All Chapters of To Be Yours Again: Chapter 1301 - Chapter 1310
1401 Chapters
Chapter 1301 Alec Might Not Want You Anymore
At 10 pm, Jenny and company arrived at an eatery for kebabs and beer.Due to what had happened earlier, everyone had a heavy heart. Fortunately, nothing happened in the end. If something did, Jenny couldn't imagine how Zack would live."I'm sorry, Jenny," Janet said, looking at Jenny. Sighing, Jenny waved her apology away. "Just promise me you'll be well and healthy. Don't do it again. Even if you have no regard for yourself, please think about my brother. Don't you know how much he loves you?"Janet blushed, feeling both guilty and embarrassed. "It won't happen in the future." Since her parents had been dealt with, she wouldn't do anything stupid again, even if Jenny had not made her promise to do so. "Hurry up and dig in. The kebabs here are delicious." Zack beckoned them to eat, feeling much better than before. He opened a can of beer and immediately poured it into his glass. Just as Jenny was about to stop him, Janet stopped him first. "You're still recovering, so you can'
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Chapter 1302 Are You Going to Become a Priest?
After the issue between Janet and Zack was resolved, Jenny tried to meet Gilbert, but he declined her invitation, claiming to be busy. With no other option, Jenny decided to visit Gilbert's company.When Jenny knocked on the door to Gilbert's office, he was still busy with work."Gilbert," Jenny called, standing in front of his desk. "It's lunchtime. Won't you treat me to a meal?"Gilbert didn't expect Jenny to visit him. Nonetheless, he didn't turn her away. Instead, he smiled and said, "Alright."He took Jenny to the company cafeteria. After moving his company to Bardoff City, things were going fairly well. The company had grown in size; hence, it was crowded during lunchtime. Being the president of his company had its privileges. Jenny followed him to the second floor, where there was a dedicated place for him to order food."What would you like to eat?" Gilbert handed her the menu.Glancing at it, Jenny smiled and said, "The food you have here is much better than what we have
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Chapter 1303 Calm Down
No one could blame Jenny for reacting so strongly. Gilbert's idea came out of the blue. She was completely unprepared for it. She thought Gilbert would say that he wanted to travel around the world or look for a partner. Never had she expected him to say he wanted to visit Mount Wallington. It was hard for her to accept such a whiplash."Jenny, there's no need to be so worked up. No matter what I do in the future, I will always be your brother. That will never change," Gilbert said with a smile, not denying Jenny's remark about him wanting to become a priest.Jenny began to panic. Hurriedly, she said, "Calm down, Gilbert. You haven't even married or had children yet, let alone experienced the beautiful wonders of love. How can you suddenly be disillusioned with the world and what it has to offer?"Jenny felt that his decision had been made too quickly."Regarding marriage and children, they have no appeal to me. The same goes for romance," he answered. While he had once considere
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Chapter 1304 I Trust You
After the call ended, Alec couldn't help feeling both amused and annoyed regarding Jenny's recent request. She wanted him to gather information on eligible young women around him. Was she not afraid he would develop feelings for someone else?He delegated the task to Vincent, but Vincent felt conflicted. "Mr. Faust, isn't this inappropriate?" he asked. "You and Miss Walter are about to get married."Would Jenny agree to the marriage if she knew? Vincent had witnessed the hardships they had gone through to get to where they were, so he truly hoped they could get married peacefully."What are you thinking? She requested this," Alec said, glancing at him. Did Vincent think so poorly of him?Vincent let out a sigh of relief, but he was still puzzled. "This is Miss Walter's request? Why?""You've been talking a lot lately," Alec said, side-eying him. Perhaps because they had spent so much time together, Alec noticed that Vincent feared him less and occasionally even exchanged jokes w
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Chapter 1305 They Won't Do Anything to Me
Upon learning that Jenny would have dinner with Alfred and Mortimer in the evening, Alec insisted on going with them. He was worried about Jenny meeting them alone.In the car, Alec was driving while Jenny leaned against the car window. In annoyance, she said, "You don't have to worry so much. They won't do anything to me.""Who knows?" Alec didn't want to take any risks. "I'll accompany you. If they have any ill intentions, they won't dare to act on it.""Alright, alright, whatever you say." Jenny didn't want to argue with Alec. After all, she would be discussing the matters entrusted to her by Old Mr. Faust. Hence, there probably wouldn't be any conflicts or arguments.The car soon arrived at the restaurant. Alfred and Mortimer hadn't arrived yet, so Jenny chose a seat and waited for them.It didn't take long before the two of them arrived. They were visibly surprised to see Alec there as well. But when they thought about it, it was expected as Jenny and Alec were about to get m
