All Chapters of Reckless Renegades Goof and Silvy's Story: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
61 Chapters
Chapter 53
Silvy Most would say that giving birth was the hard part. They are wrong . It was going to happen afterwards that is going to be the hard part. Goof and I have to figure out if we can parent together and make our relationship work. It is still in the beginning stages and when you add a new baby to the mix. Everything could go to hell and I could loose Goof and be a single parent. That was the original plan anyway. So it will be alright. I could do that. I still have everything in place for that to happen. But the lose of Goof and little Anthony’s, Ant for short, father. I will deal with that tomorrow. Right now I just want to hold my son again. Gena hasn’t brought him back yet. Mary helped me change out of my gown to a clean one after making sure all the birth fluids were cleaned off me i’m still pretty numb from the epidural.. Dad stepped outside while this was happening. I had just laid back down when Goof and my dad walked in. Goof came and sat beside me. “ Everyone says to cong
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Chapter 54
GoofAnthony has been home for two weeks now. I have never been so tired in my life. Silvy is taking on the majority of the work. For the first week Silvy was the only one feeding Ant because she refused to pump her milk. She said it was her job to feed the baby. I sat down with her and explained that I wanted to feed him too so I could bond with my son like she gets to. Silvy started pumping the next day. Silvy still only lets me feed him during the day. She does all the night time feedings. I have woken up several times to an empty bed only to find Silvy in the nursery rocking Ant both fast asleep. I put them both back to bed. I have asked why Silvy doesn't wake me up to help for the night time. You know what she told me? She told me since I still had club business and the dispensary to worry about she wanted to make sure I got plenty of sleep. So I started getting up with her until she agreed to let me handle a shift at night. That was all she was willing to gave. Yes, I still wor
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Chapter 55
Goof Our Anthony is two months old now. He stays up more and is more alert. Silvy and I have settled in to a working routine. And we are happy. Or I was. I love my son and my girl Silvy. I love them with everything in me. But today I need a break. Ant cried all day yesterday. No matter what Silvy did she couldn’t get him to stop for more than ten minutes. I tried myself but nothing worked. We both took turns through the night rocking him, trying to get him to eat, patting his back, Silvy even gas Ant gas medicine to try to help. Nothing worked. We were both exhausted. Silvy stayed downstairs in the living room so I could get some rest. I could still hear Ant through the night even if when I covered my ears with a pillow.I was only able to get a couple hours of sleep. When I woke up this morning I could hear Ant’s muffled cries though the closed door. What was wrong with that kid? I got up and checked the time. I had to be at the club in an hour for church. Fuck. I went to the bathr
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Chapter 56
Goof I’m at the club house in the afternoon relaxing with my brothers. I was having a beer, playing pool and catching up. It has been a day and a half since I left Silvy’s house. I have slept most of the time I was gone if I wasn’t working. Man, I needed it. I feel so much better and I’m not at risk of falling asleep at work. I was at the table talking with Rowdy waiting for my turn at the pool table when Lilly an Tank walked in. They made a bee line for me. Tank helped Lilly sit down before going to the bar to get them a drink. Once he had their drinks and was seated Lilly asked “ Goof, is Ant any better today?” “ What are you talking about?” I asked her. Did Silvy tell her that Ant has been crying for days? They are close friends. “ Oh, is it Silvy that is sick?” Tank asked. “ Huh?” I questioned. I have no clue what they are talking about. They look at each other then back to me. “ We saw Silvy with Ant at the emergency room yesterday so we thought one of them might be sick.” Lil
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Chapter 57
Goof When I heard Silvy’s voice coming the living room I felt two things. Thrilled that she was willing to talk to me and concern that I may have woken her up. I’ll make the sleep up to her I vow to myself. Even if I have to stay up with Ant for two days so Silvy I will do it. I will deal with that later. I need to talk to Silvy, beg and get her to take me back. Lilly was right when she said that Silvy didn’t need me. I needed her. I know there is a list of men as long as my arm that would love to take my place. They are just waiting for me to screw up. I can name five off the top of my head. Dez, Lilly’s drummer, for one and I’m sure Lilly would help them hook up. Casper has shown interest. Two doctors at the hospital and a male nurse. I’m sure if I looked into it there are more guys. Silvy having a baby with me will not be a problem for any guy that knows and wants Silvy. They would gladly step and to be a dad to Anthony. It is up to me to make sure that doesn’t happen. In place
