All Chapters of The Vampire Prince and the Werewolf Princess: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
178 Chapters
Mate seed
"Hmmm…" Hurai sighed, nodding her head to show that she had received the message and watching the knight leave right after.The moment the knight left Allen didn't particularly care about anything more than wanting Hurai to finish the contents in her cup, but it quickly became clear that she wouldn't as she turned to speak to him."You would have to excuse me, Allen. I would have to quickly have my maids pack up as I supervise as quickly as I can. The vampires might retaliate in anger anytime, considering the fact that I'm sure my father was the one that broke the alliance," Hurai said to him, watching him reluctantly nod in response as he stood up to leave."Yes, Princess Hurai," Allen responded even though his legs felt heavier than cement as he moved them and all he wanted to do was stay and confirm the effects of the drink on her wolf but now all he could do was hope that he got another chance to feed her more of the mate seed.With no other choice left, he walked towards the door
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Love builds
Seeing as she was lost in the pleasure she felt, Kal brought out his own hardened member between his legs. He had no intention of putting it in without her permission, but he felt that he should be able to rub his dick against her.In a split second, he changed their position until she was sitting on his lap while he sat directly on the bed, allowing her to see the big and rock-hard member picking her lower belly."You're not going to put that in are you?" Hurai asked with a trace of worry in her tone, having been taught enough to know how everything was done, but not yet understanding how something so big would ever fit into something so tiny."I'm just going to rub it together…" Kal replied, already doing as he said even before he was finished speaking, allowing Hurai to sit on it as she did her best to move back and forth, while he also did the same."Aaah…" Hurai moaned not at all expecting it to be so pleasurable, which only made her move faster, when she also heard Kal's moans, w
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Ally to Both Kingdoms
"Of course, they would. Why the hell am I not even a tad bit surprised?" Council Oreall spoke, being the first to say his opinion, the second High Council Yoret was done speaking."We can't trust any of them. First, they attack, and now they want to join hands together with us to defeat the other side. Who's to say that the minute the other side is defeated they won't wage war against us, when we're at our weakest? The two Kingdoms have shown that any alliance with them means nothing to them," Council Horres spoke loud and clear in a way that everyone could hear and couldn't help but agree with."I say we agree to an alliance with both sides and when they least expect it, we withdraw and have the both of them fight it out. The second, any of them is about to win, then we attack both kingdoms. We might not have as many resources as before but we have enough to ensure that we would survive with the least fatalities," Council Godavari spoke in a solemn tone meaning every word even as he w
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Losing Magic
It wasn't too far when Witches and Wizards and the citizens of Elfina who could smoothly use magic suddenly discovered that their ability to use it was slowly dwindling. A lot of research into the cause of it was done, until it was found that the more they used magic to kill people, the weaker their connection to the magic source became until one day, they would no longer be able to use magic again.To hear that her highness, the overall ruler received a bison and was giving them the order to go ahead to eliminate two Kingdoms with all they had meant that they would would completely lose whatever connection they had with magic, and their Witch and Wizard titles would only be in name alone.Looking at the other two sitting at the table with calm expressions on their face, Yoret did all she could to also show the same amount of calm even though deep in her heart she couldn't help but reject it.The thought of our generations to come never knowing what magic is almost a future I'm unable
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Private Audience
For a while Fera had been asking for an audience with her father in private, only to keep getting ignored which was why the moment she got a message that her father would like to see her, she was excited and instantly moved to see him.On entering his study, she wasn't surprised to see that he was alone, as she quickly say on the chair she was offered."Would you like to be the heir to the throne?" He asked her looking straight into her eyes as he did, not bothering to mince words or border with the usual formalities of father and child, he sometimes started with.Hearing this question, at first, Fera's thought was to deny it and have others simply continue to push her forward, but seeing the curious expression on her father's face she decided to answer honestly, having decided in her heart that even if he didn't want her to become King after him, it wasn't like he had a choice in the matter especially since she was the only candidate left."Yes, Father. I want to be the heir to the th
