All Chapters of The Alpha Damien: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
149 Chapters
One Hundred- Twenty
Elena thought about that and remembered watching one of those shows on TV about criminals and things they did to cover up their crimes."He was a fugitive, so we have to be very careful if we drive it out of here. If we get caught on a main road, it's over. No, we need to take it deeper into the backcountry and abandon it. They might not find it for a year or more.""Okay. You'll have to teach me how to drive.""You know something, Damien? That is one thing I never would have expected to hear you say to me.""Good, Elena. Your sense of humor didn't disappear. I'm glad. Lead the way, let's get this done."Four hours later they were wiping the inside of the Jeep down. Elena had explained the technology of fingerprints to Damien. He was amazed that someone had thought of that to catch criminals. He did tell her that since she hadn't touched anything inside the Jeep that she didn't have to worry about it. That no police department had ever gotten his fingerprints, he hadn't been a human s
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One Hundred- Twenty One
The sun finally slipped behind the mountains and then she could feel it, the moon. It was calling to her. A soft insistent surge of longing. She felt on fire and stripped out of her clothing to try and cool off. Her skin crawled like she was covered in ants and worms. The white disc peeked above the rim of the valley and she fell to the ground as her bones popped and her muscles slithered beneath her skin. She howled. Her massive form stood and she pointed her muzzle at the moon and howled her pleasure at seeing its beautiful face. She felt so alive! She wanted to run, so she did.She reveled in her strength and agility, grabbing trees and sinking her claws into the bark and climbing up the trunks. Reaching the tops she would sway back and forth and howl at the moon, Thank you!! I love you so much! Thank you for this power! She sniffed the air and she smelled the other. The old one. She leapt to the ground and ran at that scent. She followed it to the edge of the valley.She found his
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One Hundred-Twenty Two
What was she going to tell Mark about raphl? Should she tell him the truth? He had risked his job and could have very likely faced jail time giving her that duffle bag of goodies. Should she return the favor by telling him something that was just as damaging to her life? It was rather heavily weighted against her, though; what's a little theft compared to murder?She wondered what would have happened if she had simply called the authorities about finding an apparent bear attack victim and hiding the vest and gun. Why didn't I think of that sooner? Because you felt guilty as hell and you needed to cover your crime, that's why. I'm not a very good liar, so what do I tell Mark? Especially as he always seems to know when I'm lying.She turned on her stereo and dropped in Mozart's Requiem; that always helped her to think. She looked at her answering machine and saw that she had three messages. She played them through and thought once again about calling Marie to assuage her fears, but then
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One Hundred- Twenty Three
"Yes, you could, but you won't. I'll say this only once, rhoda. You fuck with me again and I'll bury you. Now, call your friends back and tell them it was all a great big misunderstanding and a practical joke that went too far. Oh, and rhoda, if you test me on this, you'll find out I'm not the little quiet mouse you thought I was. Do you understand me?"Elena's expression went cold and she stared into Rhoda's eyes with an intensity that smoldered with menace. Rhoda started to say something in response, but when she saw the look in Elena's eyes, she stopped. She swallowed and nodded."Yes.""Good. Let's keep it that way, shall we?"Elena turned and walked back to her truck. She drove off down the street smiling. She still couldn't really believe that she had done that. Two weeks ago, and she wouldn't have dared, but now she was more assertive. She knew that some of it had come from her new condition but after seeing Rhoda's face and her reaction; Elena didn't mind the change so much.S
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One Hundred- Twenty Four
"I don't have to listen to you. You are just as sick as she is."Wendy's voice finally returned after her anger overrode her shock."Oh, yes you do, Wendy, and I'm not sick, you are the one who needs help. Now, here's the deal, Wendy. You are going to chill out about Marie and her lifestyle. You aren't going to use the kids against mark anymore either.""Who do you think you are? What gives you the right to order me around? You can't--""Oh, yes I can, Wendy, and I will. I have the right because I love Marie with all my heart and because I like mark, he's a damn nice guy and he's my friend."Then Elena caught it, just a flicker of the eye, but she knew exactly where that look went and just what it had been looking at. OH MY GOD! Wendy just checked out my tits! I'm chewing her out and she just looked at my tits! Holy Shit! Now it makes sense! She suddenly knew what she had to do and say."Mark, you need to go upstairs and read a story to Michelle and Stephanie. Now."She turned to see
