All Chapters of Pregnant and Abandoned but the Billionaire to the Rescue: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
189 Chapters
Chapter 101: Jealous Fury
Jason felt that if he could not bear her touch, then how was he going to be able to spend the night with her?Maybe if he had taken some other lady, the case would have been different.'Where do you stay exactly?' he asked with the intention of taking her there and being on his way home.'You would rather we stayed at my place?' she asked.'Is there a problem?''No. Not at all. Anywhere is paradise provided I am there with you'.Jason could not help but burst into laughter.'What is so funny?''You. I was married to you and you never appreciated me but now you claim that even hell would be paradise if I were there with you? And you do not find it funny? Especially now that ironically, I do not wish to be with you'.'And why is that? Am I no longer beautiful?''I am surprised that you should ask. It is because I do not want you! How do you suppose I'd want to be with someone who hurt me badly. Someone who betrayed me without a second thought?''That is all in the past. I am a changed
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Chapter 102: Belated Revelation
When Nancy could not find anything to hit Jason with, she gave him a resounding slap.Jason was taken aback and looked murderously at her but she was past caring.'Do you think that I am like your women? You do not even know how to make the right choices in your relationships' She shouted in anger.Even in his fury, Jason had to agree with her. Look at the mess he had made of his life and of things and he did not know how he would fix it especially since his sister seemed not to be seeing his side of things.'Yes, I know that. And you are one of the wrong choices I have made. I thought you were different but you are just like the rest of them!''I am nothing like your women. You think you are wise but a mere woman is already taking you for a ride and you can do nothing about it'.'Ehat are you talking about? What woman and what ride?''Foolish man. Phoebe is foisting another man's child on you and you're filled with joy thinking that you are about to become a father. How many times wi
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Chapter 103: Deeply Hurt
Nancy wept and wept till she fell asleep from exhaustion.She realised that she did not have supporters.Mrs. Potts that would have been her witness was not really there when she heard it. They would have asked her if she heard it with her own ears and she would have said truthfully that Nancy had told it to her as soon as she came out of her quarters.Which still boils down to having concrete evidence.And she did not want to involve her except if absolutely necessary because she did not want her to get into trouble with the owners of the house on her account.She was really exhausted. She had stressed herself much more than she had realised.The next day, she could not get up early and even if she could, she would not have gone into the mansion because she knew the recriminations that would be thrown at her. It surprised her though that Jason did not believe her. He would rather believe Phoebe than her? It showed how deeply the feelings he claimed to have for her ran.She had not wa
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Chapter 104: What Now?
After that, Jason had slept fitfully, bothered by alot of things.He did not know how to face Vera, though that was little compared to other things he had to think about.He did not know if he should take Nancy's advice and have another DNA test conducted elsewhere so that he would not need to insult Dr. Manuel at least until he confirmed that the first test had been doctored.His sister would not agree to that, she would feel that it was an insult to Phoebe's womanhood and indeed to all women in general.He also did not know what to make of Nancy.He would have sworn that she loved him but with the recent developments, he just could not believe that she actually cared about him and it was killing him slowly.The next day, very early as he heard movements, he knew instantly that Vera was preparing to leave.He went into her room after knocking and being invited in.'Vera, could you forgive me for how I acted last night? Tell me how I can make it up to you and if it is within my powers
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Chapter 105: Another Test?
