All Chapters of The Crippled Billionaire's Darling Wife: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
185 Chapters
Seventy one
Sophie took her heels carefully as she found her way to Nolan’s office. Her gaze scanned the big banner, She seemed to contemplated and paused for a moment. The Rothschild corporation twentieth anniversary was coming up and it was prepared to be done in a grand style. Sophie immediately took her gaze off , She took the nearest Elevator and walked into Nolan’s office ignoring secretary’s stare. Nolan was on his seat with his gaze running through some files on his desk. He had noticed someone walked in and immediately frowned as the person never bothered to placed a knock on his door. Nolan had thought of who could be so ill mannered to do such. He immediately raised up his head and saw Sophie who met him with a soft smile, The frown on his face slowly faded away.“You never told me you are coming” Nolan said with his face holding no emotions. She walked deeper into his office she sat on one of the empty chairs, She never seemed to be disturb with Nolan’s unwelcoming voice.“I just th
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Seventy two
Hailey is disorganized due to the kiss, she wasn’t expecting it. Her heart had raced faster than the normal beat even more than the first time she had a kiss with Nolan.“Are you okay? Nolan took a glance at her face in the car. The two were on their way back to the house after the party had successfully ended and Sophie had stormed out of anger after Nolan publicly Kissed Hailey declaring Hailey as His wife. Sophie had wanted it to be her instead.“I’m fine” Hailey said avoiding Nolan’s gaze as she continued adjusting on her seat even though she already sat so comfortable. Nolan who seemed to have understood what was going on with her only moved closer and whispered to her. “Is it because of the kiss? Hailey nearly got choked on her saliva.“I- it not what you think” Hailey stuttered trying to pull herself out of the odd situation.“Why? You didn’t like it? Nolan pressured her more.“I never said I didn’t like it” Hailey mumbled.In fact she really did. She had noticed she liked th
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Seventy three
Cassidy was busy arguing with Cain over some silly issues and she was in anger when a knock landed on their door, She angrily went over and pulled the door opened but was shock at the Sight she saw. She had her mouth glued to the same spot.“M-Miss Sophie? Cassidy stuttered and the anger in her was automatically washed down.She never expected such visitor in her home not even that morning. Sophie had wore a fancy Rich attire as usual and styled her hair perfectly. Cassidy began to wonder why Sophie was in their house.“Is Mr Bernard in? Sophie questioned with a capturing smile. Cassidy could notice the elegance in the Young Miss voice and those words could easily solved her inquiries. She could easily understood that the lady was here to see her Father Bernard but she couldn’t understood what could be going on between the two.Sophie immediately nodded continuously and opened the door widely for her to come in.“This way please” she said politely and let the way to their wide living
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Seventy four
Hailey walked out of the school gate glaring forever at her phone, Her driver hadn’t arrived to pick her up and he hasn’t been picking up his call as well, She was left stranded since Tara wasn’t present in school, she had to find a different means of getting back home.She walked on the quiet road when she suddenly noticed someone suspicious walking right behind her in her track. All of a sudden, she came to a screeching halt and took a glance back but she saw no one, The whole street was quiet. She had waited for her driver for past an hour so the other student already left for their houses.Hailey continued to walked, A distant thud echoed across the cold, hard floor, ricocheting into her ear. This time Someone was definitely coming behind me. Her stomach retched, her throat dry, Gulping down her empty throat she slowly turned around and the whole street was strangely empty again. Turning back to the front a frightening figure appeared out of nowhere giving her the biggest shock
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Seventy five
Hailey suddenly heard her laughed sadistically and said in her meekest voice. “Ohh sister! You knew who it was?To her greatest surprise, Hailey suddenly heard a faint whimper and it was from Cassidy. “Sister, I-I didn’t want to harm you, I was forced to do this!Hailey was stunned by her sudden change of act again. Hailey couldn’t understand if it was true or she was pretending again but she clearly heard three people walking into the room but the other two had stayed quiet. Could they be the real brain behind the kidnap?Hailey almost fell for her pretentious act when she said again in a loud clear voice. “You think I will do that huh? Hailey scoffed aloud. She almost got fooled by her. “Why continue with the petty talk, You should get rid of the blindfold to talk more orally” Hailey added.-Before Nolan could arrive, it was already late. Mrs June was waiting right in front of the house moving sequently and she became more tensed when Nolan arrived in his car into the compound.T
