All Chapters of The Ex-Husband's Revenge: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
3043 Chapters
Chapter 171
"Don't get us wrong, Graham. We never requested medical services from anyone else. Some kid named Leon just took it upon himself to act as if he knows what's going on and spout a whole load of nonsense!" Benedict explained immediately."Leon, you say?" Graham's heart skipped a beat and he stood up abruptly from his seat."Yes, his name's Leon. What's gotten into you, Graham?" Benedict looked at Graham with surprise and did not understand why the latter had such a huge reaction."Elder Shear, can you tell me more about how old this Leon person is and how he looks like..." Graham was on the verge of hyperventilating and he had no idea if it was the Leon in question was the same Leon he met before."He's a tall and slender young man in his mid-twenties..." Benedict described Leon's appearance in a few simple words."It really is him!" Graham felt like he was struck by lightning and stood helplessly on the spot."You know him?" Benedict seemed to have noticed that something was wrong
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Chapter 172
"You can ask him to try," Graham said hurriedly."Oh yes! How could I forget about him? He said that he was about sixty to seventy percent sure that he could cure it! That would mean he has a way to cure it!" Benedict rejoiced and immediately took out his cell phone to call Leon. However, the smile on his face froze immediately after he realized that he chased Leon away earlier.Cynthia saw how awkward her grandfather was and took the initiative to say, "Grandpa, that Leon guy just left, so he's probably still nearby. I'll go get him to come back here and heal Grandma!""Okay. Hurry up and chase after him! Please remember to show your sincerity, even if it means having to beg him..." Benedict instructed. He felt that it would be more sincere if his granddaughter was the one who personally went to ask for Leon's help again."I understand..."Without waiting for Benedict to say anything else, Cynthia rushed out like a bullet train and immediately gave chase in the direction Leon wen
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Chapter 173
Leon spoke in earnest. He witnessed Graham's medical skills back at the Youngs and saw the man's sheer ability both in alternative medicine and conventional medicine. Leon's pressure point treatment skills might be better than that Graham's, but he was a mere layman compared to Graham in terms of medical experience and insights. It was therefore much better for the Shears to get treatment for the old lady from Graham, rather than a half-baked doctor!"You..." Cynthia was seconds away from exploding with rage.She would not have rushed to Leon and asked for his help if Graham was able to cure her grandmother! Of all the things he could have said, he chose to justify his actions by bringing up Graham as an excuse! It was quite clear to her that he mocked her!A proud woman like her could never accept that kind of attitude from someone else!"Don't be so ungrateful! I should let you know that it's an honor for you to heal my grandma! We Shears will the ones to look up to you! Don't yo
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Chapter 174
Harvey scolded coldly."Apologize? Who's he to receive an apology for someone like me? Not a chance!" Cynthia did not accept it in the slightest."You..." Smoke nearly emitted from Harvey's nose, and he was just about to say something when Leon interrupted him."I don't need an apology! I just want to go home a little earlier, and I hope the Shears won't put too much pressure on me!" Leon snorted coldly before turning around to leave. He did not want to be involved with them anymore."Don't leave, Mister Wolf!" Harvey was shocked and he immediately hurried forward to stop Leon."What is it now, Mister Shear?" Leon asked calmly."Mister Wolf, we're sorry for the earlier misunderstanding. We shouldn't have doubted your medical skills, and above all, we shouldn't have chased you away. We were in the wrong, and I wish to apologize to you on my grandfather's behalf. I hope you'll find it in your heart to forgive us this once and come back with us to treat my grandmother..." Harvey bow
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Chapter 175
Harvey knew full well in his heart that Leon would not have refused so firmly if his sister did not get into a potential altercation with Leon earlier. Like it or not, the offender had to be the one to ask for Leon's forgiveness, and it was only when Cynthia apologized that there might be room for them to maneuver in that issue!"You're asking me to kneel for him? Like hell I will! You're free to do these crazy things if you want, but don't drag me into it!" Cynthia gritted her pearly-white teeth."Cynthia! Do you have any idea how critical Grandma's situation is right now? Her life is in imminent danger, and I can't even begin to think what would happen if Mister Wolf doesn't help! Do you want Grandma to die?" Harvey glared at Cynthia and was about to snap at her stubbornness."I..." Cynthia felt thunderstruck. She has always lived a high life and was pampered by everyone, so it was inevitable that she would be stubborn to a certain degree. However, the exhorting by her brother fin
