All Chapters of Torn Between Brothers (She's Mine): Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
190 Chapters
Naughty You
"Valeria," Noah called, and turned her around to face him."Listen to me." Valeria gazed at him."I will never try to take Fred away from you, so please understand me, all I want is just to spend enough time with him. I've missed so much in his life, and I know it's all my fault. Please, I just want to make up for the years I've missed." Noah said, and Valeria sighed."It's alright, I understand, I'm very protective of Fred and I know you're wealthy and-""And you think I'll try to use my wealth to take Fred away from you? Is that it?" Noah interrupted."How could you even think that way, Valeria? And besides, why would I ever want to do that? I will never do such a thing, it'll hurt Fred and not just him, it'll hurt you too. Fred can't stay away from you and you think I'll try to take him from you. I don't want to hurt anyone, Val, so please don't think like that.""Well you can't blame me, things like this do happen. You even read about things like this and also watch them on TV. A
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They were all done having breakfast.Valeria and Shantel were in the kitchen doing the dishes while Noah and Fred were in the living room watching a cartoon which was suggested by Fred.Fred sat on Noah's lap, his head was on his chest, he was so comfortable in that position and Noah couldn't stop smiling.He felt so proud to have his son seated on his lap."Fred." He called."Yes papa," Fred answered, not taking his eyes off the television.The word papa made Noah's heart leap with joy each time Fred calls him papa and now he thinks it's only right to tell Fred that he truly is his father."Won't you pay any attention to your papa? Papa has something to say," Noah said with a smile."But papa, I might miss the interesting part," Fred whined."You don't have to worry, we can always watch it again and we can even watch it with you mama next time.""Really?" Fred asked, his attention still on the TV."Yes, so can I turn it off now?" Noah asked, and Fred sighed."Okay papa, you can turn
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You're The Best Mama
Noah chuckled softly."Come on son, I'll teach you how to swim." Noah said with a smile."I know you're a big boy, but in some cases you still need someone to help you."Fred definitely loves acting more mature for his age."Thank you papa," Fred said.Noah got into the pool, then he held his hands wide open."Come, son." Fred swallowed, he wanted to go to Noah but he was still scared.Noah saw the fear in his eyes."You don't have to be scared of anything, I'm here for you and I won't let anything happen to you. Do you trust your papa?" Noah asked.Fred looked at Noah for sometime, then he nodded."Good, now come to me." Noah said.Fred slowly bent down and he wrapped his little arms tightly around Noah's neck, almost chocking him.Noah couldn't help but laugh."You don't have to be scared, you can let go of me slowly and let's swim." Noah said."It's cold papa," Fred complained."I know, but it's still refreshing, isn't it? and you know it's sunny." Valeria sat watching them with
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I'm Improving
Noah looked at Valeria, wondering what was keeping her."Valeria." He called and Valeria flinched."What's wrong? Who's calling?" He asked.Valeria turned to face him."Ergon."Now Noah understands why she didn't get the phone."Let's go son, I guess we've had enough swimming for now," Noah stated with a smile.Fred shook his head."No papa, I still want to swim for a little bit longer, please papa, please." Fred pleaded with a cute pout."Now how could I ever refuse you, son," Noah said, and Fred cheered."Thank you papa." He said, hugging Noah tightly. "But since you're let to learn how to swim by yourself, your mama will come help you while I go take a call, is that okay?" He asked. Fred nodded."Valeria, please come stay with Fred, he still wants to swim.""Okay," Valeria replied, then she went back to the pool.She took Fred from Noah.Noah placed a kiss on Fred's forehead before swimming to the edge of the pool and then he got out.He went to where he kept his phone on a chair
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Valeria couldn't tell if he was upset or not, he simply left without saying anything."It's all for his good," she muttered to herself."Now I'll have to look for the room Fred is in." She said.She sighed, then she went upstairs.****Next day.....Valeria was still sleeping when her phone began to ring. She groaned in her sleep, then she stretched her hand and took her phone from the bedside table and answered the call still with her eyes closed."Hello." "Valeria, good morning, you and Fred didn't return yesterday." She heard Shantel's voice and that sobered her.She hurriedly sat up."Shantel," she called."Yes, Val, it's me. What happened? You guys didn't come home yesterday." "Err...yes Shantel, well you see, Fred wanted to stay here and you know I can't refuse him, but we'll be coming home today." Valeria said and she heard Shantel sigh from the other end."Okay, take care, and kiss Fred for me, I miss the little man so much already." Shantel said and Valeria smiled."I will,