At breakfast, Phoebe was exceptionally sweet. Jason found her sweetness cloying and it irritated him but he had to suffer her in silence because of his sister.Sally was not helping matters at all. She was supporting Phoebe blindly and he loved his sister so much that he did not want to hurt her feelings. She was the only family he had.'I know you had a visitor last night. Has she left already?' Phoebe asked.'What visitor? If you were referring to Nancy, did you not see when she left?''I am not referring to that lying bitch!' Phoebe said with a lot of Venom. 'I am talking about the sweet thing that came for you last night', she concluded with feigned sweetness.'Mind your tongue. Nancy is not a bitch and as for the lying part, we shall see about that and are you spying on me now?' Jason asked angry with Phoebe.'And what would you mean by that? I mean about seeing if Nancy is lying or not. Of course, she is lying and like I said Phoebe will not undergo any other test to prove her
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Chapter 106: Rodney Richmond and Wife
Rodney was going through the papers when he came across the column talking about the Campbell Enterprises.Campbell Enterprises at it Again, was the headline and it read:'Billionaire Jason Campbell has done it again. Not only did he hold the traditional end of year party in appreciation to his staff for their untiring and relentless efforts through out the year, he also organized a charity event for the underprivileged children where food and Christmas gifts was given to every child present.We need more of such Philanthropists.Asking what gave him the idea, he gave the credit to one of his employee, Nancy Jones and he was seen dancing with Nancy many times diluting the event. Is this a budding romance or is it just a boss appreciating an employee? When asked if he was in a relationship with her, he refused to comment. We shall find out with time and let you know'.Rodney saw the pictures but concentrated more on the one where Jason was dancing with a very becoming Nancy.She was in
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Chapter 107: I Need Answers
Jason went to Nancy's quarters seeking answers to the questions burning in his heart. Did she kiss Alfred to spite him, make him jealous or because she wanted to? Did they have any other intimate relations that night? What was her real feelings towards him?He needed to know the answer to these questions before taking any step forward.He met her playing hide and seek with the children. He hid and watched them for a while. Nancy really had a way with children, he thought to himself. Ashe will be a great mother. See how she handled the children at the party the other day. The children were virtually worshipping her and it was not just because she was distributing food and gifts to them. The rapport could not be denied.Vaughn was the first to see him.'Uncle Jason. Did you come here to play with us?'Nancy looked round and saw him and her heart skipped a beat. He looked so handsome in his singlet and shorts.She could not take her eyes off him and wanted to walk into his arms.Jason
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Chapter 108: True Colours
Rodney got to his house with trepidation. He did not know why he was afraid but his wife had really surprised him.He had had to sponsor the abortion of alot of babies because he did not want to antagonize his wife because a large portion of his wealth came from his wife. Her family was a powerful one and antagonizing her would mean digging his own grave.It was not really as though he loved her but he could not afford to become less wealthy than he was at the moment.He who pays the piper dictates the tune and he always danced to the tune of his father in law and his sons.He had expected his wife to vent her anger on him for his unfaithfulness but she just welcomed him home as though nothing happened.Her behaviour, rather than put her at ease, made him more afraid because he just did not know what was going on in her mind.'Could you tell the maid what you would like to eat, so that it can be brought for you', she said.'I do not think I can eat anything'. he said though he was fam
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Chapter 109: Needing More Answers
Jason had come for answers and wanted to prove a point but he lost control as soon as he touched her.He could not stop kissing Nancy. He had even forgotten that he had left the door open and did not seem to care.She nestled against his shoulder and he gently lifted her chin again. He felt drawn continuously to her lips. They were so full and luscious and sweet and right now, they were full and swollen from his kisses.His lips moved towards hers again and Nancy's arms went round him.Tenderly and gently, his hands slid over her body. The pressure of his hands against her cloth aroused her flesh.Their mouths joined again as Jason leaned back pulling her on top of him. The muscle of their bodies pressed together, testing, reaching.She was aware of the growing hardness between his legs and the arousal if her nipples as they pressed against his skin. She had not known when he removed the singlet he was wearing. She had been so carried away with what she was feeling which kept increasi
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Chapter 110: Phoebe at it Again
Nancy went into the washroom and had her face washed. She changed into a jean and a T shirt. Packed her hair up in a ponytail and with her slippers, she went into the mansion and the children flew into her arms and she led them into the playroom where they played for a very long time.Playing with the children took Nancy's mind off the problem besieging her. She laughed and laughed at their pranks.Jason who had been going in to his room for a change of clothes so he could go out was attracted to the sound of her laughter and loved it.He went to the room and stood by the door watching her play with the children. He imagined the both of them having their own children and playing with them together this way with so much love and abandon.He was smiling as he watched her. She looked so much younger. She was young but right at that moment, she looked not too older than the children she was playing with. He felt bereft. He was missing out on the fun while they were having all the fun, yet
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