All Chapters of The Lyon's Cub Caitlin: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
117 Chapters
Chapter 82: MOUTH
"So, is it always like this? They disappear up the stairs and leave you ladies down here?" They all looked around at each other."Isn't it that way at your house?" One of the women Mrs. Lyon had just introduced me to spoke up. I wasn't ready to remember their names because I wasn't sure how this thing was gonna go yet. "Nope, they can try." I'd already ascertained that the house was clear for lack of a better word. There were more live bodies here than the freaking MET but I didn't sense that mob boy and I were in any danger. Add the fact that the Mallory boys were here and that brings it down to a danger level of point zero-zero five. But that Lyon guy is...something. I know kill lights when I see them. "Oh dear I'm so sorry, I didn't notice that you were wearing an aid, are we being too loud.""Oh no you're fine." I fiddled with my 'hearing aid' and heard the men's voice come through loud and clear. Good, now I can listen to Shane in one ear and these chicks in th
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Chapter 83: Prince of The City
"Did you have fun with your new friends?" We were in the car on the way back. I'd been there much longer than I expected and was still processing shit."How much did you hear?""Enough, so there's a human trafficking ring and some kinda offshoot in this neighborhood?" "Seems like, and our kid's the one who found them more or less.""What's with the drone?""Lyon's kid apparently took her brother's drone which he had no idea had been doctored and went hunting." "Good girl! So our Lily's starting early.""Mouth, none of your shit. I already let you teach her how to shoot that damn thing you call a toy. Leave my kid alone.""You heard what the teacher said; we should encourage her. By the way, those women, hello. Okay, so the ones that have only been married for a year or so I understand, but Kat? Almost twenty years in and she still doesn't know how to play the game." When she started tying up her hair I knew where her mind was going. Meddling fuck!
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Chapter 84: TODD
After that long day spent closed off in the office it was time to take a break. I had about an hour before I needed to go pick her up from school and I still hadn't gone by the house yet to see what all the cleaners had done. I hadn't talked much, but I'd listened plenty and taken mental notes. They were doing this for Caitlin in a roundabout way so of course I was front and center. Once everyone left and it was just the usual crew, which meant the SEALs, Law, Creed and Jared, I told Mancini that the house was ready and he could go ahead and call Jace and the others in if he wanted to. "We have to do some stuff over there first before you move in.""Huh? What stuff?""I don't let my people live in unsecured houses kid. Lyon, you guys got anything else doing the rest of the day? I might need a hand." "What you need?""We need to secure his place before he moves in there. I've got everything in the car but the more hands we have the faster it'll go. I don't
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Chapter 85: TODD
We had a blast. I didn't know shopping with grown men could be so much fun, oh crap, they were like little boys, touching everything, commenting on everything, it was nuts. If the women were there they would've probably been scolding them every few seconds, especially Tyler who was always messing with something, unreal. They did get serious when it came time to pick out the tux though. "Caitie wants me to get the color that matches her dress." I waved my hand up and down from my neck to my waist. I knew he remembered every detail of that dress when he chose the perfect color tie and cummerbund. Damn, what a father. *** That night her mom insisted that I stay for dinner. "In fact you should have dinner here with us every evening. Your poor mother must be worried to death that you'd starve." I waited for her husband to nix that idea but he didn't say a thing. After dinner Caitlin and I didn't ask, but told her parents we were heading out for some ice crea
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Chapter 86: TODD
I thought my heart would burst when I touched her for the first time. It was knocking against my chest so hard I swear she could hear it, and was surprised when she couldn't. And the sounds she made as my fingers glided across her flesh, I didn't know they would make me forget my well-earned discipline and want to take too soon. I ran my fingers through her wet slit for the first time from slit to clit and felt her flower open up to let me in. Emotions overwhelmed me and there were tears in my eyes and my hand shook when I slipped my finger inside her for the first time. She tensed up and I held still letting her get use to having me there. "Look at me!" Her fever bright eyes looked into mine, her cheeks red in the fading twilight. "Can you feel my finger inside you?" She bit into her lip and nodded. "No don't close your eyes, there's nothing to be ashamed of here. It's just you and me, and love." "I'm going to spend the next few days giving you my finger so get
