All Chapters of Reckless Renegades Goof and Silvy's Story: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
61 Chapters
Chapter 31
Silvy After I left Goof I did exactly as he said. Not because he told me to but because a bubble bath sounded like an incredible idea. And it was. I must have soaked for thirty minutes before I was ready for a nap. I sleep for about three hours before I got up and tidied up the house a little bit. After that I sat down on the couch with my laptop looking over nursery ideas. I want it done by the time I’m in my eighth month. So the clock is ticking. I had it narrowed it down to two gender neutral designs. An underwater marine theme and a zoo animals theme. That Goof found me when he came by for dinner. He came in and found me going back and forth between computer windows trying to figure out which one I liked the best. How did Goof get in without me letting him in you ask. Easy, he has a key. I had copies made and gave it to him about a month ago when I figured out he was going to be sticking around. At least for the time being so I figured he should have a key. And Goof doesn’t
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Chapter 32
Goof So you know I spent the night at Silvy’s after I sent her home. Let me tell you what happened before I went over to her house. I had church. We went over the usual things. Checking on all the business the club owns. Merigold's expansion is almost done. The dispensary is getting a new shipment of edibles from a new supplier. Tank is taking on an apprentice from the high school. It is something Merigold started two years ago at her detail shop. She went to the high school for career day and talked to any kid that was interested. From that she offered on kid a chance to come work with her to see if that was a road they really wanted to take in their life. Before long Lilly, Speed, Pixie, Thor, and Tank followed in Merigold’s footsteps. They walk the kids through every part of the business and offer some hand on experience. And the kids seem to love it. There is always a long list of people who have signed up. When we finished with all of that Prez asked “ Any new business?” I ne
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Chapter 33
Silvy I can’t believe I asked Goof to be my date for my dad’s wedding. Scratch that, yes I can. I seem to be doing many things out of character for me when it comes to Goof. Let’s go over the list, shall we. The first thing is I am now calling him just to see how his day was going. If he doesn’t come over that is. Which is damn near every night. And when he does come over I always want to cuddle up with him. I’m laying on him. I have my head on his shoulder, my head on his chest, holding his hand, or just leaning against him. And not just at home either. At work, the club, out to dinner even going for walks. Yes, we go for walks now because it is good for the baby and prepares me for giving birth. I have been hanging around the club more which no one bats an eye at. Like it is normal for me to stop by after work or my day off. We have been getting the nursery ready. Once Merigold took a look the other day she took over the painting part of it even thought I told she didn’t have to.
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Chapter 34
Goof Two months to go before Silvy brings our baby into the world and I can’t wait. I feel our baby moving everyday. I have watch Silvy’s belly grow as our baby gets bigger. Soon I will have our baby in my arms watching them grow from the outside of Silvy. There is still so much to do before that happens. I have been moving my stuff into Silvy’s house little by little. I know Silvy has noticed but she hasn’t said anything about it yet. I’m living in her house and have been for a month. I have been waiting for Silvy to say something ever time I come home. Home. That is exactly what I feel when I walk through the front door. Silvy is my home and where I belong. Me staying in the house with her. Cooking and having meals together. Showering together. Sleeping with her in my arms every night. It all feels right. She hasn’t said a word. Silvy hasn’t told me to pack up and leave like I thought she would when she caught on to what I was doing. But she hasn’t. There is a big part of me that
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Chapter 35
Silvy I have been thinking hard since I talked with my dad just like he suggested I do. Hell, mine and Goof’s, whatever you want to call it, is all I have been thinking about. Every waking second I think about it. About us. When I wake up in Goof’s arms I think about us. When our baby moves I think about us. When he picks me up from work I think about us. When I saw Meathead lurking in the corners of the ER I thought about Goof. Why? Because he was the one who put Meathead on me for extra protection. While we are curled up on the couch, my head on his shoulder, his arm around me I am thinking about us. I think about how good it feels to wake up in Goof’s arms every morning and I would hate to lose that feeling. I think about us laughing over dinner while Goof tells me another story from the clubhouse. I don’t want the laughter to stop. I think about the way we seem to have to touch each other while we are cooking together. A hand brush here, a quick kiss there. I think about how m
