All Chapters of His Broken Angel: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
147 Chapters
Proud Husband!
Angela had extended no invitation to her husband. Nickaulas had kept no check on Angela since the revelation. She was free to work and move but the woman knew he had his men watching over her everywhere. He was aware of her every step and what she did. But Angela would break free from his cage no matter what and she will do it on her own. Maybe not today but tomorrow for sure. Right now, she had to keep all her personal problems aside and focus on her company's new launch. She sat in the front row next to Graham. The show begin. Models walked down the ramp in their full glory wearing Alma new collections. For a few minutes, Angela forgot about her personal griefs as she watched her designs earning gasps and admiration from watchers. Her staff had really done a great job. It was a proud moment for her.The show ended and Angela went on the stage to make her speech. She didn't like making speeches but when it came to appreciating her staff she never held back for she knew a right amoun
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Pay Back
Nickaulas glanced up at the midnight blue sky through his windshield. It was a pitch black new moon night. The sky appeared forlorn and darker without the moon. For the first time the beauty of the moon struck him. He still sees it as cold and ugly but now he had also started to see it differently all because of her. It is beautiful in the way it embraces the night without any qualm and lights it up with its soft light. She was just like moon in his life the only diiference being she wasn't cold and ugly in fact, she was the most beautiful and warmest soul he knew. His life would also become forlorn and barren just like the night without her presence in it. She was his moon and he was her night. Nobody needs and can desire her as much as he does. With a heavy sigh, he opened the door and alighted from his car. Tonight, he was driving as he had given his driver off so that he could spend some time alone with her. He wanted to take her out for dinner or maybe a long drive. He had not e
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Hot Jealousy
As he had expected, his tigress indeed filed a report against Martins for copying their designs. The news hit the headlines instantly and as the days passed, mysteriously more corruptions done by Martins started coming to the surface. All the investers pulled out due to certain someone's influence and sales dwindled drastically. The never ending controversies were driving the company to bankruptcy at a rapid pace. Nick smirked as he read the news. This was just the beginning, very soon he will have him begging on the streets. Smiling, he scrolled down and his smile froze when he noticed several pictures of Angela interacting with an unfamiliar guy. These pictures were from her company's launch party again in which he wasn't invited. His blood boiled when he read the title.Mrs. King's Newfound InterestThere were pictures of them talking, laughing and in one, he was touching her face. In another it looked as if they were about to kiss. He absolutely hated how comfortable she looked
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Who Do You Belong To?
"No," she pushed past her fear and replied. Seething, he backed away from her. His ominous aura turning darker. She was petrified. He turned towards the man, "If I can't have you then I'll make sure no one ever gets you," he cocked his gun and crossed over to the man in two long strides. Horror filled her expression. She shook her head but his malice-filled eyes were set on Adam who was half-conscious."No one else will ever get you," he gritted out and firmly pressed the gun's barrel on the top of his head. And pressed the trigger. His madness had shocked Angela."Stop. I'll say it..I'll say it," Angela scrambled forward and declared. Her voice was trembling like her own self. Nick paused and glanced up at her. Approval shone in his eyes. He was pleased by his decision. He then flipped his gaze to the man and grabbed the back of his head to tilt his face up so that he could see Angela when she would tell him who she belonged to. Angela slowly came forward on her shaky legs. Her ga
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The Consequences
The vagrant winds playfully swung the window's white drape allowing the morning light a passage into the room. The Golden light streamed in and illuminated the dark cozy room where two entangled figures were sleeping peacefully on a king size bed. The major part of huge bed remained untouched as both the occupants had confided themselves to one side. The women was securely caged in man's muscular arms. His face resting on her chest and her arm draped around his neck. She was mumbling in her sleep.Nick's sleep broke by her mumbling. He wasn't surprised this time in fact, he had gotten used to it. All these nights they spent together he often found himself woken up by her sleep talks. He lifted his face to see her. A playful smile on his lips. It was fun seeing her when she sleep talked. With her eyes closed, her expressions looked funny. Take all the orchids out. Your sir is allergic to them. He is coming tonight so I will cook dinner...No, I can manage, Carla...He might eat this
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Seeing Her
Angela was bombarded with questions when she suddenly showed up on Serrano's doorstep with her body guard and servants. She answered the questions reticently and kept mum on those which were related to him. "I know there is something you are hiding, Angela. I've raised you. I can see through your lies. Tell me what is it?" Ara asked for the umpteenth time. Angela hadn't spoken much since she arrived home. Her silence was perturbing Ara. Right now, she looked just like she used to when she had met her the first time. Empty and forlorn. "Why are you all making such a big deal out of it? I came to see you all. Can't you all just accept it and move on?" Angela sounded irritated now. Her emotions were all over the place and this continuous pestering by everyone was only annoying her more. "No. You haven't come to see us all. There is clearly something troubling you. Don't lie, Angela. I have taught you better than this," Ara's voice turned stern. The woman had a sweet temper but wh
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Kiss me!
