All Chapters of His Broken Angel: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
147 Chapters
Face Off
Her eyes wide and gaping as the bottle crashed against Reyes' head prompting a panicked scream from him. For a moment her mind turned blank as she tried to process what just happened. She watched as someone roughly yanked him to his feet and then shove him to the floor. Blood was oozing down his head. "Reyes," she shot to her feet and hobbled towards him not caring about the pain shooting up her legs. But before she could reach him, she was pulled back by a strong pair of arms. Her back met a toned firm chest. But she was too focused on her friend to pick on the familiarity. "Reyes...someone call the doctor, please," she screamed while unsuccessfully struggling against the lock of his arms. At once, she was lifted bridal style. Her frantic gaze shot up to see his perpetrator. A set of firm jaw and a pair of piercing silver eyes. A heavy feeling settled in her stomach when she realised who it was. He is here. Why? How? He wasn't looking down at her but glaring ahead. "Let go of me
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When hearts clash
He had missed her presence in his life. Her positivity, her exuberance, her scoldings, her sweet flowery scent that would brightened his life. She was astonishing but in a cute way. A perfect mixture of so many qualities. Stubborn but docile too, fiesty but vulnerable too, perfect but flawed too. Only she had the balls to set him straight on his wrongdoing and only she owned the heart to love him despite all odds. And he was hopelessly enamored by each aspect of her. He loved it when she would boldly counter him without an ounce of fear like the queen she is and he fucking loved it when she would let him do whatever he wants to do with her on their bed like the perfect submissive wife she is.Even now she was fearlessly matching his glare with her own. Her eyes were spitting fire. So angry, so fucking hot. Damn! he was already getting hard. Desire begin to heat up his blood. He wanted her right here, right now. In his thirty one years, he had never met someone like her. So
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Planning For Her
She must have felt the same burn. He blew out a cloud of smoke and watched it swirling up the air with furrowed brows. He was replaying their last meeting over and over again. The way she spurned him, the look of disgust on her face, the sharpness of her tongue; this all had pierced straight through his heart. How the roles had reversed. He was here pining over the woman who wanted him for who knows how long whereas she was all set to move on. It made him more restless. The feeling of unease morphed into desperation which further consolidated into a determination. He will not let her move on.Nick was sprawled in chair with his feet placed firmly on his desk. A veil of despair hanging heavily over the room. Their last meeting had kicked off a whirling vortex of emotions inside him. She had behaved so cold and unfeeling. So unlike his angel. It was disturbing. A knock was heard before the door swung open and in stepped his PA with a file in her hand. He, unbothered, took anot
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Introducing Him
Angela opened her mouth to speak when another knock resounded and the door opened to reveal Graham. He looked hesitant when he saw Nick already in her room. Angela allowed him to come inside. He tentatively got inside. The tension was so thick in the room tthat Graham felt as if he had entered hellfire. Whereas Angela was looking at him Nickaulas' eyes was still transfixed on Angela, drinking in her features. A small frown sitting atop her lips indicated she was well aware og his gaze. Graham looked between both of them before opening his mouth. He told Angela that they were holding a welcoming meeting for Nickaulas as he was now the owner of 40 % of Alma. Angela didn't look happy with the news but she also not disagreed as that was the most professional thing to do. After that Graham requested Nick to allow him to show him his office. Thankfully, Nick didn't refuse. The meeting was going to be held in the evening. And as the owner of Alma she had to introduce him to the staf
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Getting Back In Her Life
Angela blinked hard, processing everything. Nichelle, grinning threw herself in her arms. Angela stumbled backward by the suddenness. "Angela, I missed you so much," she beamed and gave her a tight hug. The shock was forgotten for a moment. Angela smiled and hugged her back, "I missed you too." Angela had really missed her. Nichelle drew away after a moment and gave her a scowl. "You promised you would come to see me but you didn't. Why?" Nichelle demanded, frowning. Angela grimaced. She indeed had promised her and was willing to follow through it but there was no way to do it without talking to him. "I am sorry, Nichelle," Angela apologized. She knew she wouldn't understand her situation so apology was the better thing to do. "How are you here?" she asked, confused."She wanted to see you so I brought her here," a familiar deep voice resounded. She looked over Nichelle and found Nick standing not much further. He was looking right at her with a cryptic smile dancing on his li
