All Chapters of The Crippled Billionaire's Darling Wife: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
185 Chapters
Max's eyes glinted slightly surprised by her straightforward and sharp attitude. He gave a small cough and sat up, looking at her."Yes, I do have some thing to talk to you about. It's however something important. We can't talk about it here."Hailey raised a brow in question silently as she regarded him. She asked, "Why is that?" She looked around the room and added, "Tye Prime Manor is one of the safest estates in the country."Max's brows tightened as he said, "You know I'm not talking about the. What we want to talk about is a matter of privacy. Surely, you don't want others to start prying."Her brows knitted as she listened to him but she didn't immediately say anything. She tilted her head and asked gently, "As of this moment, only Mrs. June, me and a few other servants are in this house. And I can assure that our employees know their job well. Surely none of the is a spy."As she looked at Max's face that kept contorting seeing that she was insistent on not going to a secluded
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Episode 84Mrs June walked straight up in the hallway and then diverted into Nolan's study room, her eyes scanned through the room and landed on Nolan who sat upright with his eyes skimming through one of Shakespeare book, His Mother’s favorite. Truthfully when his mother was alive he never found any interest in those books but strangely after he met Hailey he suddenly found interest in them, He had took one of the books from library the one she had met with max and Hailey the other day, her mother’s favorite, the comedic play title ; As you like it. Nolan immediately found himself looking up and his gaze met with Mrs June who had just walked in, she immediately closed back the creaky door suspiciously. The room was a bit hazy and unclear but Mrs June still found her way around the room dim light the lightening was too dim for her to make cut his facial featureNolan's study room was a bit dark as the big curtain had hindered the ray of the sun from coming in and it had also hindere
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Hailey was in bed when Nolan finally arrives the next morning. She heard Mrs. June and the other servants going about and trying to make everything in the mansion impeccable so he would have nothing to complain about but she didn't stand up from where she slept and merely rested on the bed quietly with her arms below her head. She recalled what Max said when he came and her expression became even more downcast. She could not help but think about when she first arrived. He had been so folding back then and she wasn't even allowed to come near him or even touch his wheelchair.Later on, he told her it was because he feared she would find out he wasn't crippled and was pretending but it still was unable to make her reassured. She was afraid that he might have only seemed jovial to her but might not even have her in his heartShe also feared he would just suddenly change one day and would even be willing to address or talk to her. That he might her just as coldly as he always did back th
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Episode 84Mrs June walked straight up in the hallway and then diverted into Nolan's study room, her eyes scanned through the room and landed on Nolan who sat upright with his eyes skimming through one of Shakespeare book, His Mother’s favorite. Truthfully when his mother was alive he never found any interest in those books but strangely after he met Hailey he suddenly found interest in them, He had took one of the books from library the one she had met with max and Hailey the other day, her mother’s favorite, the comedic play title ; As you like it. Nolan immediately found himself looking up and his gaze met with Mrs June who had just walked in, she immediately closed back the creaky door suspiciously. The room was a bit hazy and unclear but Mrs June still found her way around the room dim light the lightening was too dim for her to make cut his facial featureNolan's study room was a bit dark as the big curtain had hindered the ray of the sun from coming in and it had also hindere
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Episode 85In a big classic room Hailey was sitting on her couch with her leg stretched on the table, she was bored and she continuously glanced at the wall clock,she had been waiting for dinner to get a chance to see Nolan, Even though it was weekend and Nolan was right home but she never gotten the chance or excuse to see him. Hailey had walked to his door for the fourth time but doesn't had the courage to placed an ordinary knock on his door, She had paraded right in front of his room the fourth when Mrs June suddenly walked by and met her right in front of Nolan’s room. Hailey panicked slightly at the sight of Mrs June. She glared suspiciously, she couldn't understand why Hailey couldn't walk in but choose to paraded in front of his room instead.“Is something wrong? Mrs June questioned. she had thought Nolan had been mean to her again."You shouldn't tell him that you met me here" Hailey raised those words out and hurrriodly took her feet back to her room. she slammed the door be
