Lahat ng Kabanata ng His Broken Angel: Kabanata 121 - Kabanata 130
147 Kabanata
A Date
Nick was numb with shock when he learned it. The news was all over the TV after the official announcement. She got engaged with Theo and they were about ot marry. He read and reread their joint statement that they had put out on their social handles just a few minutes ago. It wasn't making sense to him. When did this happen? Why is she doing this? The shock was replaced by a mix of emotions. He felt rage, anxiety, frustration, fear clawing his heart raw. Pain throbbed through every nerve of his being. She was taking it too far. Way too far. He needed answers.He loudly banged on her door not caring it was middle of the night. The guards guarding her door exchanged wary glances with each other but stayed back. A few moments later, the door opened. Angela was standing on the other side. She looked at him confused probably wondering why he was here at this time.Nick strode past her inside the hall. The moment he brushed past her, something clicked in Angela. He knows. Nick paus
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The Restlessness
"Where is she?" Angela questioned. The lights were dim and a soft music was going on in background, the view from their table was breath-taking. It was a romantic set-up.Theo's forehead creased. "I don't know," Theo replied, his gaze boring holes into the plate. After divorce, they didn't see each other again. "You really don't know?" Angela questioned, not buying his lie. Theo sighed and rubbed a hand down his face. "She is in Moscow. Enjoying her life to the fullest," There was a hint of resentment in his voice when he said ths last part. She had resumed dancing after their divorce and was always travelling from one place to another. He shouldn't have known that but he did. She moved on from their marriage as though it never existed. A momentary silence followed. Now that Angela think about it, the signs were always there. Angela was quite perceptive but Leah had always confused her. She could not really understand her personality. Back in Netherlands she had sensed Lea
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Control And Temptation
The air was vibrant with Nichelle's positive energy and her presence had quieted down her restlessness for a bit. Today she had decided to stay at home with Nichelle. She had a small smile on her face as she came out of the kitchen with Nichelle's favorite hot chocolate. Nichelle was singing to herself while playing with her dolls. "What are you playing?" Angela asked while placing the hot glass on the table. "She is me and he is Stefan. We are marrying," Nichelle showed her the dolls and grinned widely at Angela. Angela was dumbfounded. She didn't know how to take it. Should she wave it off thinking it's a childish crush or dig further. "You want to marry Stefan?" Angela probed. Nichelle's eyes sparkled with thrill. "Yessss...He is so nice. He gives me skittle everyday," Nichelle stated exuberantly. Her voice had risen a few octave in excitement. Angela looked at her, wondering what should she do about it. Little Nichelle was obviously having a big crush on Stefan. Should she te
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Failed Attempts
He put her down and begin pacing the hall angrily. Angela stayed quiet. Her heart skipped a beat when he turned in her direction. Cords in his neck popped out in livid ridges. His face had taken a predatory expression. In one long strides, he was in front of her and before she could understand, he smashed his lips against hers, startling her. He kissed her fiercely, walking her backward until her back hit the wall. He wrapped his trunk-sized arms around her frail frame, firmly securing her in place and devoured her mouth with burning need. By the time Angela reeled from shock, she was already caged under him. His lips moving over hers in a passionate, possessive kiss. His hard toned muscles pressing hard against her softness. She placed her hands on his chest and tried to push him off but in futile. His one hand was splayed possessively across the small of her back and other was caressing her waist. He pinched her waist, she gasped. He drove his tongue inside her mouth and ravaged h
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Comfort And Peace
Not caring for her wheelchair, she walked towards the hospital entrance. Jonas followed her. The first person to catch her eyes was Nick himself. He was holding his mother in a protective hug as she wept inconsolably on his shoulder. Angela’s heart squeezed terribly and her own eyes welled up. Alicia’s pitiful sobs were echoing in the quiet hallway. She looked beyond devastated and the same can be said about Nick. His eyes were sad and glassy but he was holding himself together to be the pillar of strength that his mother needed. Her gaze shifted to another quiet figure sitting in a corner on a chair, slacking against the wall. Another wave of sadness washed over her. Chris didn’t have tears sliding down his cheeks like his wife but his eyes were red-rimmed as they stared fixedly at the floor. He must have cried in silence. He looked nothing like the formidable mafia he was but just a father who wanted his daughter to be alright. Angela walked over and sat beside him. He didn’t s
