear, especially since any of them could be one of their father’s spies.“I should be the one asking you that question. You always say you
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Even her swordsmanship was still pretty basic, Hurai thought to herself, one that put a sad expression on her face.“Let's talk about the work for today,” Sheila finally spoke again, sending an even more intense glare at Xena almost like she was warning her not to sprout any more nonsense.Xena and Hurai understood that it wasn’t like Sheila didn't want to talk about Rena but more like she wanted to distract herself with work, considering that even with how grumpy she was with her, Sheila was the closest person to her.“We might as well begin,” Hurai sighed already seeing how stressful and tiring the rest of the day was going to be.“Good we’ll start with a herbal bath,” Sheila said not surprised to already see Hurai shaking her head from side to side.“I’ve already taken my bath,“You’ll be having three other baths, Princess Hurai,” Sheila replied with a soft smile on her face. The determined look in her eyes was clear for all to see.“The earlier we start the faster we can finish,” X
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The Transformation ceremony
“It's the beginning of a new time,” Hurai thought to herself, realizing that after that day, she would no longer be completely weak again. Not only that she would also get a constant companion in the form of her wolf.“It's almost time,” Sheila pointed out, shifting her gaze from Xena to Hurai, especially since the both of them looked somewhat distracted, which meant it was up to her to always be mindful and aware of the time.At Sheila’s statement, Hurai couldn’t help but frown a little as she recalled that Allen was meant to lead her to the ceremony.The last time she had called for him, not only had he not shown up but she also hadn’t seen any signs of him even after asking his fellow knights for his whereabouts.Sharp as ever, Sheila instantly noticed the reason for the slight frown that creased over Hurai’s beautiful features.“I think you should forget about him and allow another knight to lead you to the ceremony,” Sheila advised but she had barely finished speaking when a loud
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Blood red Gown
Of course, he was aware of all that had happened a minute ago and he was well aware of most things that went on in the princess's room but like the loyal guard that he was, he knew it was none of his business.Anything apart from protecting her wasn’t something he should concern himself with, Dari thought while staring at Allen with a slight tint of disapproval in his eyes.He couldn’t help but wonder why Allen couldn’t also do that as he watched him grit his teeth in anger, and walk towards him to stand beside him in silence, even if he could feel the boiling anger he felt coming off him in waves. Fera on the other hand stared at her reflection in the mirror, satisfied at the blood-red gown she wore since it matched the small red crown that had been fixed to her head.It was taboo for anyone to wear a crown where the king was, especially since he would be wearing his own, but Fera had specially gotten permission from Horansi himself.Stating the fact that she needed it, if she was go
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Huge split
It was almost like he was announcing that they were on the edge of a huge split, something he was willing to allow, as long as King Horansi didn’t dare to become friends with the Kingdom of Elfina.The moment it was time to get moving, the three of them began walking slowly at a perfect pace forward towards the throne with the guests standing on either side of them, watching them.Fera and Hurai kept light smiles on their face while Darun struggled to keep a fierce expression on his face while trying to ignore the pain that lingered in his body.To make matters worse, he felt Geran’s eyes fixed on his every move as he sat beside his parents at the head of the hall with Kal, his brother by his side.“Can you please act properly for once,” Darun cursed in his mind, knowing better than to glance at him even for a second, knowing that his every move was being watched by everyone in the hall even more than that of his sisters who walked on either side of him.“You can do it…you can do it,”
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The calm before the Storm
The only person who he cared about was Darun and he would be damned if someone were to hurt him.Unsurprisingly, Kal had the exact same thoughts towards Hurai, as he fixed his eyes firmly on her own tub.He had also made some preparations and arranged for his own men to also stay close by including Sir Mallum who was still disguised as one of King Horansi’s head of shadow guards.His eyes glanced at every corner of the rook to ensure that the second something happened, he would know about it.Every inch of the hall was calm and a few more minutes passed with Darun, Fera, and Hurai, submerged entirely in the tub from their head to their toes, leaving only their noses poking out, with enough space for them to breathe.However just when everything seemed to be completely calm, and everyone was already expecting the ceremony to go without a hitch, considering the fact that Darun, Hurai, and Fera had been submerged in their respective tubs for a while, with only the tip of their noses peeki
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Protecting Them
He had no idea what was going to happen next, and showing all his hidden cards was the last thing he wanted to do.But regardless of how much they were being attacked, they still made sure to keep an eye on the tubs which was why the second some of the attackers got too close to it, Kal and Geran almost like they were working together quickly closed in on them, intent on destroying them all in seconds.Kal was the first to be done with his sides, a little surprised at how many more of the intruders seemed intent on bypassing Geran, who seemed to stand in the direction leading up to their father.Still, both of them were slightly distracted, which was why by the time Kal noticed that one of the masked intruders stood dangerously close to the tubs about three feet away, he began to walk closer to end their life.This was why he was completely unprepared to suddenly see something being flung into the air in a wild circle, shocked to watch some form of powdery substance begin to fall all a
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