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One Hundred- Twenty Five
Wendy laughed and nodded."Thank you, Elena. So, what do I tell mark? He's up there right now wondering if we are killing each other.""I have an idea. Why not let me go up there and finish reading the story to the girls? While I'm doing that, you can talk to mark. Trust me, Wendy, he'll understand.""Okay. Aunt Elena, huh?" Wendy smiled."Yeah, uh, it was the only thing I could think of when I walked in.""Well, Aunt Elena, go upstairs and read to my girls while I talk to my husband.""Yeah, why don't I do just that? What a great idea! Too bad I didn't think of it first."Elena gave Wendy a grin and walked up the stairs. She heard mark's voice and followed it to the bedroom door. She looked around the doorframe and watched for a minute.The girls were in their beds and mark was sitting in between them on a chair with a book on his lap. He was looking from one daughter to the other as he read the story. It was obvious from watching him that this was the same story he told them every
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One Hundred Twenty Six
"Oh, okay. So, what are you going to do now?"Elena could sense the relief in Mark's voice at the news of Damien and that he wouldn't be coming back, but she also read between the lines with his question. Damn it boy, don't you ever give up?"Well, I thought I'd just go back to work this week and then either go see Marie or have her come up here. Actually, I know she's coming up here. We're going to have dinner together."Elena didn't add, with mark and his family. Anyway, Mark didn't need to know every last detail."Oh, so you and her are really going out, then?"Mark sounded disappointed. Good."Yeah, we are, Mark. Exclusively."Give up you bastard. She didn't want to think of him like this, but he wasn't giving her much choice."Oh. Okay. Well, I'll talk to you later then. Bye."Elena was relieved and annoyed. Glad that he didn't push the ranger issue, but pissed that after all they had discussed last week, he still had the balls to think he could have a shot at dating her. What wa
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One Hundred Twenty Seven
"Good morning, Elena. How are you feeling? Ready to get back to the grind?""Yeah, and thanks for being there for me, mark. You don't know how much all of this means to me. Thank you.""You're welcome. I'm glad I could be there for you. I've always liked you, and, well, I've thought of you as my long lost cousin, sort of. Anyway, I'm glad I could help out.""Cousin, huh? Well, it looks like I'm going to be your sister-in-law, even if it isn't legal yet. Speaking of sisters, Marie is coming up to dinner tomorrow night and I would greatly appreciate it if you and your family would join us. I want to surprise Marie and I can't think of a better way to do it other than dinner with everybody.""Wow! Yeah, I would love to have dinner with you and Lena. I think the girls would enjoy it as well. Yes, I'll tell Wendy. What time?""I think six o'clock would be fine. Any requests? I'm cooking.""No broccoli, other than that, whatever you want to fix would be fine.""No broccoli? Allergies?""Yea
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One Hundred Twenty Eight
Charlenne stopped and looked at elena to see if there was going to be a bad reaction. Elena snickered and nodded, well, at least she did as I asked."Yeah, something like that. So, what's the problem, Charlenne? If Rhoda told you it was a bad joke, why are you staring holes into my back?"Elena was still grinning to let Charlenne know that she wasn't upset about the revelation. Charlenne blushed again and couldn't quite meet Elena's gaze. Then Elena smelled it, very faint, but a distinctly recognizable scent. An aroused female. Elena eyes suddenly widened and she looked at Charlenne closely. Charlenne saw her look and turned pale."Oh! Charlenne, its okay. I think I get it now. You didn't want it to be a bad joke did you?"Charlenne was shaking and tears started to fall down her cheeks."Come with me, Charlenne; let's go into the lunchroom so we have some privacy."Elena grabbed her hand and Charlenne, although still looking like a scared lamb being led to the slaughter; let elena pul
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One Hundred-Twenty Nine
Elena hadn't planned on revealing this much about her private life to anyone, but when she thought about it, she was telling the absolute truth and she was glad she could share it with Charlenne.Charlenne smiled and looked at elena in awe. There was a dreamy wistful look in her eyes as she listened to Elena tell her about her girlfriend."Wow! You really are in love with her. I hope one day I will find someone like that for myself. You look so happy when you talk about her. I'm jealous of her. Yeah, I know. We can't be like that, but I'm not upset about it anymore. Not now. We can be friends, Elena. I'd like that a lot.""I would too, Charlenne. Really. One of these days soon, you will have to come over to my house and meet her. I think you'll like her too. I know she'll like you. Oh, and one piece of advice, Charlenne; don't ever let Rhoda catch you looking at my ass like that, she won't have an ounce of mercy, she'll go for the jugular."Charlenne blushed furiously and snickered."
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