All Chapters of His Broken Angel: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
147 Chapters
They returned Spain the next morning. The cold tension between them could be felt in air. Even in plane, they sat far away from each other. Angela was quieter whereas Nick was more oppressive than usual. His frowning face continued to scare people off throughout the journey. This short trip had made her realise something. She needed to end this facade of engagment with Theo. He didn't love her, she didn't love him. It was unfair to both of them. Theo had asked her to accompany him to a launch party some days ago and she had agreed. Tomorrow was that event. She decided to broach the subject with him then. It was more complicated considering their engagement was in public eyes as they had announced their engagement to the world. Another broken relationship. She hoped media wouldn't show much interest in it like the last time. Theo picked her up from her building and they reached the event in less then thirty minutes. It was the launch party of a restaurant. Angela felt awkward ever
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Saving Her
Panic roared through him when Stefan broke the news. She was in that building. He asked about her and the answer set his nerves on fire. Without delaying, he rushed out of his office to go there. All he felt was an unrelenting desperation to see her. His men were searching for her but they had not found her yet. She has to be alright. He would burn the whole world if something happened to her. He drove at the highest speed and reached the place in less than ten minutes. He muscled his way through the thick crowd, his worried gaze frantically searching for her, dying to get a single glimpse of her. Where was she? His heart was knocking wildly against his ribcage as he scoured through the crowd. A constant dull ache searing his chest. Nick had never felt this scared before not even for his own life. When he couldn't find her in crowd, he stalked towards the building that had smoke billowing out of its windows. His features stiff in resolve and gaze hard. He marched toward
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"It seems the stress caused her to body to shut down. She should be fine," the doctor told him. Nick gave her an absent nod while staring at her."Let me treat your hands," the doctor eyed his burnt hands with unease. Nick tore his gaze off Angela and glanced down at his hands. He raised them and examined with a blank face. The blisters in his hands had long burst and were now oozing blood. He had felt no pain until now. The anxiety to bring her to safety had numbed all the other emotions. "Oh God! Is she okay?" Nick turned and found Ara at the door. Her brows drawn together with worry as she took in Angela's state. The woman headed towards her without waiting for an answer."She is alright," Nick responded before his gaze flickered to Killian who followed Ara inside. A grave look was set across his features. "What happened?" Killian asked without moving his gaze from Angela. " Short-circuit," Nick answered as his gaze returned to her out of habit. A soft expression on his face as
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He wanted to kiss her again. Fuck that, he was dying to bite into those juicy lips and submerge his senses into their sweetness. He absently chomped down on the apple he was holding wishing it was her lips while his hawk-like eyes followed every small movements of her mouth as she conversed with Nichelle. Blissfully unaware of the dirty thoughts running through his mind. She had no idea how much she occupied his mind. Be it night or day, he was always thinking about her. All the damn time. "Why are you staring at Angela like that, brother?" Nichelle asked suddenly, interrupting his thoughts. Angela's confused gaze swept in his direction. He didn't bother to look away and pretend he wasn't eye-fucking her all this while. Her eyes widened a fraction when she noticed the feral intensity in his eyes. A blush heated her cheeks and she lowered her gaze to he plate. "Like what?" he questioned without moving his eyes from the object of his desire. "Like you want to eat her alive," Nic
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Breaking News
Angela woke up a little late next morning, feeling a little better. After finishing her abulations she went out. Carla and Lina had already arrived and were in kitchen. "Good morning," Angela entered the kitchen and greeted them with a smile, catching both maid's attention. "Good morning," both the women greeted in unison. "Has Nichelle eaten?" she asked while picking up a cold pancake from the tray. "Yes. And I am making you the fresh pancakes. You can leave that," Carla told her. Angela perked up and gave her a wide grin. "Thank you, Carla. I don't know what would I have doen without you," she chirped and settled herself down on a chair. Carla smiled in response. After months, their madam was looking in a good mood. She wanted to compliment her but decided not to in fear of tempting fate. They missed her chirpy sides, her silly pranks, and her vivacious laughter. Angela was enjoying teasing Lina with Jonas when her phone rang. It was Graham. She answered it. "Hello," she spok