The guards hastened over to free the guard from his grip but Nick didn't let go. They tried to get his fingers unwound but couldn't budge him even an inch. It was only after the guard lost his consciousness did he let go. Letting go of him, he turned around to get her. His shoulders squared and features grim as he stalked towards her. In that moment, he struck her as a deadly predator and she felt as if she was his prey. His gaze intense and dangerous, and Angela couldn't help but shrink in fear. He was coming towards her. For her. But he couldn't reach her as a couple of men blocked his way in time. Nick's nostrils flared, the vein in his neck popped out, his glare cutting sharply through his opponents. His shirt strained against his front as his chest expanded due to all the rage building inside him. He looked on the verge of exploding. "Move," he said just one word. Just one warning. Engulfed by his oppressive aura, the man felt their insides churning with fear. They found them
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Punishment For Hurting Her
Nick put her back on her seat and started the engine. A determined look set across his features as he sped the car forward. At first, Angela couldn't comprehend the reason behind his sudden move but penny dropped when she glanced at the rearview mirror. Black cars were chasing after them.A sense of urgency nipped at her insides. She had to do something. "You cannot outrun them. You better stop this," Angela tried to persuade him into ending this madness. Tried to scare him but in futile. Nick kept his gaze ahead on the deserted road. She tried but couldn't catch a grain of fear in his demeanor. Not a slightest chink in his armor. And that frightened her. He should be afraid for what he had done."Stop now," Angela demanded authoritatively but to no avail. His jaw was set and eyes dead set ahead. His indifference to the situation was both annoying and scaring her. She was doubtful that he even realised what he had done. He had threatened the Serranos in their homeland. No matte
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His Madness
The man holding the rod stepped forward and pressed the rod to the bullet wound Nate had given him. Nick's body tensed reflexively and his jaw clenched as the rod scorched his insides. The excruciating pain stole his breath away. But he endured it without letting out a hiss. He took it as his punishment for hurting an Angel. His angel.A hiss of burning skin dominated the quiet warehouse. Killian watched with stoic expression as the boy took the pain without a word of protest.His resolve as tough as him. He wasn't going to break. He will not divorce her. ...............Angela was anxious. What if Killian killed him? What if he tortured him to the point he died? Thoughts like this churned up in her mind all day, terrifying her. She hoped he would listen to Killian and sign the papers. Tears refused to leave her eyes. What kind of mess was it? What should she do? She was mad at him for what he did, she resented him for that but she didn't want him to die. No, she would never never
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Revenge Marriage
FLASHBACKThe wedding was done. She was Mrs. Leah Muller now. Leah Theo Muller. Leah stared at her appearance in the mirror with a blank expression. She was donning an expensive gown. Her long black hair was pinned up in a beautiful updo. She looked ethereal. She had the kind of beauty that could mesmerise anyone and today she was looking her best. No doubt, she had captured many hearts alongwith praises today. It was a big day for her. But she wasn't exactly happy.Three months had passed since she saw him last time. Nickaulas. He came like a flurry of rain in a drought and disappeared just like that. He didn't even come to their wedding. It was a good thing though. If they had to move on then they should stay apart. It had hurt to walk away but what else could she do. She loved him but she loved her dad more. Her family had flown to a foreign country overnight with nothing on their hands. Callum had snatched everything from them and blacklisted her dad. Her dad had to struggle a lot
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