All Chapters of Pregnant and Abandoned but the Billionaire to the Rescue: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
189 Chapters
Chapter 91: Contemplation
Phoebe felt that she had just been defeated verbally.There really was more to this Nancy girl than meets the eye.'Jason will have to do something about you. If he does not, then I shall. Not only should you be thrown out of this house but out of your job as well. Afterall, you aren't even taking it very seriously.You have the strength and presence of mind to speak to me this way but you cannot go to work to justify the wage you are paid?' Phoebe said and walked away from the quarters, with her head held high but within her, her confidence was badly shaken.Phoebe went straight to her house. If not for the fact that she had wanted to put Nancy in her place or use emotional blackmail on her in such a way that she would leave Jason and the mansion of her own accord, she would not have come there that day.Now her intention had backfired because Nancy had spoken to her in a way she had not expected to be spoken to, definitely not by her.She knew that Jason would do nothing if she rep
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Chapter 92: Preparation for Christmas
Jason remembered that it was just about a week to Christmas and he was yet to throw the traditional party for his employee to celebrate their success through the year.'Nancy is not aware of this tradition', he thought. 'I shall have to intimate her about it'. As he drove home he thought of how the party would go. He was going to ask his sister and her family over for the holiday. He hoped that they had not made other plans.'Sally?''Hello, Jason. How are you doing?''Fine. How are Chris and the children?''They are fine and send their love. Hope they will be getting gifts from you this holiday? They have been asking me this since they realised it was almost Christmas's.'That is why I am calling actually. I wanted to know if you had plans for the holiday?''Chris has not really told me of any plans, though it is not that he does not have. He may have but he likes revealing it last minute but why?''I was thinking of inviting you and your family, Chris too of course to spend the ho
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Chapter 93: August Visitors
Nancy had not had the time to speak to Jason about Phoebe's conspiracy. Anytime she wanted to bring up the topic, Jason would ask one thing or the other that would make her forget about it and by the time she remembered, the opportunity would be lost.She decided that she was going to wait till after the celebrations and then tell him before she left his house if she still felt inclined to.They got home after the day's work to hear the squeaking laughter of children in the house.'My sister must have arrived. I can hear the laughter of my niece and nephew', Jason said, so happy as he jumped out of the car and went up the stairs, calling out to them.They heard their names, recognized their uncle's voice and came running towards him with their arms stretched for their uncle to lift them.Nancy followed behind him, marvelling at this new side of Jason she had not known existed.Jason lifted the boy and threw him up in the air and he bubbled with laughter.'Why did you not come to the a
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Chapter 94: Sally's Advice
After dinner that night, Sally pit her children to sleep and came back downstairs to speak to Jason.Nancy had been absent. She had asked Sandy to bring her meal to her in her quarters because she had wanted to give the brother and sister privacy.'Are Vera and Vaughn asleep?''Yes, they are. Jason I have noticed that something seem to be bothering you. What is it?''Sally. The case is more complicated than you can imagine'.'Tell me!''I do not know where to start'.'Try starting at the beginning'.'You know how Phoebe and I met. It was at the party you threw to help me get over my heartbreak and start socializing again'.'Yes, yes!''Well, we had an agreement. The affair was going to be an open one where both partners are not restricted to seeing just each other. We were free to see other partners. I was not ready for any commitments. I mean I had just suffered through one and was not ready to rush into another'.'And was she in agreement?' Sally asked wondering why such a young wom
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Chapter 95: A Marvellous Suggestion
Jason had asked his employees to give suggestions on how to make that year's party a succeed but different from the others that had been held over the years and so far all the suggestions he had got did not impress him one bit.'Why don't we ask, everybody to bring something good which they may not need anymore or if they can afford it, buy something and then the company can buy more and all these gifts can be gathered and distributed to needy children. It will gain you the blessings and love of such children and go a long way to improving the image of the company'.Nancy suggested one day as she was sitting with Sally and Jason, taking down notes of what needed to be bought.Both Sally and Jason looked at her and we're amazed. They wondered why such an idea had not occured to them.Nancy saw their surprised faces and hastened to add.'I am sorry if I have spoken out of turn but as we enjoy, there are some people who may have nothing to eat or wear and nobody to buy them gifts and ma