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Chapter 36
Goof As soon as I stepped into the house I knew was different. It wasn’t the smell of food cooking. That was a norm if Silvy didn’t work a late shift. She liked to cook for us she told me when I told her it wasn’t necessary for her to cook that I would do it or we could order out. No, it was the energy in the house that changed. Not that it is ever been bad but there is a definite change. It feels a little lighter. Less stressed even. And it was coming from Silvy. I wondered what caused the change when I called out. I followed the sound of her voice to the kitchen to find her laying out all of my favorites on the table. There was only one other person who knew what I liked and that was Merigold because she made it every year on my birthday. Merigold does it for all the entire club. I know most of the prospects and single guys look forward to it. I know I did. It used to be my favorite day of the year. Until Silvy came along. Everyday with her is my favorite day. After I hugged and k
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Chapter 37
Silvy Today was special day. But not for me. For my dad. For Gena and Xavier too. They are becoming a family today. My dad is getting married. I still can’t believe it even though I’m standing in their bedroom at my dad’s house helping get Gena ready. I never thought this day would come. Not that there is anything wrong with my dad. There isn’t. He is wonderful. But dating and marriage were never a big deal for him. I learned as I got older it was because of me. He was focused on raising me. Then as I got older and moved on with my life he thought he was too old. I called bullshit on that several times. But there was nothing I could do about it, it was his life. Then Gena came along and all of that changed and I could be happier for them. I have gotten to know Gena since my dad introduced us. She is actually pretty cool. I will never see her a step mother. Our ages are too close. And I am beyond the age of needing a mother figure. Gena knows this and respects it. She has said she
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Chapter 38
Goof The music just started and everyone is looking at the back door in anticipation of seeing the bride. I’m no different from my seat in the front row but I’m not looking for the bride, I’m looking for my girl that I haven’t seen since early this morning. Silvy came over to her dad’s early to help set up for the wedding. I wanted to help but I had a few things to take care of at the dispensary this morning. Then I had to go to our house to get dressed and clean my kutte. I got to Tony’s a little early to help him and Xavier out but Silvy was up in the room helping Gena so I haven’t seen her yet. I can’t wait. I did have a rather interesting conversation with Xavier while Tony and Rivet were talking to Viper. I was standing near the alter looking around at the guests and the yard. I only know a few people like Matt because he is the D.J. Ratchet and Erin are here as well. That shocked me. Tony said it was Gena’s idea when she found out Matt had a daughter around Xavier’s age she i
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Chapter 39
Silvy After Viper announced us as a family it was time to party and have a good time. But not for me just yet. The first thing I need to do is use the bathroom. Again. The baby has been using my bladder as a trampoline for the last ten minutes. As much as I was enjoying the vows and what Viper did for Xavier I wanted him to hurry up so I didn’t pee myself. As Gena, dad and Xavier greeted guests I ran as fast as I could to the bathroom. Okay I lied. I didn’t run. I waddled as fast as I could. I waddle now. Goof thinks it is cute. I find it frustrating. But I know in the end it will be worth it. Every back ache, swollen foot craving and nausea will be worth it when I’m holding our baby in my arms. Yes, the baby is ours. I told Goof I’m not going to fight it and I meant it. Speaking of Goof he was waiting for me when I came out of the bathroom to make sure I got to the party alright. Always taking care of me that man. I don’t think there isn’t anything he wouldn’t do for me. I won’t a
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Chapter 40
Goof When Silvy told me she wanted to talk I was thrilled. I know most of the time when a woman wants to talk it isn’t a good thing, but in this case I know it is. Or I hope so. I believe this talk that she wants to have is Silvy finally opening up to me. She is finally going to let me passed her walls. Well, her final wall. I have moved into her house and sleeping in her bed every night. We are planning for our baby together. So I know I broke down several walls. There is just more to go and I believe it will be the toughest to break. This one is around her heart and it is holding in some serious hurt. I couldn’t wait to hear what she had to say. I just had to get through this horribly long weekend. Why were we waiting until the weekend was over. We were on Xavier watch so Tony and Gena could have a mini honeymoon. I’m not complaining. I had agreed to it when Silvy brought it up. Not that she my permission to have her new brother over for the weekend. But since I have moved in w
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