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Chapter 1306 The Last Time
The next day, Jenny brought a young girl she had chosen to meet Gilbert. At present, nothing was more important to Jenny than finding a suitable partner for Gilbert. She didn't want her brother to become a priest at Mount Wallington."Gilbert, this is Kitty Sunders," Jenny announced, introducing her to Gilbert.Hearing that, Gilbert looked up at the two women in front of him. With a blank expression on his face, he answered, "Hello, Miss Sunders.""Hello, Gilbert. We've met before." Kitty was stunned when she received a phone call from Jenny. She couldn't believe that Jenny would call her. After listening to the whole story, she became even more flabbergasted when Jenny expressed wanting to bring Kitty to meet Gilbert for a blind date. It seemed like a scam. However, since it was Jenny, she chose to believe her.Only now, when she saw Gilbert before her, she confirmed Jenny wasn't joking and truly wanted to introduce her to him.Meanwhile, Gilbert was puzzled because he didn't r
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Chapter 1307 You Smell Amazing
Jenny attempted to introduce potential partners to Gilbert in the following days, but her efforts were in vain as Gilbert had no intention of meeting any of them. Eventually, Jenny understood how resolute he was and decided to stop wasting her energy.As the wedding day crept closer, Jenny had to focus on her wedding preparations as there was only a month left. However, there wasn't much for her to do since Alec had already taken care of everything. All she needed to do was to try on wedding dresses, so she had it easy.At the hospital, Jenny resumed her work. She was in the middle of organizing her patient's records after finishing her rounds when she was called to the director's office."You wanted to see me?" Jenny asked as she entered the office. The director immediately stood up to greet her."Please have a seat, Dr. Walter." The director was very polite toward her, which made Jenny feel uneasy. However, she didn't pay much attention to it as she understood why he acted that w
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Chapter 1308 Savoring Every Moment
An hour later, Jenny collapsed on the bed. Looking at the man beside her, she grumbled, "It's all your fault! I haven't had dinner because of you.""Don't be angry. I'll go make your dinner now." With that, Alec climbed out of bed, put on his clothes, and went downstairs to the kitchen.Although Jenny had scolded him, she didn't really blame him. She just felt a little embarrassed as she never expected she would someday live such an intimate life with Alec.After staying in the room for a while, she took a shower before going to the kitchen downstairs, where Alec had begun to cook. Seeing his skilled movements, it was hard to imagine that he had just been messing around with her in bed."Just wait a little longer. The food is almost ready." Fortunately, Jenny had already prepared the ingredients, making everything faster as he only needed to cook them. Jenny leaned against the kitchen doorway, watching Alec cook, thoroughly enjoying the moment. About ten minutes later, he was
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Chapter 1309 What is She Doing Here Again?
Ten hours later, the plane landed at the airport in Eldezar. As Jenny walked out of the airport, she immediately called Alec to let him know she had arrived safely. After hanging up, Jenny followed the other hospital staff to the hotel. After a brief rest, she started busying herself with preparations for the conference the next day.Alec was busy too. The villa they had been staying in had already been emptied. At that moment, he was looking at a new house in front of him with a smile. That happened to be his and Jenny's new home.He had bought the previous villa because Evan was living there. Since it was far from Jenny's hospital and Faust Group's headquarters, Alec had long wanted to move out. Moreover, Evan was already a thing of the past, and there was no need for Alec to continue living there because of him.He watched the new house slowly fill up with his and Jenny's belongings. Aside from the location, it seemed that not much else had changed. Of course, it wasn't completel
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Chapter 1310 I Don't Have the Energy to Participate in Your Play
Although she was in her late twenties, Quinn maintained her excellent figure. Donning a seductive fishtail skirt, she slowly approached Alec. "Alec, even if you don't like me anymore, there's no need to avoid me.""Avoiding you? I'm busy," Alec said, glancing at her without a trace of emotion in his eyes. To him, Quinn was just someone he used to know, not someone he was ever close with."Are you really that busy? You seem quite free to me," Quinn lightly laughed, covering her mouth. She made herself at home and took a seat on the sofa.Alec was in no mood to waste time with her. "Why did you come?""It's about the thing I was telling you about," Quinn said."I can't help you with that," Alec said, refusing her outright. "Take care of your own matters. I'm just an acquaintance, not your father.""Alec, are you afraid your wife would get jealous if you got too close to me?" Quinn asked, laughing as if she was mocking Alec for being henpecked.Alec didn't think that was anything t
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