All Chapters of The Lyon's Cub Caitlin: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
117 Chapters
Chapter 102: TODD
The next day was Friday and I did my now usual routine of driving her to school. Her parents have got to be the coolest parents in the world because they never pressured her or I, to drive her siblings to and from school now that she had her license. The twins who weren't far behind her in age were gearing up to get theirs, but her dad was like, nope, she got hers at seventeen that's when you get yours. Something that didn't surprise me, because as much as to the outside world Colton Lyon might seem like the most chauvinistic guy to ever draw breath, he's actually the most understanding parent I've ever met. He doesn't treat his kids any different because of gender when it comes to the important things in life. All she could talk about was the wedding, something I'd told her the night before when we finally got around to Facetime would not be some long drawn out deal. Of course I'd had to hear about how long it takes to get this and that done but I was only willing to g
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Chapter 103: TODD
"What's wrong with you?" I'd just picked her up and we were waiting for her siblings to walk out the school door since she wanted them to ride home with us. The look on her face was entirely different from the one she wore when I dropped her off this morning. Gone was the light of excitement to be replaced with a look of worry and almost fear. I'd shown up a little early because I knew it was the last day for seniors and I know how things can get on that day with assholes acting out. Brian was still in the hospital hooked up to shit so I knew it couldn't be him that had put that look on her face. "Somebody bothered you?""No, I'm just thinking about something, nothing to worry about. I'll be fine." "Caitlin!""What are you and daddy and the uncles doing in his office all day? Are you trying to find the girl that was taken?""How do you? ... I don't want you involved in this leave it alone.""Do you know about those people that are after me?" "Caitlin I
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Chapter 104: TODD
"Can I go see her?" I didn't even let him get behind his desk good before I asked."Yeah, and try to keep her little ass quiet.""I'll do my best but she was raised to be a strong willed individual; not sure how well I'm gonna do." I grinned as I headed for the door."Touché kid, touché!" I lost the smile halfway to her bedroom and found it again as soon as I reached the door. "Hey, you feeling better?""She looked up at me from the bed where she was sitting. "Wanna go for a drive with me later?" She nodded her head just as her mother called for her to come downstairs. "Don't forget what I told you, three months tops and that's pushing it kinda close." I kissed her cheek and squeezed her hand before walking away and she had no idea that I was still pissed at her. All through dinner that evening I played the laid back cool guy. I fielded questions from the others, was the butt of their jokes all while grinning and playing my part. As soon as dinner was ov
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Chapter 105: TODD
I didn't say shit to her about that move she'd just made, as if she'd forgotten I was even there. I just carried on finger fucking her, staying in tune with her body while rubbing my cock harder into her clit for some much needed relief for myself. And just as her legs grew taut and her whole body tensed up for the grand finale I pulled my fingers out of her and lifted her off my lap. She looked dazed and confused for the first few seconds but it didn't take my bright girl long to figure out what had just happened to her when I picked her discarded panties up off the floor and passed them to her. She looked furiously close to tears, like she wanted to knock the fuck outta me, so I knew it worked. "Come let me take you home.""But we have more than an hour left." She was all but pleading now and the way she rubbed her thighs together after pulling her panties back in place was a dead giveaway. "No! I'm not rewarding you for bad behavior. Now you go home and th
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Chapter 106: TODD
I put it to the back of my mind though after stepping into the office and getting down to business. Mancini had been working nonstop on trying to clean up the image even more to see what else we could get that would lead us to finding the truck and driver and hopefully the person in the back. The others were trying to do background checks on everyone in the area around where we'd decided the image had been taken from. It was a long shot and tedious as hell but it needed to be done. My job was sifting through whatever they found to make sure they hadn't missed anything. It was painstaking work especially since every second felt like we were working against the clock. The two jobs I'd worked on, on the East Coast had been more cut and dry. Then we knew where the girls were being held and just needed to go in and get them. Now we have no clue and not much to go on. "I'll have Jake check inmate relocations unless you wanna do that Mancini." I heard Law's voice which
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Chapter 106: TODD
She came down the stairs five minutes after I arrived and blew me away. Her naturally straight hair was done up in a mix of braids and curls with what looked like pearls strewn throughout. Her face was bare of makeup except for a gloss of pink on her lips and she was still breathtaking. Her only jewelry was the necklace I'd bought her, the bracelet she always wore and the Chanel J12 watch, her dad had given her for her sixteenth birthday. I forgot for those few seconds that we were in a room full of people as I was drawn to her. I helped her down the last few stairs and it was only then when we reached the bottom and her mom exclaimed about her beauty that I remembered we weren't alone. Then her dad stepped forward and I got to see firsthand how he'd kept her and her siblings safe all these years. "That bag looks kinda small, you got your kit?""Yes daddy!" She opened her bag and pulled out an arsenal. Pepper spray, mace, as if one wasn't enough, and a Taser.
