All Chapters of To Be Yours Again: Chapter 1291 - Chapter 1300
1401 Chapters
Chapter 1291 It's Useless
Everyone knew what Zack was up to. No one called him out or said a thing, saving for a slight snort from Gilbert. Still, Janet felt bad about the incident, especially when she saw how Zack was protecting her in front of everyone. But what else could she do for him? Not only was she helpless, but she might also cause more trouble for him. She hated herself for being incompetent."I've arrested the man who stabbed you. He's not the main problem, but he's backed by the Britts." As Gilbert spoke, he turned to Jenny. He believed the man's connection to the Britts complicated the situation more than they had expected. The man was the club owner on papers, but he was financially backed by the Britts, hence the impudence. Although Gilbert was doing well in Bardoff City, he was far from being as influential as the Ten Elites. Therefore, he'd need Jenny's help with this.Zack felt frustrated because he knew he couldn't take down the Britts. At the same time, he didn't want to trouble Jenny. "I
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Chapter 1292 How Could He Say It's Worth It?
Jenny could tell that Gilbert was upset. She quickly added, "Gilbert, I know you're doing this in Zack's best interest. But he's an adult now. We can't make decisions for him."He merely waved his hand. "That's enough. You should leave." Then, he trudged ahead and disappeared from her sight. Perhaps, it was time to have a life of his own instead of focusing all his attention on Jenny and Zack. As the eldest, he always acted like a father, worrying they'd date partners who were unsuitable for them.She was woeful at the sight of Gilbert leaving. "Was I too harsh to him just now?"Alec gave her a back hug and said affirmatively, "No. You were right. It's Gilbert who needs to think about it. He puts himself in the role of a father by disciplining you. But in truth, he's not that much older than both of you, and he never had the experience of being a father. He doesn't have more life experience compared to you. You're not at fault. He's the one who has confused his role."Despite that,
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Chapter 1293 Join Me, Then?
Janet shook her head while crying. "No one bullied me." No one dared to bully her with Zack by her side. He badly wanted to hug his inconsolable lover, but he was unable to move and was forced to watch on helplessly. "Janet, don't cry. I can't even give you a hug right now."She cried even louder at his remark. "Why are you…so foolish?""I'm not foolish. If I were a fool, I wouldn't have come across a lovely girl like you," he answered with a chuckle, feeling like the happiest man on earth at that moment.She felt his love, but the love had become such a suffocating burden for her. She loved him too, but she believed she wasn't a good match for him. It took her a while to calm down. She patted her eyes dry. "Zack, I'm sorry. You got hurt because of me." She thought an apology was warranted."Janet, we are one. We don't owe each other anything. If I were the one in trouble, I believe you would have rushed over to save me." He didn't need her apology because she wasn't at fault.
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Chapter 1294 How Do You Plan to Deal With Them?
In the following days, Jenny would drop by Zack's room for a quick visit before work. Most of the time, she didn't need to enter to check on him because Janet was right by his side. Her presence would only be an interruption.Zack was almost fully recovered. It was then he reached out to Jenny to ask her opinion on the best way to deal with Janet's parents. He received news that the Fausts and Walters had worked together to destroy the Britts, starting with an investigation into the club. The Britts were deeply corrupted and were in a precarious position after the targeted attacks by the two families.Since Zack didn't need to worry about the Britts, his full attention was on Janet's parents, who might pose endless trouble for him if they were not handled well. He never ran from trouble, but he knew the last thing Janet wanted was to see her parents being a source of trouble. At the end of the day, none of them would be happy if her parents weren't taken care of.After hearing Zack
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Chapter 1295 I Had Sand in My Eyes
While Jenny, Melissa, and their bodyguards were on their way to Janet's parents, Janet had just ended a conversation with them. Her eyes were red and glistening as she panted, clearly just emerging from a fight. How could she not fight with them? They had the audacity to say that they wanted to come to Bardoff City for Zack and that they wanted him to be their meal ticket forever.At that instance, her only thought was to die and bring her parents along. She wondered why God had to make her suffer. Why was it so tough to stay with a man she loved?"Janet?" Zack came searching for her when she didn't return to his room for a long time. He was worried after finding her alone in the corridor. Hearing his voice, she hurriedly wiped away her tears. "Why did you leave the room? I'll be there right away."He didn't see her crying, but he sensed that something was wrong from her reddened eyes. "Are you okay?""I'm fine. I had sand in my eyes." She smiled as not to worry him. The more s