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Chapter 58
GoofWhen Silvy held Ant she was looking at me. She said the words that made it possible for me to breath normally again. “ Daddy is home.” Some of the best words I have ever heard. Gena walked in with a bottle for Ant handing it to me. “Figured it was you turn.” Gena said then walked away. I had forgotten she was here until now. My entire being was focused on Silvy. I got up from the floor and got on the couch to sit next to Silvy. I was so close I could have sat on her lap but didn’t. Silvy carefully handed Ant over to me so I could feed him. As soon as he was in my arms I held him to my chest as tight as I could with out hurting him. “ Yeah buddy, daddy is home. And he is going to stay that way.” I told him. It felt so good to have him back in my arms. The only thing better would be if I had an arm around Silvy as well. How was I so stupid to let this go? Never again. When Ant started to fuss I knew it was time to give him his bottle. I pulled him from my chest and cradled him so
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Chapter 59
GoofSilvy said yes. I was getting my girl. Finally. I wrap my arms around my family careful not to squish Ant and hold them. Just for a minute. You are probably wondering why my brothers and sister are coming over to congratulate us. It is because asking her to marry me wasn’t the only surprise I have for Silvy. I let go of my family and stand up since I am still on my knees. I sat beside them on the bench and place my arm around Silvy’s shoulder. I see the ol’e ladies coming from behind Silvy with smiles on there faces. “ Babe, could you wrap Ant up and give him to someone.” I said. I told her someone because there is always a pair of arms waiting to hold any of the Reckless kids and Ant is no exception. Silvy looks confused but fixes Ant’s blanket. As soon as it is done Gretchen comes forward. “ It is my turn to hold the sweet boy.” she said taking Ant from Silvy. Merigold steps forward with a white tee-shirt box. I know my brother, prospects, Tony, Gena and Xavier are watching. J
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Chapter 60
Silvy I can’t believe this day is here. I never thought it was possible. Today I am marrying my best friend and father of my child. Yes, I am marrying Goof. I never let myself believe this could happen because I wanted to guard my heart. Boy was I ever wrong. The man of my dreams broke down my walls made me fall in love with him and claimed me as his. I’m at the clubhouse in Goof’s old room getting dressed. It is still his room technically. We can use it if we are late and don’t want to drive home. Or in the case of the other day a quickie while Ant was sleeping. Ant is six months old now. But I will tell you more about him in a few. I need to finish getting dressed. I had just got on the lingerie I bought special for tonight and needed to get my dress on. I have Gena, Anna and Lilly helping me get ready. Lilly is here more for support and to make sure no one bothers us. And she is helping with Ant. Lilly’s vision may be impaired but it doesn’t slow her down. So she can’t help wit
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Chapter 61
Goof I just got to my place on the platform when Anna came out the back door. She is holding a babbling clapping Ant on her hip. When he saw me he started babbling louder, giggling and reached for me. “ You will go to your daddy soon. We have to get him married to your mommy first.” Anna said. I don’t know how much of what Anna said Ant understood but he got excited and giggled louder and waving his hands. I didn’t bother to stop the smile on my face watching my boy. Anna took her seat in the front row so Ant could see me and Silvy. Ant looked over Anna’s shoulder and began to babble to Pocket’ twins who thought Ant was the funniest thing they have ever seen. Ant always has those two laughing. I was paying attention to the kids when the door opened again and the music started to play. I knew I need to focus when Gena walks out first. We didn’t do flower girls or ring bearers because Silvy and I couldn’t settle on who to pick out of the club kids and we didn’t want it to look
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Chapter 62
Silvy I’m looking around the back yard of the clubhouse. After Viper announced Goof and I a family everyone moved the chairs around, brought out some additional tables to transform the yard into a reception area. It was fascinating to watch. I was sitting in a chair next to Goof nursing Ant watching my new family have fun. They were talking, eating, laughing, chasing kids, and drinking. And yes, I’m still nursing Ant. Not as often and only for a few more months. Especially now that he is getting teeth. He has one that has just broken through his gums but I can still feel it on my nipple. Luckily he hasn’t bitten me yet. But you don’t want to hear about that. You want to hear about the reception and any juicy bits that happened after. After Ant is fed and burped he is happy sitting on my lap while Goof plays peek-a-boo with him. I get a tap on my shoulder. I look up and see Gena with her hands out for Ant. “ You two are needed on the dance floor.” she said. Before I can ask why I
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