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Chapter 107: TODD
We were halfway there in the parking lot when we both came across a strange scene. Some guy seemed to be dragging a girl with him. She wasn't screaming or anything so I didn't think much of it, but the way the guy reacted when he saw us gave me pause. That, and the way my girl tensed up beside me. "Hey, you need some help?" I kept my voice as nonthreatening as I could as I stood where we were, a few feet away. "Oh, ha-ha, no thanks, my daughter had a little too much to drink at the prom so I'm here to pick her up." Just then the girl's head flopped around on her shoulders giving credence to his words. Still for some reason I asked for her name. "Her name is Susan, sorry pal I gotta get her outta here." He then half carried half dragged her away. I turned and started to walk to the car, still with that odd feeling in the pit of my gut, but Caitlin kept looking back over her shoulder at the two. She squeezed my arm hard. "Todd, her name's not Susan I saw her face,
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Chapter 108: TODD
It was as easy as breathing to lower my head the few inches it took to reach her lips with mine. I felt her soft tears brush against my lip as I folded her in my arms and drew her in. She stood on tiptoes to get closer and I ended up lifting her by her ass and wrapping her legs around me. I remembered at the last minute not to get her hair wet and leaned her back against the wall away from the water's spray. The kiss grew hot, torrid as I rubbed my cock along her wet slit until my cock was at its full twelve inches of rock hard steel. I reached behind me and flicked off the water with our lips still fused together and stepped out of the shower. My cock kept sliding along her slit and by the time we reached my bed I knew I was going to fuck her. I laid her back on the bed and kissed the tears off her face before making my way down her middle until I came to her pussy. I pushed her legs apart with my shoulders and looked down at her perfect pink pussy. Ope
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Chapter 109: CAITLIN
I was so nervous when daddy walked through the door. Thankfully it seemed like Todd had been expecting him and handled the situation beautifully, but I was still lost in my own little world. I never knew that anything could feel better than all those things he'd already taught me. No wonder mommy and daddy are always sneaking away when they think that no one has noticed. Gross! "You doing okay Caitiebear? Leslie's going to be okay. They're taking good care of her at the hospital." Daddy stood in front of me, and it was obvious from his expression that he was worried that his little girl was still traumatized by the whole ordeal. If he only knew that his little girl had just grown up and that she hadn't thought of poor Leslie in the last hour or so. I fought not to blush and played along. "Thank you daddy, but why was she drunk? I didn't think there would be alcohol served there." "There wasn't she wasn't drunk. He put something in her drink to knock her out. Tha
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Chapter 110: TODD
Merciful fuck, what was that? I looked up at her in wonder as she flopped around on top of me doing amazing fucking things to my dick. I took my fingers away from her clit and nipple and just held onto her hips to keep her from sliding off my cock. Her body went through some kind of aftershock and I felt it all around my dick. I didn't even have to move while she fucked herself hard on my cock. Her body grew taut and her legs kept opening and closing around my hips as she humped harder and harder through her orgasm. As soon as she came down I threw her to her back and fucked her like a mastodon. The headboard knocked into the wall hard enough to put a hole in it but I didn't care. There was a fire raging out of control that went from my gut, through my cock and down to my toes. In my head all I could think of was nutting inside her. I didn't think of the danger, nothing else mattered in those few seconds but cumming inside my woman, claiming her with my seed. I
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