All Chapters of The Ex-Husband's Revenge: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
3043 Chapters
Chapter 161
Ariel said calmly."Alright," Leon nodded, tidying up his things before he left with Ariel.Looking at the two of them leave, the colleagues in the president's office looked at each other in shock.They knew that Leon was a presidential secretary. Normally, Leon would be working in the office with Gracie and Lily.However, Ariel wanted to move Leon into her office. Was it not strange for the two of them to be alone there?However, just thinking about the rumor within the company that Leon and Ariel were a couple, everyone had a quick moment of realization. All of them said nothing, but silently remarked that Leon was a lucky man!…At the director's office of the sales department, Michael quickly heard about Leon moving over to work with Ariel. His expression soured incredibly."Despicable! Ariel kept on saying that she had nothing to do with Leon!""Now look at them. Both of them publicly moved to the same office to enjoy their love life. How could that be nothing? Do they th
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Chapter 162
Iris and Ariel were recognized as the two prettiest women in the company. They were incredibly beautiful, and many people pursued them.Meanwhile, Ashwin and Michael were recognized as the two most excellent young men in the company. They were very notable figures.Ashwin was particularly well known. His grandfather was one of the shareholders of the Young Group, so he came from an incredibly wealthy family. Their assets numbered in the tens of millions.He was also incredibly handsome and elegant. He was more popular and well-liked in the company than Michael. The two of them were the target of affection for a lot of the female employees!Not only that, but Ashwin was also one of Iris's most loyal pursuers. He went after Iris for almost two years. He agreed to follow Iris unconditionally to Elegante precisely in hopes that he would win Iris' heart. Probably because Iris and Ariel were best friends, Ashwin and Michael, who were pursuing the two of them, ended up getting closer as
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Chapter 163
He couldn't help but look over at Ariel, and his heart began to race.Ariel was breathtakingly beautiful. He was overjoyed to have such a lovely woman working so close to him.Ariel's body was extremely appealing. Her body was in a perfect S-shape as she sat at the desk. Her figure's curves were incredibly seductive.Even more incredible was the fact that as Ariel moved, Leon would occasionally catch a fleeting glimpse of her chest as her shirt loosened. Leon couldn't get enough of it because it was so exciting and stimulating!"Have you looked far enough, Leon? Why are you staring at me?!" Ariel flushed as she felt Leon's untrustworthy gaze. She looked at Leon, embarrassed."I wasn't..." "I wasn't staring at you; I just had a question for you..." Leon felt extremely awkward after his sneaky glances were caught."If you have a question, just ask! Say whatever you want..." Ariel quickly came to a halt when she realized she wasn't behaving properly."It's okay, I shouldn't hav
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Chapter 164
Ariel stepped back and looked at Leon in shock.A woman's period usually lasted only around six to seven days each month, but she was having it for ten days. Her period kept on continuing without any signs of stopping. It was very unusual.That was not the main point. The main point was that it was her private affair. She could not understand how Leon knew and in such detail!It was hard to believe!"Didn't I tell you before? I know some medicine. I managed to tell from your complexion…" Leon said simply."Are you being serious? Are you trying to lie to me?!" Ariel looked at Leon doubtfully.The first time Leon said that, she thought that Leon was deliberately teasing her.Yet, this time, Leon seemed to be able to tell that something was wrong with her body. She was a bit caught off guard. Could Leon really know some medicine?"Why would I lie to you?! Don't worry, the medicine I prescribed to you last time works wonders. As long as you take the medicine on time for a week, I a
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Chapter 165
Ariel said with great difficulty before she grabbed a pad from her bag and got up to leave. Yet, another wave of pain washed over her, and she stumbled before she started to fall.Thankfully, Leon reacted quickly. He grabbed her waist and pulled Ariel into his arms."Is your illness acting up again?" Leon frowned, quickly guessing what happened. "I'm fine, I just need to bear with it…""Let me go…" The dense smell of a man entered her nose, and Ariel's face reddened. After that, she struggled half-heartedly, but could not pry Leon's hands away."Nonsense! How could you just bear with this? You should be treated!" Leon's expression darkened as he forcefully picked Ariel up. Ariel gasped as they headed to the sofa."W-what are you doing? L-let me go!" Ariel's face reddened, and her heart started beating erratically. She did not know why, it was maybe because she liked dominant men, but she did not reject how intimate Leon was acting. Instead, she suddenly felt like Leon was bein
