All Chapters of The Crippled Billionaire's Darling Wife: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
185 Chapters
Episode 105“Those bastard! They won’t stop glaring at us” Tara rolled her eyes slight and shut other student a bad glance. She gritted her teeth In anger, After the rumors had spread round the school and it was placed especially at the dashboard of the school blog all other student won’t stop staring at Hailey and whispering out harsh words.“Just let them be” Hailey said with a smile Ignoring the fact that people are staring weirdly at her. She already knew it was all because of rumors and she knew the Lincoln was behind the rumor, No other person knew about her life, her past except them.“Why would you tell me to leave them? Aren’t you bothered? We are suppose to bounce on them and tear them apart” Tara said furiously in anger. She was Getting pissed off at Hailey’s gentleness and calmness. She was ready to pounce on the people who had started the rumor and ripped them apart like a hungry Lion especially at the people who was also leaving out harsh comment on the internet.Hailey
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Nolan didn’t deny or accept the question instead he told her not to worry. “You shouldn’t worry about anything Hailey”Nolan had tried to hide the fact from her, instead his words are a bit misleading as he tried to confused Hailey.Hailey wasn’t dumb, she had immediately realized that Nolan had done something, he was the one who had asked Bernard her Father to clear Hailey of the untrue rumors, Her expression was soon covered up with sadness and she was in distress. She paraded on the same spot in distress, Tara and Cain could easily noticed that something was wrong with Hailey, They took a glance at themselves but decided to give her some more time since she was still on call.“What exactly do you do Nolan? Hailey inquired ignoring the fact that Nolan had failed to accept the fact that he was behind Bernard’s confession to the news.Hailey had knew her father’s Bernard would never do it for free, not even for her.“What do you mean Hailey? Nolan nose crinkled. He said innocently as
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Episode 107“What kind of deal is that? Hailey squinted her eyes as she questioned.“It a secret between a father-in-law and his son-in-law” “Am I not expected to know as your wife? Hailey tried teasing him but Nolan didn’t fall for her petty traps. Hailey was more concerned as she wanted to know the kind of deal Nolan had strike with someone like her father. Bernard wasn’t someone stupid, he must have took something tangible in return.Hailey immediately squeezed her face and scolded Nolan. “Why would you have make a deal with such person like him?“It nothing serious, It just involve with the Lincoln corporation” Nolan said Hailey immediately screamed. “What Lincoln corporation? Don’t tell me you are going to improve the stock that are plummeting?!Hailey couldn’t believe her ears, why would Nolan agreed to such a thing, Lincoln’s stocks had fallen beyond words, Rothschild helping them might slightly affect their businesses, They might lose some shares as well, She couldn’t unde
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Hailey was standing right in front of the mirror staring at her reflection with Mika beside her holding another dress when the door knob was twisted open and Mrs. June gently walked in. However this time she wasn’t in her working outfit, she had dressed graciously and beautifully. She had wore a gown “Woah, is this really the same Mrs. June that I knew? Mika instantly laughed teasing her. Hailey who eyes was fixed on herself in the mirror instantly moved her gaze and it landed on Mrs. June, she chuckled quietly and her face instantly lit up in excitement.“What about you? Are you not going to dress up? Hailey tilted her head to Mika’s side.Mika suddenly frozen in surprise and her brow was instantly raised up at Hailey. “Am I permitted to go with you?“Of course!“I took the permission already from Nolan, He approved taking you both along with me.” Hailey said and turned back at the mirror missing the chance to see the great excitement on Mika’s face. Hailey suddenly spun at Mrs.