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Inner Battles
"I will be back to check upon her," he adjusted the lapel of his suit. After that, he strode towards her as if about to give her a good-bye kiss. He stopped in front of her and lifted his hand. Her brows slightly creased in confusion. With a rare gentleness, he tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. But he didn't let go. He rubbed the thin strand against his thumbpad, feeling its soft texture. "See you tomorrow," he whispered softly to her and finally let go of her hair. He stepped back and turned to leave. .........Nickaulas was aware of women's wistful aimed at him as he made his way towards the VIP lift. He used to enjoy women's attention in his young years but now it didn't really matter. His P.A greeted him as he stepped out the lift. She read him his schedule while walking him towards his new office. There were only two offices on the floor. His and hers. He entered through the door and looked around his new office and turned towards his P.A."Has she come?" he question
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Doing Business Together
"Almost all designes are same. It can't be a coincident," Graham remarked They were discussing Gemstone, a rival company's new launch. Their new collection had pieces quite similar to the ones Alma was currently working on. "How is that possible?" Angela wondered out. The designes were not shared with anyone outside the company. But again they were way too similar to pass off as a coincident. "Looks like your Alma has a snitch," Nick smirked, amused. To her great displeasure, the man was sitting right beside her. Completely unbothered. Twice she had felt his thigh brushing hers. She knew him enough to figure it wasn't accidental. Angela had no idea why he was attending this meeting. He knew absolutely nothing about Alma. But as irritated as she was by his involvement she couldn't help but agree to his point. This wasn't the first time their designes were copied. Martin had also somehow got his hands on her designes. She had let the matter go after he made a public apology to her o
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Candle And Burn
He asked one of the employees about her and the answer seared him to his core. She had gone out on lunch with Graham.Angela wasn't expecting to have her plate tossed away violently. Graham was equally shocked, his jaw hanging low. She glanced up only to have her heart freeze inside her chest. Nick was standing over their table, glaring daggers at her. His face was flushing in rage. His eyes emitting pure rage and disappointment. Her stomach flipped. She didn't even notice him gripping the edge of their table. She flinched and her eyes popped out when he upended the table. Angela was still gaping at the wrecked table in shock and missed his resentful glare once more before turning around and storming off. When Angela returned to her office she was more than displeased to see the condition of her room. Food was strewn all over the floor and large stains blotching the walls. Files were scattered around. Her heartbeat stopped when she spotted him sitting behind the desk. His fists clas
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The atmosphere suddenly turned hostile as both men staredown each other with murderous intent. They both looked on the edge of tearing each other apart. Angela caught the tension between them. The malignant menace and resentment they held for each other. She had not expected Theo to be standing outside her building and for Nickaulas to be inside her apartment. Angela's heart stilled for a moment when his seething gaze turned to her. "What is he doing here?" Nick clenched his fists and demanded. He did not bother to hide his displeasure in his tone. Angela's mind went blank in the face of his angry glare. "It's her home. She doesn't need your permission," Theo answered for her. His tone just as cold as Nick's. Muscles along Nick's jaw clenched and he continued to look at Angela. "I asked you something, Angel," Nick sounded at the edge of losing his patience. Angela collected herself and matched his glare head on. "He is here because I want him to," Angela replied in a cal
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Ego and Love
The next morning Angela was surprised to see a couple of bulky men guarding her apartment's door. She was about to ask them their business when Jonas rushed over and told her that they were here to guard her."Boss was tipped off that one of his rivals is planning something against him," Jonas told her. For that reason, Nick had emplyed more guards for his family's protection. People who were following him should know by now what she meant to him. He didn't want to take any risk. "But I am not his family," Angela stated and turned to the guards. "You don't need to guard me. I am not his responsibility. You both are free," Angela assured them with a polite smile so that they don't feel offended. Both guards exchanged a glance with each other. "We are instructed to guard you, ma'am. We cannot disobey boss," one of the men stated. Angela didn't argue further. She knew it was going to lead nowhere.Nick was already in the office talking to someone over the phone when she came. He glanc
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