All Chapters of To Be Yours Again: Chapter 1281 - Chapter 1290
1401 Chapters
Chapter 1281 Where Are You Bringing Me?
The man ignored Janet's response and extended his hand. "Did you say you wanted to pay me back? Pay me now.""I don't have much with me, but I can pay you part of the amount. Give me a few more days, and I'll gather all the money." Janet had some savings over the past few years, but it was nothing much because she had given most of her savings to her parents. It was impossible for her to cough up one million dollars right away. There was no way she would leave with the men; the only option left was to buy time.The men were no pushovers. When she said she didn't have the money, they grabbed her without hesitation. "Since you can't pay us back, you have to leave with us.""Where are you bringing me?" She fought back with an uneasy feeling at the pit of her stomach."You'll know when we reach there. I guarantee you'll be happy." The man chuckled evilly, sending a shiver down her spine. She knew that she'd be screwed if she followed them. Unfortunately, the men were too aggressive,
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Chapter 1282 Let Go of Her!
Zack was dead worried and had no time to explain. "Help me look for them. I'll fill you in later." He hung up without giving Gilbert a chance to ask.Gilbert sighed but didn't waste a minute distributing the photos. He instructed his men to start searching. As a tech expert, Zack still had to call Gilbert for help because he was worried that the men would dodge the surveillance cameras in their escape. However, he soon found out that his worries were unfounded. The men were reckless, and their vehicle did not attempt to shun the routes with surveillance cameras. It made Zack's work easier.When he saw where the men parked their vehicle, he jumped in anger and left the villa in his car.Meanwhile, Gilbert was busy helping with the search, but he didn't have the manpower in Bardoff City, nor was he the best at tracking down suspects. Therefore, he called Jenny, thinking the search would be sped up with the Walter family's assistance.Jenny was perplexed to receive Gilbert's call in t
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Chapter 1283 Bow to You? Dream On!
There was no way Zack would allow anything bad to happen to Janet. He broke free of the two men holding him back and rushed toward her. Then, he shoved the man who tried to sexually assault her. "Janet, don't be scared!" He quickly pulled her into his arms and backed away.The man was infuriated. He drew a dagger and pointed it at Zack. "You're courting death, aren't you? But you're at the wrong place. No one would bat an eye even if I killed you here!"Zack stared at him fearlessly. "Isn't money all you want? I'll pay you. Let us go.""I wanted money at first, but I have changed my mind. I want the woman now!" The man was incandescent because no one had the audacity to challenge him like Zack. Janet clutched onto Zack tightly in fear. "Zack, you should go. Don't mind me.""Nonsense!" He turned around to look at her. How could he possibly leave her behind?"Leave that woman behind and bow to me for forgiveness, and I might forgive you," the man demanded as he walked toward Zack.
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Chapter 1284 Stop It!
"Ahhh—" Janet's scream pierced through the air. She ran toward Zack like a madwoman when she saw him get stabbed. Before she could go nearer, she was kicked aside by the man. She lost consciousness right after, but before she blacked out, she seemed to see Zack smiling at her as though he was trying to assuage her. She wanted to tell him how upset she was, but in the end, she didn't have the opportunity to do so.Meanwhile, Jenny woke up groggily at the Old Mansion in Parrington when her phone rang. She was confused when she saw the caller's name. Why would Gilbert call her at this time of night?"Gilbert?" she answered the call. "Why are you calling at this hour?"It was just after 1 am, and she was fast asleep until she was awoken by Gilbert's call, which puzzled her."What?" She was instantly awake after hearing what Gilbert had to say, and she sat up straight in the bed. "Zack's hurt?""Calm down. He's fine. He's at the hospital," Gilbert hurriedly explained to stop her from w
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Chapter 1285 But He's Not the One for You
Jenny was taken aback by his proposal. Eyes wide in disbelief, she stared at him. "Drive to Bardoff City?""Yeah." He nodded, thinking it was not a big deal as long as she was down for it.A long silence later, she shook her head. Although she was worried about Zack and wanted to be back in Bardoff City, driving late at night was taxing and posed a risk of an accident. She wouldn't put them through it. "Let's sleep. We can book the earliest flight tomorrow morning." She went back to bed, but it was destined to be a sleepless night.…At a general ward in Bardoff Hospital, Janet finally opened her eyes. She was temporarily disoriented when she saw the unfamiliar environment. Soon, she recalled the events before losing consciousness, and tears welled up in her eyes. She stumbled out of the room and realized she was in a hospital. That gave her a sliver of hope. If she was in the hospital, did that mean she and Zack were saved?She hurriedly stopped a nurse and asked if another patie
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Chapter 1286 A Long Night
When the lights of the emergency room sign went out, Gilbert shifted his gaze away from Janet, relieving her from the pressure, even if it was for a while. She followed behind him, listening to him asking the doctor about Zack's condition."He's not in critical condition, but we'll have to see how he fares in the next 24 hours," the doctor answered. Gilbert thanked him and watched the nurse wheel Zack into the ICU. Since he and Janet couldn't enter the ICU, they lingered at the entrance, not intending to leave.Feeling guilty, she offered, "Gilbert, you should head home to rest. I can watch over him." She made the considerate suggestion because she worried that Gilbert would overexert himself. However, he gave her a hard look. "Zack is my brother. I will watch over him."He implied that she would remain an outsider as long as she wasn't married to Zack.She went silent, not knowing what to say in the situation. The air between them froze. They sat at each end of the bench, an ent
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Chapter 1287 Why Don't You Deal With the Mess That Is Your Family?
