All Chapters of The Ex-Husband's Revenge: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
3037 Chapters
Chapter 151
Never in their dreams did they expect that Leon would be able to beat eight or nine fierce thugs alone. He was even completely unharmed!It was unbelievable!Bowden was especially stunned. He rubbed his eyes in disbelief.He knew that Leon was Lily's colleague at work. He never expected a regular office worker like Leon to be able to fight so well!It deeply shook him!Suddenly, the whole place was quiet. It was so quiet that even a pin drop could be heard."H-how strong!" Lily was the first to react. Her beautiful eyes glinted.Leon looked so handsome and manly showing off earlier. Lily started to look at Leon with a bit of reverence."Yeah, Leon's amazing!" Both Serena and Jared were incredibly excited to see Leon's skills."H-how is this possible?" Rizzy covered her mouth in shock. She could not believe it.Leon was the trash of the Manson Company before this. He would never retaliate no matter how he was beaten or scolded.At that moment, Leon seemed like a completely di
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Chapter 152
Walter was frantic in anger, and he had a vicious look on his face."Oh?" "Then I'll give you half an hour. Go ahead and call whoever you want. Let's see how capable you really are!" Leon sneered.They were in a lawful society. Even though he beat up Walter and his men, there was no way he could actually do anything to them. At the most, he could just teach them a lesson.However, Walter seemed to refuse to learn his lesson. If Walter remembered this grudge and tried to take revenge in the future, the grudge might spill over to Lily's family.That would be disastrous!He was incredibly skilled, so he was not afraid of any revenge from Walter, but Lily's family were all just commoners. There was no way they would be able to stand up against Walter's revenge.The best way to handle it was to have Walter summon up everything he could at that moment. After that, Leon would have completely defeated Walter until Walter was filled with fear and hopelessness!That was the only way to
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Chapter 153
"Do you think you're unbeatable just because you know martial arts?! What a joke!" Rizzy berated him.Even though she just saw that Leon was skilled, it did not mean anything. If Walter called for even more and even stronger helpers, Leon would not be able to deal with the sheer numbers.Furthermore, so what if Leon would actually be able to deal with it.Society already lost any need for material arts. Money was the real power!Someone without any power or money like Leon would just end up in jail for half his life if he accidentally crippled anyone in a fight!In the end, she felt like Leon's thoughts were too naive!"That…"Lily's family looked like they just had cold water poured all over them.They knew that Rizzy was right. Leon was powerless, it would not be easy to deal with the matter.If Leon did not manage to deal with it well, he would be in danger himself. How could he help their family?"Don't worry, I have my ways…" Leon smiled.Even though he was a powerless
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Chapter 154
"Dad, you're finally here!" Duncan ran over happily.Looking at the slightly red bruise on Duncan's face, it looked like he was slapped. Anthony was furious, "Duncan, who was the one who dared to slap you?! How dare they!""It was him!" Duncan pointed at Walter hatefully.After a moment of rest, Walter's men finally climbed up with much difficulty.They never expected that they would bump into Anthony's men."Go teach them a lesson!" Anthony shouted. With a wave, his men started to charge at Walter and the others."Anthony, I'm Walter!" "I'm warning you, my boss is…" Walter was taken aback. Before he could even shout out the name of his boss, a young man sent a baseball bat right at his head."Who the heck is Walter? I've never heard of him before!""Beat them all up!" Walter scoffed in disdain.Walter was not a big figure in the underworld, and he was not that famous. He heard of Anthony before, but Anthony did not know of him at all!How could Anthony pay any attention to
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Chapter 155
"Aunt Serena, let's go outside to look too," Rizzy smiled and said.Serena hesitated for a moment before she nodded. Then, all of them walked outside, including Leon and Lily.When they were outside, Anthony ordered his men to throw Walter's men on the ground.At that moment, they suddenly heard the honks of a row of cars. Over a dozen black Volkswagen's started to drive over. They quickly stopped at the neighborhood, blocking the entrance. When the doors opened, three or four dozen young and fierce-looking men in black suits walked out from the cars.Seeing that, Anthony, Serena, and the others were stunned."This is great! Our men are here!" Walter was ecstatic. His reinforcements were there!"Who are these people?!" Anthony's expression sank. He had a look of doubt on his face."Dad, they might be Walter's reinforcements!" Duncan said in a hurry."Reinforcements? Let's see who that person is. Let's see how capable he is!" Anthony sneered. He felt like his influence in the
