All Chapters of Pregnant and Abandoned but the Billionaire to the Rescue: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
189 Chapters
Chapter 111: Christmas Magic
It was Christmas Eve and the Christmas tree was already decorated. The excitement in the air was catching. Even Nancy who had alot of things on her mind could not help but feel the joy and magic in the air. Phoebe had been watching Nancy since their last discussion and was happy with the brooding look that she seemed to have. She knew Nancy was forming her own opinion and was arriving at a decision. She hoped that the decision would be that she would leave soon. But then the Christmas spirit seemed to have overtaken her as well. Her business was doing well and this period, alot of sales had been made and alot of orders as well. She had also ordered alot of goods as well and it was going off the shelves as though, a disappearing spell had been placed on them. She gave her sales girls break from twelve noon that eve till after the the new year when they were to resume. She needed the break as well. They all forgot about their differences and grievances and decorated the tree with
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Chapter 112: Christmas Magic (2)
Jason and Nancy stayed in companionable silence. They were not saying anything, yet they understood each other.Jason did not want this pleasurable silence to be broken, he was afraid that if he said anything, then they would start quarrelling again.Nancy was so much at peace that she did not know when her head fell on Jason's shoulders and rested there.Jason liked it and stayed like a statue not wanting to move so as not to alert her. He knew that she may not be aware of her actions due to the magic in the air. He had crave physical contact with her since that day and though this was not exactly what he had in mind, he was ready to accept this rather than nothing at all.Close to midnight, Nancy saw the star and like a child filled with excitement,she grabbed Jason's arms and pointed to the star. This is a shooting star. Make a wish and you shall receive it'. she said and closed her eyes.She made a wish that her own true love may come to her and all her pains may be washed away wi
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Chapter 113: Christmas Magic (3)
They went home with Jason virtually carrying her because she was leaning on his shoulders and he was holding her to his side.They got home and Phoebe who had been waiting for Jason was shocked to see them come in together that too holding each other intimately, the way they were.She went quickly in. She did not want them to see her. She wondered what had happened. The more she tried to drive a wedge between them, the closer they grew to each other. It was really frustrating.She of course goes off once in a while to be with Romeo and they always have a steamy session together but that did not mean that she did not want Jason to become her sex captive as well so that he would dance to her every time.Nancy went to her quarters, Jason refused to let her go alone. He walked her to her door and wished her a good night rest.He kissed her again and left as fast as he could. He could not trust himself to carry her inside to her bed as he had intended. He knew that he may not be able to re
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Chapter 114: Rodney Appears out of the Blue
.Nancy nearly fainted but Jason who had been staring at her, wondering why she was so pale and staring at Rodney the way she was as though she had seen a ghost, caught her and carried her to a sofa.All attention shifted from Rodney to Nancy.'What was Rodney doing here?' Nancy thought in panic.Rodney saw the way Jason placed his hands possessively on her and the look in his eyes as he gazed at her. He knew that Jason's feelings for Nancy was not just lust. He was totally Nancy's. He looked at Nancy to see if he could get an inkling of her real feelings towards Jason because she had loved Rodney so completely that he felt hers might not be as deep as Jason's but he couldn't be too sure.'Nancy, what happened?' Jason asked and Phoebe felt that this drama queen had started again. Was she not the one enjoying the meal with everyone else? How come she fainted all of a sudden? She is not the only one who is pregnant for goodness sakes!'Nothing, I just felt dizzy but I'll be okay', she s
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Chapter 115: Nancy's Mine
Jason cold not think of any reason, Rodney would want to speak to Nancy and he. But he had never been one to back out of difficult situations.'Since you would want to speak to us alone, you'd better come with me into my study, I believe we shall have enough privacy there'.The three of them went into his study which was very spacious and we'll furnished.Nancy had never gone into his study before. She had thought that it was always a small room in a house but this study was befitting a mansion such as the Campbell's mansion.'Please sit!' Jason said, all at once, the perfect host.Chris.followed his wife and children upstairs, he had really missed them. Phoebe felt that she could not go anywhere. She had to find out what the man wanted to speak to them about.'I shall ring for coffee's, Jason announced.He rang the bell and Sandy came in with a steamy jug of coffee in a tray with cups.Jason dismissed her.'You said you had something to discuss with the both of us?' he said as he pou
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Chapter 116: Nancy's Mine(2)
'Who marries a woman who is pregnant with another man's child?' Rodney asked and Nancy recalled her shock at Jason's declaration.Did he just say that just to put Rodney off and prevent him from taking her or did he seriously mean it? He had not told her he was considering marrying her.'It has been done before. I am not going to be the first man to do it and even if I were, then I'll gladly do it. You do not know how to treat a woman. You have made known your ignorance by the words you just uttered.Who marries an already pregnant woman indeed!''I have come peacefully. Give me what is rightfully mine. If you stay stubborn, then I will see redress in a court of law!''I am expecting your summons'.Phoebe who had been eavesdropping, tiptoed away. She had heard what she wanted to hear.The study door was sound proof but they had left it slightly open and she had been able to hear all they said. She was going to use it to her advantage.Rodney left in fury, feeling like a failure. He co
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Chapter 117: Are You Really Serious?