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Her Family
The murmurs rouse Angela from her slumber. She opened her eyes and found the doctor talking to Nickaulas. In the same moment she realised her head was on Nick's shoulder. She quickly leaned away and listened to the doctor. "....not conscious but yes, you can see her," the doctor informed Nick. His voice resounding loudly in the empty hallway. Instinctively, Angela looked over at Nick who seemed a little relieved by the news and that somewhat eased her own trepidation. He squeezed her hand without looking away from the doctor who was telling him something causing Angela to look down on her lap and realise he was still holding her hand. She tried to pull her hand but he didn't release. "You can let go of my hand now," Angela reminded him after doctor left. Nick didn't leave her hand nor reply. He just got to his feet and waited for her to stand up as well. Angela sighed and followed suit. They walked into the heavily equipped room. A bed was situated in the center of the room where Ni
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Matter Of Soul
"And Nick?" Alicia prompted. Angela's smile faltered. "Is he not a family?" gauged her expression. "He is not," Angela averted her gaze from her and replied. Alicia had seen her packing dinner for him. She had heated up the food and had made him his favorite salad. Why did she care if he ate or not if he was no one. But she didn't bring that up. "I don't know what has happened between you two. Why did you both choose to separate ways. We thought you were finally moving ahead in your relationship but.... I know that you have your reasons and I support your decision. But, child, there is one thing I want to confirm. I heard you are engaged to Theo now. I hope you are this decision is not influenced by your past with Nickaulas," Alicia studied her face in search of an answer. Angela couldn't reply. "I hope you are marrying him because you want to marry him," her voice sounded concerned now as Angela refused to look up into her eyes."I..I don't know," Angela finally answered withou
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"I am afraid it is clearly written in the contract. You will have to do the photoshoot with him," Graham remarked. Angela had signed a collaboration contract with Kings several months ago. They had mutually decided to promote their brand together. Angela's wedding collection and his new hotel chain in Netherlands which was under construction at that time. Back then she was super thrilled for the photoshoot. "Send our best model in my stead. Tell them I am busy," Angela said in a dismissive tone."They have refused to accept any changes in the contract. I offered the same as I suspected you might not want to partake but they refused," Graham responded with a straight face. Her lips pressed into a thin straight line."Okay, when is it?" she asked. "Tomorrow," Graham answered."Are you serious?" Angela asked incredulously. The same day she called and asked Nickaulas. She was avoiding him since that night when he cornered her in the kitchen but she had to discuss this with him. She as
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"Closer, please," the director's voice came from somewhere, to Angela's irritation. Nick was more than pleased to comply the request. His eyes held onto hers with a fierce intensity as he came closer, blocking her vision with his handsome face. Hovering over her, he looked so huge and formidable from her viewpoint that she felt like a prey. The weight of his stare was too much, she lowered her gaze to his shirt which happened to have its first three buttons undone, allowing sinful peeks of his inked chest. Nick put his forefinger under her chin and lifted her face back up, reconnecting their eyes. He made no effort to hide the effect she was having on him. His focus flickered to her mouth as he pressed the rim of glass between the seam of her lips. Desire throbbed hard in his veins as she parted her pink lips. There was something very erotic about that action of hers. Something very sexual. He tilted the glass, making her drink the wine, swallowing down his impulsive desires at t
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Holding Back
"What are you doing? Put me down" she demanded as he carried her outside her room bridal style. Her voice bounced off the empty hall's walls. They were all alone in the giant hotel. Nick didn't heed her demand and continued to march towards the poolside with his long legs. Fate droplets hit her face as they stepped out in the rain. She squinted at the clouded sky before closing her eyes, feeling the rain slowly soaking her dress.Nick pushed her face close to his chest, shielding her from raindrops. He felt a familiar warmth spreading through his insides as he stared down at her. Her eyes were closed and lip slightly parted. Some raindrops sliding down her flawless skin. She looked serene. Without him knowing, his lips curled into a gentle smile. He wasn't a fan of drenching in rain but with her, it felt like a welcoming adventure. "Open your eyes, sweetheart," he cooed to her when they reached the pool. Angela slowly opened her eye
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