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Seventy six
Episode 76Hailey kept staring at Nolan with the corner of her eyes, She opened her mouth to said something but closes them back as nothing seemed to come. “I think we should have a proper conservation at home” Nolan said avoiding her stare. He had stared out of the window, even Hailey sitting right beside him felt weird.“You are really not crippled? Hailey said and spun on her seat as she battled with her lashes continuously.“Did you by chance prefer your husband crippled? Nolan turned to her face. Hailey stayed quiet and never bothered to responded.But seriously Hailey was at the verge of finding it convenient that her husband was crippled even though it has felt weird at the beginning. -In the Lincoln apartment, Leah was at home waiting for Bernard and Cassidy for the feedback, hoping Hailey would had been destroyed and then they could finally inherited all her inheritance and also took a lot of favors from Sophie’s household . She was still on the thought when the door was
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Seventy seven
“Are you saying I can’t come to visit my Uncle anymore?" Lauren raised her chin haughtily and rudely at Mrs June. Her gaze ready to tore Mrs June into pieces.Mrs June was busy clearing up the living room when Lauren had come visiting her uncle Nolan with her mom but they suddenly picked up a fight with Mrs June who had tried her possible best to calm her down. Lauren was still as stubborn and troublemaker as always, she had put Mrs June in a very tight position. Anyone who comes in would have thought Mrs June had talked rudely to any of them or tried to chase them out of the house or something.“Are you coming to my brother house is a sin? Lauren’s mom yelled on top her voice, Her feet tapping impatiently on the cold floor as she stared at Mrs June in disdain. She had held tightly her limited exclusive bag right beside her, It leather had shone brightly and anyone who lay an eyes on the bag will definitely knew it worth a fortune. “I didn’t say that, but he isn’t around at the momen
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Seventy eight
Episode 78“Murderer? I thought you already are. I have heard that you broke a vase on your husband causing her death, are you not already a murder and not a mother?Hailey had heard about Nolan’s mom strangely from Nolan. The woman seemed pained and her eyes were soon loitered with tears, Lauren glanced at her mother in despise. “Did you really killed him mom? “Did you really killed my father? She yelled this time.I-it not what you think Lauren. This bastard.. I don’t know where she got the fake news from. Your father died of leukemia!Truly Hailey never knew what her father had died from and Nolan had only told her about his untimely death not the cause of the death but seeing Lauren she obviously lacked fatherly love and that was why she had been really overprotective of her Uncle and her mother had spoilt her with unnecessary love. Her mother’s anger was another thing and that was how she formed up the untrue story. Lauren immediately took her feet and stormed out of the house i
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Seventy nine
It was noon and the sun was high above the sky showering the entire manor with its light. Hailey sat in the lounge with her legs crossed as she read a book. Lauren and her troublesome mother had just left and after they caused such a huge mess, she was finally getting her much needed break. She picked the glass of orange juice which Mrs. June places beside her her earlier and took a sip before turning to the next page of the book she was reading.The book was a psychological thriller and it had hints of mystery in it. Whilst she read, her lips were pressed into a thin line as she had reached a cliffhanger. Hailey normally detested cliffhanger especially when the book was still ongoing however the book in her hand was quite an interesting one so she was willing to read carefully and wait for the next chapter.She put a bookmark in the book and stood io from the rocking chair she was relaxing on, slipping her feet into the pair of lounge slippers she brought and walked out of the loung
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Hailey immediately came back to her senses and strode into the room casually hiding her judgement staree and inner thoughts as she threw on a fake smile instantly. She settled in the single seater seat across him and crossed her legs relaxedly.She had made up her mind to stop trying to figure out what he wanted to do. Since Nolan was not home and couldn't deal with him, as the mistress of the house and his trusted side, she had to keep his support."To what do we owe this pleasure, Uncle Max?" She asked, smiling gently as a servant walked into the settee placing a plate of marshmallows on the table for her too. She looked at who it was and smiled gently. "Thanks, Lana."Then she picked a marshmallow and chewed on it too as Lana left. She looked at Max from the corner of her eyes. "It's been a while since you last came to visit us."Max narrowed his eyes gently as he looked at the young lady, his gaze contemplating. It had indeed been a while since he came to the mansion and although
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