All Chapters of The Crippled Billionaire's Darling Wife: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
185 Chapters
Although the banquet had not started, the large hall was bustling with activity when Csssidy arrived there. The driver stopped the car right in front of the hall and the Lincolns stepped out.Then, they entered the hall. It was a large banquet and there were a lot of people. Most of them were standing in groups as they chatted and linked glasses occasionally. Everyone seemed to be full of smiles as they regarded one another elegantly. It was a large-scale aristocratic meeting.Cassidy pulled up her dress as she followed her mother into the midst of the women. They were also invited as it was being held by a socialite family in the city. A lot of big and wealthy families were in the presence and unlike parties held by the minorities, most of them were actually not there for the party.A lot of them were there for the connections. The men were there to Clinch business deals with other companies why do women with their to accompany their men for the day. Most of them were chatting in g
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Episode The Banquet was still going on when Nolan was busy on his phone, gently slipping his wine and strolling causally through his phone with his eyes glaring forever at his phone screen, Even though he had focused deeply on his phone Ignoring several things going on but his ears were still in attention with everything going on in the room especially at people glaring forever at him and whispering out different things, Many people were still surprised and in disbelief as they couldn’t get to pull themselves out of the trance that Nolan wasn’t crippled, it had totally took everyone off guarded. Nolan totally look off all the false rumor made by the women at the corner of the room and instead he relaxed his back and enjoy his moment. [I heard he was able to work through the help of a black magician! The woman said and the other woman gasped softly believing her lies and they peeped at Nolan face again].The other woman soon put in their suggestion causing it a long discussion.Nolan
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“What had brought you here Mr Bernard? Nolan said adjusting his black pinstripe suit as he leaned towards them finish them giving a listening here.Even though the words sounded quite rude to Bernard but had shallowed it up with a smile. And instead he said at the chair across to Nolan even before he was asked to seat, He was trying act cozy with Nolan especially when people gaze will leave them. Everyone began to wonder the kind of relationship between them especially when he had sat casually before Nolan. Cassidy was still on her feet standing right next to her father. “I had came to apologize for my daughter mischievous acts, I know it was quite rude, Just accept our apologies” Barnard said and apologized even though it was fake.He immediately signaled to Cassidy to move forward. Cassidy instantly adjusted her dress that was sweeping the floor and said in her meekest voice.“I’m really sorry Master Nolan. I never mean to be rude” Cassidy bow gently as a courtesy and then she sat
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Episode 98In the Art institute city, Hailey was seen at the school staff room with her feet tapping impatiently on the cold floor. She folded her arms across her chest, Her eyes showed anger but she had tried really hard to calmed herself down. She suddenly bit nervously on her lips as she remembered that she had left Nolan all alone. Hailey had received a call when she got to the party with Nolan, She had got a call from Mrs Woods at school, She had asked her to meet her immediately at school. The thought that she had left Nolan alone at the party greatly annoys her. She had thought she would have a much longer time with Nolan but Mrs Wood suddenly cut it short, She might not held to her call but with Mrs Woods voice it sounds quite urgent. Nolan had offered the chauffeur to drove her back home and she had change from her party outfit to a causal wear. Even Mrs June and Mika was quite surprised seeing her back home, They had thought she would be enjoying her time with Nolan at the
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Episode 99Nolan and Hailey were seen together working at the Lounge in the Rothschild Mansion, Hailey was on the blue couch designing some birthday cards for James, Tara’s little brother. His birthday was just in a week and Hailey already promised him something amazing. She doesn’t want to go against her words or disappoint him, so she had took all her time in making something perfect for him. She finished up the birthday card and grabbed the wool to began knitting, She wanted to make him a muffler. Nolan on the other hand was busy with sorting out of the business files, His gaze were fixed intently on the files, He had notice some mischievous act of his uncle Max when he was still in position as the CEO, Nolan had dug out some deadly secrets that mustn’t be revealed to the public, Secrets that might landed Max to jail, His nose crumbled and he initially squeezed his face as he squeezed one of the papers, Mrs June came into the lounge with a tray of red wine and some snacks. She gen
