All Chapters of The Ex-Husband's Revenge: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
3052 Chapters
Chapter 181
"Cynthia, go and prepare dinner!""Leon, it's already late! Why don't you stay back for some dinner?" Benedict smiled and said."Oh, alright! I'll be troubling you then." Leon nodded with a smile. He was quite hungry after being busy for the whole day."Graham, why don't you have dinner with us too?" Benedict extended the same invite to Graham."There's no need, I'm quite busy, so I have to leave now.""Elder Shear, Mister Wolf, let's meet again in the future," Graham bid his farewells before leaving with his assistant.Once Graham's figure disappeared, Harvey seemed to have a thought before he said, "Grandfather, regarding Mister Wolf's matter, I have an idea.""What's the idea?" Benedict asked curiously."The Shears do our business in medicinal ingredients, while Mister Wolf's skills are so remarkable. If the two of us can work together in the medical field, it'll be mutually beneficial," Harvey had an intelligent glint in his eyes.Elder Shear was moved by the thought and q
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Chapter 182
After all, he was not someone that important to Iris. If he suddenly gave such a valuable necklace to Iris, he was worried that it would seem weird!From what he knew of Iris, Iris would not accept any presents from the opposite gender casually.If he gave the necklace to her, Iris might mistake him for someone with ill intentions. Then, the two of them might not even be able to remain friends. That was not something he wanted to see.However, the necklace was already in his hands. He was not willing to just not give Iris the necklace."Leon, what are you staring at the floor for?""That's right, have you had dinner? If you haven't, I'll have some more made for you," Iris's voice snapped Leon out of his thoughts."No need, I've already eaten outside.""Iris, it's late. I'm going to go wash up," Leon let out a few laughs before he quietly kept the necklace, returning to his room."What's up with Leon today? He looks a little weird…" Iris was confused as she looked at Leon's back
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Chapter 183
Ariel blushed as she thanked Leon sincerely.After she got home, she followed Leon's prescriptions. Her period disappeared that night and her body felt more relaxed than it ever was.It caused her to admire Leon's medical abilities."No wonder you seem to be in such a good mood today!" Leon had a look of realization on his face, unable to resist laughing.At the vice president's office, Ashwin called Michael over the phone."Mister Duvall, I've already looked into Leon's details!" Ashwin said with a strange tone.Michael said happily, "Mister Mercer, where did that guy come from? What's his background…""Background?""He had no background at all!" Ashwin finally laughed out loud."What? Could he just be an ordinary person without any notable background?" Michael was shocked.He remembered very well that Leon got the Wick Group's cooperation so easily a few days ago, shocking everyone.Leon should have been somewhat capable or should have had a notable background to be able t
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Chapter 184
"If Ariel knows how pathetic and useless he is, she'll leave him!" Michael was incredibly spirited as he finally smiled. All the dark thoughts in his mind vanished.After work, Iris told some of the executives of the company and some of the related employees to prepare for the celebratory banquet.Leon played the main role in Elegante being able to secure the cooperation of the Wick Group this time, with Ariel playing a secondary role.Other than the two of them, the people in the planning department who worked overtime to design a plan could not be forgotten either.The cooperation between Elegante and the Wick Group was already in progress.Iris held the celebration to reward Leon and Ariel, as well as the planning department.…Springbreak Villas was a high-end gathering spot. It was very famous in Springfield City.It was a tourist vacation spot. There were hotels and catering services. The surroundings and the scenery were incredibly beautiful. It was the best place for th
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Chapter 185
"Despite how hard things must have been for you, without anyone to rely on, you still managed to secure the cooperation of the Wick Group It looks like you're talented!" Ashwin said with a look of admiration."It's nothing, I was just lucky…" Leon let out an awkward smile, a little confused as to how Ashwin managed to find out that he was an orphan.Ashwin seemed to speak strangely as well. It felt a bit off, but Leon could not pinpoint why."Mister Wolf is an orphan!""I can't believe he had such a tragic past!""That's right. It does invoke some sympathy…"…The executives around them all spoke up. All of them started to look at Leon differently. Some of them had sympathy in their eyes, while some of them seemed to start to look down on him."It's already all in the past. There's no tragedy about it anymore," Leon said calmly.He was already used to getting strange looks from others, and he was much more confident than he used to be as well. He would not be affected by somet