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“I told you not to talk like that to my sister” Cassidy finally put in after giving the girls a lot of time to Insult Hailey.Hailey wasn’t fooled, she knew it was all a pretense just as usual.The girls were getting furious since Hailey had refused to give them a single reply, she only kept staring at the the bunch of ladies surrounding her and held tightly the tie in her hands.Hailey could easily notice one uncomfortable stare on her among one of Cassidy friend who had circled her, The lady had been silent the whole time but her gaze had been more stern and deadly, Hailey tilted her head to her face.With her dressing, Hailey could easily understood that she was more richer than the rest of her friends, Her family are part of the high socialite, she had heard quite a lot about Hailey being Nolan’s bride and finally she had got a chance to meet with her, She sized up Hailey from head to toe and quite unfortunately Hailey was just in a normal outfit, she didn’t dolled up in the rich
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Still in the Big Shopping Mall, A Car had arrived at the underground park, A woman meticulously alighted from her CarShe had wore a long fur coat on her luxury gown, fur had been worn as symbol of power, wealth and luxury. Anyone who had seen her would easily knew she was born into royalty. Her outfit had worth quite a lot and around her neck was a necklace made of pure silver that she had inherited from her Grandmother, Her silver purse had stayed carefully under her armpit and her shades wasn’t left out,She was a white haired woman in her mid 50s who was exceedingly wealthy not from hard work but inheritance. She had inherited quite a lot of fortune that could sustain her and her descendants for thousands of years without them working and yet they would continue to live in luxury.She carefully pulled off her sunglasses and watched her husband alighted from the other end after the chauffeur had successfully open up the car door for him. He had dressed up in an Italian suit and sty
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The car had stopped right in front of a restaurant, Nolan was seen getting out of the car and walked into the designated restaurant, His eyes glaring through his phone, He had been expecting a call from the other person but his call log was quite clear, Nolan immediately knew the man hadn’t yet arrived, He had an meeting with a particular private investor. He dropped his phone back to his pocket as he walked towards the already booked room, A woman suddenly appeared in his way dressed in the restaurant uniform instantly recognizing her as one of the restaurant’s attendant. “Welcome sir” She immediately bowed at Nolan as a courtesy.“The other party isn’t here yet, Do you prefer waiting inside or just stay at the lounge? The woman questioned Nolan.“I will be staying at the lounge” Nolan announced.The woman immediately led the way to the private Lounge, she had easily recognized Master Nolan as an important personnel and also one of their VVIP.He sat across the window side sipping h
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Nolan was quite shocked since he was familiar with the pendant. The pendant had only belong to one person and that was his childhood best friend which he had lost contact with for the past years. Nolan never knew he had moved close enough to her to the extend of touching the pendant on her neck, For a minute the lady was quite scared and displeased at the man as she could no longer understood what was going on, She had started having the wrong idea that Nolan might be some pervert who had lure her away from the old men into his own trap. The lady was indeed beautiful and curvy that could make any man tripped for her just at one glance. She slowly dragged her feet away from Nolan and that was when Nolan had noticed his wrong action, He was just an inch away from the lady and he had been making a wrong movement on the lady especially by touching her unnecessary when they weren’t acquaintances.He immediately let go of the pendant and stepped away from the lady. “I’m really sorry but
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Nolan had drove Claire to one of his hotel since Claire doesn’t really know her ways around the city since She had just returned few days ago. And also Nolan needed to supervise her well to avoid her getting into any kind of trouble Again. The car had stopped right in front of one of the hotel owned by grandfather but was inherited by him, The lady at the reception immediately bowed at the sight of Nolan.“Here are the keys, She will lead you there” She said pointing at the other lady who was already on standby. Nolan had asked them to prepare a suite for Claire before they arrival, The other lady at the reception immediately led the way to the elevator, She was about coming with them into the elevator when Nolan stopped her.“I know my way around here, You can go on with other works”The lady never bother to argue with Nolan, She nodded quietly and diverted back to the reception.After all, just her few moments with Nolan, she was already feeling a cold sweat breaking through her, s
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Episode 114Hailey eyes gradually softened as she raised a brow curiously. “A friend? Who is he? “It is not a he, She is a she” Nolan corrected walking deeper into the room. This time Hailey's brow had risen higher, It was surprising Nolan had called someone his friend and again it wasn’t a male but a female.Nolan had noticed Hailey's expression, He immediately muttered not to cause any misunderstanding. “She is my childhood friend, I had lost contact with her for some while and luckily I happened to run into her today at the restaurant” He explained deeply.Hailey mouth rounded and immediately formed an “oh”. She hardly get the wrong idea, The only people had known as Nolan's friends were his high socialist friend whom he had introduced to her at Nathan stone’s bar.Hailey could easily feel the excitement on Nolan's face, She immediately knew that they might be quite close back then especially for Nolan to talk about her this sweetly and causally.“It was just a daily encounter wit
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