All Chapters of Pregnant and Abandoned but the Billionaire to the Rescue: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
189 Chapters
Chapter 81: Plotting to Catch Phoebe Off Guard
The weekend passed by so slowly for Nancy. She went to the Catholic church nearby to worship.She was not sure if she heard half of what was being said or not but at least it gave her time to go away from the house.Even the programs on television was no longer entertaining nor distracting her from her thoughts.Her work was the only thing she could bury herself in. She could not wait for Monday.After service, she went home and into the main house where Mrs. Potts told her that Phoebe had come to visit and was with the boss.Nancy's mood that was not good previously, got worse.'It's okay. I know how you feel. Like I told you, everything will be alright. You just wait and see'.Nancy smiled uncertainly. How was it going to get better? she thought. Instead, it could only get worse.'I am older than you ain't I?''You are!''Then trust me when I say that you will look back on these happenings and laugh at the way you allowed yourself to be affected. And from hence forth, don't call me
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Chapter 82: Bed Rest Seriously Needed!
Nancy went back to her quarters after the meal to relax a bit and once it was evening, she went on the stroll like she had promised Potts.She went round and round the area but did not find any trace of Phoebe nor the guy she had seen with her that night.She started feeling dizzy. She had had nothing much to eat and she felt hungry. She wished that she had brought some pickles with her.She walked a little away from Phoebe's apartment. There was a side walk,she sat somewhere there trying to regain her equilibrium.'Why am I even going through all these? For someone who does not even care for me?' she thought.Then she bit her lips. He may not care in the way that she wanted him to care but at least, he had helped her in the past. That she was not starving and had a good roof over her head was all his doing. Then what was wrong of she helped him out of this little trouble?She waited till it was late but did not see them. She knew that Phoebe must be inside with the guy but they seem
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Chapter 83: Miss High and Mighty
Nancy stayed home to rest. But before going in, as soon as Felix stopped the car in front of the house, she went to speak to Mrs. Potts. She told her everything and she sympathized with her. 'Sorry dearie, I caused this. I asked you to go hunting for evidence against Phoebe when you should have been resting at home. Please forgive me'. 'There is nothing to forgive but I have decided that I won't give up until I find something incriminating against her because I feel in my guts that there really is such a thing'. 'Of course, she can not come and reap where she has not shown. It is not her right. So if there is any evidence against her, then we have to get it', Mrs Potts said. 'What evidence?' asked a voice from the door way. They looked up to see Phoebe standing there. They were shocked. They had not expected to see her at that time. What was she doing here? 'Eh, it's nothing you should concern yourself about', Nancy quickly said. 'Of course, I couldn't care less what the servan
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Chapter 84: What Happened to the Test Results
Phoebe was seething as she awaited the meal. She was not really hungry but she had felt that those women downstairs did not like her and had wanted them to know who the boss was. But that Nancy girl was just too head strong. What leverage must Jason had given her to make her so insolent. Or is Jason responsible for her pregnancy? it was a lucky thing for her that she presented her own pregnancy first. Was she the person Jason had wanted to marry? No. Jason could not stop that low. Phoebe laughed. How could she even think that Jason would marry someone that was little more than a servant in his house when he had all those classy and sophisticated women at his beck and call? Phoebe discarded that thought and go used on how she had manipulated the test results. The technician at the hospital, the lab technician was one of her admirers. When she heard the name Dr. Manuel, she knew that she had heard the name before and the hospital as well. She took that first day to investigate an
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Chapter 85: Fierce Desire
Jason felt bereft at the office. He was used to having Nancy there with him and did not know why it felt so empty without her there though he had many other employees. He wondered how it would be if she hit married to someone and moved away or decided she no longer wanted to work for him. His driver was back and he knew that Nancy must be home. Rebecca had asked him out on a date but he did not even care for appearances this time as he refused bluntly. She was beginning to get it into her head that Jason wanted nothing to do with her but she was not ready to give up just yet. Jason asked Felix his driver to drive him home. As soon as he got home, he did not go into the main house but went straight to Nancy's quarters. He knocked and since the door was half open, he walked in. She was not in the living room, so he walked to the bedroom which was open and saw her sleeping in the bed. She looked so much like an angel as she slept. So innocent and yet so very sexy. Her simple attir