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Chapter 87: TODD
I heard the noise seconds before she asked. I'd already seen where Mancini and the guys had added the security to the house, had found all the eyes and ears, but stupidly hadn't turned them on before jumping into bed. It's because I'm not accustomed to doing it here. That, and the fact that she had me so worked up I could hardly function. I saw the shadow at about the same time I heard the noise but my only thought was to protect her from seeing what was about to happen. The shot rang out and I heard her scream seconds before I knocked the Mac book to the floor. I rolled off the other side of the bed and crawled. The room was in darkness but there was light coming in through the window. "I told you I'd get you asshole, come outta there." I used his voice to decipher where he was in the room. I only had one chance at this since I didn't have a gun on me. As his footsteps got closer I got ready to spring into action. "I saw you and that bitch driving down to the p
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Chapter 88: TODD
"He's the wrong one asshole.""This ain't got nothing to do with you Lyon.""If it concerns him it concerns me, now walk the fuck over there and check on your boy.""Didn't you already do enough to him? He spent days in the hospital already." "If he'd kept his ass away from my kid none of this would be happening." We were so distracted by him that no one noticed Brian wasn't moving. "What did you do to him? Get the ambulance you idiots; what're you cops good for? Just standing around." "Did she kill 'im?" Creed asked as we all looked at the cop that was trying to revive him. Caitie didn't look too bothered. "No, but it'll be a long time before he messes with anyone else again. Cerebral cortex." Her father high fived her and pulled her in for a hug. My champ wasn't crying anymore. She looked like she was ready for blood."Go grab your bags kid, you're coming home with us." I didn't argue with her dad. Not because I was afraid or anything, but I knew she'
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Chapter 89: CATALINA
I should've given him more, should've crushed the whole bean and emptied it in his drink the bully. My chest was tight with anger as I stayed awake long after mommy put me back to bed. Now I'm just laying here listening to the adults talk downstairs. I can't hear what they're saying, just the drone of their voices as they sit in the kitchen but I know it's about what just happened. It's because of me that Todd came back early, because of me that he was almost killed. If I get my hands on that Brian... I turned over and petted Bunny who was sitting up on guard next to my bed instead of lying down as he usually is. My poor dog has been frazzled by all the excitement lately, what with all the new people in the house. It's a good thing Bunny's good with babies; he loves babies. My heart was only now beginning to settle after hearing my sister's screams. I thought for sure the bad men had got her, but it was that stupid Brian making trouble again. I didn't e
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Chapter 90: LYON
Yeah, somewhere right now, there's a young girl or woman in these people's hands. It burnt my ass that I could do nothing but sit and wait, but I'd learned a long time ago that sometimes waiting, biding your time and doing shit right, garners better results. "You two head up to the office we've got work to do. I'll go tuck my kid in and be right there. Mancini you know where you're going I presume.""Yes, I won't be long." He went to kiss his wife and kid I guess before heading back downstairs and out the door. I left Law and Creed going one way once we reached upstairs and headed in the opposite direction to my room. The way the place is built, there's a curve in the hallway so you can't see the office from the master suite and the guest bedrooms are separated from the family space by a long hallway around another curve, all flanked by windows. The hallway was dark, something I didn't think of when I sent my kid up here to her mother. I wasn't watching where
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Chapter 91: TODD
Another hard day coming to an end. We spent most of the day trying to place the truck and location from the video. All we knew so far is that it's somewhere close by or within the radius that the drone could travel. There was no license plate to go by because it was gone, but we do have the color and maybe the make. Mancini called Jace and the others who were getting ready to finish out the semester, but Jace told him he wasn't bringing his wife and kids here if it was this messy so we'd have to wait until he takes them home to Cali then he'd be here some time next week. I didn't even know you could tell him no. I was switching off between two worlds. The world where I spend all day in the office with her dad and the team, and the one where I have to brush that off and spend time with her without letting it interfere. It's getting easier and I've had lots of practice while working for Mancini while away at college, but this shit is up close and personal. I got u
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