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Chapter 166
The necklace was already ready, and Elder Shear called to ask Leon for his address so he could send the necklace over.Leon saw that it was about time for him to get off work, so he did not want to trouble Elder Shear. He made an appointment with Elder Shear, and prepared to go over himself to get it after work. He would get to thank Elder Shear as well.The Shears were one of the four great families of Springfield City, and was the one that kept the lowest profile out of the four. Their manor was at the foot of a lush, green hill. The scenery was incredibly beautiful. It looked like a paradise. It looked like an amazing place to hide away and rest.In the courtyard, Elder Shear was at the center of the garden and was playing chess.The man in front of him was a young man about thirty years of age.The young man had sharp eyes, and looked incredibly dignified. He was Harvey Shear, Elder Shear's grandson and the most gifted man in that generation. He was the first in line to take
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Chapter 167
However, the design of the necklace was complicated, so it took a bit more time. Master Summers finally finished his masterpiece."Grandfather, Master Summers is the most famous smith of Springfield City. I heard that he already retired for almost ten years. If you didn't have some dealings with him in the past, he would not have come out of retirement for this!" Harvey said with a smile."That's right. To get him to help me, I practically had to beg him before he finally decided to give in," Elder Shear laughed."Grandfather, these two necklaces are beautiful, but the center of the imperial greens are the most vibrant parts. This must not be cheap. It's also a masterpiece that Master Summers made after ten years of not working. There's an incredible significance to it.""Are you just going to give it away for nothing?" Cynthia pouted and did not look very willing.Imperial green was very rare and valuable. In the market, those two necklaces made of imperial green would be worth a
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Chapter 168
"I've already promised Leon. How could I go back on my word?! I'm the head of the Shears. If I go back on my words, I'd be a laughing stock!" Elder Shear had a serious and adamant look on his face.He loved his granddaughter. He would have never disappointed her if this was anything else, but it involved his family's reputation. He could not joke around with that."But…" Cynthia still wanted to say something, but she was interrupted by Elder Shear."There are no buts. If you want it, then pick one of them. If you don't, then I'll just give both of them to Leon so we won't have to separate the twins," Elder Shear said."Of course, I want one! I'll just take one then. It's better than nothing!" Cynthia was forced to accept it, picking the Red Star of the Sea and holding it dearly.Not too long later, Leon arrived at the Shears household. A guard led him to the garden, and Leon met the group."Elder Shear, it's been a while," Leon smiled and greeted Benedict."Leon, you're here. Le
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Chapter 169
Benedict just smiled.The Shears were one of Springfield's top four families. They wielded considerable power. How could he possibly have anything that required Leon's assistance?If he really ran into a problem that the Shears couldn't solve, Leon wouldn't be able to help."It's almost dinnertime, Leon. Why don't you stay for dinner?" Phoebe said, smiling."I don't want to impose..."Leon excused himself and was about to leave when he caught sight of Phoebe's face. He could see a glimmer of dark energy on Phoebe's brow.The dark energy was enigmatic. He would not have noticed it if he had not been so well-versed in medicine."Leon, what exactly is it?" Benedict and his family were perplexed when they saw Leon come to a halt."Please forgive me for being blunt, Elder Shear. Madam Shear has a dark aura around her. This is a bad omen. She might not have much longer..." Leon stated after some thought."What?""My grandmother is in perfect health. How could she possibly be so y
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Chapter 170
Leon was very sad, but since he owed Benedict, he still recommended Graham to them.After that, he bid his farewells and brought the necklace away."That brat doesn't know his place! I'm so angry!" Looking at Leon leave, Benedict slammed his hand on the desk. His eyes widened in anger. His good impressions on Leon completely disappeared."Benedict, don't be angry. That man might have just been trying to be nice. He might not have meant anything bad," Phoebe consoled with a smile."How could he be trying to be kind? He clearly has ill intentions!""I think that he must've thought that grandmother was paralyzed after seeing her in the wheelchair. That's why he deliberately made a fuss. He wanted to take the chance to get closer to our family!""He didn't know that she was just having joint pains, so he failed to trick us!" Cynthia sneered and said."Yes, that's possible," Harvey nodded, feeling like his sister might be right.After all, they were one of the four big families of S
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