All Chapters of Reckless Renegades Goof and Silvy's Story: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
61 Chapters
Chapter 11
Silvy I was having a good time with the Renegades and a few of the Red Devils that I met today. I swam, played with several of the kids, tanned a little and chatted with several of the ol’e ladies. I noticed Goof glaring at Casper anytime we talked. Did he have a problem with Casper? He seemed like a nice guy from what little I gathered when we talked. Ice is alright but I didn’t chat with him much. He rubbed me the wrong way for some reason. Maybe it was the way he was constantly staring at me. I’m in a bathing suit that shows a bit of skin just like all the other girls here but he isn’t looking at them. It got so bad I put my cover-up on to keep him from eyeing me. It didn’t work but I felt a little better. I stayed with the girls, kids, and some Renegades to keep away from him. After Casper asked me if something was bothering me I told him that Ice was making me uncomfortable. Casper walks off and the next thing I know Ice is going out of his way to avoid me. I don’t know what
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Chapter 12
Goof Yes, I am taking out in the woods. This is a conversation that needs to be had away from nosey people. I love my sisters but right now I need privacy. And I want to get Silvy away from Casper. Even though she has a cover-up she is still looking sexy as hell. She said that Casper was just being nice. Bullshit. Anyone in a hundred mile radius could see he was hitting on Silvy. I just don’t understand how she could see it. Then she tells me that her personal life is none of my business. Everything she does is my business. How come she doesn’t realize this? I needed to step up and make it clearer. I was careful to make sure Silvy didn’t fall or get hurt while we walked. When I was sure we were far enough away that no one would hear us I stopped. I saw a large log and sat on it. I pulled Silvy to stand between my legs. She stumbles a little, I grab her hips to steady her and she places her hands on my shoulders to steady herself. Silvy looks down at me and says “ Goof, what is go
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Chapter 13
Silvy I am headed over to my dad’s house for dinner. It has been two weeks since dad told me about his girlfriend. It took that long to get our schedules to line up. Dad was easy since he is in construction. It was mine and the girlfriends that was the problem. If she had the night off I didn’t. And vice versa. I’m curious about this woman that dad wants to introduce me to. She has to be something special for dad to even bring her up. She better be. I have a bunch of questions for her. Dad grilled all the boyfriends I introduced him to, I’m going to do the same to his lady. Dad always said that if my boyfriends could handle a little interrogation from him they didn’t deserve me. It is time to return the favor. I’m a daddy’s girl and very protective of him. I’m not going to let him marry just anyone. She has to be good enough for him and not many women are. For all I know she is just looking for a father figure to pawn her kid off on. Or after his money. I’m not going to allow that.
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Chapter 14
Goof After Silvy had dinner with her dad I met her at her house. I could tell she needed to talk so I encouraged her to open up to me. It didn’t take much to get her talking. It never does. At least for me. I don’t know about anyone else. And I don’t care. I want her to feel comfortable coming to me for everything. We laid in her bed after fucking several times and I held her while she talked. She told me she didn’t mind having a little brother. She thought Xavier was adorable and she could see herself spending time with him. Silvy said that Gena seemed like a nice lady and she does care for Silvy’s father. She told me her dad intends to propose to Gena. Silvy wants her dad to be happy; it is just going to take her some time to adjust. Her father and Gena understood that. I told Silvy I would be by her side whenever she needs me. Silvy curled up on my chest thanking me for always being there for her. And that she was lucky to have me in her life. That is where she is wrong. She
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Chapter 15
Silvy I had just left the doctor's office. He confirmed that I am pregnant. I’m six weeks along now. When I got in the van I shot off a text to Goof, letting him know. He wanted to come with me but I wouldn’t let him. I needed to do this on my own. I need to try to get my thoughts together. Goof keeps confusing me. He has always been my best friend. I was surprised he didn’t know that. I thought I showed him often enough. I’ll make sure I do better in that aspect. Before I can think about Goof much further my phone goes off with my dad's ringtone. I pressed the accept button and dad's voice came through my Bluetooth. “ Hey, princess. How did it go?” He knew I was going to the doctor today. “ It went well, daddy. You are going to be a grandpa.” I said. “ That is wonderful news.” dad said. I can’t help but think that when he proposes to Gena he is going to be a dad again and a grandpa. It is a little funny. “ So when is your next appointment so I can make sure to get out of work?”