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Episode 86Hailey was tempted to kiss him exactly on his lips, she had leaned slowly closer at him but ended up kissing him on the cheek. Hailey asked herself what she had done, she knew she had acted rational and carelessly, she seems stuck for a moment and she blinked continuously with her heart racing fast, She immediately pulled back and adjusted clearing her throat and relaxed back in her seat but Nolan didn’t react. Nolan never seem to care of be bothered about it. He just acted like nothing happened. Hailey brow arched and she couldn’t understand what was happening.The movie soon ended and Hailey didn't hesitate to get up and followed Nolan out. They had met Tino who had waited outside for them at the door and he immediately took charge of Nolan’s wheel. They soon got out to where their car was parked. Tino helped Nolan into the car as usual, while Hailey found her way in looking really depressed. The car was silence than ever and Hailey suddenly found it more awkward. Nolan s
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Episode 87Hailey was caught off guarded as never expected the kiss. She blinked her lashes and she immediately pulled out of the kiss and away from Nolan. Nolan got on her feet and moved closer to her but she immediately shank away. “I don’t think we should be doing this! Hailey had suddenly thought about it and it felt weird, They were on deal, They were suppose to be in contract. It was an arranged marriage from the onset but Nolan had gave her a chance to have her life back, she doesn’t want to miss use the opportunity or have Nolan blamed himself for giving her that chance.“I think I’m in love you Hailey” Nolan confessed shocking Hailey. Though at first she had thought Nolan liked her but with his sudden change in acts , she had thought it was just her own stupid imagination but hearing it plainly from him gave her a cold chills that ran through her body. Hailey blinked continuously.“I said I’m in love with you, won’t you at least give me a reply? Nolan had added.He had fall
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Episode 88Sunlight filtered into a room, its early rays stirring up one of its occupants. With her eyes shut, Hailey rolled over to her side and snuggled deeper with her pillow. She had strangely enjoyed her sleep so much as she seemed even satisfied with the dream she was having, She stretched her arms and legs out like a starfish and strangely, her foot brushed against cool flesh. Her palm was warm and close to a steady source of hot air. Suddenly, Hailey's eyes shot open and she was lying side by side with a man in a bed, Her mind raced a bit and the memory of how she had lived her previous life that led to her death rushed into her memory. How she had woke up on bed beside her Sister-in-law losing her virginity to him, How Cassidy her step sister had told her it was all a set up and all about Luke being a great actor. Her eyes slowly ran through the room, she had slept and woke up in Nolan’s room after having a night with him. Even though it was still dark outside and the lights
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Episode 88His finger slipped into the hem of her pantie and Found his way to her clit, Hailey couldn’t help but let out a soft gasp. He shoved her legs open, holding onto her knees, He bent over and shoved himself inside her. He thrust inside of her and Hailey couldn’t help but her scream soon filled the room.This time it was different from her previous world, In her previous life she had been set up with her sister’s Fiancée by her step sister but This time Hailey it was different. Hailey had lost her virginity to Nolan. A virgin? Nolan wasn’t expecting that.-Sunlight filtered into a room, its early rays stirring up one of its occupants. With her eyes shut, Hailey rolled over to her side and snuggled deeper with her pillow. She had strangely enjoyed her sleep so much as she seemed even satisfied with the dream she was having, She stretched her arms and legs out like a starfish and strangely, her foot brushed against cool flesh. Her palm was warm and close to a steady source of
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Tara and Hailey walked down the cafeteria and people eyes won’t bulges away from them, They sat on the window side and Tara went to take their meal at the counter, she was soon back with two tray and she gave one to Hailey. Her eyes scanned through their lunch Tara had brought and she immediately muttered A Thank you.Hailey grabbed her fork and was about to take a bite when her eyes met with Cassidy immediately she walked into the cafeteria with her Minion, Cassidy met with Hailey and she seemed to panicked, she immediately took eyes look away like she hasn’t saw her. They haven’t met nor seen after the kidnap and Cassidy must obviously been feeling guilty. Hailey seemed to have noticed Hailey and her brow immediately rose up, She immediately tapped lightly and Hailey could read her mouth as she said to Cassidy. “Is that not your sister?Cassidy looked over at Hailey side but was so fast to take her gaze away and muttered quietly. “Just let her be, Not today” He had said calmly tryi
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