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Looking For Darun
They moved as quickly as they could through German's entire room and quarters, searching it thoroughly from head to toe before they finally retreated to the door. "You didn't find what you were looking for? Maybe if you tell me I can help you look," Geran lightly mocked them as they stood in front of the door listening to him speak, considering that he hadn't permitted them to leave."I'll remember each of your faces. Don't ever show it to me again," he warmed with a dark expression on his face before slamming the door right in their faces and heading back into his quarters.He said nothing and simply looked around until he was sure that he could no longer sense the presence of the three knights around him, and even then he still went on to wait.They looked easily scared but he knew that his father was a cautious man, if he sent three knights on a mission one of them was bound to be the main attacker.True to his thoughts, after a few minutes he felt some movements at the door, one t
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Additional News
"Master…" Talon slightly bowed as he appeared right in front of Kal as he left Geran's quarters with a slightly confused expression on his face one he quickly erased the second his gaze landed on Talon."Talon, has there been any additional news?" "Yes, Prince Kal. It seems King Locan is prepared to launch his army any moment from now," Hearing this, Kal couldn't stop himself from showing a strongly shocked expression on his face. He had been expecting his father to launch his army in preparation for war but never that he thought he would do it so quickly. It had been barely three days since the alliance between both Kingdoms completely broke down."What about the Kingdom of Elfina? If he's launching a war against the werewolves, what does he intend to do with them?" Kal asked at a loss of what to think of the current actions of his father which felt highly ludicrous to him as he tried to understand his current reasoning."I don't know master. I heard that when his council members me
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Kill Father
"I'm going to kill Father…" Fera announced the second she got there, one that instantly made Hurai jump off her feet and look around s little to ensure that they were completely alone before he continued speaking."I'm sure we're alone. I already checked and made sure of it,""Still, it's not something you just talk about in public. What if…what if somehow…somehow, someone happened to hear? They would have our heads in an instant.""Not if we have his first," Fera replied with a big smile on her face one that only made Hurai shake her head in exasperation to show her frustration."Why are you here to even tell me that? I of course know you're not planning to fight him or have someone to assassinate him since he's currently the most powerful werewolf alive at this moment, so what exactly is the plan?" Hurai asked with a very curious expression on her face one that she couldn't even bother to hide as she asked."Poison…" Fera replied instantly, watching with a huge smirk as hurai looked
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Ferocious Fera
The second it happened, for the other knights especially for the attackers, it was almost like time suddenly stopped, as they saw the princess, cut down someone in mere seconds.Regardless of the stunned expressions on their faces, Fera didn't see a reason to stop attacking or give them time to realize their minute mistake as she instantly dashed to the next person, with her claws and teeth ready to break bones.Just like before, another person's wolf form was bitten to death and torn apart, with Fera being greatly annoyed to feel the person's blood touch her and Marr the surface of her white fur.Seeing the current situation around them, the attackers simply increased the rate of their attacks especially since they were still confident in their numbers but that was before they suddenly realized that they were quickly losing people, while Fera was doing her best to protect her knights.Fera growled both in annoyance and fury as she kept on lunging at the attackers one after the other,
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A Big wolf
"Well …whose fault is it. If you were there I wouldn't have had to work my whole body to death trying to stay alive. Now even my bones feel aged," Fera complained and Lozia couldn't resist the small smile that appeared on her face even as she tried to keep up the image of the cool and calm knight, she wanted Fera to think she was."I apologize Princess Fera, from now on I won't be leaving your side but I'm glad that you're fine," Lozia responded even as he got up to get the food the maid brought into the rook from the door, and placed it in front of Fera on the bed, before sending the maid away until they were the only ones left in the room.Fera didn't even bother to wait for Lozia to completely set out the food before she began to wolf it down with ravenous hunger. Meanwhile, Lozia quietly waited at the side for her to finish, not saying a word until she was down and had dropped her spoon, lying against the huge bedboard of the bed she slept on."AaahhHHHH…" she sighed in relief, ru
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