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Can't Get Enough
Nick was in his study, seething and frustrated. Stefan was working on finding out who had leaked the pictures into the media. Who could do this? While most pics were old, some pictures were of Netherlands as well. Was it Theo? But his instincts were telling him it wasn't him. He wouldn't dare pull something off like this after his warning. He didn't have it in him. Whoever had done it is a fool of top level. But if by any chance it turned out to be him then he will make him regret the day he was born. His gaze flickered to the door when it opened. The anger in his eyes turned into surprise when he saw Angela behind the door. The surprise morphed into hope. He quickly shot to his feet and marched over to her in three long strides. "Angel," he stopped a step short from her. His hands itched to pull her into his arms and kiss her but he restrained himself. " I wanted to talk to you about something," she had to crane her neck to keep looking at him."Say," he replied coaxingly, won
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Kiss Of Passion
Angela and Theo were waiting in Theo's mansion. It was post midnight and they had not returned yet. Angela watched as Theo paced across the hall restlessly. His anxious footsteps punctuating the tensed silence ruling over them. Angela sighed and glanced towards the door. Angela was in a state of nerves too. Nick had gone to bring Leah. All alone. As Zack had instructed. Angela had protested against him going alone but Nick had assured her that he can handle him on his own. Minutes ticked by turning into hours. Theo glanced down at his wristwatch. His brows puckered. "Would he be able to rescue her? Fuck! I should have gone with him," Theo's voice held a sharp edge of frustration. He rakes a hand through his hair and resumed walking. "He will get her back," Angela looked up at him and stated. She had never seen him this uptight before. Theo clenched his jaw. "Then why the fuck are they taking so long?" he huffed, sounding impatient. Just then Angela perked up in alert."They are
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Don't Hurt Him
Leah woke up to a pounding headache. Her eyes squinted in confusion when she took notice of the unfamiliar room. Where she was?"Finally, the princess is awake," a very sarcastic voice echoed in the room, snapping her from her inspection. Theo got to his feet. His eyes held open disdain as he stalked towards her. Her gaze hld no emotions as she watched him approaching her. "Pathetic. Always need someone to save your ass," she clenched her jaw at his biting remark but decided not to dignify his comment with a reply. Ignoring his towering presence over her head, she peeled the duvet off her legs and planted her feet to the carpet floor. She got up and stepped past him. But before she could take another step away, he harshly grabbed her arm and swiveled her to face him. "," he ground out, his eyes stabbing into hers. Her own eyes held a blaze of hatred for him. "Leave my hand," she stated. Theo smirked. "You know who saved you from those goons? Who you owe your
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Leave Spain
Angela returned home late. She opened her apartment's door and got in. Her eyes collided with Nick's causing her to halt. He was sitting on the couch, his broad shoulders bowed like a predator. His features were rigid, jaw set, and eyes glaring. He was angry. Angela felt a chill crawl up her spine. But she ignored it and started towards her room. This wasn't the right time to talk. "Where were you?" he demanded in a calm but dangerous tone making Angela pause. "None of your business," she answered without bothering to spare him a glance. In two strides, Nick was towering over her. "What's wrong?" his tone changed from rage to concern when he caught on her dull expression. When she didn't reply, he kneeled in front of her and lifted her face with his forefinger. His gaze roamed her features, observing. "You cried," he noted with a frown. Angela turned away. " I am tired. I want to sleep," she dodged his question and tried to move around him. Nick stopped her by gripping h
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Finding Her
"....No, only red rose petals....I want everything perfect.....Any mistake and there will be a bullet between your eyes," he warned the event manager in his usual calm but dangerous voice. More often than not his tone was enough to make people piss in their pants and he wasn't shy to take advantage of it. He hung up after spitting the instructions to the manager for their date night. He was looking over every tiny detail of arrangements. He was going to make it an unforgettable night for her. If he managed to give her even a fraction of happiness that she had given him yesterday then he would consider it a success. Nick was ecstatic. Overjoyed. She had finally agreed to give them a chance. He couldn't wait for the day to end. The time was slower than usual today. He glanced at his wristwatch and sighed. Only an hour had passed since he had stepped into the office. If only time was a person. He would have threatened him into speeding the fuck up up. He grabbed his phone and scrolled t
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