All Chapters of The Lyon's Cub Caitlin: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
117 Chapters
Chapter 92: TODD
I slid my finger inside her going slow. "Can you feel that?" She nodded her head and looked down at my hand."Answer me I want your words."Yes, yes I can feel it." I gave her more and worked my finger in and out of her slowly while teasing her mouth with my tongue. "Pull down the top of your dress." There were three little buttons there, which she undid and pulled the dress apart. "Now your bra." She fumbled to unclasp it while I still moved my finger in and out of her. "Now look at me." Her eyes flew to mine and I could tell that she was close. I eased my finger in deeper until it butted against her hymen. "You feel that?""Yes! Ahhh!""That's your hymen, that's mine. I'm not going to take it with my finger so I won't go beyond this point tonight, relax." My little virgin thinks she's ready but she's still scared of the unknown. Now that she knew I wasn't going to fuck her I was hoping she'd be able to relax and enjoy. Only then will I be able to move
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Chapter 93: TODD
"Let's go get cleaned up and I'll take you for some ice cream." She was looking hot with her top still open and her breasts on full display, her nipples still wet from my mouth. And I had a moment of, 'is this really my Caitie?' Did we really make it this far? "One more." She lifted up to reach and our mouths came together in heated passion. I held her head in my hand letting all the emotions run free. "I'm going to make you very happy Caitlin, I promise you." She pulled me back in and took it up a notch. I had to pull away because it was getting to me; she was getting to me. "Let's go!" We got cleaned up in the bathroom and then I held her hand all the way to the ice cream parlor as we drove. Tonight I changed the game and held her hand all the way to the counter, then dropped it to put mine around her waist as she pretended to read the menu knowing that she was going to get the same thing she always does. I licked ice cream from the corner of her lips
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Chapter 94: LYON
I saw the second he remembered what had happened to her and tears came into his eyes. "I'm sorry daddy, I messed up.""Yeah, you did, and now you're going to pay for it. Bring me the console; in fact bring me all your games and your phone the iPad, everything you use to play games. You can keep the Mac because you need that for class. And you're not allowed to play with your brothers' games either." The other one tried sneaking out of the room. "Catalina bring me your computer your iPad and your phone as well, you're grounded for a month. No lab with grandpa either." She looked like I'd gut punched her but I gave her a look that dared her to say one word to me. She thought better of it and headed to her room to do as I said. They know better than to go to their mother that shit doesn't work in this house. And Kat knows the few times she tried that shit in the beginning I put her ass in time out too. It's called the no dick zone. And my freak don't like it there.
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Chapter 95: TODD
I finally got the door open with her lips still attached to mine. 'Give me a minute." I kept her in a blind spot by the door and went around the house turning off the eyes and ears. I went back to her and started to take her to the counter again, but she had other ideas. "Let's go to the couch." I had to think for a second. The furniture is the same my parents had left behind, except for the bed, which was new. I wasn't planning on living here, so didn't think to change anything else. "Gimme a minute." I went into my bedroom, which I did not invite her into, not with the big ass bed in there, that was way too much temptation. I grabbed a new sheet and we headed into the living room where I spread it over the couch so she could sit. As soon as my ass hit the cushion she pounced. "Take it easy, you'll bruise your lips." She'd smashed her lips against my teeth in her haste. "Hurry Todd, I wanna feel it again." Shit, there goes my dick. Now I'm working on a schedule
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Chapter 96: TODD
I rolled putting her on top of me with her legs spread around my ears and went to town. She teased my cock to her heart's content. Taking it out of her mouth and looking at it before going back to sucking, while I ate her pussy like it was a four- course meal. When she came she dropped my cock from her mouth and smashed her pussy against my mouth hard, her ass going sixty miles a minute as she screamed. I kept licking her clit until she grew too sensitive to the touch and begged me to stop. I eased her off of me and without me telling her she got down on her knees in front of me and finished sucking me off. When I got close I warned her, I knew she wasn't ready to swallow, so I took my cock from her mouth and pulled her onto my lap, trapping my dick between us so the ridge that runs along the shaft hit her clit perfectly. I dry fucked her with nothing between us until I came all over her cunt lips and her stomach. Fucking perfect. I held her against me until she