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Chapter 186
"Ashwin, Michael, have the two of you had enough?!" Iris slammed her hand on the table as she looked at the two of them angrily.She knew of Leon's background. She never would have dreamed that Ashwin and Michael would dig out Leon's past right in front of everyone, embarrassing Leon completely. It crossed a line!"Miss Young, don't be angry, Mister Mercer and I are just joking around with Mister Wolf. We don't mean anything by it," Michael hurriedly apologized, but he was very pleased with himself. He finally vented some of his frustrations!"That's right, Miss Young. Mister Duvall and I don't mean anything ill by it. Mister Wolf said it himself, the past is already the past. He's such an open-minded person. I'm sure he won't mind a joke like that. Aren't I right, Mister Wolf?" Ashwin smiled as he asked Leon."That joke's not funny at all," Leon forced out a smile, but he made a note to be wary of Ashwin in the future. Ashwin just uttered a few words, and he was already absolute
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Chapter 187
"Yes, Mister Mercer. Thank you for the thoughtfulness," Iris bit her lips, and her eyes reddened a little. A sense of warmth could be felt around her heart.Since she did not have the best relationship with her father and stepmother, she did not get the chance to celebrate her birthday ever since she moved out to live alone two years ago.Her grandfather and aunt would occasionally remember her birthday and would call her to wish her or give her some presents.Other than that, she spent very quiet birthdays for the last two years. It felt quite lonely.She never expected that Ashwin would remember her birthday, nor did she expect him to prepare a surprise for her. She was touched by Ashwin's sincerity."I can't believe it's Miss Young's birthday today…""Miss Young, all of us wish you a happy birthday."The executives at the same table quickly reacted as they stood up to congratulate Iris.The other tables were the same. All of them stood up and wished Iris a happy birthday.I
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Chapter 188
It would embarrass Ashwin if she rejected it in front of everyone. That would also be a bit mean.However, that necklace was incredibly valuable. It was not too appropriate for her to accept something like that.She was caught in a difficult spot and did not know what to do."Miss Young, this is a token of Mister Mercer's sincerity, you should accept it!""That's right, this necklace is valuable and extraordinary. It suits you very well. Only you would be worthy of it."The executives on the same desk hurriedly pushed Iris when they received a look from Ashwin.The other employees from the other desks started to join in as well. All of them sang Ashwin praises, hoping that Iris would accept the necklace."Alright, fine. I'll accept it!""Mister Mercer, thank you," Iris hesitated for a while. When she saw everyone's mood pick up, she did not want to spoil it, nor did she want to embarrass Ashwin.. In t... end, she accepted the necklace.However, she decided to have the finance
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Chapter 189
He would not tolerate another man stealing Iris away from him!It was a firm belief he had in his heart!However, he quickly realized that Iris already accepted Ashwin's gift, and seemed to have been touched by Ashwin.Furthermore, Ashwin was the center of attention at that moment and trampled all over Leon in various ways.How could Leon fight Ashwin?"What? Am I just going to look at the woman I love being taken away?" Leon's eyes turned red in panic.Suddenly, he had a thought as his mind frantically raced. He suddenly thought of the Blue Heart of the Sea.He wondered how he would give it to Iris, but his chance was there.It was Iris's birthday. Since Iris did not reject Ashwin's present, she would probably not reject his either!"Wait!" Leon was incredibly happy as he immediately stood up."Mister Wolf, what are you doing? You have such a bright smile on your face. Are you congratulating me and Miss Young as well? You're quite smart to do that!" Ashwin looked at Leon in
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Chapter 190
Leon giving her a present at that moment was perfect to relieve the situation for her.As long as she accepted the gift, the misunderstanding would be completely cleared up.Ashwin started to panic when it looked like Leon was about to ruin his day."Iris, just look! That necklace doesn't have any blemishes on it at all. It's some accessory that's mass-produced with machines. It's worth a few hundred at most!""How could you ruin your image by wearing something so cheap and trashy?!" Ashwin said, quickly shooting Michael and a few executives a look."Yes, Miss Young, something like this would just be an insult to yourself!""Mister Leon's just clearly trying to pull some trick on you. He's not being sincere at all. You can't accept it…"Michael and a few executives hurriedly agreed with Ashwin. "Leon, how dare you?!" "Even if you wanted to give Miss Young something, you should've at least given her something more valuable or meaningful!""How could you give Miss Young a pie
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