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Chapter 86: Lost Irrevocably to Him
'Don't you dare say it. I shall kill you if you do!' Nancy threatened. Pulling her dress back to cover her exposed breasts and kicking the other part down to cover her thighs.Breasts with nipples that were now red and taut from his sucking and stroking and those thighs that had made his hands develop a mind of their own, he had wanted to lose himself in her, Jason thought getting stirred again and his hands rubbed his head as he licked his lips. He could still taste her on his lips. He tried to get himself under control. He looked heaven wards as though beginning for strength and inspiration.He could see that she was angry and in her disheveled state, she looked so sexy that he had to bite his tongue to prevent him from going back into the bed with her.'What are you talking about?' he asked, his hands in his pickets, trying to hide the bulge between his legs.'If you dare tell me you are sorry, I swear I shall murder you!' she clarified.'Sorry? I was not going to say that. I am no
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Chapter 87: The Love Pull
Jason walked away from Nancy's quarters in thought.He got to the front door of his mansion and saw Phoebe outside.'Where have you been? I heard Bruno announce that you were back and I had been expecting you since then but you were no where to be seen. It is about an hour now' she queried.'Phoebe, I do not owe you any explanation. Where I go or don't go does not concern you'.'That's where you are wrong. I need to know where my fiance is, right?' 'I have not agreed to any marriage with you yet. I asked for now till after Christmas. In fact,till the new year to think about it and it's implications'.'So sorry.', Phoebe said sweetly, not wanting to antagonize him but from the direction she had seen him come,she knew that he had been with Nancy.'That damn girl. What hold did she have over Jason? It couldn't be that Jason was responsible for pregnancy now was it? No wonder then that she was so insolent. She does not behave like an employee. Was that the reason Jason needed until the n
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Chapter 88: His Rejection Made Her Horny
Phoebe went back to her house feeling defeated and furious with Jason.It was a good thing that she didn't love him else his treatment of her would have hurt her terribly.And that little Miss Goody - two - shoes. She must be laughing at her. She had threatened and boasted to them, only for Jason to leave work just to be with Nancy.Romeo was not home. He had gone out for his business. She had just not felt inclined to go to her store today and now she was just feeling restless and horny because Jason's rejection of her and her fury was filling her with an uncontrollable sexual need.She called Romeo, telling him that she needed him at home right away.'You mean right now?' he asked.'Yes, tight now. Leave everything and come, it is very urgent'.'Okay, let me see what I can do'.'Don't just see, do it. I am waiting for you and I do not like to be kept waiting'Romeo did not like the tone she had adopted but he felt the situation must be dire for her to want him to leave all he was do
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Chapter 89: Can't Stop Missing You
The next day, Jason went to work without seeing Nancy. It was just as well because he did not know how he would have reacted.He had been able to control himself after other encounters he had had with her but the previous day's encounter was different.He felt like he had made love to her in the complete sense of the word.And she was now in his blood. She was like a virus in his blood. He could not stop thinking about her and how they had loved. Her words of love and desire kept re - echoing in his ears. He had been unable to sleep last night. He had wanted to go to her, spend the night in her quarters or invite her over. He had had to exercise an iron control on himself before he could stop himself. He felt impatient now to make her his. He wondered what he had been thinking the previous day.They would have been lovers in the real sense of the word by now and it would have been difficult for either of them to keep apart from each other.He knew that what they had was something spec
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Chapter 90: Nancy Finds Out Something Shocking
After Mrs. Potts had left, Nancy thought about what she had said and was still thinking about it when she heard Phoebe's voice.'Think about the devil and he is here!' she thought and continued eating.'You are here? How are you feeling today?' Phoebe asked to Nancy's surprise.'Well, I am good. Better than I was yesterday. Thanks for your concern'. 'Itbis not concern, Nancy. I just want you to get better sooner so that you can go to the office and continue with your duties and not waste people's time on the bed pretending to be I'll. I am pregnant as well and I am not going round pretending to fall sick like you! You have to earn your pay, do you understand? Afterall, you are just a mere employee here'.Nancy was growing impatient with this woman but she advised herself to calm down.Phoebe wanted to say other things when her phone rang.'I'll be back, have to pick this call'. And she hastily left Nancy.Nancy did not think much about it until she heard her voice behind her house, c
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