All Chapters of Torn Between Brothers (She's Mine): Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
190 Chapters
The Truth
Noah's car pulled up in front of his mansion, then he and Valeria got down and went inside."What's the important work?" Valeria asked when they got to the living room.Noah chuckled softly, and walked over to her. He took her hand."Come and I'll show you." He said and he led her upstairs to his bedroom.Valeria kept staring at him suspiciously."We're here now, what's the important work?" Valeria asked.Noah wrapped his hands around her waist and pulled her to him."Me, I am doing the important work," he said, and Valeria groaned."I should have known you were up to something. What is wrong with you?" She groaned. Noah laughed."Come on babe, I've missed you so much and I want you all to myself tonight." He said.Valeria was about to say something but Noah cut her off with a kiss.Valeria reciprocated immediately because, in truth, she'd actually missed him too, she'd missed the feel of his dick inside her and she wanted him as much as he did.Noah broke the kiss, he kissed her chee
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They're To Blame
Valeria angrily glared at Noah with so much hate and anger in her eyes."You have no idea what I went through," She said, and she slapped him across the face again."I went through so much pain and sufferings after I left the mansion, and everything is your fault. Who the hell do you think you are, huh? Who gave you the fucking right to touch me? You stole my virginity in the disguise of your brother." She screamed in tears."Valeria please—""Shut the fuck up!!" Valeria interrupted."One more word and I'll slap you again," She said through gritted teeth."You have no idea what you did, huh? All these years I've carried so much hate for Ergon, I thought he abandoned me, I thought he used me, I've hated him so much, not knowing everything was all your fault. Why did you do it, huh? Why did you ruin my life?! Who gave you that right, huh? You took away everything from me, my happiness, my virginity and the joy of being with my mom!" She cried bitterly."Do you know I had to leave witho
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How It All Started
Noah walked into his room dejected. He stood in the center of his room for sometime, then he dropped to his knees in tears. Valeria left without giving him a chance to explain to her and apologize.What he did was wrong and he knows that. He was truly sorry for everything, it hurt him deeply when she said he didn't deserve to be called a father or to be one.He stood up in a rage and he began smashing everything in sight. He broke the mirror in his room, he vented out his anger at all the objects in his room, and by the time he was done, his room was in a total mess, everything was destroyed and he bled from cuts.Noah walked over to his bed and he collapsed on it, he placed his hand on his face and he cried bitterly. He could vividly remember how it all started, the incident that led to him becoming a sex addict.# flash back...Noah's father was a sex maniac and, despite the fact that he was married with two kids, he didn't stop bringing home different women, and soon, his mother go
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I'm A Fool
Valeria was walking on the road, absent-mindedly. She was almost close to her apartment without knowing it because she trekked all the way from Noah's mansion.Her vision got blurry due to her tears and her eyes became so red. "I've been fooled, I'm really a fool!" She cried as she squatted down.The passerby stared at her, wondering what was actually wrong with her."I lost Ergon, I lost everything, including my mum!" She cried but she suddenly stopped crying when she remembered she had Fred and Shantel.Although she has no feelings for Ergon anymore, she can't help, but blames Noah for losing him."Why?" She asked inaudibly to no one in particular. She stood up and continued walking.****Valeria went home in tears. The moment she got in, Shantel hurriedly stood up and rushed to her side. She had put Fred to sleep and she stayed up waiting for Valeria to arrive."Oh my God, Valeria? What's wrong? What happened to you?" Shane asked."Shane..." Valeria called in tears as she hugged S
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You'll Be Fine
"Omg, Valeria, what the hell is wrong with you? You're drenched." Shantel said and Valeria sighed."Come on, let's get you changed or else you'll catch a cold," Shantel said."In fact, just stay here, I'll go get you something to change into. Just hold on," She said, and raced upstairs to Valeria's bedroom.Valeria slowly went to sit on the floor, leaving the door open.Soon, Shantel returned with some new clothes and she rolled her eyes when she saw Valeria sitting on the floor."I get you're hurt girl, but are you just gonna sit there sulking, get up and change please, who will take care of Fred if you get sick and look girl, if you're ever thinking of giving up, just remember your son and what he'll do if you're not here. Hell! What will he do if he sees you like this? I know its tough on you right now, but you just have to get it together and be strong for your son." Shantel comforted her.She went to stand in front of Valeria and she offered her her hand.Valeria thought a lot ab