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In City Art institute,After Mrs Wood class has ended , Almost everyone had left for lunch, only few student were still in class. Tara and Hailey were working in class on their seat. Hailey was going through the notes taken in class while Tara was busy jotting down some stuffs, The two were quite busy when a familiar figure suddenly brushed by their classroom, The figure immediately reversed back when she sighted Hailey. It was Cassidy, She was heading to the cafeteria thinking Hailey would be there but she had met her strangely in the classroom, but seeing her in the classroom pleased her more, she immediately turned back and diverted into the classroom.“Ohh sister, you are here! Cassidy said excitedly as she stopped by at her classroom.Hailey immediately squeezed her face at the arched of the irritating consecutive voice. She raised her head at the voice and just like she was expecting, it was Cassidy. “Ohh Cassidy, you are here! Hailey said exactly in her voice but it wasn’t wi
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Episode 101“What do you mean sister? Sacrificial lamb? I didn’t mean those words” Cassidy frowned trying to twist her words.Hailey folded her arms and stared at her, Cassidy could easily notice Hailey wasn’t yet convinced with her mere words. she stomped her feet and frowned slightly this time trying to persuade Hailey more. “I swear sister, I never mean that words”“You should really come back sister, Everyone missed you” she added with a meek voice.“You are coming back right? Cassidy added raising her brow at her.Hailey had remembered how she was drawn to sleep using the sleep-inducing Incense and woken up in the Rothschild family, She remembered how marriage had been slammed to her face even when she had least expected it, Marriage wasn’t in her previous life but she was suddenly pushed into marriage in such tender age, If she wasn’t lucky to meet such a Person like Nolan, what kind of position would she be by now?“And why do you think I will want to come back to the Lincoln?
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Nolan was in his office, his gaze piercing through some stuffs on his laptop, His face immediately ceased as a mail dropped, It was concerning his uncle Max. A knock quietly landed on his glass door and his personal assistant immediately walked in interrupting his thought and attention.“Master Nolan” He called slowly, doubtful and unsure about it.Nolan tilted his head up at the panicky man, He immediately tore his gaze away from him and it landed back on his laptop “What is it about? He asked in a low voice.His assistant cleared his throat and he walked forward and deeper into the room bringing forth the tablet in his hands. His stretched forth his shaky hands which Nolan doesn’t seemed to care about.“I think you should check out this news Sir.” He said, but Nolan never bother to take a second glance at him. Nolan was used to such fake rumors on the internet, he was used to different rumor caused by the rivalry parties.“I think it is about your wife Sir” He added quietly and in a
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Episode 103Hailey immediately placed down the phone and passed it back to Tara who had a furious look on her face, She was in red Rage, she was growing larger and larger expanding with rage if she doesn’t do something fast to get herself under control she might explode she might take it out on people, she grabbed her phone and started arguing with people online especially at the people saying Ill stuff about Hailey like they knew her at the comment section. Most of the comment only keep pissing Tara off, Most people kept writing like they knew Hailey from some where. They were simply saying Hailey isn’t worthy to be Nolan’s bride,[“Look at her! No wonder she looks like a witch! I’m sure she charmed the Rothschild as well!] one of the rude brat implemented.Tara immediately replied furiously at the comment section. “Did you think she looks like you who lay around with different men?Hailey had notice Tara was busy arguing with people online and immediately snatched the phone away fro
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Episode 104Bernard Lincoln was at his office quite busy on his desk, He was still at the midst of turbulence , the company was still going bankrupt And he had many debt running around his neck, His eyes were quite puffy as he had never had a peaceful sleep for a couple of days, He had looked quite lean and horrible especially with the dark circle around his big puffy eyeballs. He looked at the piles of files laying on his table and immediately heaved a sigh, He had promised those old men that he would revive back the company but it seemed impossible at the moment, The stocks only kept falling and the company was going down the drain, The thought of the old men pulling their shares out of the company bring fear to his heart, fear clutching at his heart, He wasn’t ready to lose the company and most importantly his life. Once the company is gone so his life is gone as well, then Lincoln family is doomed! There was a knock on his door jolting him back to reality, His mind had roamed thr
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