At noon, Janet was back at the hospital on an empty stomach. When Gilbert returned, he found her standing at the entrance to the ICU. He ignored her and called Jenny. He didn't say much after learning that she and Alec had alighted and were on their way to the hospital.“Is Jenny coming?" Janet cast a nervous glance at Gilbert. Although he had never done anything threatening to her, she was fearful of him. In the past, she was fine with Gilbert's aversion as long as Zack loved her. After the incident, she seemed to have lost some of her confidence.Gilbert glanced at her and grunted without offering more details. Since he refused to engage, Janet knew her place and quietly sat by the ICU.Half an hour later, Jenny and Alec showed up at the hospital and hurried to the ICU. There, she saw Gilbert, which angered her. "Didn't you say he suffered minor injuries? Why is he warded here, then?"As a doctor, she knew too well the patient's condition that warranted a stay at the ICU. She rea
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Chapter 1288 Just Dealing With Some Annoying Stuff
Although Gilbert fought a lot with Zack, he still viewed Zack and Jenny as some of the most important people in his life. He was taken in and raised by Jenny's grandfather as a young orphan; to him, Jenny and Zack were family. Therefore, he would never allow Zack to get in danger for a woman, and he was being civil for not pulling tricks to break up the couple."That's enough, Gilbert. Calm down. I know you care a lot for Zack, but we can't do anything about his relationship. It's all up to him. If he's willing to die for Janet, our protests won't do a thing." After the incident, Jenny finally realized that Zack must have fallen hard for Janet. Why else would he sacrifice his life for her? In the beginning, she thought that the couple might break up due to conflicts after some time, but it seemed that she was naive."I don't think he's that stupid. He'll know that the woman isn't for him after this incident. He won't go back to her." Gilbert sounded confident.Jenny didn't share the
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Chapter 1289 It Depends on How Determined You Are
"You alright?" Jenny was worried at the sight of her pale face. At the end of the day, Janet was not at fault. She and Gilbert merely thought that Janet wasn't suitable for Zack. However, judging from recent events, it would be impossible to separate the two—at least, she had given up on that. She'd rather peacefully accept the fact that she might have Janet as a sister-in-law."I'm good." Janet nodded and forced a smile. Jenny didn't press on, knowing that no one would feel okay given the circumstances. "Where are you going? I'll give you a lift."Janet wanted to turn down the offer, but Jenny insisted, "Get into the car." She held the door open for Janet, and Janet had no way to reject her. Janet thanked her and went into the car.Alec was in the driver's seat, Jenny beside him. Janet settled into the back seat without a word. It was Jenny who finally broke the silence, "Gilbert can be harsh. Don't take his words to heart. As long as you and Zack are truly in love, no one can stop
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Chapter 1290 You're Inviting Yourself
The car rolled to a stop in front of Zack's villa. Jenny told Janet, "Rest well. Have a good sleep. Zack might already be awake by the time you're up.""Okay." Nodding, Janet left the car. Jenny let Alec drive away only after she watched Janet enter the villa.On their way back, Alec joked, "I thought you hated her. Looks like you've accepted her.""Well, she must be someone he loves dearly if he's willing to give up his life for her. If so, why should I hate her? I should accept her instead."If she refused to change her attitude, she might alienate herself from Janet, or worse, Zack. Every individual had the right to make their personal decisions. It might not be an acceptable decision at the moment, but sooner or later, people around them would come to accept it."You're quite cool about it." Alec smiled and admired her carefree attitude. Since she couldn't change Zack's decision, she tried to accept it. The world would be simpler if everyone acted this way. She put a hand on
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