Jason and Nancy sat in the library after Rodney had left.Jason was still in shock. He had not wanted to make his intention known the way he had but Richmond had antagonized him to the extent that he had revealed his intention to marry Nancy.He knew that Nancy would have questions but he didn't think that he was in the mood to answer them.He had not thought in his wildest dreams that Richmond would be the person responsible for Nancy's predicament.'Richmond has always been a man of questionable character and you allowed yourself to be deceived by him? Couldn't you find out things about the people you date before dating them? Everyone you ask would have told you that he was married because his wife's family is well known and their fame has rubbed off on him'.Nancy was filled with a sudden anger. Who was he to judge her? Was he any better than she?'Is that how you tried to find out things about every girl you dated? And even the one you eventually married, was that how you found ou
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Chapter 118: Prepare for a Second Opinion
Jason went straight in and finding Phoebe in his room, decided to speak to her.'Phoebe, I know that this might seem odd to you and I hope you understand but you see, I have been thinking that we should get a second opinion concerning that paternity test you took the other time. I am saying this so that you get yourself prepared for it'.'You don't say! You mean you doubt me or is it your most trusted friend and doctor that you doubt? Do you sincerely doubt his capabilities or is it just because your liver says so?' she asked feigning incredibility.'It is not that. I need to prove to myself and others that the test results were right. And anyway, you did accept to do it if it was going to put us all at ease didn't you?''I did but...''Well, what has changed since then? If the results were not tampered with, then you should be confident enough to go through it again to prove to the whole world that your claim is justified'.'If that is really what you want and if it would make you h
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Chapter 119: Chris the Psychologist
Phoebe told everyone that she wanted to go home for some clothes as well as check out some things. She promised to be back the next day.'The Christmas celebration is over and you can go back permanently. When I am ready for the test, I shall call you and then we shall go and get a second opinion like you have agreed to.It hurt Phoebe, what Jason was doing. His lack of attention to her and his inability to hide it.Sally stared at her brother in shock but her husband forbade her with gestures from saying anything.Phoebe made no comment as she got her things together and left for her house and she hoped to a Romeo that needed her and was eagerly waiting for her.'Jason, I had thought you were a real gentleman but the way you treat Phoebe is beyond tolerable'.'Please Sally. This is my affair. I am aware that you have my interest at heart but you seem not to see that I do not live Phoebe. The person I love is Nancy'.'Nancy!' Sally concluded simultaneously with her brother. 'I have no
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Chapter 120: Chris Expressed His Opinion
'Okay dear, if you were able to deduce all these about Phoebe, only moments after meeting with her, then what do you think of Nancy?' Sally asked.'I know what I have deduced from her as well but I shall give a better diagnosis if I knew more about her pregnancy and why that man had wanted to see the both of you Jason?' he phrase it as a question.Jason had wanted it to remain a secret from his sister. And still did.'Come with me for a walk round the premises, there is something I need to discuss with you'. Jason said walking out.'I asked a question and I need answers', Sally said as her husband followed Jason out.'You will have your answers but it shall have to wait for now. business calls.They walked for sometime but Jason did not say anything. He seemed to be deep in thought.Chris felt sure that he must have forgotten that he was there with him Oh, the trouble women caused men. The pain of the heart was not easy to resolve. He felt pity for Jason because he knew the indecisi
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