All Chapters of To Be Yours Again: Chapter 1271 - Chapter 1280
1401 Chapters
Chapter 1271 Don't Worry, I Get It
Jenny and Alec walked into the restaurant at night. She was unable to stop Alec from coming in the end. She didn't think that Joey would mind."Jen." Joey immediately smiled and waved at her when he saw her coming in, but when he saw Alec behind her, his smile dimmed.Jenny hadn't noticed it, but Alec had. He sneered inwardly. Now, he was confident in his speculation that Joey had other intentions with Jenny.They sat down. Then, Jenny asked in embarrassment, "Alec didn't have anywhere else to eat, so I brought him here. You don't mind, do you?""It's alright. We can ask for another set of utensils." Joey smiled. Although he minded, he had to keep up the act.Jenny wasn't surprised by this. But Alec smiled in glee when he saw that Joey was unhappy.Very quickly, Joey called the waiter over and ordered a few dishes. "Don't underestimate this restaurant because it's small, Jen. Their food tastes amazing. You'll definitely love them.""Yes. I love Parrington's food," Jenny said.
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Chapter 1272 One Room?
As the three of them ate, Alec didn't speak the whole time. His purpose in coming there was actually very simple. He wanted to remind Joey that Jenny was already taken. Alec hoped he wouldn't say something he shouldn't.After dinner, although Joey was reluctant, Jenny and Alec still left, leaving him standing in the same spot, watching the two leave."I'll definitely work hard to be worthy of the Walters!" He silently vowed as he watched Jenny's back disappear from his view.In the car, Jenny glanced at Alec. "I don't understand why you had to come along. Was it really just for a free meal?""Can't I do that? I thought the restaurant just now was pretty good," Alec joked and laughed, finding it amusing.Jenny rolled her eyes at him. She found it hard to believe Alec's words. "Cut the crap and tell me the truth. What's your real purpose?""What purpose could I have? I just came to remind someone not to have inappropriate thoughts." Alec raised an eyebrow.Jenny was stunned as she
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Chapter 1273 We'll Be a Family
At night, Jenny and Alec lay on the big bed, feeling a bit awkward. Their awkwardness wasn't because they felt shy, but because they felt that Old Mr. Faust's arrangement made things awkward. Nothing had actually happened between them, so his action was completely unnecessary, and it made them feel uneasy. "Jenny." Alec hugged Jenny from behind. "Let's sleep." "Alright," Jenny replied, pushing away all the messy thoughts in her mind. She closed her eyes and soon fell into a deep sleep. Alec felt helpless when he felt the person in his arms falling asleep. Jenny had fallen asleep, while he had trouble sleeping. The next day, when Jenny woke up, Alec was already awake."Did you not sleep well?" She was surprised when she saw him looking a bit tired. He even had dark circles under his eyes. They went to bed early last night, so she found it strange. Alec looked at her with resentment as he said, "I'm not like some people who can fall asleep easily anywhere." "Why couldn't you
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Chapter 1274 Married?
In the living room, Hannah stood up immediately and greeted the three people who came in warmly. Jenny felt that something was off with her. She remembered clearly that her aunt had never liked her and didn't even treat her with the minimal amount of decency the last time she came. Why was she so enthusiastic now?"Jenny, you finally came. I just told your uncle that we should go to the village entrance to welcome you." Hannah smiled and pulled Jenny over to sit on a chair.Jenny was confused but didn't refuse. She didn't want to argue with Hannah this time. As long as her aunt didn't cause trouble, she wouldn't be disrespectful."Let's eat first," David said and glared at Hannah, asking her to bring out the food from the kitchen.Hannah didn't refuse. Jenny and the others were seated while she went to the kitchen to take out the food.In the living room, with Hannah gone, David cut to the chase and asked, "Jenny, you called me yesterday and said that you were coming back because
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Chapter 1275 Mooching Rights
"Let's eat first and talk later," Hannah suggested. She'd wanted to talk to Jenny about Felicity's situation. But then, Jenny didn't know what she was thinking. Seeing that she seemed reluctant to talk about it, Jenny didn't ask too much and just comforted David and asked him to take it easy. After lunch at David's house, they first went to pay respects to Jenny's grandfather. David and Hannah didn't follow, saying they would stay home to prepare dinner.At the graveyard, Jenny cleared Horace's grave of the weeds surrounding it and laid down some fresh flowers. Then, she introduced Alec to him. "Grandpa, I know you must have been watching me from heaven all these years, and now I've brought someone over. Don't worry—he'll take good care of me from now on.""Hello, Grandpa, I'm Alec, and I'll take care of Jenny from now on. You can rest assured," Alec also spoke up. Jenny talked to her grandfather's tombstone for a while more before they left.The air in Orchid Village was fresh,