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Chapter 16
Goof I received a text from Silvy right as I was getting out of church. She told me the doctor had confirmed that she is indeed pregnant. I wanted to tell my brothers I was going to be a dad. That they were going to be uncles again. But I couldn’t. At least not yet. And it hurts. This should be a happy time that I can share. But I still haven’t won Silvy yet. She still thinks I’m ongoing back to the friend zone. It is time to step up my plan. I was sitting at the bar having a beer with Tank and Thor trying my hardest to come up with how I’m going to convince Silvy I’m in this for the long haul. Maybe I should take her out on a real date. Everything else I have done is things we would do as friends. I may need to pull the girls in to help me. Maybe they can give me a few ideas I haven’t thought of. I’m Silvy’s best friend. I know all her likes and dislikes. It shouldn't be this hard to convince her that I’m all in. I’m missing something. I’m engrossed in my thoughts. I didn't no
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Chapter 17
Silvy I had a blast with Xavier. When he arrived I could tell Gena was nervous dropping him off with me. And that made me happy. Here is why. Yes, I’m a nurse and my dad has told them stories about me. But I’m still a stranger. Gena should be on edge dropping off her son. I wanted to put her at ease so she could enjoy her night. I know my dad has gone all out for tonight. I gave Gena a tour of the house. I showed her the living room where I had everything set up for a sleepover. I moved everything around and placed a large blow-up mattress I set up. I had the tv set up with the kids channel for Xavier to pick what he wants. I explained about the pizza and snacks. Then I held my hand out. “ Let me see your phone.” She reluctantly gave it to me. I programmed my number in. “ I will send pictures every half hour. And you can call anytime you want.” I said. I saw Gena relax at that. Xavier on the other hand had no problem. After he set his bag down he went around checking everything out
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Chapter 18
Goof After talking with Silvy’s dad I got my ass in gear. The first thing I did was take a load of healthy food over to her house and stocked her fridge. Silvy tried to protest saying she didn’t need the help but I wasn’t having that shit. I was at the hospital every shift Silvy had to bring her meals and snacks. After the first week she finally stopped complaining. Just thanked me and accepted it. She keeps telling me what I’m doing is beyond what we agreed on. That I was supposed to go back to my skanks and having fun. Not babysitting her. I explained to her again that she was carrying my baby and I was going to be here for her. She let it go but not before I heard her whisper, “ For how long? When will you get bored?” That is never going to happen and I have to prove it. I wish I could just walk up to Silvy, tell her I love her and claim her as mine. I wish it was that easy. Silvy has known me too long. She knows I am a man of my word but she also knows I did like to party and
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Chapter 19
Silvy Well, the cat is out of the bag now. I didn’t think my stomach was that noticeable. I guess I was wrong. It somehow doesn’t surprise me that Merigold noticed it. Suddenly I was squealing ol’e ladies offering me congratulations. That is until Tank marches up to us. “ Hold on ladies. Where is the asshole that knocked our Silvy? Why is he not here meeting your family and taking care of you? Or did some fucker ditch you and we have to kick his ass?” Tank growls. His response shouldn’t shock me but it does. Tank and Lilly are the ones who brought me into the MC and have always looked out for me. Especially Tank. But I never thought he would go after someone for me. It makes me want to cry at the gesture. Now Tank has all the brothers riled up. All of them shouting wanting to know who my baby's daddy is. I see Goof cringe next to me. I wonder what that is about. He has nothing to worry about. It isn’t like I’m going to rat him out or anything. Suddenly a very wet Xavier is in fron
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Chapter 20
Goof Not long after Tony took Xavier home my brother’s fired up the grills. Yes, we always have to use at least two grills when we cook out. Sometimes three if Merigold makes ribs. But for the lake we just use two portable ones. We do hot dogs and sausages on one and burgers on the other. Then there are the coolers full of fruit, assorted veggies, potato salad and condiments. As I helped my brothers I kept my eyes on Silvy as she sat with Ailee, Lilly and Trina. I wasn’t that far from them so I could hear their conversation. Trina asked what sort of things Silvy was doing to prepare for the baby. Silvy told her about the nursery she was working on and the supplies she was about to order. “ And I have joined a prenatal yoga class. When I hit six months I’m going to do childbirth classes the hospital offers.” Silvy said. “ Silvy, I wouldn’t buy too much. You will get plenty at your baby shower. At least enough to cover the first three months.” Lilly said. “ Why would I have a baby sho
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