All Chapters of The Alpha Damien: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
149 Chapters
One Hundred- Thirty
She skipped getting a beer tonight. She figured that since she had drunk two last night, she'd skip a day to make up for it. Besides, her stocks were getting low and she'd need to order another three cases soon. She liked to order that much at a time to save on the shipping costs and that way she only had to order once every three months. Oh, yeah, Marie wanted some too. I guess I'll order her a case with mine.She changed out of her work clothes and put on a pair of workout shorts and a tank top. She went into the living room and turned on the stereo, putting on Beethoven's 9th to relax to. She went into the kitchen and tried to think of what to cook for dinner. She found a package of steaks and went to put them into the microwave to defrost like she usually did but then stopped.Crap! I'm going to have to get rid of that infernal machine. I'm going to have to start a new habit and get out my dinner in the morning before I leave for work. She got out a large bowl and filled it with w
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One Hundred- Thirty One
She pulled the easy chair over to the sweet spot in the middle of the room, curled up, and closed her eyes. Floating away with Iommi's guitar licks and Serj Tankian's vocals, she smiled and moved with the music. Yes, this was good. She was feeling better already. When Godsmack started playing she really got into it. She faded off for a little while and woke up in silence. She stretched and got out the chair with a groan. She looked at the clock and groaned again. Damn it! Well, I'll sleep for another three hours in my bed and get up again. She made her way to her bed before slipping under the covers and went back to sleep.When the alarm clock went off with its incessant chirping, her hand shot out and grabbed it, frantically stabbing for the snooze button. She found it, but not before giving herself a headache. I'll have to get a different alarm; with my new hearing that thing is demonically evil. She got up and went into the kitchen and started to make the coffee.She repeated the p
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One Hundred - Thirty Two
"What did you do?"Elenarepeated the scenario and her conversation with Rhoda. Then she told him what Rhoda had said."Look, mark, I know I've forgiven Wendy for what she did because we came to an understanding and I now know why she did what she did, but I just don't have it inside of me to feel sorry for Rhoda. I hope you can understand that."Elena sat down in the chair opposite mark and looked at him hopefully. Mark had a dark look on his face and she knew he wasn't happy about what had all transpired."I know that I'm to blame for part of this, so I can't really be all that pissed at you for things that were basically out of your control to start with. I never thought that things would get so far out of control. I know you did what you thought you needed to do to protect yourself. When it comes to Faith's behavior, again, I can't really blame you.""Damn it! So, you have been outed and by default, so has Faith, even when it's not true about her. If I weren't so worried about the
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One Hundred- Thirty Three
Elena looked at her watch and noticed that it was almost quitting time, so she told Rhoda to either hurry up or wait until tomorrow to finish. Faith got a little bent out of shape over this so Rhoda gave her a look that would have chilled a polar bear. Sh stopped complaining immediately and said tomorrow would be just fine. Elena nodded and left her office. She grabbed her purse and hurried out the door. Making one stop on the way home. She hit the bakery and picked up a nice chocolate cake. She knew this would be a hit with the kids.When she got home, she hit the power on the stereo and started with Godsmack, to get herself motivated. She pulled out the table and slid open the sections, added both leaves and locked it together. She went down into the basement and got out the extra chairs. When she had seating for six with plenty of room, she smiled. There hadn't been a gathering in her house this big since her parent's death a few years ago. This time though, the gathering was for a
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One Hundred- Thirty Four
"Everything will be okay, my love. Just enjoy tonight."Elena looked up and spoke louder,"Why don't you three help me set the table while your mom talks to your Aunt Marie for a few minutes, okay?"Marie nodded and gathered the girls up and they went into the kitchen. Wendy stepped out and looked at mariw and started crying herself."That's just great, girls. I go to the trouble of making dinner for you and all you can do is look at each other and cry. Well, hug or do something."Elena kissed marie on the cheek and nodded. She left the two of them out in the living room to talk. Elena went into the kitchen and found mark slicing the roast and Stephanie was putting the potatoes and carrots on the table. Michelle was standing there not knowing what to do. Elena went over to her."Michelle, how about helping me pour everybody's drinks, okay?"Michelle smiled broadly and nodded. Elena got the ice bucket out and held it while Michelle scooped out ice into all the glasses. Then she let her