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Chapter 96: A surprise Gift
Jason made the announcement about every one getting a gift for the needy children in the neighbourhood.Jason himself spared no expense in getting so much gifts for the children a d he went to their parents and guardians and invited them to the party.The gifts were wrapped and everything was ready. The party was the next day.Jason visited Nancy in her quarters that evening with a parcel.Since the last time, they had loved in her room, he had not dared to step feet there.But he wanted to give her a personal gift and wanted to deliver it himself and not give it to someone to deliver for him.Nancy opened the door at his knock and stood transfixed.She had not expected to see him. He had not come to visit her since that last time and she wondered what important business had brought him to her doorstep.'Nay I come in or will you continue standing there blocking the entrance?' he said smiling in an amused manner.Nancy blushed. His smile did a lot of unusual things to her system.Jaso
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Chapter 97: The Party
The party started. All the decorations were done it was to take place in the big hall of the company. And the decorations was worthy of praise.There was enough food of assorted types.The gifts for the children had also been transfered to the venue and buses made available to convey the children who live far from the company to the venue.It had been agreed that the children would be attended to first and their gifts given them and then afterwards,later,the main party would commerce.The children ate to their hearts' content and even had food packaged for them to take home. Nancy was in charge of this together with Anna.'This idea of yours is really worthy of a trophy. I will not be surprised if you are promoted die to this. This is real advert for the company. I do not know why I had not thought of it first'.Nancy laughed and patted her on the back.'You could ha e thought of it too. I just happened to think of it first but you will give us a better idea next time' she consoled.'
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Chapter 98: The Party(2)
The music ended and before Jason could excuse himself, Rebecca came for him again.He had no choice but to oblige her.Jason looked Nancy's way, he could not help himself and saw that she was still dancing with that young man.The guy was particularly young and handsome and looked gentlemanly.Jason knew who he was. He was from a respectable family. His family had a great departmental store and we're wealthy.'So Nancy is attracted to him now tight? Has she also told him that she is pregnant?' Jason thought to himself as he danced with Rebecca but kept stealing glances at Nancy.'I'll bet his family will never allow their son to marry someone who was already pregnant for someone else but what if Alfred insisted?'Jason felt he was overthinking the issue. But Nancy was looking exceptionally beautiful and her outfit, the outfit he had bought for her, he thought arrogantly to himself was the best in the party. It became her so we'll that her beauty was further enhanced.The gown did not
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Chapter 99: You Encouraged Alfred's Kisses
As Jason wanted to go inside after successfully disengaging himself from Rebecca's cloying presence, he saw Alfred come in. He was expecting to see Nancy walk in behind him but she didn't.Jason stopped. He had to speak to Nancy. He changed direction and went outside.Phoebe saw him leave and followed him, and was just in time to see Jason drag Nancy into the garden.She was furious and wanted to go back in because she felt that they had gone there to have an intimate moment together but on second thoughts, she decided to follow them and see what they were really up to.'Nancy, I thought that you were different from the rest but you just proved me wrong'.'What are you talking about?' she asked surprised.'What am I talking about? Have you added pretense to the list if your vices now? Vices that I never knew existed till tonight'.'Jason, you are not making sense. What have I done?''What have you done? You kissed Alfred passionately. That's what. Can you deny that?'Nancy understood
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Chapter 100: Unrequited Desire
Alfred had wanted to leave and had told his parents that he wished to take his leave and had got their permission.As he walked towards the door, he saw Nancy leaving as well and felt that luck was upon him.'Are you leaving as well?' he asked Nancy.'Yes I am. I am so exhausted. I can barely keep my eyes open'.'I was already on my way home, can I give you a lift home?''I do not want to be a bother. I can call a cab'.'You will not be bothering me. It will be my pleasure', he said taking her arms and not broaching any argument.'But what if you are not going my way?' Nancy asked.'Then I shall take you home first before going to my house. Now no more arguments', he said smiling at her.Nancy smiled back and they walked into his car and Jason saw all this and hit his fist on the wall, drawing blood.He felt a hand on his shoulders. He turned around gently, taking the time to school his features.'Let her be Jason. She was never yours to start with. She is pregnant with another man's
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