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Chapter 156
Anthony knew of Leopard's connections and power very well. In front of Leopard, he was nothing!If Leopard wanted to kill him, it would be no different from killing an ant!"Who do you think you are? How dare you talk to my father like that. Do you want to die?!" Duncan was furious as he started to point at Leopard and shouted. He wanted to show his power off in front of Lily's family!"Preposterous! Shut up right now, brat!" Anthony paled as he slapped Duncan's face forcefully.Smack! Everyone could hear that slap.Duncan was stunned. He clutched his face as he looked at his father in disbelief, "Dad, w-why did you hit me?""You're the one I should be hitting! Do you know who this guy in front of us is? He's Leopard of Mistcloud Mountain!" Anthony berated."L-Leopard?" Duncan was stunned. He might not have met Leopard before, but he definitely heard of Leopard's reputation.He knew that Leopard was the person in charge of the areas around Mistcloud Mountain. Leopard was defi
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Chapter 157
After all, Leopard was a true force in the underworld. He was a vicious figure that had so much blood on his hands. If they dared to anger Leopard, they did not know how Leopard would kill them!"Men!""Drag the two of them out. Follow our rules. Both of them will have one limb cut off as punishment!" Leopard coldly snorted.With that order, the vicious thugs behind him pinned both Duncan and Anthony down."Leopard, don't…" "Please, have mercy…" Anthony and Duncan both paled. They frantically begged for mercy, but it was pointless."Bring them away!" Leopard's expression was cold, and he was not moved by it.The rules were in place for a reason!Even though he did not know what happened between Walter and Anthony, Anthony was still someone who had a part in the underworld. Anthony hurt his subordinates without his permission.It was a challenge to his power and authority!Leopard was already showing mercy by just taking a limb!"Leopard, wait!""It's not just Duncan and
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Chapter 158
Walter was being disrespectful to Leon. No matter how it happened, he could not tolerate it!"Leopard, you looked so impressive just now! I've really been enlightened!" Leon let out a sneer, the murderous intent in his eyes was evident.Leopard shuddered as he hurriedly knelt in front of Leon, "Mister Wolf, I didn't know you were here. If I offended you in any way, please forgive me."Looking at the scene, Bowden and Walter were dumbfounded.Anthony and Duncan were stunned.Even Lily, Rizzy, and the others were completely shocked!No one would have even dreamed that Leopard, who basically dominated the whole place, would kneel to Leon!W-what was happening?Could Leon be someone that was even more amazing than Leopard?!Everyone was shocked as they looked at each other. They could see how shaken everyone was.Rizzy was the most deeply shaken!Just a month ago, Leone was recognized as being completely useless in the Mansons' company. Everyone looked down on Leon!Just a mont
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Chapter 159
"Take them away!" Leopard said coldly. After that, his subordinates dragged Walter and Bowden out like dogs. Right after that, Leopard knelt in front of Leon again as he pleaded sincerely, "Mister Wolf, I have quite a lot of subordinates, and I wasn't able to manage them properly. My bad management has caused you trouble this time, I'm so sorry…""However, I swear on my life that I've always done things by the book. I've always made sure to live up to my conscience…""Please have some mercy. Give me a chance to change…""Are you being honest with me?" Leon coldly looked at Leopard.Leopard felt a lot more pressure, but he still met Leon's gaze. He did not try to avoid it at all.Looking at how sincere Leopard's expression was, he did not seem to be lying. Leon's anger diminished quite a bit, "Since you're quite sincere, I'll give you one last chance!""However, there's no more next time!""Mister Wolf, thank you. Thank you…""I assure you, once I go back, I'll make sure to te
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Chapter 160
"Thank you. Thank you, Mister Wolf…" The Leonards managed to salvage their lives. They looked incredibly emotional as they constantly thanked Leon.If it was not for Leon, the two of them would definitely have not been able to avoid having their limbs cut off by Leopard. Leon definitely helped them!After that, the two of them and Leopard bid their farewells. All of them left in a hurry.Looking at everyone leave, Lily, Rizzy, and the others finally snapped out of their stupor."Leon, w-who the heck are you?" Rizzy looked at Leon in shock. It was like she was looking at a stranger. "I'm myself. Who else could I be?" Leon shrugged. "But, in just a little over a month, how did you become so capable?!" Rizzy was full of disbelief. "You never know what can happen in a month. Isn't that so?" Leon said with a smile.Rizzy's face reddened as she quickly thought about how rude she was to Leon before. She bit her lip and said earnestly, "Leon, I'm sorry. I was so rude to you before t
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