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Chapter 176
"It's okay. What's important is that you've done your best. We'll remember your kindness for the rest of our lives regardless of what the result is!" Benedict said solemnly.Although he was very worried about his wife's condition, Leon has already assured that he was about 60-70 percent confident. When it came to medical matters, such a high degree of confidence generally meant that nothing unpleasant would happen."Where there's life, there's death. Whether or not I'll survive this is all up to fate. Please don't feel like you have to bear a huge burden, Mister Wolf." Phoebe smiled kindly. She was very old already, and her age meant that she saw the circle of life over and over again around her. If she could not be cured, she would have been satisfied with the life that she lived."Alright. Don't worry, everyone. I'll give it my all!" Leon smiled, then he motioned for Phoebe to stretch out her wrist so he could take Phoebe's pulse.The very basis of alternative medicine was observ
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Chapter 177
"How..." Benedict stumbled backward as if he was struck by lightning, and he felt as if his heart sank deep into the arctic sea."B*stard! You quack! You killed my grandmother! I'll kill you..." Cynthia snapped out of her sadness and attacked Leon madly."Cynthia, stop! Don't be so impetuous!" Benedict yelled out loud to stop Cynthia."But Grandpa! He killed Grandma! I won't forgive him for this..." Cynthia burst into tears and cried out in grief."It's not his fault... Your grandmother already left her life and death up to fate..." Benedict burst into tears. His eyes were filled with sorrow and his melancholy was rubbing off on everyone.Those who were there could see that he was much more brokenhearted than Cynthia was."What are…you guys…doing… Madam Shear... She's fine. She... She's almost fully healed..." Leon did not know whether to laugh or cry. His voice was weak, and he only managed to squeeze a couple of words from his teeth.His voice was not loud, but it was as if a
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Chapter 178
"However, I must clarify one point. Madam Shear's condition has improved significantly, but she is still not completely cured." Leon gave a bitter smile.There were some unpleasant incidents during the treatment because he was only 60-70 percent certain at the time and had no control over the situation."Are you still not completely cured? Did you only treat the symptoms rather than the underlying cause, leaving room for a future recurrence?" Benedict was startled, and his joy dimmed slightly as a result.Harvey and Cynthia felt the same way and were concerned about the situation."No, that is not what I mean! I had previously completely cured her brain infection, so there is virtually no chance of a recurrence. But there's only so much I can do. I can't help her repair her nerve damage, and she may have to live with a wheelchair or crutches..." Leon was embarrassed.If his refinement was high enough, he could actually use spiritual energy to repair Phoebe's damaged nerves, accord
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Chapter 179
"This might be may be difficult for some of the other families, but it's super easy for them!" Graham said."Ahh, that explains it," Leon was surprised and only understood then."To be honest, Mister Wolf, we have a true Panax ginseng plant that's more than three-hundred-and-sixty years old! As for other precious medicinal materials, please just say the word if you need anything else and I'll have someone prepare it immediately," Benedict said with a smile."Alright. I'll have it written down for you," Leon nodded. He then found some paper and a pen before writing down a prescription and handing it over to Benedict.In addition, he also instructed Benedict to find an earthenware pot for boiling the medication, amongst other things such as coal and the like.Before long, Harvey and several guards came over with all the equipment and medicinal ingredients that Leon needed. It included the wild Panax ginseng that was more than three centuries old.Before boiling the herbs concoction
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Chapter 180
"Ah! Is this the so-called alchemy that used to exist in ancient times? I had quite the eye-opening experience today!" Benedict laughed and looked at Leon with admiration. Harvey and Cynthia reacted the same way too. Today was the first time in history that they have seen the mysterious alchemy technique, so it was easy to imagine the kind of shock they felt in their hearts!"You flatter me too much. It's not that big of a feat to deserve such recognition..." Leon's face turned red, and he was a little ashamed of being praised.As everyone guessed, what he did earlier was not merely boiling medicine, but alchemy. Compared with boiling medicine the ordinary way, alchemy was several times better than that, for the herbs' medicinal properties could be better extracted. However, it was actually Leon's first time with alchemy. His inexperience, coupled with his unsteady heat control, eventually led to the exploding pot accident.Fortunately, those herbs have already formed into alchemica
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