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Chapter 97: LYON
I sat behind my desk the next morning still reeling from what the kid had said the night before. He'd just left to take her to school like she didn't have her own car and a license. The SEALs had shown up early this morning because we had shit to do. "So how're we doing this?" Tyler asked as we sat around the office. We have a shit load of stuff to do still before Mengele goes playing detective but this shit was just as important as far as I'm concerned. "First we have to get our nosy ass wives out of the house and I know just how to do it. We'll send them for a spa day, that should get them out of the house for a few hours at least." They started reaching for their wallets. "Don't be assholes, this is my treat, you're my guests remember?""Yeah Colt but something like that's gonna set you back at least a few grand.""Logan I think I can afford to send my wife and her friends on a day out. We should add shopping too, that'll really keep them the fuck out of
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Chapter 98: TODD
I wish Track was here with this equipment and his expertise. Colt had told us this morning about what Catalina was up to the night before and it sent shivers down my spine just imagining the fallout if that shit had gone south. But no matter how I look at this image I can't get anything more from it than what we already have. We'd looked at the actual video from the drone again but that was no better. Plus there's the fact that I can't concentrate for shit. When I drove Caitlin to school just now I asked if her dad had said anything about the little bombshell I'd dropped the night before and she said no, which didn't feel right to me, but maybe he was having an off day. Somehow I don't think so! The house was eerily quiet since the kids had all either gone down for a nap or were almost there. I felt slightly nervous by the fact that he hadn't called me on it when I came back from taking her to school but decided that was my own psychosis at work. But still in the back o
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Chapter 99: LYON
I got so caught up with the boy that I damn near forgot that my kids were awake in their playpens. My little angels are nine months old but they're tiny, like both their sisters had been at that age. I pretty much knew what to expect knew their capabilities or so I thought. I reached the top of the stairs just before they demolished the security gates there too. They'd already escaped the one across the playroom door. "Come here you!" I snatched Cady up first since she was the one in front. Todd had Cayla and Ty had Cayleigh. Baby Zak was in one of the guestrooms watching her Disney Sing along songs tape which we could hear coming from the room so she had no part in this. I put the gates back up and we took the three of them back to the office with the damn dog trailing behind us. "I wanna see how they did that shit." I was surprised because of their sizes that they were even able to escape the playpen let alone make it through the first gate. I hit replay on th
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Chapter 100: KAT
I paced back and forth in my room after sending Catalina off to do whatever it is she does in the evenings for the second time. She too was worried about her sister but her questions were only making me more nervous. Colt has been closed away with our eldest for the better part of an hour and a half and I haven't been able to hear a peep. It was halfway through our shopping spree when I was thanking my mother in law for her kindness in taking us all out for a day at the spa that I realized something was wrong. Elena informed me that my husband the sneak had been the one to suggest it and my mind got to wondering. Of course it was the first thing I asked him upon my return but he wasn't saying a word. Todd looked to be no worse for wear so I couldn't quite put my finger on what it is that he's up to. But when he called Caitie away I knew I had been right to worry. I turned when I heard someone at the door, ready to send Catalina packing once again with her nosy s
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Chapter 101: MOUTH
"Mommy, daddy, I need to ask you something.""Come in sweetheart." I patted the place between her father and I on the bed and she ran and jumped in, cuddling up to her daddy for more hugs. It was way past her bedtime. "What is it squirt?" Shane nuzzled her neck making her squeal with laughter, but she was soon back to being serious again. "It's about my friend Catalina.""Oh?" Is this one of your friends from school?" I didn't look at her father. We had yet to tell her that we'd paid a visit to her friend's home. I didn't want her to know that I'd been monitoring her. I know how much she likes her independence. As someone who'd been afforded plenty of space when I was growing up, I wanted her to have the same. But Shane would have a cow if I let her get away with half the stuff uncle Al had let me get away with when I was younger. "No mommy, she's my friend from the gifted program website. I think she might be in trouble.""Why do you think that?"
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