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Hear Me Out
"You've got to be kidding me Fred, what do you mean by that?" Shantel asked. "I want to take care of mama, aunt, mama isn't well, I don't want to go to school," Fred replied."I'll smack your butt right now if you say that again." Shantel said, but you could literally note the tease in her voice."Fred," Valeria called, as she sat up."Yes mama." "You'll have to go to school honey. I don't want you staying at home, you've missed school for so many days. Please honey, just go to school, mama will be fine, okay? If you want to make me happy, then you'll have to go to school," Valeria stated. Fred sighed, he didn't want her to be sad, so he'd have to listen to her."Promise you'll be fine mama?""Yes, I promise," Valeria replied with a smile."Pinky promise." Fred said, showing her his pinky finger.Valeria coiled her pinky finger with his."Pinky promise." She said and Fred removed his pinky finger from her and he hugged her tightly."I love you mama.", he said."I love you too, son,
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"Valerie," Noah muttered as he took a big gulp of his fifth vodka.The waiter who was busy wiping some mug was staring at him. He didn't know if he should just let him keep drinking or stop him, because from the look of things, he could tell that Noah was heartbroken. A lot of them come to his bar to drink away their sorrows."I'm sorry Valeria." Noah said drunkenly, then he wiped off his tears.He dropped the bottle of vodka and he took his bottle of whiskey, he opened it and gulped down a large content."Okay, that's it, this man is clearly too drunk," the waiter said."Sir," he called as he came out of his stand and went to Noah.He took the bottle of whiskey from him and kept it aside."Hey, what the fuck are you doing man? Give me back my drink." Noah said. He could barely keep his eyes open and almost fell off his chair, but the waiter was quick to come to his rescue."You're drunk sir and I think you've had enough to drink already," the waiter said."No no no, you're the one wh
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Kind Waiter
"What do I do with you, Noah?" Valeria said to herself as she looked at him."Valeria," Noah called as a lone tear slipped down his cheek."I'm sorry Valeria, I'm sorry." He muttered in his sleep."He must truly love you," the waiter said, and Valeria looked at him."I'm not sure if you know this, but I can tell that he truly loves you." Valeria gave him a slight smile. She didn't know what reply to give him. At that point, she doesn't want to talk about love, she doesn't even want to hear it."Do you know where his car is parked please?" She asked, trying to change the subject.The waiter smiled. He knew she didn't want to hear the true facts."Will you recognize the car if you see it? I'm sure its right outside and I hope you can drive." "Yeah, sure I can, I'll be back. I'll go look for his car quickly."Valeria went outside and she immediately saw Noah's car. It wasn't too far from the bar."Thank God." She said, then she went back in."I found it, now all I need is the keys." Sh
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"Mama," Fred screamed as he rushed to Valeria who was sitting on a couch in the living room." are you honey?" Valeria asked, kissing his cheek repeatedly."I'm fine mama." Fred replied, amidst giggles.Valeria stopped kissing him, then she made him sit beside her."How are you mama? Are you okay now?" Fred asked and Valeria smiled."Yes honey, mama is fine now," Valeria replied."You must be hungry. I'll give you a quick bath and then we can eat, is that okay?" She asked and Fred nodded."Uhmm...Shantel." Valeria called and Shantel looked at her, she was actually sitting on another couch."Noah is still here so please let me use your bathroom." Valeria said, hoping Shantel would allow that."Are you kidding me, I thought he would have left already." "Come on Shantel, he's so drunk, it'll take sometime, please, he'll leave once he's awake and sober," Valeria said, and Shantel sighed."Fine then, do what you want, I don't know why you're just too nice." Shantel scoffed. Valer
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See A Therapist
"Fix myself how?" Noah asked with a frown and Valeria sighed."Let's go see a therapist, someone that can help you with this," Valeria said.Noah stared at her for sometime, then he burst into laughter.Valeria looked at him like he'd gone crazy. She wondered what was funny and why he was laughing."What's funny? Why are you laughing?" She asked with a raised brow.Noah stopped laughing, then he cleared his throat."I'm sorry Val, but listen to me, I don't need a therapist. I'm fine as long as I have you. I don't need any therapists.""No! You'll still need to visit one, even if you say you're fine, I still insist you see one. I want to make sure you don't return to your old ways and we both know what that looks like." Valeria said and Noah mentally rolled his eyes at her words."Come on Valeria, I'm not going back to my old ways. With you here, everything will be alright.""Keep saying that, but I still insist we visit a therapist. I'll be with you and you'll have to listen to me if
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