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One Hundred- Thirty Five
"Oh, you and your Aunt Marie are way too much alike, it's scary.""What about Aunt Marie, why was she gone for so long?"Elena decided only the truth would satisfy this smart girl."Your mom and Lena had a huge misunderstanding a long time ago and your mom was really mad at marie. So your mom told marie to stay away, forever.""So, why tonight? How did this happen?""I talked your mom into it. I told her it was a stupid thing to hold a grudge that long and everybody was getting hurt. Especially Marie, I know she loves you guys to pieces and it hurt her a lot not to be able to see you. So when I had a chance to fix it, I did.""Why? Why would you care? Is it because you are in love with Aunt marie?"Elena paused briefly at that question, and then continued knowing it was too late to change tactics now."Yes, Stephanie, I love Marie with all my heart and it hurt me to see her in that much pain. She never admitted it to me. I found out by accident because of something else happening and
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One Hundred- Thirty Six
Elena shut the door and they walked side-by-side back into the living room. Marie pulled elena over to the couch and they curled up together. Marie tried what Michelle had done earlier. She hugged Elena tight and cried against her chest. Elena stroked her back and rubbed her shoulders as she cried. Soothing her with little sounds of love and understanding. When marie had let it all out, she looked up at Elena and kissed her with a passion that rivaled the sun. She leaned back and looked into Elena's eyes."God, I love you so much. How did I ever get along without you by my side?"Elena grinned."I don't know, my lovely marie, but you won't have to worry about it now."They kissed and hugged each other. Finally elena leaned back and looked a little disappointed."I'm afraid we've run out of time. You have to get back so you can go to your classes in the morning and I have to go work as well."Marie smiled at her and shook her head."Nope, I'm spending the night. Both my morning classes
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One Hundred- Thirty Seven
Marie could feel Elena'shardened clitoris rubbing hers, occasionally pushing the hood back and making direct contact. The jolts of pleasure making them jerk and cry out. Elena could feel the ball of pressure building up in her belly, filling her with need, and pushing her closer to her release. A wave of lust and want rushed over her body, sending a shudder down her spine. Marie's body responded in kind and their legs tightened against each other.Elena felt that ball getting bigger and the pressure getting higher, her legs shaking uncontrollably. There was a tingling in the back of her head and she felt that wave of love for Marie coming out of her. Marie started to feel a deep itch start in her lower stomach, something she had never felt before and her eyes opened wide. Elena felt that wave surge over her and out of her into Marie, followed closely by her orgasm.The ball of pressure released suddenly, sending a gush of fluid out of her onto Marie swollen lips. Marie felt the wave o
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One Hundred- Thirty Eight
Then suddenly, Elena eyes shot open glowing a deeper red than before, and the scream that came from her throat made the blood in Marie's body turn to ice water. There was something otherworldly about that primal scream, like two voices coming from her mouth; one that was elena and one that wasn't human at all.Elena flopped back onto the bed after that last scream, exhausted and breathless. She closed her eyes and started to cry, the sobs wracking her body, her voice hoarse from the screams. She curled into a fetal ball and sobbed and moaned so deep that Marie wasn't even sure if it was her making that noise. Mariw was shivering from shock and fear. This was way beyond anything in her life. She had no idea what she could do for her. She didn't want to touch her again, fearing another flying fist.Marie glanced at the spot on the wall and saw the bloody streaks and the crushed sheetrock. It looked as if a blood-covered hammer had hit it. Marie heard the wispy-hoarse voice of her lover
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One Hundred- Thirty Nine
"Oh, my sweet Elena, I love you too much for something like this to break us up. Yes, you scared me, but I've never stopped loving you. I will do whatever I can to help you. Because the thought of what you did bothers you so much, I can't stop loving you over something that you all ready beat yourself up for. You have no control over that part of you, and yet you are torn up about it. Even after Scott told you that he was going to torture you to death, you still feel guilty for doing it. That must mean that you never wanted to take his life and that makes all the difference.""Oh, Marie, I love with you so much, thank you for your understanding."Elenakissed her softly and smiled."How many times have you had these nightmares?""Tonight was the first time. I don't know what set it off.""Well, let's hope that you don't have too many of those again, but if you do, I'm here for you, Elena""Thank you, Marie. I don't plan on ever letting you go."The hugged and kissed, sharing their cont
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