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Chapter 1276 Felicity's Current Condition
The two waited at the door for a while. Alec went to find Old Mr. Faust, and Jenny walked into David's house alone."Uncle David." As soon as she entered, Jenny saw David sitting on a stool smoking. She felt a little sorry when she saw him in such a troubled state.She walked over and sat down opposite him. "Uncle David, is something wrong?"David glanced at her and immediately said with a laugh, "What could be wrong? Don't think too much.""Uncle David..." Jenny looked at him, hesitated for a moment, and said, "I heard the argument between you and Aunt Hannah just now."David's body stiffened, and his eyes reddened. "Forget you heard anything.""Tell me about it, Uncle David." Jenny could see that David was really helpless. If he had a way to resolve his predicament, he wouldn't be acting like this now. He didn't want Jenny to know, and he didn't want to ask for her help either. David always felt that although she was his niece in name, she wasn't biologically related to him, so
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Chapter 1277 I Can't Help Her Forever
David nodded. He understood the rationale, but it was hard to sit back and do nothing about his daughter. Jenny came to a decision. "Think of this money as a loan from me. Get her to draft a loan agreement."Taken aback, David looked troubled. "But Felicity's pregnant. She can't work…""I am in no rush to get my money back. She can pay me back slowly, but you and Aunt Hannah cannot offer help. If you do that, you'll be doing more harm to her." Jenny wanted Felicity to earn her keep. Else, that woman would never appreciate the value of money and spend like there was no tomorrow.David understood her intention and agreed without hesitation, "Of course."After that, David called Hannah to convey Jenny's message. He asked his wife to make a trip to Felicity's in-laws and get a handwritten loan agreement from Felicity.Hannah was displeased to hear that, but David threatened her, "If you don't like the idea, I'll let her stay with her in-laws. From now on, I shall not see her as my d
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Chapter 1278 Old Mr. Faust's Trick
Hannah and David lost sleep that night as they had a long talk about Felicity's future. The conversation was out of Jenny's knowledge.When Jenny woke up the next morning, David and Hannah had made breakfast for her. She saw the smiles on their faces and knew that they had reached an agreement last night. That was great."Jenny, won't you stay for a couple more days?" David was reluctant to see them depart on that day. He had no idea when would be Jenny's next visit."It's okay, Uncle David. I have work in Bardoff City," she turned him down. Then, she added, "If you and Aunt Hannah are free, you can visit us in Bardoff City. If you can't locate our place, just call us, and I'll have someone pick you up."Tears brimmed in David's eyes. Sometimes, he wished that he had a daughter as thoughtful as Jenny."Yeah. Your Aunt Hannah and I will visit you when we're free," David replied. Before this, he was on the fence about attending Jenny's wedding, but he finally arrived at a decision.
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Chapter 1279 Let's Visit Them
Old Mr. Faust was waiting for Alec and Jenny at the dinner table."I'm sorry, Grandpa. I overslept." She looked embarrassed for making the old man wait. He waved it off and gestured at her to sit. "It's fine. It's good to sleep longer for better rest. Take a seat and have dinner."The three of them took their seats and had dinner together. After dinner, Old Mr. Faust instructed Warren to bring him a box, which he handed to Jenny. "You're getting married to Alec. As his grandpa, I don't have anything much to offer. This is a small gift. I wonder if you'd like it."She stared at the box with a surprised look. "Grandpa, this…""Take it. It's just a welcome gift for you. Just see us as your family." He shoved the box into her hands. She held onto the box and tilted her head to look at Alec. He smiled at her. "Just accept it. It's a token of appreciation from Grandpa.""Alright then. Thank you, Grandpa." She accepted the gift and thanked Old Mr. Faust."Open the box. I wonder if i
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Chapter 1280 They Sold You Out
Half an hour later, they arrived at the door of a small villa. The plan was to observe instead of paying an actual visit because Jenny didn't want to remind the kids of their late parents.Soon, they saw the door open, and a figure appeared. Jenny immediately recognized Lilian, who went by another name under the new family. Lilian was dressed in a lovely princess gown. She appeared joyful from the bright smile on her face. Justin showed up later, and the two played in the garden. It was an envious and picturesque view."You can stop worrying now. They look like they're living a good life." Alec embraced her. He had the adoptive parents investigated before the adoption. He wouldn't have allowed them to adopt the children otherwise. Jenny nodded. "I feel relieved knowing that they're doing well."They watched the children for a while and finally left after the children went into the house. After that, they wandered through the streets of Parrington.…At the same time, Janet was a
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