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I Want To Know My Place
Valeria managed to hold Fred tightly so as to prevent him from falling."Adrianna!!" Noah thundered.He held Adrianna's hand tightly and pulled her away from Valeria.Noah landed two slaps on Adrianna's cheek."How dare you hurt my woman!!" He growled.Adrianna couldn't believe what Noah had said and neither could Valeria.Adrianna's eyes were beginning to get watery. She placed a palm on her right cheek. Noah had slapped her so hard and it hurt like hell. She was too stunned to say anything.Fred's bottom lip began to tremble as he watched the drama unfold and soon he began to cry.Fred's tears only fueled Noah's anger. He felt like hitting Adrianna again but he couldn't repeat what he did in front of Fred."Take Fred inside Valeria," he ordered, not taking his gaze off Adrianna, who was still speechless.Valeria stood rooted to the spot, she was still in shock."Now!!" Noah barked. She flinched.She swallowed nothing, then she hurriedly left."Shh....enough honey, mama is here, tha
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I Love You
Valeria wanted to give in to the kiss but questions are still left unanswered.She forcefully pushed him away."Enough!!""Now this is the problem, Noah, you just think all problems can be solved through sex. You keep confusing me!""Valeria. What are you saying? I don't understand.""I just can't bring myself to do anything with you, not when I don't even know my place. What kind of relationship is this? What are we? Am I just your sex toy? Your baby mama? What am I to you, Noah?""A lady showed up here and claimed you as hers. I don't even understand Noah. Sometimes I think you're only with me because of sex or maybe Fred.""If sex is the reason, then please Noah, I don't want anything to do with you, I won't let you use me and then get my heart broken again. I know this all started with a deal but I'm willing to work my ass out to pay you for what I owe you. And if this is because of Fred, then you should know I have no problem with you seeing him. You can come see him anytime you
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I'm Happy For You
"Papa me too, me too," Fred whined when he saw this and this made Valeria and Noah laugh.Noah went to Shantel and he kissed Fred on his forehead.Fred held Noah's face with both hands and also kissed his cheek."Thank you son." Noah said with a bright smile.Shantel stood there feeling so confused as to what was happening."Will you come again papa?" Fred asked in a sad voice."Of course, son, I'll come over tomorrow. You know I can't stay away from my little prince," Noah replied. Fred chuckled."Do come over, papa," Fred said once more."I will baby." Noah went back to Valeria."I'll see you tomorrow," he said. Valeria nodded.They both stared at each other for sometime. Noah felt like kissing her again and doing so much more, but he couldn't do that in the presence of Fred."Stop staring at me and leave already," Valeria chuckled."I'm going to miss both of you." Noah sighed."I wish we could all live together, Val, isn't that possible?" He said softly.Valeria didn't have an ans
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She's Back
Next day....Valeria woke to the sound of her phone ringing.She groaned as she placed a hand on her forehead."Who could be calling this early morning," she muttered.She took her phone from the bedside table and when she saw who it was, she immediately sat up.It was Noah who was calling.Valeria had yet to answer the call but she was already blushing so hard and her heart was racing.She cleared her throat, then she answered the call."Hello," She uttered softly."Hey baby, good morning." Noah's morning voice was sounding so deep and sexy, it gave Valeria a tingling feeling down there."Good morning." She replied shyly."Did I wake you up? Hope I didn't.""No no, you know I'm not a late sleeper, I was up already." She lied."What about Fred? Still sleeping, I guess.""Yup, you know him, he's just like you," Valeria said, and she heard Noah chuckle from the other end."Yes, I know, he's like me, but I pray he won't be like me in some aspect. You know what I mean."Valeria understoo
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I'll Make Her Pay
"You're saying all this just because you found a new bitch, isn't it," Adrianna yelled.Noah balled his fist in rage."I've told you before, Adrianna. Mind how you speak about her, she's not a fucking slut like you!!" Noah spat."Oh I see, how good she is in bed that she already has you wrapped around her damn fingers, huh? How good is she? Is she even better than me? She's nothing compared to me. If she's the lady I saw the other day, then you're so crazy, Noah, you're crazy for being with a wretched lowlife lady and what's with the baby, huh? Don't tell me she has a kid for you." Adrianna scoffed."Don't test my patience Adrianna, I'm warning you, don't say anything bad about my child and Fiancee," Noah yelled with gritted teeth.Adrianna squinted her eyes at Noah."Fi what? Fiancee? You must be kidding me," She hissed."Quit joking around and open the damn gate Noah, we fucking need to talk!""We can just go in and settle things, just like how we used to before" Adrianna said softl
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