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Chapter 1296 She Was Not to Be Trifled With
"I'm sorry, Zack, that was too sudden. I haven't…" Words stumbled out of her mouth, and thoughts jumbled up in her head. She was telling him that she wasn't ready, that it was too sudden, and that she needed to think about it. But her words were stuck in her throat in the next second because he had pulled her into a hug.She was quiet. Feeling the warmth from his body, she badly wanted to say yes without any care in the world, but…she didn't have the courage to do so. Perhaps, just like Gilbert had said, life for Zack would be easier without her. Zack wouldn't have had to face the hazards of getting involved with her parents. "It's alright, Janet. I can wait." Zack accepted her explanation of the proposal being too sudden. After all, he had indeed acted impulsively. He had been thinking about marriage, but the early proposal was outside his original plan. He understood her panic and her refusal to say yes. Instead of feeling angry, he was upset at himself for rushing the proposal. I
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Chapter 1297 We Have Not Done You Any Wrong
"What are you doing? Let go of my son!" Janet's mom was jumping in panic when she saw her son assaulted. But Melissa had no intention of stopping. She had heard from Jenny about the wrongdoings of this family. They had pawned their daughter to get money for dowry to be used in their son's marriage. "How wicked does one have to be to do that?" she wondered. She decided to give them a lesson and scare the hell out of them to prevent them from giving Janet more trouble."The life of your son is in my hands. I'd advise you to behave." With a smirk, Melissa waved at the bodyguard, who stepped harder on the arm of Janet's brother. The sound of bones snapping echoed in the house. Now, even Janet's dad was panicking, but he didn't do anything rash, knowing they could not afford to get on the wrong side of these thugs."This lady, who…who exactly are you? We have not done you any wrong. Why would you hurt my son?" He tried to calm down and sounded as polite as possible. Given his amicable
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Chapter 1298 She Was Wrong About Him
Too bad Melissa wasn't going easy on him. She instructed the bodyguard, "Break the other arm to teach him a lesson. That'll remind him of today whenever he wants to look for Janet Hale.""No! Ah—" The painful scream reverberated in the air. Janet's brother passed out from the pain, and his parents were as pale as ghosts. Melissa looked on in satisfaction—she had achieved what she wanted."Don't you ever accuse us of being ruthless. Here's some cash for his medical bills. Send him to the hospital. I won't be responsible if he dies!" Then, she threw a wad of hundred-dollar bills on the floor. She was uninterested in taking care of the fallout.After that, she entered her car in a good mood. Jenny glanced at her and asked, "Have you taken care of them?""Nothing to worry about. No problem at all." Melissa gestured an OK to her. "I guarantee they'd never give Janet Hale trouble anymore.""Great. Thank you for going through the trouble," Jenny said to Melissa. aMelissa flashed a smil
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Chapter 1299 He Won't Get Involved in My Life
Alec's gaze was scorching. Jenny found herself unable to look away after they locked eyes. There was a change in the air—it was filled with chemistry and passion. Before she could make sense of it, she felt him kissing her on the lips. It was a light peck, but he lingered for a little longer.Her phone rang at the wrong time. Alec almost wanted to tear the caller into pieces. Pulled back to reality, she pushed him away embarrassedly. "I'll take the call."He was moody and silent. She could tell he was pissed, but she had to take the call. After she gathered herself, she checked her phone and saw that it was Zack, so she picked up without hesitation."Jenny! Janet is missing!" He sounded anxious over the phone. She was caught by surprise. She had just resolved Janet's family trouble. Why did Janet go missing right after?"Calm down. I'll go to you." She hung up, scooped up her coat, and prepared to leave. Alec followed along irritably. He couldn't stay out of it because Zack was Jen
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Chapter 1300 Come here, don't be silly
They found her soon, albeit in a bad place.When Jenny received the call, she immediately rushed over with Zack, praying that nothing would happen to Janet. She dared not imagine how Zack would be if something had happened to her.Ten minutes later, the car pulled up in front of a tall building. Many had gathered downstairs, and the firefighters were laying out an air cushion. It was obvious what was happening.When Jenny told Zack that Janet had been located, he was relieved. At the moment, however, he was desperately climbing the stairs."Janet!" he yelled.Seeing him running toward the stairs like a madman, she dragged him into the elevator in time. God knew how long it would take for him to climb the stairs."Zack, calm down. How can you persuade Janet to calm down if you're not calm?" She was afraid that Zack might end up pushing Janet off the edge if he wasn't calm.At her words, Zack steeled his nerves. Soon, the elevator doors opened, revealing the sky roof where firefig
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